ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 18

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My recollection is that law enforcement has only revealed two victims were killed on the second floor and two were killed on the third floor.

Coroner said all in bed, then “most in their beds” which can be interpreted a few ways.

I don’t recall which official source recently said they were all suspected to have been asleep when attacked. That would not necessarily mean all four victims were found in bed the next day, but it implies they were in bed when attacked.

Long ago, KG’s sister implied in an interview that K&M died together and it sounds like KG’s father has now said they were in one bed together (correct me if wrong, I did not watch the vigil).

Long ago, Ethan’s mom said “They (X&E) were in the same room” which can again be interpreted a couple ways. Given all of the above, I would assume they were in bed together when attacked.

JMO and to the best of my recollection.
As I recall and indicated in previous thread, initial MPD presser had Chief say all 4 were "likely asleep" when stabbed.
The family of KG has been through an unspeakable tragedy. I don't even know how they are functioning. However, MOO is it might be time for them to either A) - Stop talking to the media entirely or B) - Do interviews but make it clear the only questions they'll answer are about who their daughter was in life. Her vibrance, her kindness, her hobbies, etc.

I have a pit of my stomach feeling that many media outlets are using the family to pump them for info they know that LE hasn't released publicly. Listening to the last few interviews from KG's Dad and sister, virtually the only questions asked are about the investigation. This makes me sick because it shows me that the interviewers - and there have been multiple ones - only care about sensationalistic aspects and getting clickbait headlines about "never before released" details of the crime and IMO they are taking advantage of a family in shock, grief and despair.

I have noticed that the initial interviews from EC's parents all focused on who he was. He was funny, loved football which is Mom didn't but watched NFL scores anyway so she could talk to him about them, kind, a triplet, etc. They painted such a beautiful picture of their son. However, either they've gone silent or press won't talk to them anymore because they tried to pump them for info and the family wouldn't budge.

Kaylee seemed like an amazing person and I really wish the interviews with her family would only focus on that. I'd ask the media to stop trying to take advantage of this family but I know that's an exercise in futility. I had a low opinion of most MSM coming into this case, and IMO this exploitation has done nothing but solidify those thoughts.

I heard KG's speech at the vigil and I hope that any further interviews with media can focus on that because the man clearly loves his little girl.
Excellent post! These beautiful souls are angels now. I’d much rather see their lives celebrated in honor rather than the poor families being pumped for investigation purposes only.
Excellent post! These beautiful souls are angels now. I’d much rather see their lives celebrated in honor rather than the poor families being pumped for investigation purposes only.
LIstening to all the parents speak at the vigil made me more and more frustrated with the MSM folks who in interviews with the family of KG keep asking him about the investigation and what he can share vs. "tell us about Kaylee". It has become abundantly clear what their focus is and it's not on the victims which is sickening. They want to be the first ones to report "never before released facts!" to generate clickbait.

MM's Dad's speech about broke me. As the father of a teen girl, I know exactly what he's talking about because I'm just as proud of my little girl and I can't even imagine what he's going through. Even if it will be hard to get through, I highly suggest everyone listen to the vigil speeches. You'll probably get teary eyed like I did, but it's a beautiful tribute to who these kids were in life.
That Dad said they were sleeping in the same bed doesn't compromise the investigation at all, because it is doubtful that law enforcement told him that. He is probably making a reasonable assumption (a likely true one based on his experiences), and is rationalizing his grief, which any of us would do. We would all hope that our children didn't die alone, and if there was any chance that they didn't we would err on the side of optimism.

My opinion.
Why are you so sure that does not compromise the investigation?
Catching up, is the forum of the belief that the bedroom doors were locked by the killer after the deed was done, then he vanishes without waking the two other roommates.
Curious if the doors were locked on the way out
The family of KG has been through an unspeakable tragedy. I don't even know how they are functioning. However, MOO is it might be time for them to either A) - Stop talking to the media entirely or B) - Do interviews but make it clear the only questions they'll answer are about who their daughter was in life. Her vibrance, her kindness, her hobbies, etc.

I have a pit of my stomach feeling that many media outlets are using the family to pump them for info they know that LE hasn't released publicly. Listening to the last few interviews from KG's Dad and sister, virtually the only questions asked are about the investigation. This makes me sick because it shows me that the interviewers - and there have been multiple ones - only care about sensationalistic aspects and getting clickbait headlines about "never before released" details of the crime and IMO they are taking advantage of a family in shock, grief and despair.
snipped & bolded by me, just to respond to this aspect of your post.

Steve Goncalves said in passing, in an early interview with a Fox reporter ( younger, stocky, black guy, sorry don't recall his name right now) that after he'd had interactions with PI who'd offered help in this case, that Steve had then said to LE
wtte of ' can I not just get this detail out there to help with the investigation as ' this reporter has been really good to me' that LE responded no, please don't do that.

I will try & refind that old fox clip.
So yes, at the time I also wondered if reporters were cultivating Steve

Anyway, just to add, LE would say that it's also unethical for PI's to contact families to offer help in the middle of an investigation ( can compromise future prosecution cases etc)
Personally I can understand why Steve ( and other bereaved ) feel like they're in a impossible situation - unless we get a speedy resolution to this case
Loose lips sink ships.
My thoughts on conflicting statements. Moscow PD is probably as frustrated at the public statements made by the mayor and prosecutor as we are. Unfortunately, there is nothing they can do about it except plead for them to stop and express their annoyance behind the scenes. The mayor is their boss and the county prosecutor is the chief law enforcement officer in the county.
Normally a mayor is expected by the citizens to make some kind of statement when a major event occurs in their jurisdiction. However, this should be limited to expressing their confidence in their PD and committing to provide the resources need to assist in the investigation. Normally the district attorney or, in this case, the county prosecutor would not begin making public comments until it’s time to prepare for trial other than perhaps commenting on the fact that they are working with the pd to assess probable cause etc. They should not be throwing out the evidence to a wandering journalist.
I think Moscow PD has tried to be as transparent as possible in keeping the public informed. I think their press releases have provided much information to the public, but for some reason, the general public is not satisfied until they parade out a group of LE personnel from all the agencies along with a sprinkling of elected officials to answer questions. Press conferences keep people away from the business of investigating the case and usually devolve into misquotes and/or misinterpretation.
If you live in a small town where 4 horrific murders took place in the middle of the night by a perpetrator who slipped away into the darkness, does LE really have to tell you if it was targeted or random in order for you to take the precautions you should be taking? Back when the Boston Strangler was causing panic in the City and people were buying locks and weapons until the supply ran out, LE begged women not to open their doors to strangers. He continued to kill because folks didn’t listen or they didn’t think it could happpen to them.
Yes, people want answers, but, unfortunately, sometimes answers aren’t immediately forthcoming.
Well said. Absolutely. I think the families, it’s part of their grieving process, but I think also they are appealing to armchair detectives to solve this case as well as thinking that they’re continuing to put pressure on LE to solve it quicker. As though, like you say, like those guys are sitting around twiddling their thumbs thinking this is no big deal. They don’t need any more pressure to tell them that they need to solve the case.

And then you have LE playing defense here to all the criticism and also the reporters who are out for their soundbites to try to give new nuggets of info. You hit the nail on the head. Loose lips sink ships. It’s counterproductive to the entire process for them to give any information, as much as we would like to know it. You end up giving the killer a heads up and potentially end up turning this case on its head and ruining it. I don’t understand how all these folks are not told that time and time again. I hope that they just stop refusing doing any interviews and just do press releases so maybe those reporters will go home and stop trying to get a sensationalized sound bite for shows for ratings. They have a maniacal killer to put behind bars.
Reasons why they may believe it’s targeted: two people there that aren’t residents. One was in for the weekend. Multiple cars parked out front. Generally, we leave a car parked outside of our home. While it may welcome car theft…it alerts them that someone is home. Idaho is pretty right leaning and no one had a gun. Did the killer know that? That large of a home with that many people the killer was very brave. The basement girls could have easily dialed 911. In college I had a very bad incident happen. We all think we’re being safe. My apartment manager saved my life by foiling their plot, only she was nearly killed. This happened within a 3 hour window and was all cleaned up before I returned to my apartment. This scene is too personal. This person knew they were drunk and would pass out…or did he. Has anyone stated that the boyfriend and girlfriend were drunk? There’s some things that don’t add up. I’ve rented a basement apartment. You hear everything!
I believe the calls made in the early hours were probably to obtain some substances to allow the party to continue. (I know when both myself and a friend call the same person at 2:30am, that’s usually the case, so no judgement here.)
I think this explains why both the family and police were very quick to say this was a non-issue without giving a rationale. There were likely texts sent which explain why the calls were made, or at least alluding to why the calls were made.
The calls in my opinion are a distraction and not relevant to what occurred that night.
The fact that LE have said when people come forward with information: ‘we aren’t interested in the activities, only the investigation’ tells me that they believe drugs are probably commonplace. - Not much else students would worry about discussing with LE.
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snipped & bolded by me, just to respond to this aspect of your post.

Steve Goncalves said in passing, in an early interview with a Fox reporter ( younger, stocky, black guy, sorry don't recall his name right now) that after he'd had interactions with PI who'd offered help in this case, that Steve had then said to LE
wtte of ' can I not just get this detail out there to help with the investigation as ' this reporter has been really good to me' that LE responded no, please don't do that.

I will try & refind that old fox clip.
So yes, at the time I also wondered if reporters were cultivating Steve

Anyway, just to add, LE would say that it's also unethical for PI's to contact families to offer help in the middle of an investigation ( can compromise future prosecution cases etc)
Personally I can understand why Steve ( and other bereaved ) feel like they're in a impossible situation - unless we get a speedy resolution to this case
Absolutely agree - note that I don't blame Steve at all. He must feel like he's lost at sea without a life raft here and there's no blueprint for the 'correct' way to handle it. My blame falls squarely on media sources who cultivate relationships early on and befriend family members for disingenuous reasons aka to pump them for info in later conversations.
That Dad said they were sleeping in the same bed doesn't compromise the investigation at all, because it is doubtful that law enforcement told him that. He is probably making a reasonable assumption (a likely true one based on his experiences), and is rationalizing his grief, which any of us would do. We would all hope that our children didn't die alone, and if there was any chance that they didn't we would err on the side of optimism.

My opinion.
This troubles me.

If true, this fact, so far, been known only to the killer and the LE team.

This detail could explain to some detail what was on killer's mind when he went to kill and did not stop until he killed 4 people. It is purely insider's information and the parent should have thought of why LE is not willing to disclose it. Because LE have reasons not to disclose this and others known only to them and the killer facts. Such as where the dog was, where the bodies were, which flatmate was attacked first etc. Just to name few.

Why do you think they do not want to disclose? Hardly unlikely just because they want to keep their cards close to the chest.

There are other reasons.

Imagine that tomorrow someone goes to Idaho police station and says 'i did it' and starts telling a story based on facts which mostly media and some of the parents are so willing to report.

Then, the police starts investigating his story, allocating resources and effectivelly stops investigating other leads they have now.

Only for police to find out 3 weeks along the road that this person has nothing to do with the murders. He made it up, but because there were so many details of intimate pictures of the crime scenes, this person easily fooled the police, albeit for a while, that he is the perpetrator.

In meantime, the real perpetrator goes away with murder.

Do you think this is not a compromising of an investigation?

And who will cry first that police are incompetetnt?
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Reasons why they may believe it’s targeted: two people there that aren’t residents. One was in for the weekend. Multiple cars parked out front. Generally, we leave a car parked outside of our home. While it may welcome car theft…it alerts them that someone is home. Idaho is pretty right leaning and no one had a gun. Did the killer know that? That large of a home with that many people the killer was very brave. The basement girls could have easily dialed 911. In college I had a very bad incident happen. We all think we’re being safe. My apartment manager saved my life by foiling their plot, only she was nearly killed. This happened within a 3 hour window and was all cleaned up before I returned to my apartment. This scene is too personal. This person knew they were drunk and would pass out…or did he. Has anyone stated that the boyfriend and girlfriend were drunk? There’s some things that don’t add up. I’ve rented a basement apartment. You hear everything!
Absolutely agree - note that I don't blame Steve at all. He must feel like he's lost at sea without a life raft here and there's no blueprint for the 'correct' way to handle it. My blame falls squarely on media sources who cultivate relationships early on and befriend family members for disingenuous reasons aka to pump them for info in later conversations.
wonder if it might help with the frustration if he spoke to a lawyer who can go thru some of the niche stuff about how an investigation or a prosecution can be compromised ?
or even a retired cop?

tbh most big news organisations also have specialist trial and law reporters who can help familiarise the viewers with this topic - that way we could all learn more.

also wonder if the PD should get Steve & Olivia on board & channel that desire to help & assuage some of that frustration & helplessness? public appeals, pleas etc? I don't know, just a thought.
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