ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 47

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Is it possible they halted after BK asked if anyone else was arrested? Ive always thought there is an accomplice and with his statement after being arrested Im all in on that theory. MOO
Probably because that is what he wants you to think.
He simply must have planned for what he would do and say if caught.
Then again here's me applying logic to a vacuum.
Not #ornery.
The father just looks like he is holding on with a thread. Nobody wins on either side when someone like BK does such despicable acts of evil.
Yes. That’s a perpetual nightmare from which there is NO awakening.
Gotcha. Not only a valid stance to take, IMO, but also a necessary one for some of us to take. In the days before his arrest, I had three main types of theories I was juggling and now have new theories about what will happen in this case.

I am fairly convinced by the high school companions (two of them) who have talked and been quoted by MSM as mentioning a serious problem with heroin. It fits with other things about his background, but it also fits with statistics about heroin use in our nation - it's more of a problem in high school kids in PA than I had realized. Where I live, it's mostly meth for high school students (and cannabis/alcohol).

We may never get any proof about his life history. Most of it won't be relevant at trial. So you may remain agnostic, which is an honorable thing to do. I think this guy will write his own story - but that won't be "proof" for me. I don't usually look for "proof," I am more about finding the best hypotheses (ones that may not have perfect proof, but have never been disproven.)

A never disproven statement is a fact, in my world, or at least the closest thing to it.

Every human child has two and only two biologic parents, things of that sort. That's never been disproved and is, IMO, a fact.

Do I know for a fact that BK's parents are his bio parents? Nope, I do not. But they are some kind of parent to him, as I also think it's a fact that all small children must have someone to raise them, and it seems they raised him and a sibling (according to MSM). I believe all of that. In my mind, it is a fact that BK's dad drove with him across the country, etc. If it's disproven, I'll revise.
if we ever get the truth of her personal history and journey, you can bet it will be personally penned by BK and no one else.

Now that is a solid read. It was a pleasure reading this post. Especially the “heroine addiction” connection to a possible causation for the emotional disconnect being described in the press (by those professing to know BK). Prolonged usage of such a narcotic has been reported to damage such neuro-chemical receptors (often times permanently).

Yep. I had a post ready to go last night with a bunch of citations, I think I deleted it as others were covering the topic so ably, as is often the case here.

I went down a rabbit hole on the dopamine part, though. It's sad and scary. Tons of studies of people who have abstained from heroin - most studies want six months of regular use to put the person inside the brain study, so it's not like it has to be years of use. Also, some studies suggest that heroin use during teen years is particularly prone to causing longer term effects in the brain. These effects appear to change the "hard wiring" of the brain and are likely permanent. It's *so* hard to beat heroin addiction.

Judging by overdose data, PA is not the worst state in the union, but it certainly has a higher rate of heroin related deaths (an index of heroin use) than most states.

Sometimes addicts do choose a new place to live based on non-availability of their drug of choice (this is advised by treatment programs). AFAIK, Idaho is way down on the list of heroin use/overdoses (as is Washington state and the nearby PNW states).

(See map above). While PA is the medium blue color, its actual states put it at the high end of that category - just a few deaths away from being its neighbor, West Virginia.
What makes u think he would only date supermodels ? I haven’t found anything to do with his sexuality or romantic relationships.
I kind of got the same impression, after hearing some reports of how he treated women co-workers and women servers in places he was going to eat/drink. He apparently came onto women, aggressively, and when rebuffed he would be angry and rude. That seems like the behaviour of someone who over reaches, imo.
These threads are moving so fast! Has anyone posted about the traffic violation that BCK got for not wearing his seatbelt in Latah County in late August 2022? This means LE had the color, make/model of his vehicle + license plate number the entire time.

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I've been thinking about this now. It is kinda funny, yet lucky (and also logical), how murderers getting caught in connection to a traffic violation is a thing. First that comes to mind is the murderer of Faith Hedgepeth, who was caught due to a DUI and therefore his DNA entering the system (I am waiting for updates so bad on that one). So now we have BK who seems to think he is oh so smart, but still does not even manage to avoid a seatbelt charge - and even uses that very same car for a murder!

IMO, the common denominator in traffic violations and commiting murder is lack of impulse control (and, often, yes, a certain disregard for rules). One of my professors at uni was doing research on driving ager/road rage and pointed out, that it is one of those contexts, where it is socially acceptable to lash out at minor details, so it reflects how anger-prone a person is way better than general life-situation surveys, where the social-aceptablity-bias causes people to distort their answers. I feel like this difference in acceptability might be extended to attitude towards law violations (traffic vs other) and maybe even some other aspects, too (someone who steals a bread is seen as a criminal, even in hungry, though frankly, it is not hurting anyone as big stores throw away tonnes of food; while someone driving with a red light is seen as a minor thing, even though you are endagering the lives of others at the sake of your own impatience).

Anyhow, no idea how big of a role that seatbelt charge played in BK getting caught, but it reflects to me that he is so very far from a mastermind. I'm still waiting for possible very personal motive regarding one or more of the girls.
something i have been wondering about.. BK lived in a state without death penalty, but crossed the border to allegedly commit quadruple murder in a state that does have death penalty. what are your thoughts about this?

i’ve been thinking, does that make it more likely that it was targeted? because if he wanted to randomly kill people, wouldn’t it make more sense to commit murder in washington where he wouldn’t risk death penalty? or perhaps he didn’t care, didn’t think he would get caught anyway or maybe it even added something for him? or perhaps he didn’t consider it at all.

just thinking out loud, MOO
Good point, but I don't think he cares about the death penalty aspect as appeals and such usually take years and years as the incarcerated person sits on death row. IMO, he figured he'd deal with that when/if it happened.
JMO, just guessing, but it looks like he never thought he would be caught by LE. Now he's in a panic because he didn't plan for this.
Or all the media attention on him and his family. He never intended/thought anyone else would be the wiser.
Just like the GSK. Gotta love Familial DNA.

Although this lame brained criminal (BCK) had the police following him all the way to his family home in PA and, perhaps, even collecting trash from his father's meals. There were *so* many vectors by which they could have done genealogical DNA analysis to find him - I"m just glad they used GEDMatch early on, and that they *could* use it, as it means they have very good samples of his DNA.

Which does indeed puzzle me and I can't wait to find out what other mistakes he made (or how clever the forensics were).
He scares me too. I would not want to wake up looking into that face. Especially since he's calm in that picture, and not frenzied while committing multiple murders.
From all the videos and photos I’ve seen of BK, he’s not an emotionally expressive person. Review the clip as he accepts his diploma and walks across the stage. He glares at the presenter, and never even ONCE cracks the slightest smile or expression of happiness. Odd indeed. Actions always speak louder than words.

I think the whole subject is overblown. Chances are if you study criminology, you studied a serial killer. Also, there is a good chance that you had a well know prof that studied serial killers and probably writes books. Most social science tenured profs publish.
Also, chances are if you're that way inclined studying criminology or not you'd have done your research into serial/mass murderers.
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