ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #14

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It should also be pointed out a lot of the wild rumors and speculation came about because of The Nancy Grace Show . She took incorrect media reports and magnified and sensationalized them. Many of her audience ended up here and the emotional sensationalism took on a life of its own. The show is archived on YouTube . She should be ashamed. So should the people who believed her.

I call it the Nate and Nancy Circus . Some people will do anything for ratings. That is what happened on this case.

I just watched it again. If anything, it seemed to question the family friend. It painted a very innocent picture of the parents. I didn't feel that it was overly sensational - people do feel emotion when they see photos and hear the story of an adorable little boy that is missing, but there is no way to downplay that. The only incorrect information I noticed was the arrival date (Friday afternoon instead of Thursday evening). Nate may have been speculating on where DeOrr's things were left, but I'm not sure that has ever been cleared up by MSM. It didn't seem like a circus to me - it seemed like a news story about the mysterious disappearance of a little boy, which is what it is. MOO.
I was watching a crime show the other day and they said in some of the tougher cases how they solve it is by elimination. I think this case may be the type of case where eliminating what could not have happened may help.

I think these things can be eliminated and I know some of us would not agree so its just an opinion. For the investigators they would have similar issue of some agreeing and some not as they try to eliminate possibles. That is where concensus of the group is important. So a vote would be taken on what things can be eliminated to narrow down the possibles.

IMO below are what can be eliminated so far:

1-Animal taking him.
This is the toughest one to eliminate for me.
I used to think Cougar was a definite possible but have finally decided this can be eliminated because of a few main reasons. The main reason is all the searching did not turn up any evidence of an animal taking him. I would have thought something of the boys would have been found if animal took him. Like a shoe or piece of clothing or something.
The lack of any evidence at all tells me I have to eliminate animal taking him.
So putting this one in eliminate category.
If something turns up this may change. But for now it stays in this category for me.

2-Total Stranger taking him.
For many of the same reasons as the number 1 I just don't see how a total stranger could take him. No solid evidence so far to suggest that. If any evidence turns up to the contrary then this could change.
I know there were some reports of stranger vehicles but not sure about those reports.

This may not help too much because there are still many other possibles but at least by narrowing down the possibles it would give LE some help. Their list is going to be different I am sure.

i agree about the mountain lion/animal aspect, something would have turned up, especially one of his boots

but i dont have any problem imagining someone stalking the family and waiting for an opportunity to abduct deorr during the camping trip, seems completely possible to me, maybe the most likely thing imo
i agree about the mountain lion/animal aspect, something would have turned up, especially one of his boots

but i dont have any problem imagining someone stalking the family and waiting for an opportunity to abduct deorr during the camping trip, seems completely possible to me, maybe the most likely thing imo

I don't discount the mountain lion possibility, but I also agree on the possibility of stalking and abduction, maybe even someone who had prior knowledge of their camping trip. But then I haven't really discounted anything as a possibility at this point. Hey Sheriff Bowerman, someone, anyone.... would you please come give us an update. :)
i agree about the mountain lion/animal aspect, something would have turned up, especially one of his boots

but i dont have any problem imagining someone stalking the family and waiting for an opportunity to abduct deorr during the camping trip, seems completely possible to me, maybe the most likely thing imo

I think a known abductor is also among the more likely possibilities (though not the only one). But those boots ... between the small size and the camouflage design, I'm just not sure how visible they'd be, particularly at this point. The blue PJs might be more visible, but with sun bleaching, maybe not. Someone asked before -- did they use metal detectors in their search? That little truck may be more "findable" than anything else at this point. I don't think the question was ever answered, though.
I've heard so many rumors and gossip. Some is questionable... Most of its bouges and laughable because its not even an actual rumor rather just judgment. The whole situation is sad.

I want to believe someone has him and he will be found safe. Its happen before. It could happen.

Its just the location that makes me think the odds are he is out there somewhere. He probably did run off to find his mom or dad and went the wrong way. After that then who knows....and a wild animal is a real possibility given the location. His boots wouldnt be as easy to find as one might think. Tiny toddler boots that are camo and brown...I think a metal detector is a good idea. Idk I just hope for some type to of least give the family some resolution.
Now there are two separate fund sites requesting money for hiring a PI for this case. Neither one gives any details that I could see about what the goal is. I don't think searches are possible once snow is on the ground - it could even be dangerous to get to the site if the road is as bad as described, I wouldn't want searchers trying to navigate primitive mountain roads covered in snow and ice. I've hit "fund fatigue" in this case because of how often requests for money have been made, and I just don't see this going anywhere.

Sadly, I think this is a cold case. I wish it weren't, but I don't think we'll get anywhere until the Spring thaw, and even then it's a needle in a haystack.

Would it be really snowy up there now? And which campsite is it on this map (both called Timber Creek), the one nearest Leadore?
I agree that LE needs to issue an official statement on the status of their investigation. It doesn't sound like they have revealed much to the family, either - at least that's the impression I get. If they (LE) have a working theory or are still following leads and/or collecting evidence, they ought to let the public know that. If they are at a dead end and truly have no idea what happened, they ought to let the public know that. I also think it would be courteous for LE to clear the POI's of being involved, especially if there is no overwhelming evidence against them. I think that would go a long way in stopping the online harassment. It's been 4 months - either they have evidence or they don't. If the case is cold, they should let folks know. All MOO.

From the August 18th interview between Nate Eaton and the sheriff (transcribed by TxJan1971):

Nate Eaton:
&#8220;And, um, at this point were their vehicles searched, the tents, I guess everything out there was probably searched?&#8221;

Sheriff Bowerman:
&#8220;We did a&#8230;I think a very thorough investigation. We uh took two initial track dogs in. Uh, one of them being mine and one being Salmon Police Department. They&#8217;re trained to search for people who are lost. Um, they were given a scent. They went from the campground up to the reservoir and then back to the campground and we&#8230;we searched everywhere a small child could easily hide or climb into or fall into.&#8221;

Nate Eaton:
&#8220;But nothing&#8230;&#8221;

Sheriff Bowerman:
&#8220;And we found absolutely nothing.&#8221;
From the August 18th interview between Nate Eaton and the sheriff (transcribed by TxJan1971):

Nate Eaton:
&#8220;And, um, at this point were their vehicles searched, the tents, I guess everything out there was probably searched?&#8221;

Sheriff Bowerman:
&#8220;We did a&#8230;I think a very thorough investigation. We uh took two initial track dogs in. Uh, one of them being mine and one being Salmon Police Department. They&#8217;re trained to search for people who are lost. Um, they were given a scent. They went from the campground up to the reservoir and then back to the campground and we&#8230;we searched everywhere a small child could easily hide or climb into or fall into.&#8221;

Nate Eaton:
&#8220;But nothing&#8230;&#8221;

Sheriff Bowerman:
&#8220;And we found absolutely nothing.&#8221;

He clearly doesn't say "he" was there!
That makes me wonder... Was it the sheriff's own personal tracking dog used up there at the beginning? Without him being there? I just wonder if another handler might confuse the dog, or not be as good at picking up on the subtle signals the dog was giving. If the dog was used to being worked by Bowerman. Do tracking dogs usually have one main handler?
From the same interview :

My Chief Deputy has spent endless hours up there. He&#8217;s climbed literally up to the top of some of the peaks up there. He&#8217;s walked into some of the old uh dens of some of the animals that live in those areas, and he&#8217;s been frantically searching for a clue and&#8230;and uh, it&#8217;s been overwhelming. There&#8217;ve been days I&#8217;ve been the only patrolman on the road because all my personnel are up there working at the scene
So the Chief Deputy would be Steve Penner, according to the Sheriff Department's website. And it was Penner that was talking to the media in the early days of the search, not Bowerman.

15th July 2015:
We searched it yesterday and searched it today,&#8221; Lemhi County Sheriff Chief Deputy Steve Penner said. &#8220;We&#8217;re searching the reservoir again and we&#8217;re gonna keep searching.&#8221;...
We interviewed the family,&#8221; Penner said. &#8220;I&#8217;m good with them and they&#8217;re good with me.&#8221; Office.htm
There's a reason we don't discuss rumors, they spread. <modsnip>

It's yet another social media rumor.

The problem with these is that we all believe them and start quoting them as fact. And that starts up endless rounds of speculation and what-ifs. And then when someone tries to trace the source of the rumor, we end up ... nowhere. But it's been quoted so many times that it's imprinted on our brains as fact.

Personally, I had assumed that Bowerman was on the scene right away and led the search himself. But after reading back through the old press articles and interviews, I think I was wrong to make that assumption. I have no idea exactly how much time he personally spent searching or when he first went to the campsite. But I am sure that he has complete confidence in his deputy.

So now MOO based on the Msm articles only is that Bowerman's Deputy was in charge of the search effort at first, and was the first to interview the Poi ("I'm good with them and they're good with me".) Bowerman was probably left to oversee everything else in the town whilst most of the officers were out searching.
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