Huntington Contacted on Dec. 11/Will TH Ever Testify Again **Merged**

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Will Dr. Tim Huntington ever testify in another trial

  • YES, he did great

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • NO, JA tore his credibility apart on the stand today and he won't put himself through that again!

    Votes: 110 38.2%
  • I don't know, but JA was picking on poor Dr. Huntington

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • Yes, even though he didn't do so great

    Votes: 95 33.0%
  • Probably

    Votes: 53 18.4%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 12 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Without reading this thread.

I kinda liked him, he seemed to have tenacity. He held out through quite an array of questioning on many topics, going round and round again with JB. He didn't seem to get too overwhelmed with JA and his energy. And through out it all he still managed to have a sense of humor.

Although, Imo, he didn't serve JB well as far as witness. He didn't have reports done. " Left things out of the "preliminary" report, the final report he never finished? (i would have to re-listen to parts that i may have missed today.)

What he DID teach ME today, is that, it is still highly probable that Caylee was in that trunk. There WERE some blowflies and bug parts. There WAS presence of insect activity. And I think, being as there WERE bags, 2 plastic and one canvas, that those bags would serve very well to contain AND minimize the amount of insect activity. There would be LESS odor getting OUT of the bags, and LESS bugs getting into the bags. I also think that chloroform would very likely hinder insect activity. Combine the three, and it's not as all that bad as that pig in the trunk in Nebraska. 11 Days in Nebraska doesn't in any way equate to 90 +degrees for 2.6 days in Florida.! IMO JAT
I don't know about the freezer, gngr. Though it is certainly plausible. My point in referencing that study was that the conditions, according to that, do NOT have to be cold. Adipocere (again citing that study, on pages 33-34) is actually promoted in warm, humid, anaerobic conditions.

From research the time it takes adipocere to form is subjected to a multitude of factors however, imo, that time frame would be hastened by the fact that Caylee was a child and that study stating adipocere is promoted in the conditions proposed by the SAO rather than inhibited. HTH

Incidentally adipocere is generally not formed when there is a high level of insect activity. FWIW and I am so not scientific!
There were two paper napkins (papertowels?) found in the white trash bag along with all sorts of household trash from Lazzaro's house. The two napkins supposedly contain adipocere. The idea is that they were used to wipe up some decomp fluid.

Would she have carried these two stinky napkins into the house and then dumped them into the trash? Also, why only two? Wouldn't you need quantities of them to clean up decomp spill?

Not if she had already done the cleaning or disposing and had a few drips on her pants when she got back to Tony's. She could have used a couple of paper towels there, tossed them in the regular trash and took the trash bag with her next time she left and threw it in the trunk.
I definitely haven't heard hundreds of expert witnesses in my life, so my opinion is based on a much smaller scale, but in this case alone, I did not find Bloise, Vass, Haskell, Welch or even Dr. G (just to name a few) to all be both aloof and arrogant. Actually, I found them to be quite the opposite, and was pleasantly surprised.

Me too! The OCSO's employees were awesome. I've lived here all my life and had no idea we had such professional people working here. Bloise was my absolute favorite:innocent: I'm not sure they are considered professional experts, though. I did not have the pleasure of hearing Dr. Haskell, only snippets. I did hear Dr. Vass and truly loved him. It sure seems that the State's experts are great! I am officially retracting my "aloof and arrogant" statement. Or, as Baez would say - I move to strike my own statement LOL.
This IS a great find!

3. Answer the questions that are asked. You may know your stuff, and give me a really great answer, but if you haven’t actually answered the question that was given I’m going to smack you down for it.
4. Points for essay questions are awarded based on strength of argument. You may be right about the question, or you may be very, very wrong. But if you do not support your opinion with facts it won’t matter either way. So tell me why your answer is correct (or why you think it is anyways). I really like examples. If you can cite some examples that support your answer the chances of you passing the course will improve.

He reminded me of all the Anthony's who go on and on and try to make you forget he could have just answered "yes" or "no."

Today he ran out of hallway.
it was at the jail with ICA... lemme look...

can't find it on the jail visit... CA was telling ICA about GA working in the yard and smelling i found this where she states GA sweats all over yard... FWIW

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪George Sweats Decomp! Personal Hygene According to Cindy‬‏[/ame]
I think he will and probably for a DT that want him to spin it their way and tell those "mistruths" that he seems so willing to do.
He's just a larva of what he could be . . . he needs more false humility and better technique. Just like Baez.
They typically are... especially in missing body cases were a "person of interest" has been charged and is in jail, and has a DT. If there was a motion, I haven't looked yet, so I wouldn't know.

I think they are allowed access after LE has finished at the crime scene. This wasn't the case here, the scene wasn't released and the remains had not been identified.
I voted: probably.
He sounded like a total d- word - rhymes with sploosh.
But, I'm sure he'll be back if he's being paid.
During Huntington's testimony today a couple of thoughts popped into my mind.

1. Flies that have gone into a trunk because of Caylee being in there would not need to be left in the trunk until they died. Casey was still using the car for many days, opening the driver door and possibly even the back door and trunk. At some point Casey had to remove Caylee from the trunk when she put her in the woods, at that time we have no idea how many flies came out of the trunk.

2. When Tony came back from NY and Casey picked him up at the airport Casey showed him on the way back to his place the car wash place that she used to clean out his Jeep for him. Is it really a far fetched idea to think that she also used the same car wash place to attempt to clean out her own car after it began to smell?

3. The "study" that Huntington did really does not compare to what happened with Caylee at all. If he had intended to see how many flies were going to be in the trunk area of a car then he should have followed the same type of scenerio as in the actual case. 2 trash bags, laundry bag, in trunk for 2 to 5 days and in the same heat as in Florida. It really seems like his "study" was simply a waste of time.
I voted No. He gave JB a look as he was leaving the witness stand. He was not happy with how things went and for some reason I do believe that JB had promised him some things that just didn't go right today.
I didn't find him particularly compelling. His answers were too long and too all over the place and if I had been a juror he would have put me to sleep.

I also felt that he was playing games with the Prosecution, and was trying to outwit Mr Ashton. That kind of behavior in a situation like this does not impress me.

I really think there is a 'right' answer to this aspect of the case, and I don't think he presented it.

Does he have a future in the 'expert' industry, of course. But, mostly because there are so few certified forensic entomologists and they all look out for one another. He is way too academic for me.
I don't know why he wouldn't testify again, since he probably knew what to expect and had advice from colleagues. It didn't seem to me like he was ripped apart or bullied by the prosecution. It seemed like what would be expected, but this guy shouldn't laugh about pigs in the blanket. It made him look ignorant and it was in reference to what a toddler was wrapped in and said in sarcasm by Ashton instead of a big joke. Did he ever say just what he thinks left the odor of a decomposing body in the vehicle? It would be interesting to know his theory, since no one is goofy enough to believe that a bag of mostly empty food containers and a hardened piece of salami would totally ruin a vehicle to ever be driven again. That smell will never be out of there.
I voted he probably will testify in another trial but he sure learned a BIG lesson today. He testified outside his scope of expertise and got caught up in landslide. The bigesterror an expert witness can make is to g beyond their scope of practice. This guy got his PHD in 2008. In my experience it takes about 10 years post-doctorate to truly understand what you know AND what you don't know. 3 years is not enough time to have the experience (scientific, legal and life) to hold up in a case like this. He was called upon to testify about generalities in entimology and ended up testifying about decomp stains and specific details of this case. being an expert witness can pay your kids college tuitions; but don't try it until you really know what you are doing.
I didn't find him particularly compelling. His answers were too long and too all over the place and if I had been a juror he would have put me to sleep.

I also felt that he was playing games with the Prosecution, and was trying to outwit Mr Ashton. That kind of behavior in a situation like this does not impress me.

I really think there is a 'right' answer to this aspect of the case, and I don't think he presented it.

Does he have a future in the 'expert' industry, of course. But, mostly because there are so few certified forensic entomologists and they all look out for one another. He is way too academic for me.

I completely agree with most of your statement,except the BBM.
This guy was not looking out for any of the other experts out there. IMO he was trying to throw them under the bus. I suspect sour grapes over something.
BTW Dr. Huntington, here is a hint for the next time you are called to testify on behalf of an ethically questionable defense team looking to spend somebody elses money. You are young thin pale and a bug guy. This in and of itself makes you more than a tad weird to the general population such as is found in juries. Joyfully and passionately telling them about your glorious expertise in all things decomposition because of all your experience working in the morgue as a 16 year old goes beyind weird and well into CREEPY territory. Very creepy territory. Classic horror movie "Igor" territory. This is probably not the best approach to take.

OMG, Faefrost, Thank you so much for that. I laughed so hard my stomach hurts. You nailed it!
Although wordy, I thought he did a great job along with the defense this AM....but then the tide changed...well actually it was more of a tsunami.... when JA got his chance.

I think the defense did it's best to recover, but...fell far short.
HE WILL ABSOLUTELY WORK AGAIN however, think Dr. Lee, Biden etc...

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