ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 35

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When there is an arrest in this case the defense attorney will pour through ALL of the theories expressed in news media and even SM. IMO the reason there is so much focus on the vehicle at this point is they MUST eliminate any connection of the vehicle to the homicides. All of the tips MUST be eliminated as not credible or credible. IMO if this isn't done the defense attorney team can ask any witness (i.e. investigators), "What about the white Hyundai Officer? Did you investigate that?" If the answer in NO, you have created REASONABLE DOUBT! Every tip must be evaluated as credible or least credible and you go forward from there to best utilize your resources.

Again, IMO the Hyundai is a "red herring" but the lead must be chased down and eliminated or classified as viable.
I wonder if the police haven't identified their white Hyundai already. Now they are taking info on all the OTHER white elantras in the area to eliminate them. Remember the police saying they were working for a conviction, not just an arrest. This way, after an arrest, when the defendant claims its not his Elantra, the police/prosecutor can say they already tracked down all the other possible white Elantras, and his is the only one possible.
Afternoon all, I've been away from the site for quite some time but this case brought me back. I feel so badly for the families of these young folks. Some things do seem curious/odd to me, as I'm sure they do to others. A "disgruntled" neighbor or someone like that seems unlikely to me. It takes alot of disgruntled to motivate someone to kill four people. We're talking "Kill Thy Neighbor" kind of stuff, where things escalate until someone blows. I can't imagine someone with a fairly casual relationship to the victims becoming disgruntled enough to take things that far without others in the neighborhood knowing there was a serious problem. Or at least the other roommates. Or the police having been called previously.

It also seems odd to me that someone would be angry enough or have enough of a grudge to kill all four of them without standing out and being mentioned to police by other classmates/friends/family. And apparently have made no attempt to reach the other two.

I've heard many times how stabbings are a nasty way to kill someone. All the blood makes the knife slick, so injuries to the killers hands are common. I'm sure the police have been looking for people with injuries to their hands about that time. But my biggest question is how did this person kill these four people in such a brutal manner and apparently manage to get away without being seen covered in blood. Or someone noticing this person cleaning their car very carefully, etc. Or disposing of bloody clothes. I don't mean to be grim, but the killer should have looked horrific after the killings. Has anyone seen the police address that? I have looked and haven't found anything.

I have been off for a few days and can't seem to quote or pull across from previous threads. In my original post (copied below) I was NOT referring to the Boston Marathon bombers. I was referring to an event with equal weight and value to what happened in Moscow. The only difference was that the threat was called in immediately, not 8 hours later. The event was also targeted. But the perp was still on the loose and unhinged, much like this perp likely was, and LE did what they could do to act big and act fast and it took a full 48 hours to drive him out. And yes, mandatory lockdown was in effect due to LE not being able to ensure the safety of the community.

The only reason I am thinking that they locked down the university area and released a short time later is a) They didn't have the leadership to make big, fast decisions. b) They didn't have the finances to make big, fast decisions. Or C) they knew exactly where the perp was, which makes no sense given the time from event to now. I am leaning towards B.

Original post:
"Ok, this has been on my mind and so I'm throwing it out there.

I lived in a city where a person had committed multiple murders and had evaded police, won't mention names or cities here. But a HUGE portion of the immediate area was placed into lockdown (a good 10km by 10km area) - residents to lock doors/close blinds, road blocks set up. LE, dogs, drones and experts with heat sensor cameras searched the area thoroughly. This was the only reason that they were able to drive out and catch the culprit, even though it was stressful to all involved and no one knew how much time had passed from murder to capture.

Why was the action by LE after discovering this carnage to lockdown and then release claiming that it was a specific target and therefore the community should stay aware but not worried? It is not about community worry, it is about catching the perp. Was it because of how much time had passed and they really had no idea where in the world this person could be? But why would they not even try that?"
I have always thought something on the scene that day pointed to a "targeted" attack (the way the murders happened, who received more wrath, a potential "message," etc.) It felt within the inner circle/close to the circle type crime. What I can't understand is this person brutally killed 4 innocent young adults and is still roaming around over a month later. I feel like LE ruling out the reported Elantra (Oregon connection) so quickly might mean they know more about the car than put out to the public. So if LE knows who it is (or has a really good idea who it is), at a bare minimum, I hope he or she is under constant surveillance. JMO - l believe 100% this was a "targeted" attack, but I do think this person is "off the rails" now and a danger to everyone (nothing to lose mentality).
They did mention that the owner of the car had no physical association with Moscow, Idaho. The car was impounded and left while the owner is in Colorado. The circumstances of the car and the details of where it was are distinct enough to rule out an association to Moscow, Idaho. I suppose.
Just because each door had a combination lock doesn't mean that those locks were engaged. They operate just like any other door handle unless the lever on the inside is flipped, thus locking it.
So technically the surviving housemates should have been able to simply open the door… and then see a full on murder scene … if the locks weren’t engaged? But instead they only had concern for one housemate : ‘surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they thought one of the victims had passed out and wasn't waking up’
I wonder if the police haven't identified their white Hyundai already. Now they are taking info on all the OTHER white elantras in the area to eliminate them. Remember the police saying they were working for a conviction, not just an arrest. This way, after an arrest, when the defendant claims its not his Elantra, the police/prosecutor can say they already tracked down all the other possible white Elantras, and his is the only one possible.
Yes, if the vehicle is actually a viable lead. IMO it is one of many that will be eventually be eliminated so there are no "reasonable doubts" that a defense attorney can build their case on. All of the theories circulating on SM give a defense attorney a wealth of "defenses", when their client actually goes to trial. IMO the police are eliminating all of these possible defenses now, while gathering colaberating evidence to charge the person they suspect.

**All my posts are opinion only
IMO crime of passion= killer was livid with the victims-absolutely livid. I am guessing the killer came into some info that infuriated him and or his pals. He or friends took the matter into their own hands to deal with the situation. There is no serial killer. Just someone who was mad about being kept in the dark about something.
No, I think it's more than that. This was an almost mafia-style execution.
I wonder if one of the group had crossed paths or got involved with the wrong crowd on a personal level. <modsnip>

I wonder if the police haven't identified their white Hyundai already. Now they are taking info on all the OTHER white elantras in the area to eliminate them. Remember the police saying they were working for a conviction, not just an arrest. This way, after an arrest, when the defendant claims its not his Elantra, the police/prosecutor can say they already tracked down all the other possible white Elantras, and his is the only one possible.
what would be the result of impounding a
White Elantra because it is suspected to be the car of interest ? LE needs o justify a warrant dont they. They need someone to point out yes, that is the car that was near campus on Jan 13th at 3 AM. otherwise its just a car out of 10000. does this follow your thughts
Is the lack of an LE update today due to the upcoming holiday? I am so used to a daily update even if there is no new information.
I hope it means there is a significant piece of information they can share today that is taking more time than usual to write up and post, though it could just be they have their hands full! The press release updates are usually posted before or by 5 pm:

King Road Homicides | Moscow, ID
I have been off for a few days and can't seem to quote or pull across from previous threads. In my original post (copied below) I was NOT referring to the Boston Marathon bombers. I was referring to an event with equal weight and value to what happened in Moscow. The only difference was that the threat was called in immediately, not 8 hours later. The event was also targeted. But the perp was still on the loose and unhinged, much like this perp likely was, and LE did what they could do to act big and act fast and it took a full 48 hours to drive him out. And yes, mandatory lockdown was in effect due to LE not being able to ensure the safety of the community.

The only reason I am thinking that they locked down the university area and released a short time later is a) They didn't have the leadership to make big, fast decisions. b) They didn't have the finances to make big, fast decisions. Or C) they knew exactly where the perp was, which makes no sense given the time from event to now. I am leaning towards B.

Original post:
"Ok, this has been on my mind and so I'm throwing it out there.

I lived in a city where a person had committed multiple murders and had evaded police, won't mention names or cities here. But a HUGE portion of the immediate area was placed into lockdown (a good 10km by 10km area) - residents to lock doors/close blinds, road blocks set up. LE, dogs, drones and experts with heat sensor cameras searched the area thoroughly. This was the only reason that they were able to drive out and catch the culprit, even though it was stressful to all involved and no one knew how much time had passed from murder to capture.

Why was the action by LE after discovering this carnage to lockdown and then release claiming that it was a specific target and therefore the community should stay aware but not worried? It is not about community worry, it is about catching the perp. Was it because of how much time had passed and they really had no idea where in the world this person could be? But why would they not even try that?"
How would locking down the area have helped? The murders were hours old and the police had no idea who to look for? And you can't legally lock down a town like that anyway.

It gave me the chills when the officer told Maddie on the phone that she had a house full of randoms.
Whoever killed them was in an absolute rage.
Wow, and one guy can hold that car back by the trunk.
I still am voting that a killer that stabs four people to death does not drive a white Elantra anymore than they drive a Prius.
I would be seeking a getaway car that blends a bit better like black, or screams testosterone

Just my opinion

It is possible if Elantra is a hand me down from a mom. Or, a gf is driving it and it is an escape car.
Just because each door had a combination lock doesn't mean that those locks were engaged. They operate just like any other door handle unless the lever on the inside is flipped, thus locking it.
I have 2 doors (front and back) that keypads with levers instead of door knobs. My doors automatically lock as soon as I close them when leaving my home. I have never ever had to do anything other than close the door.
what would be the result of impounding a
White Elantra because it is suspected to be the car of interest ? LE needs o justify a warrant dont they. They need someone to point out yes, that is the car that was near campus on Jan 13th at 3 AM. otherwise its just a car out of 10000. does this follow your thughts

I’m thinking with 22,000 to eliminate there must be something unique about this white Elantra that they are looking for but have not shared?
Does it have a unique sticker, dent, tires?

How else could they eliminate any of them?
Location- In a month the killer could drive from coast to coast. Killer could be in Maine and car at the bottom of a lake.
Registration- Killer is not from ID, car registered to parents, or the killer travels for work?
Age range- Grandma could own the Elantra and killer borrowed it.

Call people up?
PD: Hey was your Elantra in Moscow Idaho on the night of Nov 12-13?
Owner: No.

What are their options other than relying the public to say, I know someone who lives in Moscow and drives a white Elantra.

what would be the result of impounding a
White Elantra because it is suspected to be the car of interest ? LE needs o justify a warrant dont they. They need someone to point out yes, that is the car that was near campus on Jan 13th at 3 AM. otherwise its just a car out of 10000. does this follow your thughts
I'm just thinking that LE maybe knows exactly whose car it was they were looking for. They haven't made an arrest yet or obtained a warrant yet, waiting on something. In the meantime, they are getting the alibies for all the OTHER white Elantras Its just a theory of course. But a common defense strategy is to claim that police didn't follow other leads or investigate other suspects. This in part addresses that and would clinch the fact that this particular car was in fact right near the murder scene at the right time.
I wonder if the police haven't identified their white Hyundai already. Now they are taking info on all the OTHER white elantras in the area to eliminate them. Remember the police saying they were working for a conviction, not just an arrest. This way, after an arrest, when the defendant claims its not his Elantra, the police/prosecutor can say they already tracked down all the other possible white Elantras, and his is the only one possible.
This is the vibe that I got from yesterday's press talk by the chief. They are pouring through all these 1000s of tips and lots of evidence, but still send in your tips if you have any. Sort of nonchalant.
I have 2 doors (front and back) that keypads with levers instead of door knobs. My doors automatically lock as soon as I close them when leaving my home. I have never ever had to do anything other than close the door.
I have keypads on my home and businesses. At one of our businesses, the building is old and the door will catch so it won't latch. We've had people walk in only to trip the alarm.

Our home is over 100 years old and the door is much older than the latch, so we have to be mindful about closing it too. One morning, I was grateful for that lock when I was up at 4 to get in to our shop early and someone was trying to pick the lock on our door. They definitely work, but we have to ensure they latch!

I wonder if the construction on the King St building was such that the doors hung a little oddly, so they had to be mindful to shut and latch the locks the way we do.
I have 2 doors (front and back) that keypads with levers instead of door knobs. My doors automatically lock as soon as I close them when leaving my home. I have never ever had to do anything other than close the door.
Mine have the keypad on the front and on the back there is lever to lock the door. That way you can come and go easily until you are ready to lock the door.
So you have a small Police Department with the power of State LE and Federal LE behind it and they can't locate a car? Does anyone else find this odd? Could it be that this car isn't that important and it's just something put out there to show that they are doing something?
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