Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #60

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I have seen cases where the killer goes to trial for only 1 murdered victim, even if he killed 3 others. This was done so that if somehow the killer wasn't found guilty, they could try him again for the other murder victims. I thought that might happen in this case. I do feel better knowing about the charges against Lori for Charles death. You just never know what could go wrong with these cases.

"You just never know what could go wrong with these cases."

yeah ...quicker than you can say jello pudding.
don't you think she would have gotten rid of Chad and his kids eventually? convince him his kids are zombies too..and then Chad could have a blood clot situation..and she cashes in on the long con..Lori had nothing to give to Chad so I believe Lori was going for another shot at some money and property...she wasn't gonna wait around..she moves fast.

she killed her zombie now he's gonna have to kill his they can be together without any interference from suspicious people...oh she would have found a way to involve them in something where they would have to be out of the picture for knowing...

oh Lori is always working..cunning little motor is always running..she is exhausting..

I don't know it for sure. I should have added a MOO MOO here and a MOO Moo there. Just a theory based on MM's movements lately.
Here a Moo, there a Moo, everywhere a Moo Moo!
But seriously, thank you for answering. Someone reading could take that as fact since this is a more reputable forum. I thought you might have possibly seen her physically walking back in to the jail.
I’m not able to confirm if LVD is at the women’s detention center or if she is at another facility being treated still. However, it would not be the first time LVD status has been kept quiet or that she was said to be somewhere but wasn’t (ie being dropped off at the women’s detention center the first time). And MM did go missing for a while and now he’s been back everyday at the women’s detention center.

All jmo moo imo

In listening to some podcasts, the past three days, indication was LV was back in jail….moo (these are podcasters that are mentioned on WS, that’s how I found them….will see what happens tomorrow)
Hi, this is my first post in this thread (although I’ve been following for a long time) and I am reluctant to begin posting so late.

At this late date, I’m not sure if any of my professional psychiatric opinions are even particularly relevant. I was initially drawn to this case because of the elements of Munchausen’s by proxy I observed IMO, which I’ve devoted much of my career to. I am American board certified in both psychiatry and internal medicine however I will reserve my opinions until my professional credentials have been verified by this site.

Until then I am desperately hoping to catch up (if possible) and post simply personal observations and opinions. Thank you.
hello Lizzy, I am fascinated by Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen by proxy syndrome.

is this in reference to JJ? this is a fascinating and bizarre case. I hope you will share your opinions! welcome to WS!!
Yes, my interest was initially peaked in regards to statements made about JJ in regards to his diagnosis, medications, and behaviors.

I look forward to sharing my opinions in the near future for whatever they may or may not be worth.
Hi, this is my first post in this thread (although I’ve been following for a long time) and I am reluctant to begin posting so late.

At this late date, I’m not sure if any of my professional psychiatric opinions are even particularly relevant. I was initially drawn to this case because of the elements of Munchausen’s by proxy I observed IMO, which I’ve devoted much of my career to. I am American board certified in both psychiatry and internal medicine however I will reserve my opinions until my professional credentials have been verified by this site.

Until then I am desperately hoping to catch up (if possible) and post simply personal observations and opinions. Thank you.

I have speculated about Munchausen's, with LVD and Tylee. Tylee seemed to not have the same sort of life as other girls her age. Something changed after they came back from Hawaii. In Hawaii, Tylee went to school, had friends, an online presence. Then, all gone.

When they came back to Arizona, Tylee no longer attended school, and didn't seem to have any friends. Not even church friends? Which seems odd to me. We have not heard much about church attendance.

What were the dynamics between LVD and Tylee? We really don't know. I hazard a guess, somewhat contentious. And probably escalated in Idaho.

It is obvious though, that Tylee loved JJ.

I wouldn't even be surprised by some sort of "gaslighting" that LVD did to lower Tylee's self esteem. I think LVD probably encouraged Tylee to eat, then disparaged her about her weight. Tylee did have a weight problem. (Not "fat shaming", just noticed she was not thin, like LVD).

Because, of course, LVD had to be the best and most beautiful in the room.

Whew! I can finally post this & shorten it up a bit....

Thursday, July 1st:
*Status Conference Hearing (@ 11am MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2019 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) – only for *Lori Norene Vallow aka Lori Norene Daybell (46/now 48) arrested (in Kauai, Hawaii) on 2/20/20 & charged (6/30/20) & arraigned (9/20/20) with 2 counts of conspiracy to commit destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence. Bond was set at $5M & reduced to $1M. Fremont County
*Indicted (5/25/21) & arraigned (5/26/21 with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4(for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): Chad only: 1st Degree murder. Count 7: Lori only: Grand theft (related to social security survivor benefits allocated for the care of minors Tylee & JJ). Fremont County
Trial was set to begin on 7/12/21 has been vacated. No further dates yet.
Grand Jury convened from May 17 to May 20 re JJ Vallow, Tylee Ryan & Tammy Daybell.

Court info from 3/5/20 thru 5/19/21 reference post #1180 here:
Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #57

5/25/21 Update: Daybell & Vallow indicted by Grand jury on the deaths Tammy Daybell, Tylee Ryan & JJ Vallow. Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): Chad only: 1st Degree murder. Count 7: Lori only: Grand theft (related to social security survivor benefits allocated for the care of minors Tylee & JJ). Count 8 & 9: Chad only: Insurance Fraud (Two counts of insurance fraud related to life insurance policies he had on Tammy Daybell). Advisement hearing 5/26/21 @ 11am for Chad & 11:30am for Lori. Motion hearing on 6/9/21 was cancelled for Lori.
5/26/21 Update: Advisement hearing for Lori held. Means asked for a continuance-granted.
5/27/21 Update: Chandler Police submitted its investigation involving Lori Vallow & the death of her ex-husband Charles Vallow to the Maricopa Co. Attorney's Office. The charge is Conspiracy to Commit First Degree Murder. Charles was killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox.
5/27/21 Update: Order Staying Case: Back in March 8, 2021, Lori’s fitness to proceed was drawn into question by her counsel. After a psychological assessment, the Court determined at this time the defendant is not competent to proceed & recommends restorative treatment. The State contests the finding of the report. Therefore, the Court will schedule a hearing on the issue & stay in this case remains in effect pending determination of the issue of competency. Order signed by District Judge Steven W. Boyce.
5/27/21: Lori: Murder charges: Notice of appearance reservation of defenses; request for discovery. Hearing has been set for 6/16 /21@ 9am regarding prosecutor Rob Wood disputing the psychological report/competency issue. 6/4/21: Special Prosecutor Rob Wood files withdrawal of contest (Re: 18-211) in the case against Vallow. He will not dispute the evaluation/report on Vallow’s competency. State does not object to a medical physician’s evaluation/diagnosis with treatment plan to restore competence. State's own expert has reviewed the competency report.
6/8/21: Order of Commitment-Lacks fitness to proceed/competency. Vallow is committed to the custody of the Director of Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare for care & treatment for a period not exceeding 90 days. 6/8/21: Declared Motion to show cause re: contempt for failure to comply with lawfully served subpoena regarding Melissa Gibb.
6/8/21: Order of Commitment pursuant to I.C. Sec.18-212: Lacks fitness to proceed/competency filed by Judge Steven W. Boyce. 6/10/21: Discovery Disclosure filed by State: Disclosure.pdf
6/11/21: In the document filed Friday, Mark Means is making the requests because of Daybell’s “fragile mental state of incompetency, as a direct result of the historical & systematic mental, emotional & physical abuse she suffered.” Means did not detail the abuse but said he is raising concerns due to allegations of conversations between the Director of the IDHW & prosecutors over Daybell’s situation while excluding Means. Means states that he wants to be directly involved in Daybell’s treatment & asks for the names & credentials of all people involved in her care. Means also wants to know proposed treatment, medications & plans before they are administered to Daybell. Means also addresses concerns after Daybell was declared indigent, meaning she has limited ability to pay for legal services such as a defense attorney or investigative or expert fees. Means, an attorney privately retained by Daybell, goes on to say no funds have been made available to him from the county & his costs have included subpoenas of Daybell’s close friend, Melanie Gibb, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office, costs to buy hard drives & transportation costs to meet with prosecutors. He said by allowing private access to Daybell, future additional costs can be avoided.
6/16/21: Special Prosecutor Rob Wood says a recent motion filed by Lori Vallow Daybell’s attorney is “inappropriate” and “absurd.” Wood is responding to the motion in court documents filed Wednesday by calling Means’ arguments “unfounded” and “legally unauthorized.” “The State is unaware of any legal, psychiatric or medical authority that would allow the Court, Defense Counsel or the Prosecutor, all of whom lack medical degrees, to interfere with the daily treatment of the Defendant or dictate how any such treatment should proceed,” Wood wrote. Means also asked Boyce to place a gag order on anyone caring for Daybell while she is in custody. Wood says all medical information is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act so making such an order is not needed. Wood asks District Judge Steven Boyce to deny Means’ motion and says a hearing on the matter is not necessary because the requests are “unfounded and legally unauthorized.”
6/17/21: Vallow is now a patient at Intermountain Hospital (?) in Boise, ID on 6/24/21. 6/17/21: Order to unseal hearing. 6/18/21: Declared Motion to Compel / Notice of transfer of discovery documents. Means says the State has not complied with his request for discovery served on 5/27. The State responded on 6/10, saying discovery would be provided by 7/15. Means wants a hearing & sanctions against State. 6/18/21: Order to Seal re State's emergency motion to seal 2nd declared motion to compel & request for sanctions (filed by Mark Means) & notice of hearing & status conference hearing scheduled on 7/1/21. 6/25/21: Order Unsealing 6/18/21 Orders. Upon further review the Court determines that I.C.A.R. 32((i)(l) does not require that the Orders to Seal be sealed, but the pleadings referenced in the orders shall remained sealed.
6/25/21: Supplemental Declaration in support of motion to compel filed by Mark Means. Amended Notice of remote hearing (redacted) for 7/1/21 @ 11am via telephone or video. 6/26/21 Update: Status conference hearing on 7/1/21. 6/28/21: Motion for change of venue filed by Mark Means. Request for Discovery: specific Discovery pursuant to ICR16.

*AZ – Indicted (6/24/21) with conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder in the death of former husband Charles Vallow. Maricopa County
6/29/21 Update: Lori Vallow is indicted (6/24/21) by a grand jury in Maricopa County, charged with conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder in the death of her former husband Charles Vallow. Indictment #797-GJ-259/ Arizona won't go any further until Vallow's Idaho charges have been resolved. The indictment states, “Lori N. Vallow, on or about July 11, 2019, with the intent to promote or aid the commission of an offense, to-wit: First Degree Murder, agreed with Alexander Cox that at least one of them or another would engage in conduct constituting the offense of First Degree Murder.” The prosecutor in Lori's Maricopa County case for the murder of Charles Vallow is Jodi Arias prosecutor Juan Martinez's girlfriend, Treena Kay.
*Madison County: Pretrial conference hearing on 8/17/21 & trial set to begin on 8/30/21 (thru 9/3/21 @ 9am).
*Chad Guy Daybell (51/now 52) – Pretrial conference hearing on murder charge on 9/29/21. Trial set to begin on 11/8/21 thru 12/17/21.
@Tortoise - wondering about Vallow's Madison County cases.... anything on the court site about the 8/17 hearing date & trial on 8/30/21? Just want to keep my notes straight!


edited to add - On Chad - I have a 9/13 hearing in my notes, but my stuff is on a hearing for 9/29 - ??
@Tortoise - wondering about Vallow's Madison County cases.... anything on the court site about the 8/17 hearing date & trial on 8/30/21? Just want to keep my notes straight!


edited to add - On Chad - I have a 9/13 hearing in my notes, but my stuff is on a hearing for 9/29 - ??
Hopefully someone else can give you an answer Niner, my eye's been off the ball for a while (since not all updates are going on the court portal) and until I do a proper sweep of the threads for the next timeline update, which I don't have the time to do properly atm, it'll be quicker to field this with those who have taken note. I know there are some here who are paying attention! :)
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