Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #23

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Still looks like the PC is on for tomorrow. I'm so ever hopeful that they will be announcing either Mollie has been found, or an arrest has been made. Anything short of that and hope seems to have been lost for a positive outcome IMO, but miracles DO happen. I hope no matter what, no matter how long it takes, the sick expletive that caused all of this rots in hell. But either way, no matter what, their time will come and may God have mercy on their soul.
If Mollie, or any body for that matter, had been found, we would know by now. LE simply couldn’t keep that a secret, especially for any length of time. I think that a reasonable hope would simply be for some details. Much more than that is overly optimistic IMO.
I am now thinking maybe someone Mollie knew showed up at her house. MAYBE Mollie went for her first run and decided against going to her mom's house because she had talked this person
(who showed up at her house) earlier on in the day. This person wanted her to meet them later
after they got off work due to an emergency (I think they told her to please keep it private so she
told no one). Since Mollie was about to go into Psychology maybe this was someone having some
mental issues or something and told her they needed help and didn't want everyone knowing.
Mollie being the nice person she is agreed to help them. She knew this person and trusted them.

I think this person had been stalking Mollie for a while on social media so they knew her routine.

Maybe Mollie got home from her run and slapped her red shirt on really quick to cover up her skimpy jogging top (maybe it was the red shirt because that was just an easy shirt to grab) and did some homework and maybe ate a
bite to eat.

Then this person showed up and Mollie hurried and put the dogs in the basement and left with this person. Maybe Mollie didn't put her glasses or contacts on because she didn't think she needed them. Maybe she thought she was only going to be gone for a short time. And of course she kept her Fitbit and phone with her when she left with this person.

Maybe she sent the Snapchat (which I am thinking they were not able to figure out what house it came from) not long after that in THIS particular person's house (an unknown house). Maybe she sent the Snapchat and this particular person didn't even know she sent it from his house at the time.

I am thinking this person also knows the area really well. I am thinking this person has Mollie
somewhere around WC's house. Maybe he has her captive or something far worse. I think LE
is focusing in that area because that's the area her phone last pinged and now her Fitbit is not
tracking her movements anymore.

Still not sure on the red shirt though. Maybe there was also a struggle near WC's property and that shirt got ripped off of Mollie. But if that was the case the perp's DNA would be on it, UNLESS he was wearing gloves at that time. Maybe he subdued Mollie while in his house and then took her to another location (the location near WC's property)
and she ended up waking up and started fighting him and her shirt came off in the middle of the
fight near WC's property.

Just all MY assumptions. There could be so many scenarios.
DC did not see her arrive home. It was reported that LE told DC that she jogged past his house and made it home safely, etc. He said he had seen her run by his house in the past, but not that day. DR said he saw her at 8pm.

DR originally said 8:30 to 9:30 PM a couple days after she was missing, and then the media stated 9:00. (I think they're approx his original time as he was sure on exact.) DC didn't see her but there was an article somewhere out there in relation to him that went along with 10 PM time frame as relayed to him by the FBI.
I feel it's entirely possible she stepped out again, after the run, for any number of possible reasons. The timing she sent the snap still stands out. to me. I realize we don't have the time of transmission, but I can't see her sending it before her run, (for some reason). Why not wait till you get home from the run, for one thing, and the time he opened it, for another, I don't feel like he would've waited three hours or so, to open her message... (plus I just have always had a feeling she was not grabbed on the run, and that an older person in some position of authority, is behind this).
It’s possible, but why take the exact same things she would take on her run, to include her clothing, and go out again? You’d think she would have showered and changed afterwards. As for the Snap, to me, sending it before the run makes just as much sense as sending it afterwards. We simply can’t make a determination without the benefit of a solid timeline.
DR originally said 8:30 to 9:30 PM a couple days after she was missing, and then the media stated 9:00. (I think they're approx his original time as he was sure on exact.) DC didn't see her but there was an article somewhere out there in relation to him that went along with 10 PM time frame as relayed to him by the FBI.

The reporter says 8:00, the article says 9:00. Her mother says (not in this interview) that she runs for 45 minutes, so I don't think 9:00 is the correct time.

Video: Witness saw missing Iowa jogger night she vanished
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If my kid said she was coming for dinner & then never showed, there would definitely be a couple of “?” texts from me later in the evening, followed by a lot of worrying if I didn’t get a response. If my kid was just asking what was for dinner and answered “Ok”, I might not think they were coming. Everybody seems to be contradicting themselves.
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It’s possible, but why take the exact same things she would take on her run, to include her clothing, and go out again? You’d think she would have showered and changed afterwards. As for the Snap, to me, sending it before the run makes just as much sense as sending it afterwards. We simply can’t make a determination without the benefit of a solid timeline.
As a runner, I can't tell you how comfortable I am in my running clothes. Conditioned runners, sweat a lot less than people think. Also this was a short run, iirc, she likely wasn't drenched, and possibly not even breaking much a sweat. I used to hang out in my running clothes for hours after run sometimes, especially in the summer...
Yeah. I found this some time ago and it ranks it quite safe:

Brooklyn, IA Crime Rates & Statistics

Not sure how they get data.

The Areavibe stats look much more credible to me.
They use a standard metric of incidents per 100,00o people--
not a proprietary index.
Their list of data sources includes FBI Uniform Crime reports.
(See their "Methodology" link. )

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DR saw her at 8, not 9. While there was an article stating 9, if you watch the video of his interview he says 8. I believe 9 was a typo.

I just watched the interview again. Actually, the reporter stated DR said 8PM, not DR. Let me see if I can hunt down his original post from FB and repost it here. (Not the page, just his comment.) Is that allowed on here? I don't want to go against the forum rules.
It’s possible, but why take the exact same things she would take on her run, to include her clothing, and go out again? You’d think she would have showered and changed afterwards. As for the Snap, to me, sending it before the run makes just as much sense as sending it afterwards. We simply can’t make a determination without the benefit of a solid timeline.
It would've been very helpful if DJ would've remembered what the text on the Snap said. I realize he had no idea it would be this important but the message itself could've given insight into when it was sent.
I just watched the interview again. Actually, the reporter stated DR said 8PM, not DR. Let me see if I can hunt down his original post from FB and repost it here. (Not the page, just his comment.) Is that allowed on here? I don't want to go against the forum rules.
I was just about to edit my post because I re-watched it as well and heard it was the reporter not him. :)
As a runner, I can't tell you how comfortable I am in my running clothes. Conditioned runners, sweat a lot less than people think. Also this was a short run, iirc, she likely wasn't drenched, and possibly not even breaking much a sweat. I used to hang out in my running clothes for hours after run sometimes, especially in the summer...
Putting aside the clothes then, why take the rest of the stuff she usually ran with (if the evidence we have is in fact true)? These include her earbuds and cell phone holder.
Anyone know if Mollie's porch light(s) was left on? She turn it on? Unless it was on a timer, is a dimmer-type, or burned out, it might have still been on when her BF got there (after she was reported missing). Or some ppl keep theirs on 24/7.

It matters because she either left (the house) when it was dark, or anticipated returning after the sun already went down. And it matters because it may have at least partially cast light over & onto her driveway, illuminating what was waiting for her or not. Looks to me like a pretty long driveway.

The most logical pick-up point in her route, the place she would be most vulnerable to her own non-witnessed abduction, the road where no one would notice anything out of the ordinary should they drive by, or bike by, in that moment? That moment that conceivably could be as short as literally a moment- as these things can & do happen like lightning- & ppl are so astounded this is happening to them that they simply have no time to think and react?

I think it's her driveway.

It's dark. The cicadas are obnoxiously loud. She's coming up on the house from the yard because she probably cut across. Thinks "Gee, I wonder whose car that is. Well, they're in my driveway, so one of us probably knows them."

She's sweating, thirsty, wants to get inside, deal with the dogs, finish her homework. Eat a little something. And plan a way into work tomorrow. Thinking if she should go pick up the car. Get some brats to bring back.

Again, the scenario where the person in the car, or at the door, is either known, vaguely known, or unknown to Mollie. Unknown can be, "I'm so & so's friend. We met at that party, remember?"

What are the chances anyone's going to see her either get in the car willingly, or get forced in? All the way up her driveway, a car parked there, waiting. Especially a nondescript car, a gray unmarked car. It's just a car in a driveway, no ruckus, nothing to see here, move along. But were this in front of Casey's, that would draw attention. And a camera. Same risk along the more residential streets. --moo fwiw
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"Everybody seems to be contradicting themselves". It's just out of hope. Hope is the last thing left and they're holding onto it for as long as they can. Can't blame them, I would be doing the exact same thing.
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I'm not going to wait to get caught up before answering these, so I hope they aren't real out of place wherever they fall.

I haven't heard/seen LE say that pings brought them out there, but I thought they had denied that it was the case. I know they said something about reading discussions on SM in relation to it, but I'm not sure now if they meant they went there because of what they read, or if they meant they were reading responses onSM to them having gone there. Sorry that's not much help.

I thought the same thing. To many people I know, a town of 1400 is almost a metropolis. As a teen, I lived in a town in Minnesota with 365 people in it. We had 5 gas stations, 2 small grocery stores, 2 bars, 1 liquor store, one supper club and a lumber yard. The town barber worked out of his house. I recently looked at a street view of the town (now almost 4k people) and most of the old houses are still there. It really surprised me when I looked at it, that I never did have any idea who lived in about 1/3 of them. If I had seen a stranger stop to talk to someone (even someone I knew), I wouldn't have thought twice about seeing the person get into the vehicle. I now live in a "big" town of almost 15000, and the same would still be true now, even if I knew the person walking and had never seen the vehicle or driver before.

I think that's slightly misleading, but not totally. I used to say that I thought you were more likely to become a victim of crime in a small town than in a big city, but I'm not sure that's still true today. I'll use an example with fairly easy numbers to work with (and made up statistics). A is a quiet town of 1000 people. On average they have 50 violent crimes a year (domestic violence, bar fights, etc.), which would be about 5000 crimes per 100,000 people. B is a city with 1,000,000 people in it. On average they have about 10,000 violent crimes reported per year (mainly deaths and severe assaults are reported), which would be about 1000 crimes per 100,000 people. Even though B has more crime, A would actually have a higher crime rate. I know my numbers are off for the number of crimes reported in most areas, but I hope it gets my point across.
Hi confusion, you are right, LE didnt confirm the pings, but it has been reported and widely believed that this is the case.
It would've been very helpful if DJ would've remembered what the text on the Snap said. I realize he had no idea it would be this important but the message itself could've given insight into when it was sent.
Absolutely true. Besides the message, what was she wearing? Where was she?
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