Hurricane Irene barrels toward Puerto Rico, Possibly U.S.

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Wise Old Owl

That radar image is terrifying!!! I hope all are safe, and are able to get away from the storm if possible.
Yes it is - but we are under no special statements - nothing. Business as usual. The powers that be down here now think money is more important as its costs BUCKETS to put up watches/warnings. Schools have to close as they are shelters, emergency command centers have to open, all real estate business STOPS. Its a shame - money is more important here than anyone's safety.

I went outside after I posted that and watched that squall line come in from the north. Now its raining, hard, and hasn't let up. Seems we have another line coming in right after.

I didn't think to photoshop that pic and put an "X" where I am - but my coordinates are 26.0N 80.0W (approx) - that is Ft. Lauderdale. I live one mile from Port Everglades - so I'm certainly not inland.
LOL WOO and you didn't leave because they didn't make it mandatory???? Thought you were a wise old owl?

Stay safe anyway. (and keep your camera handy)
Darlin' - I'm an old conch. I rode out Andrew right here. I went through Cleo and Betsy back in the 60's. These storms don't scare me - you just have to respect them! I would never evacuate - ever - I have too many fur/feather babies to have to haul them all with me. Nope. Set up my safe room - get ready - hunker down - ride it out.

Here's my theme song..........................



Now where is that darn shaker of salt?
I'll probably go offline tonight. Just finished securing all items outside, getting things ready to put in the car. Will notify all neighbors of where we will be in case a tree falls on our house and they think we might be in there! Also good so in case emergency crews show up they will know no persons are inside.

They said cat 2 will hit the tidewater area, i'm just a few miles north of that.

Hunker down, this is the last day to really prepare, final day should be to just do a double check on your list and calm thyself.

My camera is on the blink and I wanted to take pictures of my household items and outside to compare before and after shots. Turned in our cell phones so that isn't an option!
Darlin' - I'm an old conch. I rode out Andrew right here. I went through Cleo and Betsy back in the 60's. These storms don't scare me - you just have to respect them! I would never evacuate - ever - I have too many fur/feather babies to have to haul them all with me. Nope. Set up my safe room - get ready - hunker down - ride it out.

Here's my theme song..........................

Jimmie Buffet "Tryin to Reason with Hurricane Season" Video - YouTube


Now where is that darn shaker of salt?
I bet your foundation is a concrete slab where as most here up north have crawl space/wood houses. That makes a big difference, respectfully.
lera123.... i just sat down for a 5 minute break as my son texted the thing is headed straight at us down in va beach. i just wanted you to know that i really appreciate your posts on this. i'll be back here later checking in!

prayers to all!
Where I am in MA it leaves on the strong wind side with 3" to 4" of rain. Oh and luck us we have T-storms today yippie. :( I have brought the deck furniture inside and put all possible projectiles away in the house or cellar. We are almost ready. Got some shopping to do tomorrow. I'll keep you posted the best I can if we have power when she hits. I'm praying. NECN saying it's going to be BAD.
I bet your foundation is a concrete slab where as most here up north have crawl space/wood houses. That makes a big difference, respectfully.
Yes and no. The big difference is the steel belt course that straps my roof to my walls. Here they have stopped doing that on new construction and I wouldn't live in a house down here without it.
Yes and no. The big difference is the steel belt course that straps my roof to my walls. Here they have stopped doing that on new construction and I wouldn't live in a house down here without it.

Just nosing in here - never ever heard of a steel belt course on a house - are there multiple straps from the roof to the walls and how long and wide are the strap(s)?

Just curious and if you don't have time to answer I understand.
Just nosing in here - never ever heard of a steel belt course on a house - are there multiple straps from the roof to the walls and how long and wide are the strap(s)?

Just curious and if you don't have time to answer I understand.
Its just one big strap that usually goes around the "circumference" of the house and is anchored to both the walls and the trusses. Strap is about 2 feet wide.
I seriously told my husband while our house isn't considered a pre-fab home it should be! I mean really, not much different if you ask me. Anyway, if this stays on track we will only get between 40 to 60 mph winds but a lot of rain, if it goes more west, more wind. VA beach I think will get hit hard for they will be on the east side of the storm. I'm starting to think this may go more inland then they expect. Not to much further but enough to cause more damage across a wide area.

I probably won't be on for a week to two weeks. (NO POWER)

That will SUCK! At least the CA trial is over. lol
Just nosing in here - never ever heard of a steel belt course on a house - are there multiple straps from the roof to the walls and how long and wide are the strap(s)?

Just curious and if you don't have time to answer I understand.

lera123.... i just sat down for a 5 minute break as my son texted the thing is headed straight at us down in va beach. i just wanted you to know that i really appreciate your posts on this. i'll be back here later checking in!

prayers to all!

Stay calm, I hope you go park your car in a garage. Norfolk is offering free parking for a week. Have you thought about going to a hotel for the night? Is your house on a cement slab?

Oh and by the way the guy who was in the meeting that talked on Wavy 10 about the preparations that VB is doing for the storm he should be fired. I mean he said no evacuation necessary, people can do if they like. He said this may just be a tropical depression, and not even hit VB. He was even kind of laughing about it. Guess what though, he has hotel reservations way west in Virginia. He is evacuating but could careless about anyone else. He made it sound like it was all a joke.

It seems wavy10 news took that video down already. It was awful.
Stay safe, everyone, this looks like it's going to affect a lot of people. :heartbeat:

(As a Californian, I don't know how you all do it!)

I'm native to CT, just moved back here after being stationed in San Diego for 3½ yrs..... I didn't miss the storms, however I didn't enjoy being scared by the fires and earthquakes..... but if I had to choose here or there, I honestly miss the dry weather in CA!
I live near Albany,NY. Our forecast is calling for tropical storm force winds and flooding on Sunday. I am driving my son to Wisconsin early Monday morning. How far west is this storm going to reach. Will I run into weather say in Buffalo on Monday morning? I don't mind some rain but not downpours that I can't see in. Anyone from central and western NY have a forcast?
Posting this map because it gives a clearer picture of the path and the checker marks are how far it will affect some areas. Remember the strongest winds will be nearer the center of the path. Current map 6:21pm 8/25

Everyone be safe. East Coast is my home area lots of family. Cops search Josh home 20 mis agao
I watched CBS news a little while ago. They are being very pessimistic about NY.
Thinking of all you on the East coast, and praying for your safety...keep your heads down!
Stay calm, I hope you go park your car in a garage. Norfolk is offering free parking for a week. Have you thought about going to a hotel for the night? Is your house on a cement slab?

Oh and by the way the guy who was in the meeting that talked on Wavy 10 about the preparations that VB is doing for the storm he should be fired. I mean he said no evacuation necessary, people can do if they like. He said this may just be a tropical depression, and not even hit VB. He was even kind of laughing about it. Guess what though, he has hotel reservations way west in Virginia. He is evacuating but could careless about anyone else. He made it sound like it was all a joke.

It seems wavy10 news took that video down already. It was awful.

are you kidding? which wavy10 guy was it? that is unbelievable!

i would have normally seen it but was outside taking care of the yard.

i'm on a slab here, which i hate, actually. my last house had a full basement. loved that.

i'm still not noticing much in the way of prep being done around here but the gas station was packed. in the morning i think i'll make a final decision about staying or not. i don't care if i'm the only one who leaves, if my gut says go, we're out of here! my kids and dog are my stuff means zilch!

i thought i heard there was a special on tonight at 8 locally but i haven't found it.

i am dreading the electricity going out just bc where i'm at, it goes out early and stays out long. but if that's the worst of it, i will consider us blessed!
When a hurricane threatens you and your family, be sure to also make plans to keep your pets safe.

Before there is a need to evacuate your home due to a hurricane, you should make sure that your pets are all current on their vaccinations. Pets that will be boarded will need proof of current vaccinations at many pet shelters. Work out where your pet will stay during the storm if you have to evacuate.

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