ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 27

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Danny Rolling killed all 5 over a period of 3 days. He did 2, then day later he did 1, then 2 days after that he killed the last 2.

And he killed before coming to Gainesville in Aug 24-27 1990
He killed three people in Shreveport LA (father, daughter, and grandchild) in Nov 1989
He also shot his own father in the head (survived) in May 1990

Soft targets. Many aspects of the home and the victims made these soft targets. Recalling the safety reminder issued by Moscow PD to remain vigilant, travel in pairs…I think in addition having a “sober” friend for any group out drinking could be added. It’s often preached to have a designated driver, but I myself know that doesn’t apply if you can just walk to where you’re staying.
I don’t know how I managed to escape my wild years alive, but I can 100% assure myself it was barely.
Also, on the white Hyundai, it may be telling by whom doesn’t identify themselves as being in that car.
The timeline seems risky for the perp. Weekend night, more people in the house and likely to be more activity in the neighborhood. The bedroom light goes out at 3am…the victims could easily have still been awake and scrolling on their phones. No guarantee they’re all asleep from the perp’s viewpoint. Why that night?
I’ve wondered the same, and if it indicates that something had happened that night to create a sense of urgency.
What do you mean?
There's an outside chance that LE wants the killer to believe that they are looking for the wrong car. The more hapless and clueless that LE appears, the more smug, relaxed and overconfident the killer becomes, the more likely he is to make a huge mistake like opening his big mouth.

My question is with the preplanning of this crime. Would the killer choose to drive a bright white car that would stand out like a sore thumb in the darkness around the vicinity of the crime scene?

I also think they are heavily invested in investigating both the "skinned dog" report and the unsolved knife attacks in Oregon and WA. Why allow the killer to think they are on his trail? Let the killer think that LE see's no connection.
The fact that an edged weapon was used in the murders does not rule out the possibility that another weapon was also used/ or available in case the victims were able to try to overpower the attacker.
That’s a really good point. The Zodiac showed h is victims a semi-automatic handgun to gain control of them at Lake Berryessa, but stabbed them once they were bound.
The timeline seems risky for the perp. Weekend night, more people in the house and likely to be more activity in the neighborhood. The bedroom light goes out at 3am…the victims could easily have still been awake and scrolling on their phones. No guarantee they’re all asleep from the perp’s viewpoint. Why that night?
Yeah I was thinking the same thing.

More likely that bfs would be staying over also.
Also it was holidays so more likely that nobody's home also.

It would make more sense to do it on a weeknight during term time
I think the chance is high. Question is, is it a local serial killer? Or someone who travels to Idaho, for whatever reason?

I read many times that SK "hunt" not so far from home. Israel Keys seems to be an outlier, but maybe not. It is quite possible that he simply moved frequently due to work, and his kills were not that far from periodic abodes.

So a serial killer who ends up in a student town, who could he be? Either he belongs to a student group, or maybe is from the teachers cluster (why not?), or he has a hobby that frequently brings him to Idaho?

We said, hunting. I would think, skiing, including cross-country. There are star garnets in Idaho, maybe someone mining stones in US/Canada? This corner, Mo-ID-Ore-WA-BC is the prospectors' haven (In this case, the connection with Oregon is possible - Oregon sunstone and agate, need to check if that area is far from the Oregon murders).

Another question, we have always looked at ID or WA when we discussed crossing Canadian border. What about traveling to the other side, Montana or North Dakota, and crossing there? Or in general, could the killer be from Montana? I understand that statistically, Montana is not as populated, but it is possible, as it is very close to Idaho.

P.S. I looked up the mining places. Between Fernsdale, ID and Moscow it is about one hour. Sapphire Mountains of Montana are on its Western side, close to ID border. Oregon sunstones are not that close to Salem, in its East-Southern corner, but not that far from Moscow. Just an idea about another job that might bring a traveling SK to Idaho.
I’m keeping an open mind about who the killer is and what the motive was. But, assuming a serial killer and continuing your conversation:

Bartending would give a perp access to lots of information about people without much consequence.

University jobs like career coach, mentor. club advisor, advocate, etc give a huge amount of access to students too. There is probably more scrutiny here, but more trust too.

There are many groups that host events on campuses, even though they aren’t officially part of a university. Putting these events together offers employment to many people.

All the buildings in the area need maintenance.

Cars need mechanics.

Many jobs are remote now.

All these jobs offer access and time flexibility.
I have a question regarding murder investigation in general, for anyone in the know.

Since we are almost a month out from the murders, would LE already be re-interviewing potential witnesses, or is the investigation so big that they wouldn’t have gotten to that point yet? I realize this is something they probably won’t discuss with the public.
Yes. When you have a first interview with someone, you are taking their statement. You then can’t just take their word for whatever they’ve told you. You have to vet the info. If you find a discrepancy, you bring them back in for clarification. This continues until such time as you are either satisfied with the information they have given you or you can’t corroborate it. This is how they start to build their list of POI’s.
I have to add, that this is a huge investigation, as you said. They will prioritize the information they have developed as to what will be followed up on first. For instance, one witness says a space ship landed in the back parking lot and he/she saw the bloodied killer emerge from the victims‘ home, jump into the spacecraft, and fly away. (And yes, this is the type of information you get on tip lines.). Another person tells police he was walking his dog about a block away from the murder scene around 3:30 on that Sunday morning, when he saw a shadowy figure with a backpack emerge from between two buildings, go further down the street, and get into a parked car on Taylor Ave. He drove off in the direction of Hwy 95s. I’m using these examples because you said potential witnesses.
However, if you are interviewing someone who may be possibly involved, you go through the same vetting process, most importantly vetting their alibi. Then you go from there.
Yes. When you have a first interview with someone, you are taking their statement. You then can’t just take their word for whatever they’ve told you. You have to vet the info. If you find a discrepancy, you bring them back in for clarification. This continues until such time as you are either satisfied with the information they have given you or you can’t corroborate it. This is how they start to build their list of POI’s.
I have to add, that this is a huge investigation, as you said. They will prioritize the information they have developed as to what will be followed up on first. For instance, one witness says a space ship landed in the back parking lot and he/she saw the bloodied killer emerge from the victims‘ home, jump into the spacecraft, and fly away. (And yes, this is the type of information you get on tip lines.). Another person tells police he was walking his dog about a block away from the murder scene around 3:30 on that Sunday morning, when he saw a shadowy figure with a backpack emerge from between two buildings, go further down the street, and get into a parked car on Taylor Ave. He drove off in the direction of Hwy 95s. I’m using these examples because you said potential witnesses.
However, if you are interviewing someone who may be possibly involved, you go through the same vetting process, most importantly vetting their alibi. Then you go from there.
Thank you.
Just an observation because I have a problem sleeping soundly. I have never heard of people sleeping thru a massacre of 4 people within a closed space. Or sleeping thru 6, 7, 8, or however many phone calls one after another. I find that very odd and sad because maybe, just maybe, they could have had some info to help make sense of this tragedy. Seems as if the crime was committed in a vacuum or an alternate universe! JMO
I could sleep through the roof being blown off. Especially if I've been drinking.

Some people hear every tiny sound and others sleep like the dead (for lack of better words).

I don't think we can judge the roommates based on our own sleep habits.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing.

More likely that bfs would be staying over also.
Also it was holidays so more likely that nobody's home also.

It would make more sense to do it on a weeknight during term time

Unless it had to do with the person's own alibi. His absence on a weeknight during term time could be easier noticed.
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>

This is the thing that is fascinating to me. They don't have a suspect so they claim, yet they are warning students this weekend to stay in groups because the Moscow PD thinks the killer might strike again this weekend. This whole case is weird.
Well I thought it was odd to recommend a group would be safe ,when this person murders in groups but maybe it is just me?
I replied to your previous unedited post.
Hope it’s not confusing.
But to consider those heinous murders as a what- one off solution- to what? How?
No one not deranged and psychopathic would plan and execute mercilessly up close and personal murders like these!
And not sit back and what- not feel “rage” again?
The obvious answer to your questions is: The attack was targeted. Once the target(s) is taken care of, there is no need for further action. Of course, another target could enter the picture in the future, or maybe never again.
Well I thought it was odd to recommend a group would be safe ,when this person murders in groups but maybe it is just me?
True but these were sleeping people. Now I just thought of something:
This guy may not have needed lights on if he was using military type night goggles. Been readily available for many years now.
Is this the first time that's been mentioned?
All along I've thought this could have been a military/intel agency/special ops/martial ops trained guy.
My opinion.
True but these were sleeping people. Now I just thought of something:
This guy may not have needed lights on if he was using military type night goggles. Been readily available for many years now.
Is this the first time that's been mentioned?
All along I've thought this could have been a military/intel agency/special ops/martial ops trained guy.
My opinion.
No. It has been discussed throughout all the previous threads.
Yes. When you have a first interview with someone, you are taking their statement. You then can’t just take their word for whatever they’ve told you. You have to vet the info. If you find a discrepancy, you bring them back in for clarification. This continues until such time as you are either satisfied with the information they have given you or you can’t corroborate it. This is how they start to build their list of POI’s.
I have to add, that this is a huge investigation, as you said. They will prioritize the information they have developed as to what will be followed up on first. For instance, one witness says a space ship landed in the back parking lot and he/she saw the bloodied killer emerge from the victims‘ home, jump into the spacecraft, and fly away. (And yes, this is the type of information you get on tip lines.). Another person tells police he was walking his dog about a block away from the murder scene around 3:30 on that Sunday morning, when he saw a shadowy figure with a backpack emerge from between two buildings, go further down the street, and get into a parked car on Taylor Ave. He drove off in the direction of Hwy 95s. I’m using these examples because you said potential witnesses.
However, if you are interviewing someone who may be possibly involved, you go through the same vetting process, most importantly vetting their alibi. Then you go from there.
Thank you for posting this. I have another general question. In a case with multiple victims (in any case, not necessarily just this one) does LE generally treat the entire crime scene as one scene, or is the location of each victim considered to be a separate crime scene with different investigators for each victim? Or does it vary from LE agency to LE agency (i.e. how a police department in PA treats it may be different than a police department in FL?)
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