ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 44

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I think he was driving back to PA during the break so that he could get rid of the car. I do think he planned to go back to continue his studies. He could walk to classes since he lived in an on-campus apartment, and eventually get another car. JMO.
Agreed. Instead of flying home for holiday he needed to get rid of the car. He was getting scared. What better way to hide a car than clear over to the other side of the country. He may have given his parents an excuse about having car trouble or maybe his family needed the car returned to them for whatever reason. Who knows but I can understand a parent’s offer to help with driving their kid back east. In addition, it doesn’t surprise me that BK would incorporate his family into all of this when they’re innocent. MOO

Additionally, I’m so thankful for the work LE did and continues to do. Imo, if he wasn’t apprehended he would have killed again. Curious if he’s killed previously too?
This murder was not ongoing front page news in Pennsylvania. Unless someone watches particular cable channels, it’s quite possible not to know about this case at all. I’ve been looking at cable for updates and other than CNN, I haven’t seen anythings (I don’t watch Fox). Many people don’t watch a lot of cable news. Moreover, the authorities did not state they were searching for BK’s car; they said Elantra was 2011-2013 and there were THOUSANDS of them. Who would assume that their Ph.D. student in his first semester would commit mass murder? And finally, their son was in Washington; the murders were in Idaho. We now know that there was only a few miles and a few minutes between BK’s school and the crime scene, but how would someone not really following this story know that?

It’s a fundamental error for true crime followers to assume that most people know about even crimes as well publicized as, say, the Murdaugh killings or the Petito killing. The trial of a man accused of a conspiracy murder of 8 family members in Ohio got zero public attention in my area, even though it’s a neighboring state.
I completely agree with you. Many people in Ohio had heard of the murders you referenced since it occurred in Ohio but had not followed the case or the recent trial. It seemed to me that plenty of people in the midwest were unfamiliar with the Delphi, Indiana murders, even though it received national coverage. It is wrong to assume that people are keeping up with the details of investigations.
Bryan Kohlberger was a teaching assistant - which means he helped with grading and other behind the scenes tasks (e.g.: Blackboard online course materials).
The arrogance that he most likely projected would have been off the hook. This guy wanted power and control, imo.
I'm going to predict, as others here have, that he lost control (by his definition of it) during the fourth murder, resulting in an injury and blood loss, and that's why there are four victims and not six.

He was bleeding and he knew it.

Yes it is likely that the alleged had injuries by that point, but not due to loss of control but due to the defensive acts by his victims. Loss of control is a partial defence to murder (under English law) and given the potential scope of the premediatation it is just not likely to be relevant on these facts for this alleged perp IMO. I predict a stable mind. Also, perhaps he left due to the risk of discovery, rather than injury.
I apologize as this is going to be a bit all over the place. At first, I thought for sure that this was a planned attack. Now, I’m not so sure. He would have to have known that there was not going to be people at the house that night (other than the residents). Why would he have driven his car to the house? Is that arrogance at thinking he wouldn’t be seen or he was already in his car when he got the urge urge/opportunity? Maybe some of this will be answered when the documents are unsealed. Idk
Regarding his DNA profile obtained from a blood sample at the crime scene; there is no way on God's green earth he can explain its existence in the residence or a co-mingling on the victim's bodies. Trace evidence DNA obtained from hair or skin for example can be explained, he can say he once visited the residence. Blood DNA found at the crime scene is basically irrefutable. IMO
@Copper107 Yes.
Also perhaps from fingernail scrapings, if any victim had a chance to claw at BK's bare skin or scalp?
Driving both ways in one month to six weeks could add up to a rent payment! Neither BK or his family seem flush with extra cash from what has been discussed here.

And his dad had the added cost of flying out.

I wonder if BK had hidden his car somewhere after the search was announced by LE or even before.

See this is my whole thing about the cross country drive. People keep saying it’s normal & they do this kind of thing for their kids. I get that, but that doesn’t really apply here. It’s very expensive to do a multi day car trip. It’s the worst time of year for that too. Plus the one way flight for his dad. Hotels, food. When he had to turn around and do it all over again in just a few weeks. If it were summer or my kid was moving back at that point—that would make sense. And I would totally do that for my kid. But this is not that.
I bet he insisted on driving instead of flying. So his dad felt like he had to go.
I don’t think it’s weird at all that his dad went to help him. I think it’s weird and telling that BK put him in that position.
Italicised by me.
Thank you for your detailed reply. I asked this here on the forum because a poster mentioned annoyance at reports of the suspect's father flying to Idaho (rather than to Washington), so I wondered if the nearest airport might actually be in Idaho. Apparently not. I'm sure the police have all relevant information of that nature too.
You're very welcome. Lewiston–Nez Perce County Airport is actually in Idaho, not Washington. Depending on the airline he was traveling with, my sense is the father arrived at either Spokane International or Lewiston–Nez Perce County Airport. So I guess the answer to the OP is that it could have been either state. Given the close proximity, I'm not sure it matters.
Good points. IF this caller is truly Bryan, all of what you said could fit. Or, he’s trying to put scrutiny on Sigma Chi’s to cause more pain and trauma for those involved. I wonder if an incel motive for the murders could also be combined with what a terrorist attempts- to cause as much terror as possible but not really caring if you get caught. OR if you do get caught attempting to cause even more terror all the way to conviction. Will be interesting to see what happens.
Interesting point raised about incel murderers...we've had 2 very well publicized in used a van to mow down pedestrians killing `11 and injuring 15 on April 23, 2018 and another went on a random shooting spree killing 2 pedestrians and wounding 13 on July 22, 2018...Both individual's backgrounds and lifestyle were very similar to BK.
The arrogance that he most likely projected would have been off the hook. This guy wanted power and control, imo.

Students complete evals. Of PhD students who teach and most schools weigh these carefully
If students complained about inappropriate comments regarding women, protected groups, or inappropriate invitations then he may have been called into his supervisor for Red Flags

He seemed to lack social awareness- so it is possible power and lack of social skills could have collided to make a terrible spark to his anger

We don't know how strict he really was. Could have been his fussing about pots and pans was some way of putting pressure on his aunt and uncle rather than really being about meat contamination. I'm not vegan but have heard that all sorts of products without any meat, fish, poultry, dairy, honey etc can cause problems for vegans, possibly even beer, which he drank in Moscow bars according to news articles further back in this thread.
Some of his past schoolmates have commented that be became somewhat of a bully, could be that this demand for new cooking items was just another form of bullying also.
For those who think knowledge about the murders was local, the story was on Canadian news, including details about the arrest. This was an international news story, so people who watch or listen to news across the USA should have known about the murders, the search for the car and the arrest.

Few years ago hubby & I took turns and drove from Oklahoma city to baltimore area straight through except for gas carryout, over 1300 miles, 23 1/2 hours, I can understand having his dad to share driving.

Students complete evals. Of PhD students who teach and most schools weigh these carefully
If students complained about inappropriate comments regarding women, protected groups, or inappropriate invitations then he may have been called into his supervisor for Red Flags

He seemed to lack social awareness- so it is possible power and lack of social skills could have collided to make a terrible spark to his anger

Good point and evals aren't due until the end of the semester so maybe he was anticipating losing the TA position if his evals were deeply negative.
Virtually no one, other than a serious car buff, is going to readily recognize distinctions in nondescript, common cars that are 9/10 vs 12/13 years old. If there was a major design shift they might recognize one as older than the other, but a Hyundai Elantra is possibly one of the most unmemorable cars on the road. I don't think any reasonable person would exclude a car a couple years off the one being searched for. I would hope no one would be that literal. When the handsome guy with his arm in a cast rolls up in his 1968 tan VW beetle and asks you to get in to help him find his lost puppy, DON'T GO, even if the police said they are looking for the 1972 model.

I don't want to retype how such a discussion might have played out with Father & Son ( This was the post I was replying to. WS member had asked wtte of ' why wasn't father suspicious about his son's use of Elntra.' It wasn't about what his father assumes or whether Dad knows 2011-13 Elantra looks same as the 2015, it was about how BK might try & wriggle out of such a conversation.)

so am just gonna paste my previous page from reply 31:

maybe parents did ask BK?
So when a suspicious parent asks their son. What might he say?

a devious, 'clever' perp replies - 'yeah! I actually contacted MPD because I drive an Elantra and I'm only 10 miles away Dad and LE said "thank you for volunteering this info sir, but yours is 2015"... Dad it's such a sickening crime, I can't wait for this semester to end, we're all so freaked out here, we're all scared there's a spree killer on the loose, even WSU students are freaked out....'

we just don't know, it's one possible scenario of many
Could be. On the other hand, he seems to have lost a really striking amount of weight, so I’d be surprised if it was just about bossing around others.
The alleged may have lost weight due to over exercise and aggression, and not due to an eating disorder. What I am talking about also goes beyond just bossing people around, but rather finding an outlet for aggression and controlling behaviour by any and all means. I just very much doubt this alleged offender had an eating disorder despite losing a lot of weight and being overbearing about cooking implements, but that it stems from a drive for dominance and control - rather much like other mass murderers. But it is speculation - he may have lost weight over a long period of time, it may be due to hormones, drug use, alcoholism, etc., neither therefore an eating disorder or a controlling mindset.
He's been described as a genius who thinks he's brighter than his peers and studied Psychology , so yes, you'd think so

It will take a while, but hopefully if/when we get some fuller detail of his post-crime behaviour we'll get a better picture of just how devious he is. Or whether he's really not very smart.

It struck me that the neighbour who complained about his noise ( cleaning & vacuuming noises 1-2am ) might have been hearing him attempt to do a thorough clean of his apartment. She said the late night noises stopped 3 weeks ago.

However, considering that he's left DNA at the crime scene, is it really likely that he's managed to scrub every trace of digital evidence from, eg. the hard drive which was just taken out of his apartment? From his office laptops, his phone? From the car? Did he cover those modules when he was at DeSales University?

Did he purchase forensic supplies from a commercial, online supplier for physical clean-up of the car and do a professional job?

My hunch is no, he's not actually very smart but likes to perform an appearance of being smart.

' That continued at Pennsylvania's Northampton Community College, according to one of Kohberger's friends, who requested to remain anonymous because of her job.
"He's really, really intelligent. A bright kid . . . someone who stood out even in honors and high-level classes," intellectual who "was very interested in the way the mind works"

quotes from this link:

Good points. I might've missed the article, but what is the source of the neighbour's comments?
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