ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 38

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When LE talks about wanting more information to provide "context", I doubt they are trying to generate confirmation of their own theories, but are more likely using new information to help sort through their data.

While we on this site are hampered by a lack of verified facts, LE is overwhelmed with hundreds or thousands of facts, but has to sort through which of these facts are pertinent to the case. For example, a report of strange behavior by a person could be significant to the case, or that person could just be someone who routinely acts strangely. Walking around late a night would be suspicious, but there are people who routinely do that.
Can we talk about what constitutes a party house?
'Yeah the house is rockin' don't bother knockin'
We've heard a little about prior parties. But how long has this been a "party house"? How do you brand a property a party house? It isn’t like this is a sorority or frat house. We know this current round of tenants belong to sororities. Did previous tenants all belong to sororities or frats?

It seems to me if this particular house has been loud and disruptive for years someone might have taken matters in their own hands prior to this. So, new neighbor?

Disclaimer. I'm still clueless and have 10 or 12 ideas.

But I'm interested in the impact of a party house in a mixed residential (student/non student) neighborhood.

It'd have to be an abject fool to move into frat row and get worked up over a lack of neighborly decorum. Certainly not impossible with egos as demanding (and fragile) as they are today, but unlikely.

My opinion.
Maybe LE, State, and FBI know who this perp is from the clues they've collected, and speaking to people. Now, they need positive screenshots or videos of the car in certain places. Same with the social media, they need a trail of where he's been, doing what, etc. to get their case ready so a judge will sign off on the arrest warrant. Let's hope that this is what's going on, since this is all they've ask of the community.
I think they have a POI but don't yet have sufficient evidence to call him a suspect.
a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act,

That is a motive. Maybe we don't understand it but the killer does.

the underlying reason for any action.

The killer feels compelled to kill = motive.

Perhaps not so much a compulsion to kill, but the type of personality that obsesses pathologically. I've always thought (just my opinion) that sociopaths lack the ability to resolve their unacted-upon impulses neurologically, and have to physically act them out in order to be quit of them.
'Yeah the house is rockin' don't bother knockin'

It'd have to be an abject fool to move into frat row and get worked up over a lack of neighborly decorum. Certainly not impossible with egos as demanding (and fragile) as they are today, but unlikely.

My opinion.
It's often the case that long-time residents of a university town have lived in the same house for many years, long before student housing and fraternities and sororities moved into the neighborhood. New home owners and tenants would know what they were getting into, but long-time residents would have no choice, with properties often being in the family for many years.
What about steroids, especially in competitive sports?
In my opinion, there is no chance that these murders were related to drugs in any way.

I still think that these killings were done for either revenge or pleasure.

If it was revenge, it could have been anything, but my first hunch is that a narcissistic incel fantasized a relationship with one of the girls and then decided to punish her for rejecting or ignoring him.

If the killings were done for pleasure, then at least one of the victims must have caught the eye of a predator at some point, but it may be impossible to find any link between the killer and the victims.
LE has said that there was something at the scene that led them to believe the killings were targeted. I am really struggeling to think of what that could be, but hasn't led them to the identity of the killer.
just a guess, JMO maybe its a picture of one of the girls and the person shes posing with is cut out? When i was a teenager and i broke up with someone, i would rip their faces out of the
Its strange to me that these are somewhat party girls (nothing wrong with that, young in college and keeping up their grades, good for them) K has been gone a a couple of weeks, she is graduating, heading to Europe, starting a her career 2k miles away, new car to show off, leaving her lifelong BFF behind, students are about to take the holidays off. This is her last Hooray as a collage student. Why no party at the house? Why were they not hitting the party circuit Saturday night and saying her goodbyes? They went to the Corner Club and were extremely casual, they didnt get dolled up and dressed real pretty as the have in the past. Wonder why on kinda a special occasion it was such a bland Saturday night for K&M?
just a guess, JMO maybe its a picture of one of the girls and the person shes posing with is cut out? When i was a teenager and i broke up with someone, i would rip their faces out of the
I don't think the perp touched anything in the rooms.
He killed swiftly and vanished into thin air leaving no trace.

A thrill kill is probably the closest I would describe my theory as - at this stage, and considering the very little information we as the public have been provided.

I posted a few threads back that it’s my opinion that the house/occupants were targeted due to who they were/who they represented, that being young, attractive, popular college kids. The house IMO was likely somewhere he had been before (likely for a party) meaning he had an idea of the layout, knew the occupants or at least the type of occupants and saw it as a good place to scope out in the lead up.
My thought is, is this a person who at some point was rejected by the college scene? Maybe they attended for a short amount of time before dropping out due to not fitting in. I wonder if after dropping out, he (I’m assuming male in this case IMO) somehow found his way back into the scene and even felt he was accepted by the same popular kids (non specific person/s here, just talking popular college kids in general) who once shunned him. That could be due to him being a little older and having access and the ability to supply illegal items (drugs, alcohol if underage, that type of thing). IMO there was still a trigger that unleashed the years of pent up emotions due to being rejected and an outsider and in my opinion that could’ve been something such as him finally feeling confident and accepted enough to make a move on one of these college girls (not necessarily one of the victims or even someone in their circle) only to find himself rejected once again and realising he was being used all along. A possible trigger like this may have cemented the idea and belief to him that he’s had all along - that ‘popular’ kids are selfish, self-centred, nasty, etc. I’m sure his list could go on.

IMO it wasn’t just the feelings of rejection and a potential trigger that caused him to carry out such a horrific crime. I believe he has always had dark, underlying fantasies and been a bit ‘odd’ to others and this has all come together at the right (or wrong, really) time for him to act on both his urges and his beliefs.

My above theory is also why IMO there isn’t another crime committed by this individual for us to be able to compare it to. I think it was their first, and yes, what a first it would be if that turns out to be true, but stranger things have happened… they always have and they always will!

Editing to say: As for a possible sexual aspect to this crime, I believe there was definitely a sexual component though not in the traditional sense our minds may all first go to (sexual assault). IMO the act of the stabbing was the sexual element of this crime - the knife was chosen due to the up close encounter the weapon provided him with. He ‘got off’ on the killing itself, rather than sexually assaulting a victim/s. IMO he never had an intention of committing a sexual crime as it’s not his M.O.

All my own personal opinion based on what we know/don’t know so far.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I had postulated a bit more crime in the killer's background, but I count dealing in drugs (probably in a fairly minor way) to be at least on a continuum of breaking rules and laws.

My top scenario is indeed "former student," someone who is 3-5 years older than the undergrads, didn't finish, is still living on campus somewhere (this happens at most colleges, various ways to do it), and yes, has found a way of staying relevant to students by always having blunts to sell or something like that. I think he's mostly a loner and enjoys observing (and perhaps mocking) others, rather than building relationships.

Your description of what he got out of these killings is chilling. It very much resembles what others are sharing about some of the more random serial killer types (or one-off killer types).

Lots of food for thought.
Perhaps not so much a compulsion to kill, but the type of personality that obsesses pathologically. I've always thought (just my opinion) that sociopaths lack the ability to resolve their unacted-upon impulses neurologically, and have to physically act them out in order to be quit of them.

JMO - this type of personality not only collects injustices, but speaks about the victims in such a way as if they deserved their fate. “These …, they (follows list of bad behaviors), everyone knew (another list), and good people they treated like (another one)”, etc, etc. Not only would they not find a good word for the slain people, they’d sound very unforgiving, inquisitor-like.
In my opinion, there is no chance that these murders were related to drugs in any way.

I still think that these killings were done for either revenge or pleasure.

If it was revenge, it could have been anything, but my first hunch is that a narcissistic incel fantasized a relationship with one of the girls and then decided to punish her for rejecting or ignoring him.

If the killings were done for pleasure, then at least one of the victims must have caught the eye of a predator at some point, but it may be impossible to find any link between the killer and the victims.
This is also my theory: BBM
It came to a head that night.
"If it was revenge, it could have been anything, but my first hunch is that a narcissistic incel fantasized a relationship with one of the girls and then decided to punish her for rejecting or ignoring him."

My top scenario is indeed "former student," someone who is 3-5 years older than the undergrads, didn't finish, is still living on campus somewhere (this happens at most colleges, various ways to do it), and yes, has found a way of staying relevant to students by always having blunts to sell or something like that. I think he's mostly a loner and enjoys observing (and perhaps mocking) others, rather than building relationships.
@10ofRods With your background, you obviously bring a lot more through experience to the table here than most of us and I always find your takes fascinating. Can you give the Cliff Notes version of how you came to this scenario? It hasn't been the one in my head but after reading it, it makes a lot of sense.
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