ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 35

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MOO, Investigators can measure tire track width and this also helps identify a car as well. But I’m wondering if the screeching sound in the bodycam video that was supposedly identified as a scream was not a scream, but was in fact, the Elantra departing the crime scene because LE was in the vicinity.
I promise I am not trying to be funny, but can you really screech the tires on a 2013 Hyundai Elantra?

Photos shown of several people removing boxes of items that were taken by LE from the King Rd house and stored, earlier believed to be items of the victims to be returned to their families.

Also photos of a blue car with Arizona plates being shovelled out from where it was parking by LE in a storage lot.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022.

The same group of men could be seen removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Images captured by Fox News Digital show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier.
I haven’t seen LE issue a statement on the the 2:45-3:15am sighting (even to confirm that the vehicle on film was the ever-elusive Elantra). But assuming the vehicle captured on film at that time was carrying the killer, I think the timing was quite possibly coincidental. He could have been aiming for the 3-4am time slot because that seemed like the most opportune time to attack and get out undetected. (If so, he wasn’t wrong).
IMO the killer is not a Glory Seeker, for the simple fact that he HASN'T sought glory.

Of course LE may know much more, but up 'til now we have no evidence that the culprit wanted to make his deeds known far and wide.

No angry manifesto online, no contacting and taunting the media and LE like The Zodiac and Son of Sam, not killing himself after with a note describing why he'd done what he'd done (like Brian Laundrie, although IMO he's in a different category).

IMO he is purely in Survivalist mode. Wanted to get away with it, determined how to optimize this outcome, and so far has done so. Whether he's crying himself to sleep every night (very unlikely), whether he's privately rehashing what he considers his epic triumph (likely), or whether he's moved back into the lifestyle he had before with no one being the wiser (likely), IMO he does not want to be found and does not want his name in headlines and in the annals of murder history, like the Glory Seekers do.

If LE finds him and it turns out he's been trumpeting his deed all over the Dark Web but so far hasn't been caught, then I will say I am wrong.


I’m agree, not thinking remorse or empathy are known to this killer. The reason is the preplanning and four murders at least within hours.
So How long did it take to plan? At least days, maybe weeks, or more. How many times did they consider that maybe this was wrong? Millions of opportunities- none of them stuck.
Rather than a choice to not act, something filled that space with justification or excitement, or a drive, or something that said Go!
On that night, after entering the house how many times did the thought come to this perp, maybe this isn’t a good idea? THis is wrong! I’m thinking- None.
During the minutes or sections between each murder, was there disgust, empathy for the pain and suffering, regret? I don’t think so. Something pushed them to move to the next body, then to the next room.
This to me speaks of a calculated killer, not a flippant decision of a hot head.
Then this person moved from the scene back into their life.

None of us can imagine how a person could do that, but all of us who have followed true crime know it happens. We call them monsters and wish they looked more like monsters.
That is what makes this most terrifying, we want them to be the hothead, the fragile ego, the loner, the repeat offender, and sometimes they look like the guy next door.


Photos shown of several people removing boxes of items that were taken by LE from the King Rd house and stored, earlier believed to be items of the victims to be returned to their families.

Also photos of a blue car with Arizona plates being shovelled out from where it was parking by LE in a storage lot.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Images captured by Fox News Digital show people retrieving several boxes from a Moscow facility where the victims’ belongings were being stored after the tragedy in Moscow, Idaho, Dec. 20, 2022.

The same group of men could be seen removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier.

Images captured by Fox News Digital show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Images captured by Fox News Digital show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier.
So sad
I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to be second guessed constantly. It happens in every case, no matter how well LE does, someone isn’t happy and making headlines telling everyone so. They are poachers, using the deaths of young people as fodder to push their own agenda and get views. It is dangerous, but I absolutely believe freedom of speech is necessary.
Somewhere between Public Silence/ Controlled Media and Loud Idiots Complaining About Everything is the middle- compromise, balance, public scrutiny and PD openness, all the while a case is being built to convict the guilty And give justice to the victims in the name of the laws of the land.
Not that anyone needs a reminder, but sometimes it is helpful to imagine the why and the alternative.
It isn‘t a perfect system, but it is our system, and it is better than most.

I didn’t care for the little stocky beat cop that gave me a ticket about three months ago, he was quite full of himself, looked about 18 but strutting his power. We all know the kind that dares you to question the authority he exudes from every pore. Those make the good cops get questioned.

I appreciate the Moscow PD Press Releases and the videos, they are trying to be transparent, and they don’t owe us any of that.

I think it's frustrating too, as a lot of cases go unsolved because of sloppy police work. These mistakes by police are often highlighted in true crime series and podcasts, which I do not inherently believe is wrong to do. After all, police should be held accountable for the mistakes that they make, just like any other job. However, the media circus around this case is not helping investigators in any meaningful way. The "armchair detectives" on Tik Tok are pushing bogus theories, urging people to send in these "tips" to the tip line. I agree that it's not just Tik Tok either, it's all the "news" outlets posting insane theories every hour. The Moscow PD is doing their best, I feel bad that they're being derailed by the theories being submitted. God, I hope this makes sense, it does sound a lot like a rant.
SnowSnowSnow in Idaho. Honda w AZ plates, Moved fm Tow Lot

Caption.* Pictures "... show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier."

If these pix were published yesterday, I missed them. Does that seem like a lotta snow to anyone?
Anything significant about moving the blue Honda? Whose is it?

* Idaho murders: University adding more campus security personnel in spring semester Dec 21.
SnowSnowSnow in Idaho. Honda w AZ plates, Moved fm Tow Lot

Caption.* Pictures "... show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier."

If these pix were published yesterday, I missed them. Does that seem like a lotta snow to anyone?
Anything significant about moving the blue Honda? Whose is it?

* Idaho murders: University adding more campus security personnel in spring semester Dec 21.
Pretty sure the blue Honda with Arizona plates belonged to Xana.
I promise I am not trying to be funny, but can you really screech the tires on a 2013 Hyundai Elantra?
I can tell that question comes from personal experience with a 10 yr old, not top of the line, front wheel drive sedan.
Great question! Can an Elantra lay rubber, or not? No clue, but would guess No.

I'd just like to respond to the first half of your post. You are viewing this situation is perfectly normal way. That anyone who can kill 4 people must feel terrible and need to compartmentalize their heinous acts. I'm not a pro but having read much about this type of person - they may have no need to compartmentalize at all. Compartmentalizing is a coping mechanism against, guilt, fear, shame. We are most likely dealing with someone who wiring does not allow them to feel the full spectrum of these emotions. Even worse, this person might feel proud or on top of the world because of what they've accomplished. IMO We will not know for sure until we know who it is.
Often these people do seem a bit odd to others but often they are fully functional and go undetected.
It's horrifying to realize this.
I think I did a poor job of trying to convey what I was getting at. I’m not speaking to the psychology of the perp(s), I meant to pose my questions more about what/who, besides the white Hyunda, the knife and other crime scene materials are we looking for today and tomorrow and into the future. Certainly we aren’t going to drive by the bus stop and see a man in a U of I shirt covered in blood with a knife in his hand. So I wonder out loud what types of lies the perp now needs to juggle to keep up in a daily life. Maybe they were the driver of the Hyundai and had to ditch it after the LE press release, so they’ve been telling their coworkers or a neighbor that they called the tip line and spoke with investigators and everything is fine and dandy. Or maybe they ditched the car right after crime and got back into their own vehicle and drove home. But a drivable Hyundai has some value, so where did the money come from, did it need to be explained to anyone (the money going away), etc… Maybe the car was stolen, which would be another crime entirely with another footprint and getaway and alibi. Maybe the car has nothing to do with the perp(s), IDK. But there is a wrinkle of time in someone’s life that that they cannot explain truthfully without giving themself away, which of course they aren’t likely to do.

I guess maybe my question can be boiled down to something like this:
Where does this particular mass murderer fit into society NOW? We aren’t exactly looking for a car or a knife - we’re looking for a human being.

I was at a NFL game a few weeks after the murders. I looked at the stadium of people, knowing the population of Moscow is like 25k+. Seeing the crowd of 60k+, I realized the entire population of Moscow is just a section of the stadium, not even half. So one by one I looked at all the heads, and they weren’t so far away. This lady had a beaded necklace and that guy had porkchop sideburns and that kid had a grey sweatshirt and his brother had green sunglasses and so on. It occurred to me that 25k is not a huge number of people, it’s finite. That number may have no bearing on this if the perp isn’t from Moscow or isn’t there now. But what I’m getting at is that nobody can escape into infinity. By asking the questions I’m exercising the part of me that is looking for this person.

Aaaaaand I’ve rambled into a tangent. Lol sorry! I will see myself out. (Slowly backs out and closes door)
SnowSnowSnow in Idaho. Honda w AZ plates, Moved fm Tow Lot

Caption.* Pictures "... show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier."

If these pix were published yesterday, I missed them. Does that seem like a lotta snow to anyone?
Anything significant about moving the blue Honda? Whose is it?

* Idaho murders: University adding more campus security personnel in spring semester Dec 21.
I believe the car belonged to Xana, I know that her father is from Arizona.
SnowSnowSnow in Idaho. Honda w AZ plates, Moved fm Tow Lot

Caption.* Pictures "... show people removing snow from a blue Honda sedan bearing Arizona plates and then driving it away from the tow lot on Dec. 20, 2022. The vehicle was one of the cars that was towed away from the crime scene and moved to the lot weeks earlier."

If these pix were published yesterday, I missed them. Does that seem like a lotta snow to anyone?
Anything significant about moving the blue Honda? Whose is it?

* Idaho murders: University adding more campus security personnel in spring semester Dec 21.
I’m pretty sure that’s Xana’s car.
I believe in Idaho all first degree murder COULD be punished by death.
I don't know why a person who mercilessly, gruesomely murders 4 people in cold blood, slashing (imo) and stabbing, wouldn't be punished by death, assuming it was proven.

What could they come up with for mitigating circumstances? He was bullied in middle school?

I would volunteer to be one of those witnesses. It's just too damn bad that Colorado couldn't get rid of family annihilator Watts that way.


I wonder if the blue Honda in the LE storage lot belonged to Xana, IIRC her father lives in Arizona? I know it didn't belong to Ethan or Maddie or Kaylee. Thinking maybe it is being returned to the family now?
I haven’t seen LE issue a statement on the the 2:45-3:15am sighting (even to confirm that the vehicle on film was the ever-elusive Elantra). But assuming the vehicle captured on film at that time was carrying the killer, I think the timing was quite possibly coincidental. He could have been aiming for the 3-4am time slot because that seemed like the most opportune time to attack and get out undetected. (If so, he wasn’t wrong).

My guess is that LE have more video recordings of the Elantra. The repeated use of the words ‘critical information’ is suggestive of LE confidence in the involvement of the Elantra’s occupant(s) in the murders.
My guess is that LE have more video recordings of the Elantra. The repeated use of the words ‘critical information’ is suggestive of LE confidence in the involvement of the Elantra’s occupant(s) in the murders.
We do know that they expanded the search for the Elantra. I believe the article said to Troy and Kendrick, towns not too far away from Idaho. I've been looking at Google Map's and there's not too many noticeable cameras around, but I am feeling hopeful on the video situation!

I wonder if the blue Honda in the LE storage lot belonged to Xana, IIRC her father lives in Arizona? I know it didn't belong to Ethan or Maddie or Kaylee. Thinking maybe it is being returned to the family now?
View attachment 389120
That’s my thought as well - they’re returning Xana’s belongings and vehicle to her family.
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