ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide - Moscow #2

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If you don't know cpr, it's best not to try to do anything, even with the 911 operator walking you through it, you might do more harm than good.

That's actually very wrong. Even if you don't know cpr you can help saving someone's life, for instance by heart massage, making the blood move around the body and reach the brain. You don't need any specjal skills for that. We should not be afraid of administering the basic first aid.
I learned in nursing school that there’s a pretty distinct difference in male vs female perpetrators who use knives. Males tend to stab, either straight in and out if the two people are standing or up and down if the victim is lying down. Females tend to slash, put the knife in and drag it around or swing it around making multiple severe injuries. Male perps are more common but female perps typically cause much more damage to the victim. JMO since this is based on school lecture and my professor’s experiences as a trauma icu nurse.

Even knowing that, I think we are dealing with a male perp, likely under 25, well-known to at least one victim or part of their social circles. Probably “a good kid, just misunderstood” who was rebuffed or didn’t get what he wanted. Imo
Because some women are possibly more likely to be "gesturing" with the knife.
And while we all fall along a scale on aggression, a few million years of evolution and selection make males, generally, much more aggressive and stronger, as in most mammals.

Also, male or female, if you intend evil, you don't hold out the knife, wave it, as in a fending motion as many or most people might do. You use shock and surprise and simply take it out and strike the person hard in thorax.
If you have CQ training in the military. they don't teach you to dance with a knife ala West Side Story. They tell you the best thing you can do is plunge it past the clavicle as deeply and powerfully as possible -- and for behind by surprise if you can.

....You don’t sleep until noon and wake up to a massacre then call 911 and say there’s an unconscious person here. Unconscious? They were butchered. I’d say there was a murder here. ...
Actually if you called and said that a person was seriously wounded and unresponsive. The information police and emergency services might well get from dispatch is "unconscious person." It is more likely than not that the term "murder" would not be used in that first exchange with 911 dispatch. (911 is going to be asking if the person is conscious and or responsive.
This article is in the media-only thread:
Man reportedly threatened students with knife on UI campus

Does anyone know if they ever found this guy? I'm sure they are looking into any possible connections, but I found it strange this just happened in September, and I didn't see any updates.
It was asked by a reporter during the PC if it was connected (towards the end, it's in the media thread). They didn't believe it was. Strange to me though.

ETA: Here's the exact exchange:

University Dean - So, that Vandal alert, we had a group of students walking back to Greek Row from a location off campus. They encountered an individual who is not affiliated with the University. They got into, from my understanding, a verbal altercation and he ended up flashing a knife at them. It was not a stabbing. It was not a stabbing attack. It was a threat, to the best that we know. We sent out a Vandal alert, warning the individuals of our campus community at that time. I don't have the specific date, but it's out there, from that aspect of it and it's my understanding that the individual then later turned himself in to law enforcement and they've addressed what then happens.

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That's actually very wrong. Even if you don't know cpr you can help saving someone's life, for instance by heart massage, making the blood move around the body and reach the brain. You don't need any specjal skills for that. We should not be afraid of administering the basic first aid.
I second this. Actually, it’s the #1 thing they drilled into our heads when I took a CPR certification class.

If a person needs CPR it’s because they’ll die without it. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you should always try anyway. You can’t hurt someone who doesn’t have a beating heart. You might crack a rib or two, but bones heal and death doesn’t.
Six live there and 4 are dead, there is a delay to call police until noon Sunday (911 call), police say there is no threat to community it was targeted. Hmmmmmm. Wonder if they all got along?
I think there are two big clues in LE's "targeted crime" scenario, and in the mayor's initial "crime of passion" statement. How could both things be true? I think it would have to involve parties known to the deceased, ones who were quite probably already on the premises when the victims returned home, ones who are now targets of the investigation, i.e., actively investigated, so that they are under surveillance and thus not threats to others -- although it is doubtful they would be anyway, based on the two statements above re: targeting and crime of passion.
At least one victim overkilled - many, many stab wounds, well beyond what was necessary to incapacitate. This is how I interpret crime of passion plus targeted in this case.
Following the press conference, an Idaho state police spokesperson told The Post the two roommates were female and are not believed to be suspects. The spokesperson additionally said the pair were uninjured and cooperating with investigators.

I believe there is a helpful clarification by Aaron Snell @ ISP reported in this article. I suspect info will come out more in this way now, so long as reporters continue to ask him.
Students sleeping till noon on Sunday is not exactly a rare occurence.
I agree, but 4 were slaughtered in that same house while they were "sleeping" and the police say no threat to community. The 911 call that someone was unconscious, when you can imagine that scene, just makes me speculate. The fact they felt there was no threat, at least they said that initially, makes me think they were suspicious of the others.

OR could it be because the others were not killed, police felt the other 4 were targeted? I think my first scenario makes more sense. 4 people being a target is a lot. JMO
Students sleeping till noon on Sunday is not exactly a rare occurence.
Thank you! Somebody said it. I keep reading these comments and thinking “did none of these people go to college?!”

College students regularly stay up late partying on the weekends and then sleep in. Not only were all the roommates sleeping, but many were probably intoxicated as well. It’s not unfathomable that the killer was able to kill each one in their sleep without anyone waking up. It sounds like he was very efficient which makes me wonder if this was premeditated and he researched how to do it.
MOO I wonder if the murderer was homophobic? Not saying the victims were LGBTQ but could the murderer perceived them that way due to the pics that were posted? MOO
The girl's photos look like what almost every 19-21 year old girls/young woman's photos look like on Instagram. My niece is 19 and this is just how they take photos these days.
I agree, but 4 were slaughtered in that same house while they were "sleeping" and the police say no threat to community. The 911 call that someone was unconscious, when you can imagine that scene, just makes me speculate. The fact they felt there was no threat, at least they said that initially, makes me think they were suspicious of the others.
It seemed to me that the police retracted this sentiment during the presser. They said they think it is an isolated event, but the person is still out there so everyone needs to stay vigilant.

“We cannot say that there is no threat to the community and as we have stated please stay vigilant, report any suspicious activity and be aware of your surroundings at all times,” Fry warned.

Thank you! Somebody said it. I keep reading these comments and thinking “did none of these people go to college?!”

College students regularly stay up late partying on the weekends and then sleep in. Not only were all the roommates sleeping, but many were probably intoxicated as well. It’s not unfathomable that the killer was able to kill each one in their sleep without anyone waking up. It sounds like he was very efficient which makes me wonder if this was premeditated and he researched how to do it.
Yes! Especially if there was a bathroom down there. They'd probably been partying for the past 2 nights and Sunday was a day to sleep,recover, lay in bed and scroll social,text friends about the weekend and order Uber Eats to continue to rest and not move.
And the two serving students didn’t hear the dog bark then what I would imagine to be screaming? It doesn’t make sense. Where was the dog found? 9 hours with 4 slaughtered victims and no one sees anything but blood is dripping on the foundation? This makes no sense to me. This was an inside job and cops know it. 6 people lived there and it’s dead silent for 9 hours? There will be an arrest soon. They know who did this. They had time to shower and clean clothes. Forensics is pulling drain pipes I bet. They had to be covered. Sorry for the gruesome thought but seriously this doesn’t happen while 2 people are sleeping. IMO
It would make sense why LE said there was no threat to community. I don't know how big the house was, but it sure does seem that they would have been awakened. IDK. I could see if the other two were a distance from the murders, and intoxicated that they may have slept through. I wonder what was actually said on the 911 call? If a roommate called, surely they would have seen the blood and said more than there is an unconscious person.
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And the two serving students didn’t hear the dog bark then what I would imagine to be screaming? It doesn’t make sense. Where was the dog found? 9 hours with 4 slaughtered victims and no one sees anything but blood is dripping on the foundation? This makes no sense to me. This was an inside job and cops know it. 6 people lived there and it’s dead silent for 9 hours? There will be an arrest soon. They know who did this. They had time to shower and clean clothes. Forensics is pulling drain pipes I bet. They had to be covered. Sorry for the gruesome thought but seriously this doesn’t happen while 2 people are sleeping. IMO
Good point on the drain pipes, one step further, I wonder if this residence drains into a private septic tank or to the city sewer line. I sleuthed sanitary/septic tanks topics in Moscow and there are reports that private septic tanks are still prevalent. AMOO
Following the press conference, an Idaho state police spokesperson told The Post the two roommates were female and are not believed to be suspects. The spokesperson additionally said the pair were uninjured and cooperating with investigators.

So glad to see this posted, thanks scdiv, I can't imagine them reading all the accusations and thoughts about them. They are victims too IMO.
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