ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #15

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That was my whole point , every other day he completely changes the story . He must be the magic detective working at the speed of light to solve things that fast.

Anyway , best wishes , and next week I am sure we will get whiplashed again.

So in the first article, he's saying there have been rumors that there will be an arrest "that day". *HE* is not saying there will be an arrest. He is reporting a rumor, and denying it.

In the second one, he is saying he does think charges will be filed. He is NOT contradicting himself, because he was not the one saying there would be an arrest in the first article.

I don't understand how this is conflicting info.

It's like a weatherman saying "there is no tornado on the ground at this time" and then two days later saying "there's a good chance of a tornado later today". Would that be the weatherman being wishy washy, or would that be the weatherman reporting information available at the time he's quoted?
Klein is able to say things about his own investigation that LE can't say about theirs. Klein is telling us what his investigation has boiled down too - that this was a murder and that DeOrr is still on the mountain and he has a direct witness to establish his conclusion which is ugly and exactly what no one wanted to hear. He also states that LE and he are on the same page and he expects that charges will be filed in the future.

I don't understand why he is being criticized so much. He is a successful PI and he and his team are putting in their best efforts and talent to find DeOrr and have made some conclusions that erase a lot of speculation and rumor.

Thank you Mr. Klein.

Not only that but he is coming out against the people who paid him a LOT of money to do this investigation, which I thought would only lead to results in their favor.
Not only that but he is coming out against the people who paid him a LOT of money to do this investigation, which I thought would only lead to results in their favor.

I thought this too. I have been surprised at how open he has been about the direction of the investigation, particularly given what that direction is. It's interesting too that DK's dad (DK Sr. Sr.) has stated that he does not believe Klein's assessment that DeOrr is deceased.
If KI really believes charges will be coming at some point, you'd think someone may want to play "Let's Make A Deal". With what this whole investigation is costing over all & more searches in the Spring, I would think LE would try their best to end this case.
If it was an accident and cover-up, regardless of the manner or intent of DeOrr's death, if a person or persons allowed this investigation to go on for six months while knowing the whole time what happened, that's just inexcusable. What a complete waste of resources - all the time and money spent looking for DeOrr - it makes me sick. Allowing families and relatives to not know what happened to him, allowing strangers to volunteer countless hours to the cause, stringing along LE and the FBI, the list goes on. Not allowing DeOrr a proper burial is perhaps the most unforgiving part of this case. I sincerely hope that someone points Klein (or LE) in the right direction to find his remains. The charades need to stop.

New article (nothing earth shattering):

Eaton: Lisa Marie says, “Is it true that Isaac disappeared for over an hour after DeOrr disappeared or is this just another rumor?”

Klein: Again, that goes into the actual investigative issues that we are investigating. We’re not wiling to discuss that at this time but I would classify that probably as not a rumor.

Eaton: Annalee asks, “I would like to know if Great Grandpa or Isaac actually saw DeOrr on Friday or if they just assumed he was there because they had seen him Thursday?

Klein: Again that goes into testimony and I’m not willing to answer but I will say is we have witnesses collaborating that he was on the mountain on that Friday.

Interesting comment about Isaac. Also, he continues to use "on the mountain" instead of saying he was at the campsite.
Also from the article:

Eaton: Julie wants to know, “If the death was intentional, are there motives you are exploring?”

Klein: Yes. The answer to that would be yes. Everything is on the table.

I don't even know what to make of this. What motive could someone have to kill a toddler? The idea of a motive is troubling to me - doesn't that kind of veer away from an accident?
Also from the article:

Eaton: Julie wants to know, “If the death was intentional, are there motives you are exploring?”

Klein: Yes. The answer to that would be yes. Everything is on the table.

I don't even know what to make of this. A motive implies premeditation. What motive could someone have to kill a toddler? I find it hard to fathom that Isaac went on the trip and decided to kill DeOrr (and did so without leaving a trace). The idea of a motive is troubling to me.

I guess this could just be scare tactics to get people talking? There are a lot of "threats" and "bad legal consequences" in Klein's words.
I don't think Klein is going against the family but I do think IR is being set up, whether as a scape goat or whatever but thats my opinion. He may have seen it coming and thats why he lawyered up, but I think he is being set up to take the blame no matter what. Even if Deorr is still out there somewhere and he had nothing to do with it. How does this make Klein going against the family? To me its making Klein help cover the familys butt by putting blame elsewhere. I will admit I have no clue what happened to Deorr but I do feel Klein is tyring to take the eyes away from the parents, just like I would and have expected.
Not only that but he is coming out against the people who paid him a LOT of money to do this investigation, which I thought would only lead to results in their favor.

I wouldn't think so.....only lead to results in their favor....I think the main goal is to find the baby. I'd think the family wants to find him AND know the
Eaton: Jessica says, “Why haven’t all four lie detector results been revealed?

Klein: That’s really a question that should be directed at law enforcement – both federal and state level. I want to repeat that again – on the federal and state level. We are aware of the polygraph tests and probably it’s in the best interest of everybody that they’re not released right now.

Sounds like two separate tests to me.
I don't think Klein is going against the family but I do think IR is being set up, whether as a scape goat or whatever but thats my opinion. He may have seen it coming and thats why he lawyered up, but I think he is being set up to take the blame no matter what. Even if Deorr is still out there somewhere and he had nothing to do with it. How does this make Klein going against the family? To me its making Klein help cover the familys butt by putting blame elsewhere. I will admit I have no clue what happened to Deorr but I do feel Klein is tyring to take the eyes away from the parents, just like I would and have expected.

I would be shocked if IR wasn't privy to the accusations that have been directed at him.

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Also from the article:

Eaton: Julie wants to know, “If the death was intentional, are there motives you are exploring?”

Klein: Yes. The answer to that would be yes. Everything is on the table.

I don't even know what to make of this. What motive could someone have to kill a toddler? The idea of a motive is troubling to me - doesn't that kind of veer away from an accident?


I don't know what it means except they are looking at both scenarios. I can't imagine the usual motives like freedom, love and money being motives to disappear a 2-year-old, but it has happened. Please be an accident. The hearts of those who love him don't need to be broken further.

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I'm honestly not sure what to make of the recent article. It certainly does point more to IR, but I just don't understand why a complete stranger (I'm still not sure I'm buying into him being a complete stranger) would kill a child within possible seeing distance of a parent. I never understand why people kill children, but that would be beyond brave and beyond stupid. If LE suspected IR from the beginning, would they instruct the parents to do everything to avoid mentioning him or pointing fingers? I'm still not buying into IR being a child killer. Maybe a body hider, maybe a witness, maybe involved in a cover-up.

I will say Klein has done wonders pointing fingers at everyone there. Maybe it was a pre-planned trip and everyone's involved.
I am feeling in my gut that we were given a totally bogus timeline of the 2 days' events. I would LOVE to see LE's and Klein's timelines. We don't even know if the timestamp on the store receipt matches when they said they were there.
I thought this too. I have been surprised at how open he has been about the direction of the investigation, particularly given what that direction is. It's interesting too that DK's dad (DK Sr. Sr.) has stated that he does not believe Klein's assessment that DeOrr is deceased.

It is tragic. And I don't how I would cope. I think I would be doing my fair share of "magical thinking" as Joan Didion calls it. The grief would be too unbearable to process.

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It is tragic. And I don't how I would cope. I think I would be doing my fair share of "magical thinking" as Joan Didion calls it. The grief would be too unbearable to process.

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I bet anything he is still in the Shock and Disbelief state of grieving....He's holding a flicker of hope for his napping buddy.....So tragically sad....
I totally agree (obviously). The only thing is that accident is still very much on the table and I so want that to be the case. If you are thinking that he would only be saying charges will be filed if it was homicide, I don't think that is the case. I am no legal guru and things differ state to state, but even if it were an accident and covered up, charges (anything like falsifying a police report, a form of neglect, heck even wire fraud if anyone with knowledge benefited from donations made online).

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Tapa - I have ruled accident out from Kleins' words. He said "we know HOW. We want to know WHY." (emphasis mine) The only way this makes sense is that it was not an accident for if it was there is no reason to ask 'why".

In my opinion, it makes no sense to state, for instance "we know he accidentally ingested some drugs and died, now we want to know why he ingested the drugs" or "we know he was accidentally run over by a vehicle, now we ant to know why he was run over". To me, since he knows 'how', the 'why' tells us it was not accidental but rather an intentional act.

Of course some could argue that the 'why' refers to 'why was the accident hidden", but this argument makes no sense when we look at the words Klein selected. If Klein knew it was an accident, he could simply say "we know he died accidentally but we want to know why it was covered up" and this would not interfere with LE's investigation. The reason he didn't elaborate on the 'how' is because it was murder and he is unwilling to say this before LE is ready to act.

I hope this made sense. It does to me.
It is tragic. And I don't how I would cope. I think I would be doing my fair share of "magical thinking" as Joan Didion calls it. The grief would be too unbearable to process.

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And the shock of hearing that unless Isaac acted 100% alone, a member(s) of baby DeOrr's family could possibly have known all along that he was dead. :-(
Tapa - I have ruled accident out from Kleins' words. He said "we know HOW. We want to know WHY." (emphasis mine) The only way this makes sense is that it was not an accident for if it was there is no reason to ask 'why".

In my opinion, it makes no sense to state, for instance "we know he accidentally ingested some drugs and died, now we want to know why he ingested the drugs" or "we know he was accidentally run over by a vehicle, now we ant to know why he was run over". To me, since he knows 'how', the 'why' tells us it was not accidental but rather an intentional act.

Of course some could argue that the 'why' refers to 'why was the accident hidden", but this argument makes no sense when we look at the words Klein selected. If Klein knew it was an accident, he could simply say "we know he died accidentally but we want to know why it was covered up" and this would not interfere with LE's investigation. The reason he didn't elaborate on the 'how' is because it was murder and he is unwilling to say this before LE is ready to act.

I hope this made sense. It does to me.

It makes sense to me. I tried to say that with a previous post (using death by heatstroke in the car as an example) but your explanation is better. It doesn't seem like an accident would need a "why" because the very nature of an accident is something that wasn't meant to happen.
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