Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #8

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I'm curious if anyone changed their minds after the press conference about what they think happened to Mollie. Did you add any possibilities to your list? Strike out an idea? Become more convinced of your top idea?

Haven't posted in this thread yet, because I didn't think I'd ever reach the end, because it's a hot mess and a half up in here....

But yeah, I did. The PC makes me think they're sure about something, but also that it's not an urgent situation, which isn't great. The only cases I've followed (that I can remember) where LE didn't plead for information are cases where they know what's up already.
This is the problem with analyzing what people say. Sometimes it feels like we're picking over words like we're in some high-school English class. This isn't Shakespeare where every word is carefully chosen, it's an interview with someone who may have lost someone they're close to.

Somewhat OT but after following cases here (mostly a lurker until recent years) for so long, I often catch myself thinking about how my words or choice of photos or shared news or memes on SM would be interpreted if anything horrible ever happened to me. I'm guilty of the overanalyzing as well, especially when we reach a standstill in a case, but it is certainly a good reminder that it is nearly impossible to judge someone by a few words or photos. JMO.
Add boyfriend's brother to the list of cleared. See post #661 up-thread...
"Kriegel told ABC News that Jack's alibi was confirmed and he is not a suspect, and neither is his brother. Tibbetts' two brothers have also been cleared and are not suspects."
Missing college student Mollie Tibbetts: A timeline

Thanks for the timeline link and additional info to clarify this. jmo
The BF's brother is NOT a suspect according to this above msm. I wanted to read it for myself.
It helps to add the MSM link and a portion of the article.
I’m sure with the national attention Mollie’s case had been given, airlines and the resort will accommodate the changed wedding plans. Airlines get enough bad publicity; they don’t need the bad PR if they can’t work with a family given this circumstance. Probably not a refund but credits for when they are ready to have the wedding.

I will be shocked if anything is done. Airlines have passengers with all kinds of issues. And DR has no reason to do anything, I feel.
With the “getting to know Mollie” comment, I am leaning toward her being involved with someone or something that her friends and family were unaware of.
Agreed, I was surprised to read that Mollie had signed a lease with her freshman room-mate for the upcoming schoolyear. I thought at least she would be getting an apartment with her bf for her sophomore year.
I noticed the “top” wording, too. One of the neighbors I’m thinking of was an early social media comment on the police Facebook post with the missing person info. So total speculation and maybe inaccurate. I did think it was interesting that it later came up in MSM but again, shoddy reporting so who knows.
Speaking of sports bras and going OT....I tried on my first sports bra recently at the store. It was a workout just getting it on (at one point I thought I was going to have to purchase the bra while it was still tangled half-way on me) but I have to say, sports bras are so much more comfortable than regular bras (once you get it on).

Okay, back to the case....
I’m sure with the national attention Mollie’s case had been given, airlines and the resort will accommodate the changed wedding plans. Airlines get enough bad publicity; they don’t need the bad PR if they can’t work with a family given this circumstance. Probably not a refund but credits for when they are ready to have the wedding.
Maybe to a certain extent but with the wedding just days away the resort would have already spent money on things for the wedding not to mention turning away other customers because this wedding was booked. It’s likely all or nearly all fees were already paid. They may be able to get some credits but this is most likely an expensive cancellation. And any guests who already booked may not be able to get any refund. But they really didn’t have any choice. I wouldn’t be surprised if the LE even told them not to leave the country. I don’t mean that it was an order. They aren’t suspects. But more so they could be available as the investigation proceeds since they may be needed down the road for more information etc.

It’s just such an awful situation for the couple. Someday they will get married but unless Mollie comes home alive this will always be a cloud over their wedding. I know compared to a young woman potentially being a murder victim a wedding seems trivial but it’s a big deal in this couple’s life. Although it was an accident vs potential foul play here, it kind of reminds me of the death of JFK jr. They were flying to a family wedding and disappeared (and of course were found deceased later) That couple eventually married quietly in a small ceremony but it wasn’t the big wedding and party they had planned for
I'm just wondering, simply, if anyone changed their minds after the press conference. (No need to elaborate if it's against TOS.)

I did.

In a situation like that presser, in which there was, some might say, little or nothing to be learned, others might find, if attention is paid, one's thoughts on the matter quietly reinforced. As in much, I suspect, it depends on what one wants to hear.
I'm sorry...but this thread is moving so fast I can't keep up. :oops:
Could someone please tell me why they are having another news conference on Friday?
They didn’t really give a specific reason except to say that having a press conference every few days was the way they would be communicating with the press from now on. I took it as an instruction to the media to stop calling them and they would only answer questions at the press conferences
The press conference told us little to nothing new. The one thing that can be drawn from it, IMO, is that LE don't know where she is and don't know how she got there. In short, they know very little.

We know a number of important things---
1. she was working on her computer late Wednesday night
2. she was in the habit of running in a sports-bra
3. she is young and attractive
4. the dogs were found in the basement & are fine
5. the boyfriend has been cleared
6. there were no apparent signs of struggle or unlawful entry at the house

Very perplexing case.
For the theory that the pressure of the upcoming wedding and other life pressures somehow got too much for her and she either left with a friend or left by herself, I started a list of things that may point to this.

This is just one theory and there are many other theories that may have more weight. Even LE has said it would not be like her to leave without telling anyone. So I dont necessarily even think this theory is at the top of my list but I am keeping this option open until its confirmed that she was taken against her will.

*very early on police in Utah were asking Utah residents to be on the lookout for her where she has family connections according to this link.

Police in southern Utah ask residents to be on lookout for missing Iowa woman

*Now a confirmed joke to the BF that he should propose to Mollie during the upcoming wedding. Maybe this somehow got back to her.

"Blake jokingly told his brother that he should propose to Tibbetts, his high school sweetheart, during the trip."

Investigators still baffled by disappearance of Iowa student

*certain things in her SM may be interpreted as signs that her goals in life may have been changing. This is very much just an opinion and others may interpret things differently.

*she sure was a busy person with school, a job, dog sitting, no car of her own, etc. Life pressures may have taken their toll.

*3 hour discussion with Dad on the Sunday before she went missing. This may have been normal for her to have long discussions with her Dad. Afterall, he was living out of state so maybe this was normal.

*some of the wording in some of the articles used words that could be construed as talking to her like she had an option to come home. Again this is very much an opinion only and others may not have thought of the articles in that way.
Totally confused whether there were two neighbors or not.
But also confused as to why I've read both black sports bra and, the latest, pink sports bra. What changed and who said what?
This story with this neighbor specifically states that he did not see her on Wednesday July 18th but he had seen Mollie run other days. That just means that he is not a witness to her run at all on July 18th. So, he isn't a witness to the run law enforcement knows she had taken. It can be confusing, and I am not sure why it was included in the story, but it was.
Agreed, I was surprised to read that Mollie had signed a lease with her freshman room-mate for the upcoming schoolyear. I thought at least she would be getting an apartment with her bf for her sophomore year.
Just curious what made you think that? She goes to school in a different city and bf does not attend IIRC. I was in a relationship with my HS bf during college while he was back home and I lived with roommates, not him. I am not seeing anything off about that. MOO.
Nobody has - to my knowledge - ever said it was a pink sports bra.

Someone in this thread called it that, but news reports have only said - at first - a black sports bra, but then later revised that to say a pink sports top. They did not say 'pink sports bra'.

At least that's all I've seen.
Do you recall where you read that it was a pink sports bra ? because I just saw that here today. It's actually quite strange, imo. I also wonder if M. was one of a very few people who ran in the town in the evenings ?
LE is scheduling press conferences every few days and asked reporters not to contact them except at the press conferences so investigators can spend their time on the actual investigation.

That was a weird answer to me. All media requests would go through a spokesman anyway so I can't imagine any media questions are effecting the case or wasting investigators time or anything.

And they didn't answer any media questions in the press conference either, lol. Except for saying they can't comment.

The reporting has been so bad anyway.
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