ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 32

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i'm not CSI/LE but 113 pieces of evidence for a very messy, violent murder of 4 people seems incredibly low :(

Unless this was 113 pieces out of hundreds more collected that was actually relevant to the case. IDK and I’m a little behind on this thread and getting bits and pieces. Please correct me if I am wrong!
This is from today's Press Release:
"113 pieces of physical evidence collected and taken to the ISP crime lab."
Thank you. That sounds like bedding and such. I just counted in my room that I have 15 items. This case, afaik, involved mostly two bedrooms. Imo, 113 pieces of physical evidence would probably be an ok amount. Imo.
Interesting video with interesting insight. Group hug for everyone triggered by the topic, thus far. SKs can be stalkers - most are, even if only for a minimal week. However, most stalkers aren't always SKs, imo (but I'm not, whaddoikno).

Iagree. Viewers can also buy the patrons meals if they want.

The channel has been a huge hit with customers and the Grub Truck staff. Viewers from around the world can donate money to employees in the form of tips, or to customers in the form of paid meals. The crew loves it. “We have almost no turnover,” says Fletcher, an impressive feat for college town food service. Split between the team, each employee typically clears an extra $5/hour in tips in addition to in-person gratuities. An interactive chat connects viewers to the customers waiting outside.

“I can’t speak to the psychology of it,” says Fletcher, but he notes that hungry patrons are happy to sing a song or do a dance in exchange for a viewer-purchased burrito.
Thanks for the article.

Two thoughts for me--- for one, I was sure I saw Kaylee at the register paying for the food and that is audible in the stream

Second, I get that someone completely deranged by lust, rage, frustration or revenge could easily lose sight of any logical thinking. Still, as it appears widely known that the truck is live-streaming, I think it would be exponentially more difficult for the killer if he was among that crowd near Maddie and Kaylee. He would know all his actions and interactions are being recorded.

That wouldn't matter, perhaps, to someone on a mission to murder the girls, but IMO it doesn't align with the seemingly meticulous way he got in and out of the house undetected. That speaks to me of planning and trying to avoid leaving clues. Therefore I find it harder to believe it was anyone at the truck at that time.


P.S. I'm not a fan of every single thing in life being broadcast, but that's the world today. People live stream their cats, giraffes giving birth, just everything they can do and apparently there's an audience for it all. Yes, it makes it easier for a stalker, but real time social media already does that.
Reporting a stalker is useless. Neither LE or campus security can do anything about it.. ask me how I know. Best way to protect yourself is to make it clear you would be a poor choice of victim. Home security is no joke no matter where you live, out on 40 acres in the middle of nowhere or in the center of college life. The only way this could have been prevented would have been to make the entrance into that house such a noisy affair that they whole neighborhood would have woken up. Even a semi-automatic pistol at the bedside would have been useless with a perp with a long knife at your bedside.

Even if unrelated that grub hub live video is a dangerous thing. Men with the opportunity to view drunk co-eds in real an incredibly bad idea safety wise. MOO
Such a good post!

A further comment on the live video at the Grub Truck: There is something really off about this in my book. Firstly, not everyone is going to realize that they are being live-streamed. What an invasion of privacy. Also, though: it strikes me as voyeuristic -not a healthy thing to be doing, watching strangers via one-way camera. Lastly, as you said: This is the opposite of safe. Talk about creating an environment for predation.
What are you talking about? I watched the Grub Truck video like everyone else. That's what I noticed, besides ordering her food, she was on her phone almost the entire time. *O - hoodie guy obviously knows he is on camera so him staying relatively close to them the entire time makes me think he is not going to follow them home and . . .

Thanks for the article.

Two thoughts for me--- for one, I was sure I saw Kaylee at the register paying for the food and that is audible in the stream

Second, I get that someone completely deranged by lust, rage, frustration or revenge could easily lose sight of any logical thinking. Still, as it appears widely known that the truck is live-streaming, I think it would be exponentially more difficult for the killer if he was among that crowd near Maddie and Kaylee. He would know all his actions and interactions are being recorded.

That wouldn't matter, perhaps, to someone on a mission to murder the girls, but IMO it doesn't align with the seemingly meticulous way he got in and out of the house undetected. That speaks to me of planning and trying to avoid leaving clues. Therefore I find it harder to believe it was anyone at the truck at that time.


P.S. I'm not a fan of every single thing in life being broadcast, but that's the world today. People live stream their cats, giraffes giving birth, just everything they can do and apparently there's an audience for it all. Yes, it makes it easier for a stalker, but real time social media already does that.
Agreed. I don't think the prep is on the camera at the grub truck. If he/she is there, he/she is off camera watching.
LE is making it seem now that once they find this elusive white Hyundai Elantra it will be case closed. They say that there is only 22,000 of them registered in the area but that still seems like it would be difficult to make a judgement as to which one of them was there during the period of time in question. Did the Elantra even come from the area?? With no license plate we don't know.
I agree <modsnip> maybe watched lots of Dateline even and her and her friends were smart cookies who followed safety rules.

I would think she was savvy enough to document this stalker, take screen shots, write down dates/experiences etc. Sure, she maybe only told her closest friends but I would think if serious she would've known to keep records either digital or hard copy.
Apologies if this has been addressed, but this whole "stalker" concept is something I find very aggravating. The problem is, we really have no idea how serious this was. As pointed out earlier her, it could be something very benign, such as a man who she didn't want to date still asking her out, but nothing she took seriously. On the other hand, it could have been very serious, and she was afraid, and that's the reason she told her father about it. Then, there's everything in between.

I've heard of and mentioned "stalkers" many times in my life with friends and family, but it's usually joking. I've only one time been in a situation where I felt that a man's behavior was starting to be frightening, and I went to the police and reported it.

I just have a very hard time getting a handle on what she really meant by "stalker". Was it an ex-boyfriend who wanted to re-ignite the relationship? A guy she knew who she didn't want to date, but didn't want to hurt his feelings, so let him keep asking (avoiding the date with an "I'm busy" instead of a more firm "no")? Was it someone she did or didn't know who kept turning up in odd places? Was she frightened? How to know how serious this was. I just don't believe the Vape guy, and I can't quite get the meaning from the father.
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Question - Student's are returning home for winter break. Does that present challenges for the investigation?.

Chief - I think it's always a little bit of a challenge. We went through this right after Thanksgiving and all that, but we have investigators all across the nation, we have investigators all across the state with the state police and the FBI. So, we'll adapt to that and we'll continue to do our investigation.

Question - What about investigators, can they keep up this investigative pace over the holidays?.

Chief - We will continue to keep up this pace. We're giving individuals time off when they need it. We're augmenting other people into those spots so that the investigation continues, but we're not going to stop investigating this.

Question - What kind of progress has been made regarding the search for information about the white Hyundai Elantra?.

Chief - We have looked at massive amounts of video footage, especially in the critical camera areas and we looked at the 24 hours prior to and 24 hours after of those and now we're extending that out even further to other cameras and other time frames.

Question - What kind of manpower does it take to really deal with all of the video coming in and the tips?.

Chief - We have massive amounts of people looking at this. Multiple different groups looking at the different videos in different locations, just because we have investigators all across the nation that are reviewing these videos for us and sending us back information on that.

I can't speak for anyone else, but my Ring cameras don't record cars driving by on the street, only things and people that are fairly close. And sometimes, they even miss those.
Our Ring camera DOES record all vehicles driving by. We were able to help LE solve an alleged crime when it recorded both a vehicle driving by on the street and a person walking by on the sidewalk. It also captures anyone who comes up on our front porch, and at night, if it is very windy, it may capture a large limb of a tree in front of our house moving. I think a lot has to do with how the camera is aimed.
For those who have speculated or estimated the duration required to kill a person with a knife: Something the order of 20 seconds or less, considering the size of the knife and prone condition of the victims. Delivery rate can easiIy be quicker than 2-stabs per second.
Lots of video online showing knife attacks and I will not provide a direct link but one of decent quality and from MSM shows an altercation between a 31-year old and a 52 year old of shorter stature and the 52 year old is wielding the knife.

I exchanged PM with admin on how to direct those of high curiosity along with tolerance for the graphical nature; so for those so inclined, clip the following into Google Search and the first search result links to it...Otherwise, trust me, it does not take long.

Wild video shows NYC bodega worker allegedly stabbing man to death
(Carried over from last thread)

“Whatever the source of that car, it will be full of blood stains and impossible to conceal.”

I disagree. I think the perp could have walked away with blood spatter on his person that didn’t visibly transfer to the car.
Even if unrelated that grub hub live video is a dangerous thing. Men with the opportunity to view drunk co-eds in real an incredibly bad idea safety wise. MOO

Agree 100%
Public intoxication is illegal, and we think of it as being a nuisance.
If a cop had shown up to take K and M home safely things may have gone differently.
It would not be surprise at all to me, to find out the perp saw them on the life feed.
If it takes ten minutes for an order to be filled, and they can watch the live feed from their phone, they have plenty of time to drive to the GrubTruck while the girls wait for their food, then follow their ride home.
Let’s be entertained by publicizing the vulnerable- Live. It is a stalker’s dream

(Carried over from last thread)

“Whatever the source of that car, it will be full of blood stains and impossible to conceal.”

I disagree. I think the perp could have walked away with blood spatter on his person that didn’t visibly transfer to the car.

Yes, blood spatter on a person may not be visible.
Other trace evidence such as a victim’s hair, dog hair, or other fibers would also not be visible.

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