ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 36

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One thing I do wonder about is if the police can not figure it out how long before the killer can last without getting credit for what he did. I'm guessing this has to be somewhat bittersweet from his perspective. I bet he wants everyone to know it was him and it's eating him up that he can't tell anyone. Moo
Credit may not have been part of the plan, the killer may have expected to get caught.
When time passes if they don’t then they can get supply from watching the media and the more bold and brazen they get.
IMO it will be when the attention on this case begins to wane they will have the need to act again somehow to have the supply return.

Serial killers are not relevant to this case? What are you talking about? Every single shred of information that law enforcement has released to the public screams of this being a serial killer, very likely the same killer responsible for the stabbing deaths in Salem and in Washington state. It is also almost certainly the same person who skinned the dog in Moscow. To disregard would be foolish.
'Every single shred of information'!? A timeline, cause and manner of death and a car all scream serial killer!? How so?
Bundy was a terrible failure with women. Come on.
BTK had most everyone fooled, but I'm putting my money on a lot of people who will remember this guy as weird when he's captured... with a short fuse and the inability to empathize about almost anything other than maybe a pet. He has no guilt, no conscience, no true emotional connections. If he has a woman then she mothers him; it's not an adult to adult relationship. Or else he already lives in his mother's basement.

Very interesting and seemingly logical theory. Makes a lot of sense to me.

#7 is noteworthy because his intention may have been to murder all, moving from top to bottom under your potential noise theory, but he was spooked or interrupted after the second floor killings, and left before completing his mission. MOO. MOO.
IMO, I am going to pick #1 because I can think of at least three people who live nearby and am also thinking that it may be someone just beyond Walenta Drive. Proximity is the word LE uses.
The other cases to which you refer have been specifically declared unrelated by LE.

Of course we may learn more once the perp and their history is known, and I agree it fits a profile or stereotype that might include serial killing. But as of now we have no specific evidence. LE may eventually change their stance on any connections but so far that hasn't happened.

You may also want to specifically mention that your statements are your opinion, otherwise WS requires you to post links validating your claims.

MOO (my opinion only)
I wonder.... in regards to the other cases being declared unrelated by LE.... LE has changed their mind on some things in the past (community is safe/community is not safe), perhaps they are just not wanting to come out and say they are related until they have more evidence.... personally, I am not convinced those other cases are not related. And I wonder if LE would come right out and say so anyway, I think they maybe do not want to tip off the killer so are perhaps just saying that, since they have been quite tight-lipped.
First I want to point out I have two normal non deviant kids
But as a mother of two teenagers the number of conversations I hear with them and friends around how crimes are committed or movies gruesome is frequent !
Their first words on reading if this case was oh like the criminal minds episode . I myself eve. Got drawn into the discussion how to evade cops whilst watching a tv show here in oz like the amazing race where couple escape capture. My son became very alert to the locations of neighbourhood cameras and shops etc! He’d joke w me that I would have been found cos of the number of times I used my bank card not cash meaning I was traceable .

This suspect is heavily into fantasying about crime and watching tv shows like criminal minds etc to gain “tips” . He / they read articles of unsolved events on the internet.
The suspect is smart enough to not talk at the moment and smart enough to have hidden their tracks
I believe ( imo) they will crack however when questioned hard by police .

Plus this state being a death penalty state means the parents aren’t likely to encourage them to turn themselves in
However , if they do it again then the parents will ring it in

So who is it? I absolutely do not know
Why…. It’s a crap thing to say - but for their entertainment
What do LE have? Not enough!! Or they would have this person as I’m sure every uni in the country wants it solved
Not necessarily. They could still go into work later that morning. Commit killing at 03.00hrs - 04.00hrs, then church doesn't start until 08.00hrs or later.
That's enough time to get cleaned up and pretend like nothing happened. They'd be a bit tired, but could still get through the day.

I believe if the killer was supposed to work on Sunday, in whatever type of job, going to work and commiserating with work-mates about the murders when hearing it as breaking news on the telly, internet, or radio, or from a customer...would give someone a (false) sense of security. For a while. Because I do believe he will be caught.
IMO it appears the downstairs tenants slept through it all and no mention of any cameras inside the house. Might have, could have, but it seems there were no cameras in the house. We don't know for sure about the cameras but has been stated many times the downstairs residents didn't know anything was wrong until almost noon of the day of the murders.
Yes, I know this, but you misunderstood my post - I was talking hypothetically about "could have".

The 2 other housemates downstairs could have looked out of their windows to see who left the house.

The other upstairs bedrooms could have had security cameras.

Could have. (But unfortunately didn't.)
I wonder.... in regards to the other cases being declared unrelated by LE.... LE has changed their mind on some things in the past (community is safe/community is not safe), perhaps they are just not wanting to come out and say they are related until they have more evidence.... personally, I am not convinced those other cases are not related. And I wonder if LE would come right out and say so anyway, I think they maybe do not want to tip off the killer so are perhaps just saying that, since they have been quite tight-lipped.
Yes, I agree that it may turn out some/all of these other cases are related. But officially we have the current status of LE saying unrelated.

Also, on so many threads I see people confusing the terminology between serial murder and mass murder, and we've been through that on this thread too, was trying to prevent another go-round.
I believe if the killer was supposed to work on Sunday, in whatever type of job, going to work and commiserating with work-mates about the murders when hearing it as breaking news on the telly, internet, or radio, or from a customer...would give someone a (false) sense of security. For a while. Because I do believe he will be caught.
Moi aussi! And what a great day that will be for both LE and the victim’s families, (not to mention the community at large). JMOO
What I meant was, (I may not have worded that the best in my previous post), was, a town of that size/population, and not being a suburb of a large city, there is a higher number of serious incidents there, in a town of that population (when compared to other towns that size, not associated with a large metropolis), and then also there are the higher number of extremist groups there as well.

Idaho and many other Western states with large vast land masses have histories of separatist groups or extremist groups, as well as people who are running from something. the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, even some parts of west Texas and some parts of California, Alaska.
The first thing I thought of when I saw Moscow, ID mass murder was the events of Ruby Ridge.
When thinking of a place with a history and possibly reasons to be less than cooperative with local, state and federal LE, parts of Idaho come to mind.
How the events of Ruby Ridge have impacted Idaho since the 1990’s, I have no idea.

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What I meant was, (I may not have worded that the best in my previous post), was, a town of that size/population, and not being a suburb of a large city, there is a higher number of serious incidents there, in a town of that population (when compared to other towns that size, not associated with a large metropolis), and then also there are the higher number of extremist groups there as well.
Can you link something factual to support this? The data that I've looked at doesn't seem that way and the original article that you linked was a handful of crimes in over a 20 year period. You may be right but I'm just interested in statistics or news articles that actually prove what you're saying.
I was thinking this too, LE are between a rock and a hard place. I feel like if a suspect were named and local, things might possibly go that direction.
The suspect could also respond negatively i.e. suicide, go out in a blast killing more, even deeper hiding, target for hurt friends/family. All these things together makes me think they won't. If so would be abnormal, Totally IMO.
Can you link something factual to support this? The data that I've looked at doesn't seem that way and the original article that you linked was a handful of crimes in over a 20 year period. You may be right but I'm just interested in statistics or news articles that actually prove what you're saying.
I can try to find it, it was posted earlier on, but likely buried by now with all of these posts.
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster.

Just a couple of thoughts that I'd like to share. First of all, if any specific person was targeted the surely there must have been "better" (i.e. safer from the perps point of view) opportunities to attack that person when he or she is separated from friends or other people who may fight back. If it was a planned attack then why "plan" on going into a house full of people? Surely there are way better plans than that. Next, in my opinion there is no way (considering the staircase, movable stuff and dog running around) that the perp didn't use any sort of light amplification hardware. Surely at 3-4 AM the inside of the house would be pitch black and hard to navigate even if the perp was familiar with the layout, things get moved, young people ofter rearrange space around them. Finally, if it there was any sort of planning going into this attack and the perp was absolutely decided on using a knife then, again, surely he'd realize that it's hard to subdue two people fighting for life with just a bladed weapon. Back in the old days Zodiac, who definitely planned a lot, and was also boind on using a knife during one of his attacks, knew that it's safer to simply approach victims openly with a firearm, order to lay face down, tie them and only then attack with a knife knowing that they're immobilized. After all, what guarantee did King Street perp had that *all* of the house occupants are asleep and/or heavily inebriated. So potentially one loud scream and he'd have 6 people awake and fighting for life (or, more likely) running away. Only an idiot wouldn't have a firearm as a backup for "crowd control" in such situation.

So, while this doesn't seem to me like a work of a psychopath high on drugs (he had to be silent to a degree, didn't leave the weapon on site, wasn't spotted in bloodied clothes etc.) there also doesn't seem to be an evil mastermind behind it (using knife instead of gun, selected extremely risky venue).

And finally, I don't think the victims were completely unaware that some sort of attack may take place. I seems to me that multiple attempts to contact ex that night by one (or even both) of the girls would indicate they were trying to reach out for help. So this makes going into this house woth jist a knife, no matter how large, even more risky. Just the fact that the lighs are switched off doesn't always mean that everyone's soundly asleep instead of just laying awake with a handgun, taser or can of pepper spray close by...

Sorry for a lenghty post, all of the above IMHO.

Agree with your thoughts, especially on the risks of a knife.
I believe when autopsy comes out to the public we will find out blunt force trauma was involved to subdue the victims.

Well, how I feel is.... Until LE puts out more information, there are so many possible scenarios out there, it is really impossible to know. At this point there really is just not enough information out there. But, with what little we do know, I feel that this is a serial killer who has done this before.
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