IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #29

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I think the reason this is being discussed so much because there have been a lot of comments in the news articles from the ones in the community who are not happy about the work being done. Not many attended the town meeting about the renovations to the park, there were also comments from community members saying they would have attended if they had known the meeting was going to happen.

I think it is nice that the family wants a memorial of sorts for the girls. I do feel for the homeowners around the lake that might not be thrilled about the trees being cut down.

Again, I haven't seen a plan for all of the work being done so maybe it's not as extensive as it seems. Although building a bridge to the island seems like a huge, expensive project.

I'm not blaming the family, but what would happen if in 6 months the parents were arrested? Would the community be supportive that there is now a huge memorial that they contributed to, only to find out the parents were responsible for the girls death? Not saying the family is responsible, but can certainly understand why many feel it would be better to wait until after an arrest.

Totally agree with everything you wrote! :seeya:
I saw an interview with Tim Miller of Equusearch. They showed him at the site where Laura, his daughter's body, was finally discovered. He had made a very nice memorial. It was just a plain wooden cross probably 5 feet or so. Looks like it was made by hand and nothing elaborate, but it spoke volumes. A gazebo is going to require some upkeep, painting, repairing the roof, landscaping, etc. I am just puzzled by it I suppose.

Most memorials to murder victims are very simple. A marker, a bench, etc. I don't really understand these huge, complex, expensive memorials that are being built. They are starting to seem more like tourist attractions to me.
Someone else posted it, as I said I have no idea to the relevance. I just posted a link to help to understand.

I posted about succinylcholine because I've read about its use in other murders. It is basically a horse tranquilizer used to immobilize a victim. It has a very short half life so is metabolized quickly and is hard to trace in an autopsy.

Not saying this was used on E and L. I was just answering Shorgirl's post. :seeya:
I haven't kept up with this thread much but was reading today hoping to hear something new about their case. Has there been any talk of any sort of memorial besides a bench or gazebo for the girls. In my town there is a new piece of playground equipment at a park that was donated to a as a memorial for a child who I think died of cancer. Personally I think something like this where children could actually play and use it would be a good way to remember Elizabeth and Lyric.
Sorry to not know this, and cannot seem to find, but...

Where are the pics (links please) of ongoing construction at the lake? I wouldn't mind saving those to the archiveto see how the before and after takes place.
Have you ever thought that by building the gazebo, it will make the lake look more appealing, and not so sad and dreary.

I agree, not sure why people would be opposed to it, if they were I'm sure by now there would have been a uprising :) really not sure what the big deal would be unless of course taxes would be raised. If the money is coming from donations (ex: like the 10,000 from the bank) and people are willing to clean trees and build it and not get paid, and you have people who volunteer to keep it up.....well not sure why anyone would be against it IMO.
Heartbreaking! Keep your babies close, you never know what could happen.
I agree, not sure why people would be opposed to it, if they were I'm sure by now there would have been a uprising :) really not sure what the big deal would be unless of course taxes would be raised. If the money is coming from donations (ex: like the 10,000 from the bank) and people are willing to clean trees and build it and not get paid, and you have people who volunteer to keep it up.....well not sure why anyone would be against it IMO.

True! http://www.kwwl.com/category/130142/video-landing-page?clipId=8600783&autostart=true

Concert for the Angels!
We hope you all are just as excited as we all are for this event...
We want to emphasize that this is an ALL ages event. We will have 3 face painters, a ballon artist and more! Understand that it is also going to have live music and it will be loud. Your more than welcome to bring ear plugs.
The music may not appeal to some but will be suitable for most. We all need to understand and appreciate t...hat every band is donating their entertainment and were ALL under the same roof for the same cause!!!

We will have security donated by the same police officers and fire rescue that spent countless days searching for Elizabeth and Lyric. We will start off by honoring them with Courtney Dettmer singing the National Anthem. They deserve major thanks! Then we are led into a few worship songs from the Heartland Vineyard Church where Elizabeth's family attended. Lexi Chapman will be featured on this set as well.

Never the Less will spit out some 80's and Lotus may bring us back to some Led Zeppelin and Pantera Days....
Well end it off with Saving Abel's acoustic tour where they break out the banjo and jaw harp to bring meaning to their "Front Porch Stomp Tour". They bring the porch to you:)

Don't let me forget that when you all walk up to the event we will have a "Heroes Row" on display. Any Law Enforcement Agency or Fire Department that helped with the search of the girls is encouraged to bring a vehicle to be a part of this event as well. They all played a big role and to see how many played part will be an honor to us all!

Last but not least we will have a large group of people that may seem all seem familiar.Most faces you will recognize off the news channels and voices that are heard will come from the Dj's at our local radio stations..... All will be making rounds throughout the show selling raffle tickets. You will be able to buy single tickets or a discount for more than one. All the raffle items will be on display at the main entrance and you can distribute your tickets to whatever raffle you desire.

We hope you all continue to invite your friends and share this page as often as possible. If you can't make it... You can still "share" your part:)

We can't wait to see you all and we thank you in advance for being a part of this memorial. Each one of you that's part of the event helped buy a brick, plant a rose bush or a piece of the gazebo for the Angels Memorial!!! God Bless you All!!
It would make me feel better if they waited until the children's murderer(s) had been caught. We don't even know the girls' COD. Maybe they drowned there and somebody tried to cover up the drowning. Maybe the girls were feeding the ducks and trying to catch a baby duck and they drowned. We don't know.

I know they haven't released COD, but I have a feeling that if the ME came back with cause of death being drowning (accidental only) they would have announced the COD and closed the case as an accidental drowning. Someone is involved in this, even if they'd drowned no one would drive their bodies 20 miles away to dump them under the cover of thick brush. They'd have a much better chance of it being ruled a drowning if they just let them be, right there in the lake.

I agree that they are jumping the gun on building the gazebo, as God forbid someone in the family is involved, people may not be so happy about memorializing such a crime. :(
Either way, anything the community does to recognize the girls deaths I think is a great tribute, as these girls should be remembered. I do however, wish they would wait until the crime is solved, as something as nice as a gazebo and park renovation would be a great way for the community to come together as well as find closure together.

Thanks, I looked on the news sites, but never thought to look at facebook.

I am all for any kind of memorial for murdered kids. I don't care if they are small flower gardens or huge playgrounds.

Plus, if the family has community support, then go for it.

Just some that come to mind for me is Zahra Baker and Jessica Ridgeway, with huge memorial park/playgrounds. Antinette "Toni" Keller with a single sunflower bench.

All great.
I agree, not sure why people would be opposed to it, if they were I'm sure by now there would have been a uprising :) really not sure what the big deal would be unless of course taxes would be raised. If the money is coming from donations (ex: like the 10,000 from the bank) and people are willing to clean trees and build it and not get paid, and you have people who volunteer to keep it up.....well not sure why anyone would be against it IMO.

Who is going to start/be part of an uprising against the parents of a murdered child? One reason I've heard is that people are killed, or die horrible deaths, or die too young...and they don't all get big memorials decided to them, or places renamed after them.
Thanks, I looked on the news sites, but never thought to look at facebook.

I am all for any kind of memorial for murdered kids. I don't care if they are small flower gardens or huge playgrounds.

Plus, if the family has community support, then go for it.

Just some that come to mind for me is Zahra Baker and Jessica Ridgeway, with huge memorial park/playgrounds. Antinette "Toni" Keller with a single sunflower bench.

All great.

But why do some murder victims get huge parks...while others just get a bench?
Who is going to start/be part of an uprising against the parents of a murdered child? One reason I've heard is that people are killed, or die horrible deaths, or die too young...and they don't all get big memorials decided to them, or places renamed after them.

I was just using the phrase "uprising" to lighten the mood some, you can't understand why all victims would not be honored in the same way, and I can't understand why people would be mad about honoring two little girls whose story made national headlines.

Other and all victims are worth big memorials, I agree with that, the difference may be in the fact that Lyric and Elizabeth's parents are working behind the scenes to help this happen. Maybe in other victims cases no one is pushing for bigger/better memorials. Just a thought you can agree or not.
But why do some murder victims get huge parks...while others just get a bench?

Well, it isn't a contest. Some people don't even get a bench. I could name you a hundred of them just from the last few years.

It is all about the support. Someone has to make it a priority and follow through.... for example, this woman who got this concert organized; what a great benefit she is.

There has to be someone to want it, to get people behind it. Often the family is so grief-stricken they cannot move forward with any project. Some do.

I don't see anything wrong with a memorial or no memorial. Sometimes, I feel like I would just want to bury my head and pretend this evil doesn't happen.

(and I am of the belief that these families are not guilty)
I was just using the phrase "uprising" to lighten the mood some, you can't understand why all victims would not be honored in the same way, and I can't understand why people would be mad about honoring two little girls whose story made national headlines.

Other and all victims are worth big memorials, I agree with that, the difference may be in the fact that Lyric and Elizabeth's parents are working behind the scenes to help this happen. Maybe in other victims cases no one is pushing for bigger/better memorials. Just a thought you can agree or not.

But just because another child's death doesn't make national headlines..why don't they get a big memorial either? Is it because in the cases of media interest, any opposition will be written about in the media? The person's name and quote will be published for everyone to see? Maybe, even nationally?

I think the parents pushing for it is a reason why no one wants to say anything negative about it. If it was an Internet petition or some unrelated group, these big memorials would not be happening.
But just because another child's death doesn't make national headlines..why don't they get a big memorial either? Is it because in the cases of media interest, any opposition will be written about in the media? The person's name and quote will be published for everyone to see? Maybe, even nationally?

I think the parents pushing for it is a reason why no one wants to say anything negative about it. If it was an Internet petition or some unrelated group, these big memorials would not be happening.

Media interest in certain victim's helps to push things along sometimes. It is possible that people do not say anything negative because the parents are pushing it, but is it just the parents? To actually accomplish this I think it would take more than two sets of parents to do this. We do not know how much of the community is behind this, could be less could be more.

I know that if I was a parent of a child who was a victim and I was upset that another child/children where getting more attention than my child I would put my child's name out there as well. Wow not even sure why I'm talking about this, guess I'm not the type that likes to re-hash something that looks more positive then negative. I still say it's all about involvement of the parents and others in the community that bring these things into the public eye.
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