ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 8

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Just in case people are unaware of what heating oil looks like here is a picture of a large leak.


It sounds more intriguing and frightening being blood so I’ll go with that unless PD says it’s not lol
Same credentials although I’ve been here much longer.

It’s a college town; “drug dealers” are plentiful, even if the “dealer” is just a friend legally picking up weed literally right across the state line

There is ~rightly~ tension between the community & the extremist local religious extremists (Doug Wilson & Christ Church) that has been for decades trying to make my home into a theocracy. One of their deacons is currently awaiting sentencing for child *advertiser censored*. He’s not the first twisted congregant, unfortunately.

Also worth mentioning - or not - the same group has a private “Christian” college right downtown & they have often complained about drunk students downtown.

They don’t have dorms & their students often board with congregation families & have been known to rent houses together.

Edited to add link to advertiser censored word news story:
Are the theocrats dangerous in your opinion? Some of these types have gotten quite emboldened of late, just wondering if you think their followers attract the type of person who would use violence to make a statement?
It’s certainly someone who’s used a knife in this manner before, whether hunting or in LE/military. It’s hard to imagine a first time, inexperienced killer being able to pull this off at all let alone undetected.

I don't know. No one had a clue who kidnapped Jayme Closs. He definitely wasn't "military", unless we count the 28 days he was in BASIC, until he was kicked out. He had never killed anyone previously, just planned a blitz attack. He even shaved his head to eliminate hair fiber evidence at the scene.
I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t think JD could commit an act this heinous. I do have an honest question, though: Why did KG’s sister so adamantly point to the 10 phone calls her sister and MM made to someone named “Jack” only to later—along with her entire family—speak so glowingly of JD? I find that confusing.
I mean it was a ~$450K house. I have a hard time thinking the foundation/exterior walls were in that bad of shape that a liquid spilled on a bedroom floor is going to run down the outside of the house. Even if true it isn't important to the case.
That is the price for Californians. I have no problem believing this about foundation/exterior in a place like Moscow.
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I mean it was a ~$450K house. I have a hard time thinking the foundation/exterior walls were in that bad of shape that a liquid spilled on a bedroom floor is going to run down the outside of the house. Even if true it isn't important to the case.
Regarding the value of the's all supply and demand. Housing prices went crazy. If you can charge rent for 5 or 6 bedrooms then that drives the market price. It doesn't necessarily translate into 'quality house'.
Regarding the 'blood' on the outside of the house, I agree, even if true it isn't important to the case. It's got nothing to do with solving the case.
Usually, the smell of death comes pretty quickly after someone passes away. I am surprised that that smell was not noticed. Makes me wonder if the friends were already celebrating their Sunday and were not really paying attention. This scene just seems so odd to me. At least one of the onlookers should have been worried when their friend could not be aroused. I mean no disrespect to the victims including those who arrived on this scene.
From unfortunate experience, I am surprised as well that the smell of that much blood alone was not detectable. When I think about the time that elapsed before discovery of the bodies, it's hard for me to understand how they didn't smell other things, too. Decomp starts not long after time of death and it's beyond description.
The original KaBar didn't. It was a fighting knife/bayonet. Later versions were issued; some had serrated edges on top. I think maybe for paratroopers and more of a utility knife.
This is true, but diving knives also have serrations on them. I must assume they have a guard outline of some kind.
There are questions at the end of the last thread regarding which floor is which. There are three floors in the house. The second floor would be considered the main floor, since the kitchen, living, dining spaces are on that floor. There is no basement. From the front of the house, we see three floors. From the back of the house, we see two.

I have added labels to the front and side of the house as: first, second and third, so we can share a common language when discussing the floors. If the floors should have different labels, such as parking floor, main floor and upstairs floor, I'll be happy to make that change.

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This map shows the property boundary (red line). The blue lines are elevation lines. Each line represents a 10 foot increase in elevation. We can see that there is a 30-40 foot difference in elevation from the front of the property to the raod/parking behind the property. It would be easy for someone to sit in the trees at the back of the property and look directly into the windows at the back of the house.

View attachment 381619

This is the kind of fantastic graphics I'm here to study. Thank you, otto.

Being the male and the strongest person in the home, Ethan would need to be eliminated swiftly. Killer is equipped not with a pocket knife, but with a sharp military style knife.

For reasons I cannot fully explain, I place Ethan in the vacant second floor bedroom simply due to the blood seeping alongside the outside wall. I suspect it's Ethan's blood and don't think it is rust on the exterior concrete foundation underneath the 2nd floor bdrm but willing to be proven wrong.

The killer knew at least 4 people were in the house. Where was the dog, Murphy? Was Murphy locked outdoors so his paws wouldn't track through bloodshed?

The coincidence of Kaylee driving to town and dying the same day is too uncanny. I'd like to say a Serial Mass Killer is on the loose but it seems an individual was specifically targeted or maybe a group of individuals was the target.

Why? Who benefits from the deaths of four bright and beautiful college students?
Agreed! The only thing that makes me feel better (? Maybe not the best choice of words) is that I imagine press has descended on Moscow like a plague, and I bet there are a lot of weird and aggressive people lurking around.

However the unknown “be safe out there” insta post really creeps me out for some reason.
School needs to close down until January. Freeze grades or allow students to work from home.
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The original KaBar didn't. It was a fighting knife/bayonet. Later versions were issued; some had serrated edges on top. I think maybe for paratroopers and more of a utility knife.
A Ka-Bar is not a bayonet. The easiest way to tell is that there is no ring to fit it to a rifle muzzle. Ka-Bar is a fighting/utility knife.
I really really really really hope that if a person walked into their home and found their roomates dead, that their first reaction would not be to call friends. Obligatory just my opinion
I know I also keep harping on about the 911 call because there are other people living there so if the surviving housemates are banging on doors & not getting a response, would they then not be calling every housemate on their phones to rouse them? Surely, if there are 4 x other people also in the house, are they not calling each & every housemate? And, if NONE of those other four are answering their phones - why call another friend, I would be in a complete panic at this stage if I cannot get any of the 4 x people who are in the home to answer their phones - alarm bells should have been ringing for them. I get not being able to get a response from one housemate might not seem like a big deal but if you’ve called X, E, K & M & none are responding, why are you not calling 911??
I see some still speculating that Ethan (or Xana) woke up while Kaylee and/or Maddie were being killed and went out to investigate, leading to their murders. LE has stated that all victims were likely asleep when attacked.

“The four University of Idaho students who were found stabbed multiple times in their off-campus home were "likely asleep," before they were attacked, Moscow, Idaho, police said in a Friday evening update.

Just a thought on the phrasing - were “likely asleep BEFORE they were attacked”. This doesn’t say they were asleep WHEN attacked. It could just be LE way of saying that things had settled down for the night, the victims weren’t partying, engaged in an argument, etc.
If they heard their phone ringing endlessly, if their alarm was going off again and again... If surviving roommates banged on the door for an hour, then ya they could assume someone was unconscious. They could have every right to be worried. All of this is my own opinion.
If that’s true, definitely no reason to obfuscate or not release who called or the transcript of the 911 call, even redacted.
, it's hard for me to understand how they didn't smell other things, too. Decomp starts not long after time of death and it's beyond description.
I've had alot if dead rats in my attic and sidewalls. The smell starts out gradually (What's that? Did you take out the trash?).."Well if it's a rat, we'll eventually know"..

A day or so later...."Yeah it is"...

I rarely hear of strong decomp smells 8 hrs after death..(Decomp is faster in hot weather...)
I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t think JD could commit an act this heinous. I do have an honest question, though: Why did KG’s sister so adamantly point to the 10 phone calls her sister and MM made to someone named “Jack” only to later—along with her entire family—speak so glowingly of JD? I find that confusing.
Maybe her point was that KG and MM were both alive and awake at that time.
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