ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 29

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It is heartbreaking. I've wondered from the first time I read about how K & M spent the hours before going home at a local bar, and how that day there was a Big Home Game with hundreds and hundreds of people from out of town (as well as sorority & fraternity events being hosted), whether something happened that made them uncomfortable and/or someone slipped them something that made them feel off during that time.

If so, that could explain in the video from outside the grub truck after they left the bar, why they seemed to be ignoring everyone around them & acting super focused on their phones & acting like they wanted to just be left alone & get their food & get home. In addition, it looked like they were a bit unsteady on their feet -- maybe more so than from a few drinks throughout the night. IMO it's not out of the question (toxicology reports would have to assess this) that they were "roofied" at the bar, which is an unfortunately too common way predators can secretly & severely disable women out drinking in public, and then later when bad things happen to the woman, it is implied it was their own fault because they had too much to drink, classic victim setup, disabling, and blaming behavior.

In the video, one of them (M or K, I had a hard time telling them apart in the grub truck video late at night) even lifted her whole arm high & pointed her finger right at someone in the crowd outside the grub truck and yelled "You!!" I've wondered what that was about, and there's "no telling" who they ran into that evening, if they acted aggressive towards them, or the opposite, were looking out for them and "just trying to make sure they got home safe."

I've always had in the back of my mind that they could have been roofied & were being followed from the bar by one or more predator or stalker or creeper, and they only escaped from the imminent threat by stopping at the grub truck & insisting on calling a trusted private party for their own ride home. Then when they got home they were able to take stock of how they felt & felt about their interactions with people that evening, and became unsettled & started calling K's ex boyfriend.

Signs of Being Roofied & How to Recover

Fingers crossed it all comes out soon what K & M's evening was like, as well as what X & E experienced that evening in their interactions with people during that "missing timeline" in the hours before they arrived home that is even more cloudy at this point.
On one of the last posts, (there have been so....many) with the grub truck, there are two versions. There is a clip that is several minutes long and then their is a different clip that I believe is 12 minutes. On the lengthier clip the young lady that you are referring to that raises her arm, (Maddie) can be heard saying more to the young man. The clip was introduced by a African American woman who did not make speculations just reported and showed the clip. MOO, I just thought the girls may have been given something at the bar in their drinks because I cannot understand how they would be so asleep by 3:00.
Considering the K-Bar knife, I’m thinking LE may be looking into those enrolled in the ROTC program at U of I, considering there is one. I haven’t checked that but I would assume there is one. Also, military bases in the area.
Considering the K-Bar knife, I’m thinking LE may be looking into those enrolled in the ROTC program at U of I, considering there is one. I haven’t checked that but I would assume there is one. Also, military bases in the area.
Think it would work better to investigate para-military groups. Doubtful a lot of ex-military kept knives - had to go through searches to get military stuff home. US Army issues straight edge KaBar. Wasn't this serrated?
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I sleep on my side. If something painful or unexpected startled me awake, I think I'd roll toward seeing what it was and doing something about it, thus onto my back, preparatory in my mind to sitting up or standing. Going fetal comes later, IMO.

Having been roofied once by accident, long story, I felt odd for about 10 minutes, and then I couldn't stand up, walk, form sentences, etc. I threw up about 10 times, and it was about 6 hours till I could halfway function. IMO unlikely they got drugged in that way at the bar, made it to the food truck on their own, got home, and felt fine enough to make calls.
Sorry to hear you had that experience of being roofied and thank you for the insight.

On your other point I thought I’d add that a couple of years ago a large mirror fell onto the hard floor in my bedroom in the middle of the night whilst I was sleeping. For some reason I instinctively thought it was someone smashing through the bedroom window and I was absolutely terrified - my body went into complete shock and I went into fetal position straight away. My partner on the other hand jumped straight up into standing. I never would’ve guessed that would’ve been my response but I guess it’s hard to know how your body may react in these situations.
How does the gas station manager Know they made a turn off Hwy 8? All the lefts are mcdonalda, strip mall and feed store. The right is a light and too far to see.
I think we are at the "making the suspect sweat" stage of the investigation. LE is letting the suspect know they have them at the time and place of the murders, and in the vehicle. That over 50 search warrants were obtained. I think LE wants the knife and is likely watching the suspect to see if they reveal with their movements where its been stashed. It's a common investigative technique to keep increasing the pressure on the suspect. I think LE is doing a fantastic job and have no doubt they have this case and are doing it right to get a guilty verdict. If I'm correct, we will continue to see bits and pieces of the evidence dribbled out over the next week or so as LE continues to up the pressure on the suspect. MOO.
I think we are at the "making the suspect sweat" stage of the investigation. LE is letting the suspect know they have them at the time and place of the murders, and in the vehicle. That over 50 search warrants were obtained. I think LE wants the knife and is likely watching the suspect to see if they reveal with their movements where its been stashed. It's a common investigative technique to keep increasing the pressure on the suspect. I think LE is doing a fantastic job and have no doubt they have this case and are doing it right to get a guilty verdict. If I'm correct, we will continue to see bits and pieces of the evidence dribbled out over the next week or so as LE continues to up the pressure on the suspect. MOO.
If LE is this sure of a suspect, do you think they are shadowing his every move?
I found LE‘s words interesting. We want a CONVICTION. They also seemed to be more relaxed in recent days. I think they have their suspect(s). Just building the case. Also, It’s interesting that more info seems to be seeping out here lately.
Forgive me if this has been discussed already. I just hopped back on after seeing a story about the potential sighting on footage taken from the gas station at 802 Troy. Earlier, there was talk here about LE interest in a different gas station next to A&W on Main.

Question: Were we confused about which gas station LE was checking out, or is it possible there is potential footage from both? If both, screenshot of potential path attached.


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Could there be a bunch of people who are feeling ashamed and guilty of themselves because maybe they knowingly wound up a situation? Obv nobody in their right mind would imagine someone's going to slaughter a bunch of people but youngsters do perpetrate pack mentality bullying, malicious gossip, and some types of personalities love to triangulate and watch stuff go off with a bang. It's all part of growing up that we learn along the way, these people were just really kids in a tiny bubble. Is (dysfunctional) group dynamics sitting behind this I wonder? And if so, could some people have solid reasons to feel so ashamed they don't want the truth coming out? Or are there people (in responsible job positions maybe) who are fully aware there's been terribly serious issues that should have been notified to authorities long before this incident happened?

I'm sure there is survivor's guilt among some who feel that they should have said something, if they had seen something. Any of the behaviors you mentioned could have been a catalyst for a mentally unstable person.

It is a fact, not a rumor,that two female students at the University have committed suicide in the last two years. Someone might have prevented these tragedies by speaking up.
I’m wondering if they had the car at the A&W and saw it take a right from Taylor onto 95S. So they made that road the east border of the grid. They may not have been able to identify the make and model initially.
I am so confused I heard it was at the exxon @802 troy road just off of hwy 8? the car turned onto side street according to the clerk

caption under the cell phone pic says:
A cellphone photo of a computer screen showing a white car on Highway 8 in Moscow, Idaho, around 3:45 a.m. on Nov. 13, according to a clerk who found it while reviewing security footage. (Fox News Digital)

Edit: looks like zinn beat me to it!
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It looks like taking highway 8 can take you to Pullman, WA.
Following Sand Rd out can also get you there. Less cctv/lpr IMO. Still thinking if this was an exit perp might have used and or lined-up another car to evacuate out of area, abandon it, bury it, sink it in one of the many creeks or rivers in the area. ...

Still surprised we never got a plate or other identifiable markings tied to this 1 in /20000 Elantras ? Time will tell.

MOSCOW, Idaho – EXCLUSIVE: Detectives collected eight hours of surveillance videoTuesday morning from a gas station in Moscow where a clerk saw a white sedan passing by at 3:45 a.m. on the night of the unsolved stabbing deaths of four University of Idaho students, according store workers.

An overnight assistant manager told Fox News Digital that she's been reviewing the tapes a little bit at a time over the past few days, looking for clues in her downtime on the graveyard shift. She said she was not working on the night of the murders.

Monday night, she said, she reached the 3 o'clock hour and spotted the car. She said she took a picture of the screen and sent it to an email address police set up to receive tips.

"I had a weird feeling to go get on the cameras," she said, asking that her name not be publicized out of safety concerns as the suspect remains at large.

The car drove by "real quick," she said, and turned down a side street off Highway 8.

Last week, police said they were looking to speak with the occupants of a white Hyundai Elantra who may have information on the slayings of Madison Mogen, 21, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Ethan Chapin, 20, and Xana Kernodle, 20. The three women lived together at the home and Chapin, who was dating Kernodle, spent the night over.

Police have said they believe anyone in the Elantra may have "critical information to share" in the case.
Glad to have you here MassGuy!
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