IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #14

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who is the sunshine law expert? does info get released tomorrow since it has been a month? If so, where do we look for it? thanks...
Child (male) luring in Washington, includes video prob. not connected but M/O, had me thinking...
"A guy distributing fliers in this American University neighborhood offering private tutoring for boys.

But police say this guy's actions have become increasingly disturbing since then.

On Monday, police say they got a call from someone in Mt. Pleasant. The same guy they're looking at allegedly had child *advertiser censored* in his possession.

Then on Tuesday, they say the man was naked, in the locker room at the Wilson Aquatic Center attached to the high school -- and that he quote "made overtures" to three boys -- aged 9 to 11".
:sheesh: I hate to say it, but this one feels cold to me. I don't see anyone acting outwardly defensive, (anymore). Odds are, the perp has been spoken to by LE and it is probably someone who has come across our radar. If there was evidence confirming someone's involvement, I think that there would either be an arrest by now, or someone's lawyer publicly poo-pooing LE's investigation.

It has been a month. Plenty of time for testing of evidence and evaluation of results. MOO

:lurk: I've got a couple of questions about the area of the surveillance video (posted July 25, 2012 3:39 pm • WCF Courier).

The caption reads: "Authorities say this surveillance video released by Cornbelt Auction, 3520 Lafayette Road, shows missing girls Lyric and Elizabeth riding their bicycles in an alley behind Lederman's Big & Tall Clothing at approximately 12:11 p.m. Friday, July 13. The girls are seen riding by on the top right side of the screen. The video represents the last time the girls were seen since July 13."

Where is Lederman's in relation to the view shown? And what IS Cornbelt Auctions --- is it used for actual public auctions or is it a storage warehouse or something like that? And, finally, what do you think of the white chair on the loading dock below the camera? If someone were to have that vantage point on most weekdays maybe, they'd be one to know the girls' routine pretty well...just throwin' that out there...

Here's a still shot of what I'm looking at:


Ledermans is right next to the Auction Bldg, directly to the east.
:sheesh: I hate to say it, but this one feels cold to me. I don't see anyone acting outwardly defensive, (anymore). Odds are, the perp has been spoken to by LE and it is probably someone who has come across our radar. If there was evidence confirming someone's involvement, I think that there would either be an arrest by now, or someone's lawyer publicly poo-pooing LE's investigation.

It has been a month. Plenty of time for testing of evidence and evaluation of results. MOO


I don't know, it is quite puzzling...from listening to the scanner for the last month, local LE takes every call pretty seriously and I really was hoping the right clue would show up!
Wish we knew what the FBI knew, so it's hard to say if they are close to an idea or not...
who is the sunshine law expert? does info get released tomorrow since it has been a month? If so, where do we look for it? thanks...

I'm not an expert, but I believe that the Iowa Public Records Law exempts anything that might jepordize an investigation.
That's a thought!

I'm also now curious as to why LE was looking at surveillance tape at Casey's as late as 2pm. I feel like we are missing a big, important piece to this puzzle. Maybe that 2:30pm sighting is accurate. Maybe the girls just lost track of time and were on the go when Grandma went looking for them and that's why she didn't see them. Ever try to find somebody in a grocery store when you are both walking around looking for each other? :waitasec:

I believe they started reviewing the tapes again after the attempted abduction of the 5 year old in CR. My understanding was that they were just looking for white vans that were there that day.
Because they could have been in the back of a van, or any vehicle, anywhere after they left the Collins house...Or, perhaps they saw that van on the cctv video first, or some other surveillance we are unaware of at this time. MOO

Maybe, but I'd still like to know why they are looking at surveillance tape only a few blocks from the lake 1.5 hours after the assumed abduction time.

I still feel like we are missing a big piece to this puzzle.

I believe they started reviewing the tapes again after the attempted abduction of the 5 year old in CR. My understanding was that they were just looking for white vans that were there that day.

That could be. I was unaware of the attempted abduction of the 5yr old. Is there a link for that? Did that happen on the 13th as well? TIA
No, there is a second gate in the same (northern) fence as the drain pipe gate. Unlike the big double jetty gate, this gate is just a one-swinger. It was locked and did not appear to give access to anything other than a random spot of woods. That is, there wasn't any obvious trail or path on the other side for this gate to give access to. No building or object or anything to necessitate gated access... you know, about the randomest gate I've ever seen. Maybe when Maiden Lane was a road, that was the south end of it? If you're walking east along the path, this is before you reach the clearing that is south of Arbutus.

The only thing I can think of is it might be a shortcut from the pump station off Arbutus Avenue to the bike path (if the pump station guy needed to go do something with the drain pipe maybe?) Maybe in days of old Maiden Lane was more substantial and you could drive to this gate.

Thanks. Since the land is private property, perhaps there was a requirement to install an access gate when the fence was added to the trail. Since it was locked, I doubt it was used in connection with the abduction of the girls.
That could be. I was unaware of the attempted abduction of the 5yr old. Is there a link for that? Did that happen on the 13th as well? TIA
It was on the 11th or 12th, I think. This article is dated the 12th.

"CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – An abduction attempt of a 5-year-old boy was stopped by the boy’s father Tuesday in southwest Cedar Rapids, police said.

The boy was riding his bicycle on a sidewalk in the 7500 block of Kirkwood Boulevard SW around 5:30 p.m. when a white 1990s Chevrolet Astro van pulled over next to him. A man and a woman got out, grabbed the boy and the bike and started leading him toward the van, police said.

“They had grabbed ahold of him by the arm or shoulder, and the woman was getting the bike,” Sgt. Cristy Hamblin said.

Police said the boy’s father, who was on a motorcycle just down the street, saw the incident and yelled at the two suspects, who then let go of the boy, got back in the van and drove south."

I just don't see 2 responsible-appearing citizens coming forward with information that think is helpful to the investigation and purposely lying about what they saw. They may be "inaccurate" regarding times, dates or whatever, but I truly believe they saw what/who they "thought" they saw.

The judgement and accusations passed upon these "witnesses" may be why other witnesses are hesitant to come forward.

ITA that they believe they are giving the best information they can and are really trying to help.

But I just think neither accounting is pertinent to the timeline. Especially the Carpenter's. It's a THREE HOUR window of when they MAY have seen the girls. It just isn't helpful, IMO.

Now TG's seeing the bikes COULD be relevant if we knew for sure they were the girls' bikes. And even then, I am not convinced that the girls were ever at the lake on Friday. My hunch is that the lake was used to dump the bikes. That hunch also alleviates the headache over the 8-minute bike ride.
I believe they started reviewing the tapes again after the attempted abduction of the 5 year old in CR. My understanding was that they were just looking for white vans that were there that day.

LE claimed they were not asking to interview him due to the white van...some other reason. MOO
It was on the 11th or 12th, I think. This article is dated the 12th.

"CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – An abduction attempt of a 5-year-old boy was stopped by the boy’s father Tuesday in southwest Cedar Rapids, police said.

The boy was riding his bicycle on a sidewalk in the 7500 block of Kirkwood Boulevard SW around 5:30 p.m. when a white 1990s Chevrolet Astro van pulled over next to him. A man and a woman got out, grabbed the boy and the bike and started leading him toward the van, police said.

“They had grabbed ahold of him by the arm or shoulder, and the woman was getting the bike,” Sgt. Cristy Hamblin said.

Police said the boy’s father, who was on a motorcycle just down the street, saw the incident and yelled at the two suspects, who then let go of the boy, got back in the van and drove south."


This article indicates it was on July 31. The artcle is dated Wed. August 1 and states it happened Tuesday. That matches my memory because everyone was already on edge because of the girls.
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