Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8

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There is not a custody battle, but what about the battle for Charles' estate/insurance. Whoever has JJ would have access to this money? I'm assuming Charles left money to his children? MOO

Maybe Lori gave up on this money since she was supposedly left off Charles Life insurance and started looking at Tammy's policy as an option? MOO
I’ve mentioned this a few times. There MAY NOT be life insurance. He may be guilty of a felony and there may be a “felony exclusion”.
See this post. ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #7
I've been following along and am finally breaking into the convo here. Anyway, I can't imagine Lori as the type to do much work as going through the trouble of selling off goods. However, I can very well see her as boss and having Alex, her devoted brother/employee do it at her command.
Yes, I agree, and AC's neighbors saw him unload a bunch of stuff into his garage around that time.

I'm still wondering about the conversation AC had with LE after Charles was shot - the officer asked AC when was the last time he'd seen Charles before this, (and if they got along, which AC said yes they did?), and Alex said "oh, at my house" (so casual) and then I think he said something about them moving.
The public announcement wasn't until Dec 20. He died Dec 12.
MOO: I doubt it was the announcement of them being publicly missing. I'm hoping it wasn't because he knew of or was part of their demise.

Edit: added "public"

Yes, I meant after the welfare check and the search warrant, when they broke down his door...I wonder if anyone ever came back for the stuff that was left in those (3?) apartments - did LE seize any evidence from there, or did the management company just trash it all or give it away?
That sounds like the basis for a Hollywood heist movie.

Question: does anyone know if Lori had a childhood nickname? I guess this information would come from someone like Alex or who knew Alex. Maybe she would employ it as an "alias" online, or something - though she's got enough married names to choose from as well. :rolleyes:

No, but I saw that Alex often went by Rodney Cox.
Isn't it strange that she wouldn't tell (some of) her family about her daughter dying for a year? Or was it Chad's family? Would any of their families volunteer this information to the police?

ETA: If they actually told that to family, there's a greater chance that children are no longer alive, as they couldn't explain them reappearing after being declared dead.

I wonder if Lori thinks Tylee's body was inhabited by someone as well? I mean, surely we see Tylee alive on July 11, 2019.
Here's my take on the evidence of what happened the morning Charles was killed - based mainly upon JJ's wherabouts.

I don't think they would have taken JJ to school if he had witnessed violence or upset of any degree.
The fact JJ was quickly dropped off to school suggests it was without a situation developing with JJ that needed familial management to calm him.
JJ isn't mentioned in the accounts of what happened in the house, the physical part of the story where Tylee brings the bat, and poking etc.
JJ wouldn't have been outside alone.
If that is true it solves the puzzle for me of how Lori came to have Charles' car key.
I believe as soon as Charles got there they told JJ that Charles was taking him to school and to get in Daddy's car.
Lori asked Tylee to supervise him getting in the car, so Tylee had the car key, before anything happened and Charles was unaware at this stage that anything was up.
Lori took Charles' phone to keep him distracted from immediately leaving with JJ, and ultimately so he wouldn't be able to call police.
Perhaps Charles was walking to wherever Lori was with his phone when Alex rounded the corner from his room with the gun, now that the children were safely outside.
Lori waited to see Charles executed before she exited. Mission accomplished.

I've been wondering why Lori drove Charles rental car to take JJ to school, and this would explain it. I think you are right, he was in the car because Charles was going to take him, but Lori left the house and took him instead, and took Tylee also. I wonder when JJ was told his dad was dead? And I agree, she had his phone so he couldn't call and to keep him there to give Alex time to get his gun, come around the corner and shoot Charles. The way Charles is lying on the floor in the living room, it looks like that's what happened. He may have even had the bat in his hand, and dropped it, walking a couple steps toward Alex trying to tell him to 'calm down' or diffuse the situation, but I believe Alex had every intention of killing Charles. I'm curious if they determined how close range Alex was to Charles when he shot him--more than once also.
Well, I dunno. If you keep your dead grandma in your freezer, and cashing out her social security checks, that's not legal. Are you saying that a parent can continue collecting kids benefits even if the kid isn't there, and doesn't have to show any proof of life?

I don't think she can continue receiving benefits now that the kid is known to be missing, but I think that she could've been trying to get (or got) some $ on JJ's behalf back in Aug./Sept. The same way I assume she collected Tylee's benefits from Joe Ryan a year earlier. I don't think one has to actually produce the actual minor kid when collecting their benefits, probably just send in paperwork proof - their birth certificate, etc.

Also, is it possible that they all have/had fake names and IDs at this point, to access general services that one doesn't have to be physically present for?
I've been wondering why Lori drove Charles rental car to take JJ to school, and this would explain it. I think you are right, he was in the car because Charles was going to take him, but Lori left the house and took him instead, and took Tylee also. I wonder when JJ was told his dad was dead? And I agree, she had his phone so he couldn't call and to keep him there to give Alex time to get his gun, come around the corner and shoot Charles. The way Charles is lying on the floor in the living room, it looks like that's what happened. He may have even had the bat in his hand, and dropped it, walking a couple steps toward Alex trying to tell him to 'calm down' or diffuse the situation, but I believe Alex had every intention of killing Charles. I'm curious if they determined how close range Alex was to Charles when he shot him--more than once also.
Sometimes shooters are trained to fire double tap. It means two bullets are fired in very close succession. I think it's like half a trigger pull and then complete trigger pull. I don't know if that was his excuse for the two bullets.

Sorry for the non-technical explanation - I've never used a gun.
Well, we know that Alex (or someone impersonating him?) was in Las Vegas on 11/29, getting married. I wonder what his truck driving work schedule was like during that time. I imagine he drove a car or a truck from ID to NV and then to his new residence with his new wife and stepson in AZ right after the wedding.
Yes, but that was in November

I'm talking about a short interval of time in late September. AC was in Rexburg in September (he came up as one of the 5 people: Lori, Tylee, JJ, Alex, and "a friend". If he was then possibly in Gilbert, AZ on 10/2, he had to have made a trip south in late September... which coincides with when Lori took JJ out of school.

To sum up, did Alex leave Rexburg with the kids sometime around (or just after) 9/24, and then return without them sometime in early October (after the attempted shooting if BB on 10/2, but before the paintball gun incident in Salem on 10/9)?. And if so, what did he do with the kids?
I believe the earthquake he is referencing here (that has not yet happened) is the "Wasatch Wake Up" based on what I heard him say on an unspecified podcast. Wasatch Fault - Wikipedia

Here is local reporting on seismic activity in Utah.
‘Unusual’ amount of seismic activity prompts warning about earthquake preparedness
The 'wasatch wake up' earthquake was originally predicted by his most famous authoress. But, she claimed it was imminent' waaaay back about 2016 as I recall and of course, it never happened. Then she later made excuses that it was coming, but just not as soon as she thought. I guess Chad is just continuing the idea that this supposed earthquake is going to come and so her prediction will eventually come true....eventually. She took A LOT of grief for that years ago, but stubbornly refuses to admit she was wrong and clearly Chad is still pushing it for the benefit of book sales.
What happened to Lori between 9/3 (when she enrolled JJ in school) and 9/24 (when she withdrew JJ from school) that caused her to seemingly change her mind about JJ being at school? Though it's not out of the question, to me it seems odd that in just 14 school days (or less) she came to the conclusion that enrolling JJ had been a mistake, that Kennedy was not the place for him, and/or that JJ should be homeschooled instead.

If removing JJ so quickly wasn't due to her dissatisfaction with the school, maybe it was that during this period of time Lori (and possibly CD) outlined a plan (or the next part of one) which prompted Lori to go into action. After all, Lori and CD's decision to get married was either made after TD died on 10/19, or it was made before.

Even if the decision to get married was made before JJ was removed from school on 9/24 (and that's a big if as it could imply a conspiracy, and as of now there's been no evidence that TD's death was even a homicide, let alone the result of a conspiracy), Lori still could have waited until after TD's death (but before the wedding, or trip) before removing JJ from school. Why was she in such a rush? Again, it could just be that for whatever reason she wanted JJ out of the school environment and at home, but it just seems odd to me.

As I mentioned before, I wonder if it's possible that between 9/3 and 9/24 Lori (with or w/o CD) developed a plan for the children's relocation/disappearance, and resolved that that plan should be carried out sooner rather than later. More speculation (and one degree further removed), but among other things, this plan could have included: having the children stay with someone in the cult (or group) in some state like ID or UT (where CD knew people), or having the children stay with someone in AZ (where both Lori and Alex knew people), or something more nefarious.

Possibly connecting the dots... We don't know for a fact that Alex was back in AZ on 10/2 (though some suspect he was involved in the attempted shooting of BB in Gilbert AZ that day), but IF he was, he either had to have traveled from ID to AZ by car or plane (or I suppose by bus or train, but I think those options less likely ). I mention this because IF Alex travelled from ID to AZ in this time period, the specific dates and method of his travel might be relevant to locating the children, especially when you consider that JJ was withdrawn from school on 9/24 and that the children have not been seen or heard from since.

I'm sure LE is keeping many things close to the vest, but I wonder if they have been able to determine whether or not Alex made this trip, and if he did, whether he travelled by air or car, and whether the children were possibly with him. Certainly you'd think they'd know if it was by air, as they could check flight manifests. And they may even have checked out the ground scenario as well, seeking video and cc receipts from places along the most probable routes. Again, just speculation. Hoping to help locate the children. MOO
Does anyone know how long traffic and freeway camera pics/videos are kept before being destroyed or taped over?
Well, I dunno. If you keep your dead grandma in your freezer, and cashing out her social security checks, that's not legal. Are you saying that a parent can continue collecting kids benefits even if the kid isn't there, and doesn't have to show any proof of life?

There was a lady in Utah who died a few months ago and it was discovered that she literally had kept her dead husband in her freezer for what they're now guessing was almost 10 years. It appears the reason was that his retirement would keep coming that way and she needed his reitrement plus whatever retirement or social security she received to meet her budget. There was even a notarized statement from her husband who they apparently figured out was going to die around the time he did where her husband says "she didn't kill me" (yeah, very strange).

I'm not sure what the rules are for continuing to receive social security benefits for a kid with a deceased parent, but think it might involve as little as the parent signing something once a year. The money would get deposited in a bank account, possibly Lori's, definitely one that Lori had legal access to.
How would she access the money if she doesn't actually have JJ? If Charles left money to JJ, how would Lori be able to get the money if she can't produce JJ?
To access the money she wouldn’t have to produce JJ. Just proof that Charles died and she was JJ’s legal guardian. Unless Charles had the foresight to set up a special trust with someone else appointed as trustee.

I know in some states to leave all money to anyone other than spouse you must have spousal consent. I’m not sure if they look at the state where the will was recorded or the state of current residency to determine which state’s law applies.

Any attorney or estate planners w/insight please chime in!
If it was worded that it would go to the estate, or if the insurance company didn't want to pay, there could be legal issues, but otherwise it just goes to the beneficiary and there's not a lot to fight about.
Did we ever get confirmation that Charles changed his beneficiary before his death as claimed by his family when this all started being news?
Did we ever get confirmation that Charles changed his beneficiary before his death as claimed by his family when this all started being news?

No. I'm speaking hypothetically, based on a similar situation I had personal knowledge of a couple of years ago. The situations might not be at all parallel.
Wouldn't JJ be collecting SS disability benefits before Charles's death? I assume with him being on the spectrum he would could qualify? Would that be a reason for school enrollment? Not sure how juvenile benefits work.
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