Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #5

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is it JMO or does it seem like this happens all to often in American cases where LE don't give much away? I just feel like its different here in the uk. I get people are gonna say.. but they have good reason or its to protect the case but I feel people go missing for far too long and maybe if they shared more info it would help.
It's been a long while since I've logged into WS. Haven't been here since the McStay case. Mollie's case caught my attention due to her ties to Northern California. After reviewing her latest instagram post, I can't shake the feeling that someone desperately wanted to be in her inner circle. Wanted her to pay attention to them, most likely in a romantic way. Probably felt a strong connection to her but that connection was not reciprocated. I won't mention names but one particular post stands out for me. Anyway, I am just thinking out loud here.

Praying for Mollie's safe journey home to her family and loved ones.

That person is the same one that was in the bus picture with her. That stood out for me too. I agree with someone above that there was something a little off there.
Update 4:25 p.m. July 29, 2018: At this time, police have not found any evidence that she returned home from that jog despite reports from the media claiming she did. The family believes she returned home from the jog but police have not confirmed what the family is saying. The police state "She was last seen on July 18 at approximately 7:30 PM while running the city streets of Brooklyn."Poweshiek County Missing Person Update They do not state "She was at home doing homework on her computer when she went missing." Understandably, the family is going through a lot and may have gotten some details mixed up. Like the family originally said she was seen jogging at 5:15 pm we later found out it was actually 7:30 pm. They also said she sent a snapchat at 10 pm and we later found out it wasn't sent at 10 pm it was opened at 10 pm and no one knows what time it was actually sent because once you view the snapchat it disappears forever and since the boyfriend did not know she was missing when he opened it he paid no attention to the time she sent it. Pray for Mollie and her family and keep sharing until she is found.

Facebook post: Locate The Missing

I believe the "Locate the Missing" FB page is devoted to all the Missing in the State whereas the "Finding Mollie Tibbets" FB consists of posts from the Tibbetts family, but is closed to comments. Their last post was 6 hours ago (7/29):

So many asking for updates for Mollie. Unfortunately we have nothing new to share. She is still out there somewhere if ANYONE knows ANYTHING even the smallest detail of where she could be PLEASE call! Please keep sharing her picture everywhere and please keep praying for her return home! Thank you all so much!
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Not implying the "Locate the Missing" is incorrect, only that the statements are not directly from Mollie's family. Page also reports the Sheriff Office set up new email account dedicated for any leads for Mollie Tibbetts investigation, and also a personal email for Mollie's Aunt (happens to be a legal professional).
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Just in one of those thoughtful kind of moods. I was helping my daughter start to make a list of things she needs in the next few weeks as she heads back to college. She'll be living in a house for the first time. She's Mollie's age. It made me teary to think that Mollie and her mom should be doing this too. If it turns out she is alive then some semblance of recovery may be possible. But if it is as most of us suspect, nothing is every going to be the same. It's easy to think of the big things that will always be difficult - birthdays, Christmas, family vacations, weddings, watching her friends graduate and have families, etc. But even things we never thing about will be difficult. I was at the grocery store today and brats were on sale. It felt like I was kicked in the stomach. Even something as simple as brats will now probably forever throw her mother right back to these days. Do any of you experience that brief second or two in the morning when you are just waking up where your brain starts to kick in and you figure out what day it is? Kind of that blur between sleep and reality. When I've had bad times in my life I find that second or two the most difficult because as I move from that hazy of sleep to reality I am smacked in the face with the reality of the bad thing that is going on that was so briefly gone while I was sleeping. I'm sure her mother isn't sleeping at all, expect with help from much needed medication, but someday she will start sleeping again at least some. Will she ever have a morning where those first few seconds of waking aren't like a knife in an open wound reminding her that Mollie still isn't here? My heart just aches for her, I guess more today than ever because of my day with my daughter. I truly hope every sign is wrong and she is still out there and will be home soon.

Oh, how this post touched me. I am so sad for Mollie’s mom.
The media has us believe this the work of a pig farmer. I say Hogwash!
Mollie is stunningly beautiful. I say it was someone who knew she was in that
house alone!! In other words, an insider, someone known to the brothers...
Self-Defense Experts Give Tips for Protection Amid Search for Mollie Tibbetts
Self-Defense Experts Give Tips for Protection Amid Search for Mollie Tibbetts

Boyer suggests carrying a flashlight.

“It's blinding. If I shine it here, I can blind somebody, and in that process for them to re-register their eyes, you can be running away. It slows down the process, but also I can use it as an impact weapon. I can shine it in the eye and then strike with it if I need to,” said Boyer.

He says if the assailant is a man, grab the groin; if you carry pepper spray, make sure the wind is at your back before you spray it; and if you're jogging by yourself, be aware.

“Just having one earbud in allows you to hear other things. You may not be able to hear the music, as well, but again, it's for your own personal safety and possibly safety for somebody else,” said Boyer.

She says it’s her mission to prevent others from becoming a victim.
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is it JMO or does it seem like this happens all to often in American cases where LE don't give much away? I just feel like its different here in the uk. I get people are gonna say.. but they have good reason or its to protect the case but I feel people go missing for far too long and maybe if they shared more info it would help.

Yes and more so if the Feds get involved.
I agree that LE has a tendency to give out as little info as possible in missing persons cases, which to me seems less than helpful. Almost as though LE worries more about “the case” than the person at times, or is pressured to do so by prosecutors. I struggle to understand how giving basic info,such as when she was doing a particular thing could hurt. Could even help if some member of the public not inclined to follow case as closely as we do happens to have some bit of info that contradicts what LE knows, i.e saw her later but assumes it couldn’t be her due to various press articles etc...maybe they just dismiss it to themselves. Imo, the focus should be on whatever it takes to find the person...worry about evidence later. But jmo.
Total speculation, but something I thought of...

What if she was flirting with someone (and/or someone was flirting with her), kinda innocently, but he didn't take it as such. When the person tried to act on what he thought were mutual feelings, she said "no way, I thought we were just having fun flirting (or whatever the kids say today)", he was pissed. Maybe it happened that night that he was upset. He comes to just say hi, in the neighborhood, etc. "come chat with me outside for a few minutes" totally innocent and fun. He thought it might lead to something, given her boyfriend was out of town- it was his chance. She said no, bewildered by his advances. Maybe they were even chatting inside his car, just outside of the house. He pulled off, very angry at her for "disrespecting him and leading him on". Whether she was or wasn't.

I had someone interpret my friendliness and fondness for them as major flirting- like he thought that was 1st was interesting from a human behavior point of view and perspective of a situation. I did not think I was flirting with him at all. Never did a hair flip or an arm touch, hug, etc. It really caught me off guard. Luckily, it was all cool in the end. Makes me think about my interactions with co-workers in a different light.

It could be me projecting. lol, probably is. Just another angle I thought of. I apologize if new info has come up that would prove my theory false. I'm way behind on the thread (darn kids, foster kittens and the new season of oitnb) and can't seem to catch up.
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The family has seemed to pound the fact the red shirt is missing which would imply she got home after the run that night and put it in the next morning for work
LE has held to the fact that she was in jogging clothes when last seen
Both can be true
She was last officially seen while jogging and the shirt could be missing
Has LE commented on finding the jogging clothes at her home she was reportedly seen in? Have they confirmed or denied finding the work shirt?
where are the clothes she wore on the run? Where is the red shirt?
Any comments from LE and the red work shirt?
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