Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2

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She would not need a passport to cross the border from the US to Canada ... just the other way.

Yes, you do need a passport to go to Canada now. I do know this.

They stop you, ask if you have any guns, they check the passports of everyone in the car, even kids. And if the kids have a different last name than the adults, they ask the kids what the relationship is to the driver. Nice, and chill, but I was surprised that they asked.
True! Now I am a non-member but know many and am somewhat of an expert on the Fundamental LDS groups. (A relative played one on TV ha ha) While that's true, I have a handle on what's really going on as I've been part of a group including social services, attorneys and web sleuths, we managed a website detailing the crimes and activities, though I have forgotten some as the FLDS fiasco is years past and Jeffs is in prison for life.

The Foundation of the LDS church is set on prophecy, beginning when Joe had a business using a "Seer Stone" and he translated the Book of Mormon while looking at the stone in a hat, and from golden plates he said he found but never showed anyone. The first copy of 116 pages was discovered and destroyed by his wife Emma or his Scribe Martin's wife Lucy. So he had to start all over. Doh'!

With that background, the LDS have had a culture of speaking with God, and prophecy, and it's spawned dozens if not hundreds of people who step up and say they have God on a hotline. The most notable are the FLDS which while still has tens of thousands of followers, has lost it's cities and prophet to prison. The other big one is the Kingston group and recently two of their big players were sent to prison for defrauding the Govt for $500M in a fraud oil recycling program. Google em.

Lots of little pedo prophets out there and some caught some not. I could go on and on. Recommended reading: "Under the Banner of Heaven", by John Krakauer

All that said, I don't suspect Chad, or his author associates of going the plygger route, but definitely trying to edge in on the "prophet scam". You start making money or have a group because you have a hotline to the other side NDE or not, you are a goofball lying SOB taking money from LDS sheeple.

Our website details the FLDS and their various crimes down to their socks. Warning: You might get mad.


BTW this isn't anything sleuthable on the current case, it's just an FYI and example as too how an offshoot of the LDS faith can morph, though this one has taken about 80 years to get where it is. There are lots of MSM articles linked there.
Adding another book suggestion: “The Sound of Gravel” by Ruth Wariner
Tragic what the children of the cult families endure
Quick question. Has there been a verified sighting of Tylee since Chad and Lori were in Hawaii together? Is it possible she went with them (or just Lori) and didn’t come back? I know we have a date of the last sighting of JJ, but it’s been very vague about Tylee.
Quick question. Has there been a verified sighting of Tylee since Chad and Lori were in Hawaii together? Is it possible she went with them (or just Lori) and didn’t come back? I know we have a date of the last sighting of JJ, but it’s been very vague about Tylee.
I am still very unclear about the last time anyone I trust saw Tylee
Crossing at a regular border crossing I don't think that is true. While crossing into Canada always seems to go a lot quicker and with less questions, I'm pretty sure I still show my passport and had to show other ID before the US started requiring a passport to get back in. I think if you're a US citizen they want to make sure you'll be able to get back. :) MOO

According to the Services and information for visitors page at Canada Border Services Agency, "If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you must carry proof of citizenship such as a passport, birth certificate, a certificate of citizenship or naturalization, a U.S. Permanent Resident Card, or a Certificate of Indian Status along with photo identification. If you are a U.S. permanent resident, ensure you carry proof of your status such as a U.S. Permanent Resident Card."

So a birth certificate and a driver's license would be legally acceptable for Tylee. The final decision of course would be made by CBSA, and a passport is advisable to expedite the process. But there also are plenty of remote border crossing possibilities, both by land and water, where there may not even be a customs agent present 24/7. Lawfully any foreign national is required to check in at the nearest manned customs office if they cross at an unmanned border location, but I'm far from certain that would be a priority for Lori or Chad, given their speculated motivations in relocating Tylee.
I have hope one or both of the kids are alive and in hiding, but I also see several possible motives for their death. In no particular order:

1). Self preservation—They witnessed events or had other info that would incriminate Lori in Charles’ (or possibly Tylee’s father’s) death.
1b). Only one of the kids had incriminating knowledge but told the other one, or Lori killed the one w/info and had to kill the other to cover her tracks.

2). Convenience: Lori felt the kids were too much trouble or too expensive

3) Love: Lori felt kids would prevent her from being with Chad.

4). Financial: Charles established a trust for JJ and Lori thought if JJ was gone she would receive the money herself. Or she had life insurance policies on the kids. (This would only work if she staged something like a boating accident and could claim kids were lost at sea. If she killed them back in Sept any found remains would expose her lie)

5). Rage: Lori lost her patience w/one of the kids and hurt or killed them. The other child threatened to tell so she killed them both.

6). Religion: Some nutty religious motive, either needing to rid themselves of earthly relationships in preparation for the end of days or sending the children to a better place. (Though there’s nothing to indicate Lori would care about the quality of her kid’s environment).

I know all these scenarios paint Lori as the primary culprit. Because I think she is. She has a slew of dead bodies in her wake not to mention the tales we’ve heard re gold digging and using her kids as tools. AFAWK Chad on the other hand has a dead wife and some weird books/podcasts. People who knew Lori say she fell under the spell of Chad and his cult. But I think it’s more likely she targeted Chad and he’s being influenced by her.

I don’t think Tammy died of natural causes but IMO it’s more likely Lori was responsible than Chad. She either killed her, got someone like Alex to do it or emotionally manipulated Chad to such an extent he felt his wife had to go.

Whether he believes his prophecies or not, IMO Chad’s is a crackpot. But he may be a crackpot w/a conscience instead of a sociopathic criminal. If that’s the case he should worry his personal end of days may be coming soon courtesy of Lori.
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"Rexburg police say the parents, Chad and Lori Daybell, are named as persons of interest because they never reported the kids missing, have repeatedly lied about where their children are — initially saying the boy with special needs was in Arizona — and aren’t cooperating with the investigation."

“We just strongly feel that if the mom and dad felt like or if they knew that the kids were safe, they would show proof of it, but we have yet to see anything,” said Rexburg Police Captain Gary Hagen.

No progress despite hundreds of tips on missing Idaho kids
I have hope one or both of the kids are alive and in hiding, but I also see several possible motives for their death. In no particular order:

1). Self preservation—They witnessed events or had other info that would incriminate Lori in Charles’ (or possibly Tylee’s father’s) death.
1b). Only one of the kids had incriminating knowledge but told the other one, or Lori killed the one w/info and had to kill the other to cover her tracks.

2). Convenience: Lori felt the kids were too much trouble or too expensive

3) Love: Lori felt kids would prevent her from being with Chad.

4). Financial: Charles established a trust for JJ and Lori thought if JJ was gone she would receive the money herself. Or she had life insurance policies on the kids. (This would only work if she staged something like a boating accident and could claim kids were lost at sea. If she killed them back in Sept any found remains would expose her lie)

5). Rage: Lori lost her patience w/one of the kids and hurt or killed them. The other child threatened to tell so she killed them both.

6). Religion: Some nutty religious motive, either needing to rid themselves of earthly relationships in preparation for the end of days or sending the children to a better place. (Though there’s nothing to indicate Lori would care about the quality of her kid’s environment).

I know all these scenarios paint Lori as the primary culprit. Because I think she is. She has a slew of dead bodies in her wake not to mention the tales we’ve heard re gold digging and using her kids as tools. AFAWK Chad on the other hand has a dead wife and some weird books/podcasts. People who knew Lori say she fell under the spell of Chad and his cult. But I think it’s more likely she targeted Chad and he’s being influenced by her.

I don’t think Tammy died of natural causes but IMO it’s more likely Lori was responsible than Chad. She either killed her, got someone like Alex to do it or emotionally manipulated Chad to such an extent he felt his wife had to go.

Whether he believes his prophecies or not, IMO Chad’s is a crackpot. But he may be a crackpot w/a conscience instead of a sociopathic criminal. If that’s the case he should worry his personal end of days may be coming soon courtesy of Lori.
I agree with all of this, I sadly believe the kids have died. I think Alex did it. I think he would have done it for financial reasons, if he somehow thought it would lead to a big payday for him. I think Lori killed Alex or had Alex killed. MOO
Hey Mods! So we stay on track here...
Yay or Nay on sleuthing the following people?

Alex Cox - Lori's brother who 'died' the day after Chad's wife body was exhumed. He seems to have been involved in a murder (or 2 or 3 or ?).

Melani - Lori's niece whose mom Stacy died in the late 90's. Melani is involved in the cult and may or may not be missing with Lori and Chad.

Joe Ryan - Lori's dead 2nd husband

Charles Vallow - another dead husband of Lori's - killed by Lori's brother Alex in 'self defense'.

Tammy Daybell- Dead wife of Chad whose body was recently exhumed.

All - I am going to report this post to help us out. Any others you want to know about?

Not sure where to begin here but I will do my best.

First, no other minors may be discussed except for the two missing minors. One excepting is our verified member whose daughter was close friends with Tylee. This member may discuss her daughter's friendship with Tylee.

Any other minors are off-limits.

There are so many dead bodies surrounding Chad and Lori that for now, and this may change, you may discuss the other deaths surrounding Chad and Lori.
The reason I will allow this is because we have no idea if there is a connection with all these deaths but it is not unreasonable to think somehow there may be a connection. Perhaps not to all of the deaths but maybe one or more.


Please do not ask me for examples. If you don't' know what a whacked-out embarrassing theory or a whacked-out embarrassing conspiracy theory is I can't help you.

Please do not post something as a fact unless you can link to a mainstream media or law enforcement outlet.

As far as comments on other websites about the suspects please DO NOT bring those comments to Websleuths. We have no idea who is really behind the comments and the comments could be completely false.
Thank you.

Not sure how well this will work. If it creates much more work for our mods I will have to put new restrictions on the discussion.
Correct. In my experience, there have been multiple open CPS cases due to the lack of consistency with the psychotropic meds. The reports came from the schools and doctor’s offices as teachers and physicians were aware that a parent was being neglectful with ensuring their children were adequately taking their medications (mostly for adhd and sleep). These children displayed concerning behaviors when their medications were not regulated. Thanks for clarifying![/QUOTE
I won’t keep going on about this but as for someone who would bail if someone tried to force my son psychiatric drugs...or me... please remember this practice is creepy to some and extremely controversial especially regarding some neurotypical peoples opinions (some would say commands) that someone not confining to (their expectations) will be forced drugs. There is plenty info on internet about this if you don’t understand this. I think the mentality has underlying abusive tone. The neurodiverse movement is people with autism ect saying stop thinking we need medication stop saying we need changing or fixing. However as I’ve said before I know nothing about JJ’s circumstances there are a few with these diagnosis that may struggle without any drug intervention but only a very small few I suspect
It should be the easiest to figure out why Alex died, because his autopsy was done right away. Tammy's cause of death will be a lot more difficult to figure out, because she was buried and then exhumed. It would be impossible to figure out why Joseph Ryan died because he was cremated. And of course we know Charles was killed by Alex by being shot twice in the chest but police apparently accepted the self-defense story. It think it will be a real shame if there are suspicions but no evidence.
Please stop discussing "Julie" and the crazy things this person is saying about the case.

Please do not discuss the LDS religion unless it is a direct fact that is connected to the case.


I just removed close to 30 comments discussing someone named "Julie" talking about her "scanning" and random comments about the LDS religion.

In a couple of hours, I will be back to open a new thread. If it gets too crazy or gets to be too much work for our mods we will have to close the thread down.
Thank you,
For those with more experience on this site than I have, if you have a post deleted by mods, is there some indication that has happened and (if applicable) why?

There will be a notification in your "Alerts" tab and the mod who deleted it will write an explanation, which you can see the details of by clicking on the notification. If you have further questions about it after reading the explanation, ask the mod.

*ooops! Ninja-ed by @renarde ! :D
Please stop discussing "Julie" and the crazy things this person is saying about the case.

Please do not discuss the LDS religion unless it is a direct fact that is connected to the case.


I just removed close to 30 comments discussing someone named "Julie" talking about her "scanning" and random comments about the LDS religion.

In a couple of hours, I will be back to open a new thread. If it gets too crazy or gets to be too much work for our mods we will have to close the thread down.
Thank you,

Thanks for the guidelines, Trica! The Julie discussion has gone a bit off the rails and I'm all for stopping that discussion and getting back to focusing on finding these missing children.

However, just to let you know, she was interviewed in MSM before we started discussing her:
Chad Daybell had a “vision” his wife Tammy would die, friend says
Doomsday Writer’s Friend Says He Prophesied Wife’s Mysterious Death

It seems to me that she might continue to insert herself into this case. Is it okay for future discussion rules if we discuss only what she has said in MSM? I believe that would fit in the spirit of the TOS. But if you want her not mentioned at all anymore here I understand and will do my best to comply. Thanks! :)
Hi @Tricia
This is a crazy one, huh?
Thanks so much for jumping in to help the facts stand out (as always).
Hope you're enjoying the holidays! Muah

Please stop discussing "Julie" and the crazy things this person is saying about the case.

Please do not discuss the LDS religion unless it is a direct fact that is connected to the case.


I just removed close to 30 comments discussing someone named "Julie" talking about her "scanning" and random comments about the LDS religion.

In a couple of hours, I will be back to open a new thread. If it gets too crazy or gets to be too much work for our mods we will have to close the thread down.
Thank you,
So so creepy! This is the last thing he should have said if he thinks his friend is innocent and wants everyone to leave him be!

First post on this case, I'm nearly caught up but have about 8 pages to go, so hopefully this isn't a repeat:

I wonder if this FAQ page is up to date/recently edited. I'm not so sure the September comment references September 2019. I say this because another FAQ answer refers to the LDS prophet as Thomas S. Monson, but Monson died in January 2018.
Thanks Trish and thank you for updating the sleuthing rules
Not sure where to begin here but I will do my best.

First, no other minors may be discussed except for the two missing minors. One excepting is our verified member whose daughter was close friends with Tylee. This member may discuss her daughter's friendship with Tylee.

Any other minors are off-limits.

There are so many dead bodies surrounding Chad and Lori that for now, and this may change, you may discuss the other deaths surrounding Chad and Lori.
The reason I will allow this is because we have no idea if there is a connection with all these deaths but it is not unreasonable to think somehow there may be a connection. Perhaps not to all of the deaths but maybe one or more.


Please do not ask me for examples. If you don't' know what a whacked-out embarrassing theory or a whacked-out embarrassing conspiracy theory is I can't help you.

Please do not post something as a fact unless you can link to a mainstream media or law enforcement outlet.

As far as comments on other websites about the suspects please DO NOT bring those comments to Websleuths. We have no idea who is really behind the comments and the comments could be completely false.
Thank you.

Not sure how well this will work. If it creates much more work for our mods I will have to put new restrictions on the discussion.
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