Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #11

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Agreed, unless they cased the house at night, or grabbed her when she walked out of the house in the morning.

The contacts make me believe she was sleeping.
The dogs make me believe she was leaving the house.
The red shirt... leaving the house
Phone... either
Wallet... either
Lack of social media contact... sleeping

Shoes on or off? Are shoes missing from the house?

A nagging thought I have is that if the perp is known to Mollie and known to the dogs - it's possible the perp fed the dogs and put them in the basement. In that case, Mollie was possibly taken while in the house. But there are no signs of that, that we know of.

If she fed the dogs and left for the day, was she hurt/restrained in a car? That does make some sense, right?


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I’ve seen repeatedly that she was walking to her moms in the morning before work. I don’t think that we know for sure she did that. I recall her brother saying he texted her at 730 am to ask if she needed a ride HOME (which was another reason I initially thought the dinner plans were for Thursday). There was discussion that she already would have been at work by 730 am-so she must have made other plans to get there. But WHO? Prob not a co worker because I think we might have heard that they could not find her in the morning—not that she didn’t show up for work. I also think the contact lens thing is throwing everyone off. I believe only 1 source has indicated that she didn’t have them with her though I might be wrong there.
I suppose so. If it were someone in the mould of a serial killer/rapist, I would think it more likely to attack her on the jog, and not wait until she returned home, as appears to be the case. This is an issue I have with the stranger theory, as it is incredibly risky to approach a house, and take someone from there. You don't know if someone else is home, or if someone is going to spot you. Edit * I read your post as serial killer instead of stalker.

MG, I actually do think your theory of her being followed back to bf's house fits with what little we do know...IF a stranger followed her home from her run, they would have then observed that there were no cars in the driveway, potentially seen her walking around alone in the house, etc. If someone surreptitiously trailed and watched her vs. grabbed her from the road during her run, that to me would be more consistent with "stalking" behavior.
IMO-as of tonight (I change my mind frequently), because LE said they have a solid time line and from other info. in news articles that may or may not be verified by LE, I believe Mollie was taken from the home between 10:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. The clothing that she was wearing on Wednesday was already put in the laundry basket/wash and clothing she was going to wear to work the next day was set out.ETA-Glasses weren't on and contacts were out because she was in bed. Dogs were put in the basement for the night. Mollie heard a noise and threw on the red shirt to see what it was. She also took the phone with her to use as a light or maybe was trying to get help and was overpowered. However, that part with the phone doesn't work either because then I think she would of dropped the phone. Again this is all IMO.
KWWL news had a video with the "white van". It was really a white SUV and not at all like a crime scene van. The reporter says she doesn't know if they found any evidence or not. Nothing else new really. The reward money was mentioned and they showed video of DJ from p.c. this a.m. about the reward money. She mentioned searches of the pond and farm area. KWWL should have an updated story online soon.
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IMO-as of tonight (I change my mind frequently), because LE said they have a solid time line and from other info. in news articles that may or may not be verified by LE, I believe Mollie was taken from the home between 10:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. The clothing that she was wearing on Wednesday was already put in the laundry basket/wash and clothing she was going to wear to work the next day was set out.Dogs were put in the basement for the night. Mollie heard a noise and threw on the red shirt to see what it was. She also took the phone with her to use as a light or maybe was trying to get help and was overpowered. However, that part with the phone doesn't work either because then I think she would of dropped the phone. Again this is all IMO.
KWWL news had a video with the "white van". It was really a white SUV and not at all like a crime scene van. The reporter says she doesn't know if they found any evidence or not. Nothing else new really. The reward money was mentioned and they showed video of DJ from p.c. this a.m. about the reward money. She mentioned searches of the pond and farm area. KWWL should have an updated story online soon.
I agree I think she threw on the red shirt because it was handy the night before either to check on something or had somebody at the door.
Your post just made me think of something, I wonder if Mollie is nervous in bad weather, I have a daughter whom is mature and responsible in every way but in storms and tornado watches especially, she becomes a little girl again and needs to be in the company of others to ride them out. Could Mollie have decided to go home late that night?

I think the tornado warnings were the next night. There was a lot of rain in the early morning.

Weather on the 18th:
Grinnell Regional, IA History | Weather Underground
Weather on the 19th:
Grinnell Regional, IA History | Weather Underground
"We can't tell you why Mollie is missing," Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation Director Kevin Winker said.

Revealing they've followed up on 200 leads, but are still stumped, Mollie's family is just as confused and has gone over every scenario.

Mother Of Missing Iowa Woman Speaks Out

The dangling participle makes it sound as if Mollie's family has followed up on 200 leads, but it makes more sense that investigators would follow up on leads instead of the family doing it.
Hi folks, I'm new here, but I've been fascinated by your insight. While this is an agonizing situation for this poor girl and her family, I have been pleasantly surprised by your respect and concern, as well as your well thought points. So, before I add more questions to this thread, I'd like to first say that my extreme hope is that this young woman is found, and safely returned to those who love her.
The 3 hour conversation is a bit odd to me. It paints the picture of something being wrong somewhere.
From my read here, I'm on board with the thought that she was abducted the morning after the jog.
The search brings questions... Where was the last cell phone ping..? Divers don't only search for bodies, they also look for phones, clothing, shoes... Have they possibly found some of those articles during their dives..?
The farmer with the stalking background... That interview freaked me out a bit. Very twitchy, not looking directly at the camera, gesturing... He really was uncomfortable.
The red shirt... We've all been walking along a road and have seen odd clothing laying around, and thought nothing of it... What triggered this guy to find it to be significant..? Possible blood or hair on the shirt..? Also, as to how it could have gotten there... Could this have been missed by the abductor when he had gotten rid of other articles, and just carelessly tossed..? Maybe a second thought about keeping a trophy..? Maybe a guilty conscience wanting to be caught..?
The hog farm... Has it been searched with cadaver dogs..?
I thank you for your posts and intriguing thoughts...
Your post just made me think of something, I wonder if Mollie is nervous in bad weather, I have a daughter whom is mature and responsible in every way but in storms and tornado watches especially, she becomes a little girl again and needs to be in the company of others to ride them out. Could Mollie have decided to go home late that night?

I don’t know about Mollie, but speaking for myself as a dog lover, I couldn’t leave the dogs there alone by themselves, overnight. I’d stay with them at the bf house, or bring them with me to mom’s house.
This press conference tomorrow morning is going to be something else. No matter how they play it, people are going to be so critical. Myself included!

I hope they at least clarify the timeline a bit...

At this point, I'm hoping Mollie took off for a "better" life somewhere, tossing the shirt out the window as she went.... But I'm not very optimistic about that.
That would certainly be consistent with the behavior of a serial stalker, wouldn't it?
Two Words: Occam's Razor.
(ETA: ha, just spotted your signature quote, you're an adherent to OR yourself, I see)
How would Occam’s Razor apply to case where no evidence exists that a crime has been committed?
Hi folks, I'm new here, but I've been fascinated by your insight. While this is an agonizing situation for this poor girl and her family, I have been pleasantly surprised by your respect and concern, as well as your well thought points. So, before I add more questions to this thread, I'd like to first say that my extreme hope is that this young woman is found, and safely returned to those who love her.
The 3 hour conversation is a bit odd to me. It paints the picture of something being wrong somewhere.
From my read here, I'm on board with the thought that she was abducted the morning after the jog.
The search brings questions... Where was the last cell phone ping..? Divers don't only search for bodies, they also look for phones, clothing, shoes... Have they possibly found some of those articles during their dives..?
The farmer with the stalking background... That interview freaked me out a bit. Very twitchy, not looking directly at the camera, gesturing... He really was uncomfortable.
The red shirt... We've all been walking along a road and have seen odd clothing laying around, and thought nothing of it... What triggered this guy to find it to be significant..? Possible blood or hair on the shirt..? Also, as to how it could have gotten there... Could this have been missed by the abductor when he had gotten rid of other articles, and just carelessly tossed..? Maybe a second thought about keeping a trophy..? Maybe a guilty conscience wanting to be caught..?
The hog farm... Has it been searched with cadaver dogs..?
I thank you for your posts and intriguing thoughts...

We've been talking about the red shirt here since the start, so you know the local people are very aware of the red shirt too. I think it stood out to the guy mowing because a red shirt has been mentioned in the news (and it was near where the searches were too, of course).

I know the red shirt isn't confirmed to be hers but something tells me LE wouldn't send out a 2nd, extensive search in that particular area if it wasn't hers.

Lawn mower sees red t-shirt; calls LE; LE verifies then calls for a second look in area. JMO.

Also, still don't believe Mollie would walk to her mom's house late at night or early in the morning. It is a good 20+ min walk, wouldn't it just be easier to shoot your family a text to pick you up? If this was something she normally did then okay but personally don't see it.

This is really a head scratcher on when/where she disappeared. I would hope LE have that answer through FitBit/iPhone data? Or at least a general idea.
This statement makes me wonder who else took notice of Mollie's' running habits in the neighborhood.

"Collum said he often saw Tibbetts running in the neighborhood but didn't on the night she vanished. He has known her family for years and often sat near them during Mass at the local Catholic church. He said she's not the type of person who would run away, and that he's worried she was the victim of a stalker or a random abduction."

Mother of missing Iowa college student recounts last text she sent to daughter
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