Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8

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"GMAFB" is my new favorite now. Especially if anyone connected to Lori, has actually been hiding these kids.

I guess that is preferable to an alternative. But, why on earth would any Mother, actually refer to her child as "dead". That is beyond creepy. Big time.
Now I cannot work that acronym out as yet. But I agree that you would never, ever say your child was dead. It's called tempting fate AFAICS.

ETA. Got it. But had to Google it.
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Oh, I never saw that, but rather, more people insisting it had to be a paintball gun and questioning why cops would bother looking for casings. As in "He was only 3 feet away, he couldn't possibly miss if shooting a real gun"...(wth?) Aren't you all in when the cops want to do a thorough job?

If I might add, Tammy's FB post was in a private group and is still there. There's a question posed by a ward member (the following day) that asks how she knew it was a paintball and not airsoft. She replied, "It had the big scoop thing on top where you put the paintballs." This is also inconclusive because paintball hoppers can be low and horizontal above the barrel... similar to where a scope would be on a rifle.

There's plenty of evidence it could have been a rifle or paintball gun. Would I assume that someone had an actual rifle and misfired in an attempt to kill me? No, I can see how she assumed it was a prank with a paintball gun. LE would hopefully have asked about the sound the misfires made.

Edit: Added "(the following day)"

Yes indeed; how can we miss (escape) the pages of "scoop/scope" debate? :rolleyes: .

Plus, I thought someone stepped in (here on a thread) and said that there had been a rash of jokers in the area pranking people with paintball guns already...? Maybe the OP of that POV can come refresh us.
I don't know what they were looking for. Bullets, keys, jewelry, who knows.

Don't get me wrong. It does make sense they were looking for bullets. But it makes sense they were looking for bullets if the reframed story of "she has no clue how to tell a gun and a paintball gun apart" is applied.

There are lots of objects to be found with metal detectors. Why narrow it to "oh, it's casings"?


Well at first I thought they could have been electronic device detectors but then, because they only searched that area I believe, I figured it had to be bullets or casings too. They could have been looking for the things you mentioned too, but they did not fan out very far from that one area, which is what seems to narrow it down to the "paintball" assassin. MOO.

ETA had to fix weird quoting
Yes indeed; how can we miss (escape) the pages of "scoop/scope" debate? :rolleyes: .

Plus, I thought someone stepped in (here on a thread) and said that there had been a rash of jokers in the area pranking people with paintball guns already...? Maybe the OP of that POV can come refresh us.
I asked one of the local posters on here and they were not aware of any pranks. The nearest paintball place is about 6 miles away.
I have thought about this. We can't sleuth family members but covering up or erasing footprints from something they probably weren't aware of would be impossible. If you didn't know it existed how would you cover it up? Communication between Lori and Chad, websearches, etc... if they did wouldn't that make them accomplices?
I do not do Facebook but from comments on other forums and MSM articles defenders of the couple's character (Chad and Loris) have died down or are now non existent. Is there still an outcry of poor Chad and poor Lori, leave these lovebirds alone? Or are people seeing a mountain of very strange events add up as evidence that they can no longer defend? Even Tammy's father said they were waiting for autopsy reports, they knew nothing of missing children. I am assuming he meant they knew nothing about children being missing (until cases collided), not we don't know the whereabouts of missing children? But I could have assumed too much. Hoping locals can shed some light on the climate and attitudes of the communities.

Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure what I can or can't say here, but will try to be vague. I personally saw two people making comments on public Facebook posts. One of them was the mother in law of a certain young lady who is the daughter of a POI. The MIL was saying she knew the family and was sure the kids were safe. Some people suggested that if she really had the information she claimed to have that she might be doing good for all concerned to talk to LE. Then her daughter-in-law (the certain young lady above) commented that she (the MIL) didn't know what whe was talking about. As I remember it the MIL went back and deleted all of her comments not long after her daughter-in-law objected, but the CYL commented several times on multiple posts after that, but at some point went back and deleted most (maybe all) comments on the particular page(s) I saw her commenting on.

So if I understand your question it is whether the defense from people like this and others stopped because they came to the conclusion that maybe they weren't as innocent as first thought. My inclination is that the two examples I gave above decided to back off and stop defending because they figured out that they weren't ultimately helping things by making claims they couldn't back up. At least in a venue as public as they were and a situation where who they are is so obvious. We still had the situation where the CYL was sticking her tongue out while the local news was taking the video during the search of CD's home, so I'm not inclined to think her thoughts have changed and she's seeing her dad as guilty, but that she was showing a bit more retraint because she wasn't helping. (Obviously the tongue incident demonstrates she still slips up at times.)

We had it least one or two people who had never posted on WS before dropping in here, it appeared specifically to defend CD, but then disappeared fairly quickly. So people are still defending in some instances where they can maintain annonymity, but we also have others who are being what I'd call realistic (as in they don't think things look good and lean toward CD not being what he appeared, but don't claim to have the answers or be sure of what is going on). MOOOOO
If I might add, Tammy's FB post was in a private group and is still there. There's a question posed by a ward member (the following day) that asks how she knew it was a paintball and not airsoft. She replied, "It had the big scoop thing on top where you put the paintballs." This is also inconclusive because paintball hoppers can be low and horizontal above the barrel... similar to where a scope would be on a rifle.

There's plenty of evidence it could have been a rifle or paintball gun. Would I assume that someone had an actual rifle and misfired in an attempt to kill me? No, I can see how she assumed it was a prank with a paintball gun. LE would hopefully have asked about the sound the misfires made.

Edit: Added "(the following day)"

Here's MSM with a screenshot.
Tammy Daybell reported a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun 10 days before her 'suspicious' death | East Idaho News
Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure what I can or can't say here, but will try to be vague. I personally saw two people making comments on public Facebook posts. One of them was the mother in law of a certain young lady who is the daughter of a POI. The MIL was saying she knew the family and was sure the kids were safe. Some people suggested that if she really had the information she claimed to have that she might be doing good for all concerned to talk to LE. Then her daughter-in-law (the certain young lady above) commented that she (the MIL) didn't know what whe was talking about. As I remember it the MIL went back and deleted all of her comments not long after her daughter-in-law objected, but the CYL commented several times on multiple posts after that, but at some point went back and deleted most (maybe all) comments on the particular page(s) I saw her commenting on.

So if I understand your question it is whether the defense from people like this and others stopped because they came to the conclusion that maybe they weren't as innocent as first thought. My inclination is that the two examples I gave above decided to back off and stop defending because they figured out that they weren't ultimately helping things by making claims they couldn't back up. At least in a venue as public as they were and a situation where who they are is so obvious. We still had the situation where the CYL was sticking her tongue out while the local news was taking the video during the search of CD's home, so I'm not inclined to think her thoughts have changed and she's seeing her dad as guilty, but that she was showing a bit more retraint because she wasn't helping. (Obviously the tongue incident demonstrates she still slips up at times.)

We had it least one or two people who had never posted on WS before dropping in here, it appeared specifically to defend CD, but then disappeared fairly quickly. So people are still defending in some instances where they can maintain annonymity, but we also have others who are being what I'd call realistic (as in they don't think things look good and lean toward CD not being what he appeared, but don't claim to have the answers or be sure of what is going on). MOOOOO

I wonder if "the missing" will return when they're verified (if they're getting verified). I can think of 3 posters that came in hot and heavy with the posting and vanished. Jmo
I was also thinking about their family who might (speculation) believe their explanation that it's all about the custody battle and see the authorities as being in the wrong.

They'd have to avoid seeing quotes from LE that there is nothing custody related going on or think MSM is making it up. I suppose the other possibility is they think Kay is going to start a custody battle. She and Larry might and could have even threatened it I suppose. If that's the case then how Lori reacted is making that and it's chances of working much better, IMO. MOO
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Yeah, I'm pretty dismayingly sure that any family members' complaints along the lines of "I know they are innocent, because I don't believe it, because I Know Them and I'm such a phenomenal judge of character", well, that and 75 cents will get you half a cup of black coffee. Don't forget the Turpin grandmother with zero imagination or judgment, asseverating that the charges surrounding her hideously neglected grandchildren were nonsense; and she knew and would be calling the hideous mockery of "parents" the next day to find out "what is the what" directly from them; after which we never heard a peep from that grandmother.
Good question. PaP put out a Cease and Desist request, they don't want to be involved. On AVOW Chad had a sub channel with, some say, upwards of 100k subscribers? Advise if I'm wrong. The level of involvement is unknown, but obviously it's there... One of the mysteries I hope LEA uncover.

The 100k subscribers is wrong. They have 13K subscribers for the main site/forum going by the largest number that has been claimed (right on their front page). Others have reported that this large number is the number of people who have subscribed to get access for as little as a month and then dropped it with the number of people active (aka paid subscription) as of this month being closer to 3-4,000.

However, that number is for those who are in the main forum. Some subset of these people paid an additional fee to participate in Chad's subforum. IMO, if we make a really high assumption that 1,000 people subscribed to Chad's forum (25-30% of the total subscribers to the main forum) then the amount of money he was getting, something we thought could have been significant upfront, while maybe nice to have, probably wasn't significant either. The main forum costs about $5 a month (less if done in yearly chunks) and I'd think a sub forum would cost less. I'd also assume that Chad didn't get the full amount. Something like $1 or $2 a month and getting half the money with the other half going to those who run the AVOW site might be reasonable. Or it might be too high. But if that's in the ballpark then we're talking $500-1,000 a month coming from this.
I wonder if "the missing" will return when they're verified (if they're getting verified). I can think of 3 posters that came in hot and heavy with the posting and vanished. Jmo

Yeah. One came in hot and heavy and then said they "were outta here," all in about an hour. I'm guessing that person won't be. I'm got a lot more faith in Lurker042 and RexburgSleuth turning out to be legit and having worthwhile info than those others, but I could be wrong about them. :) MOO
Yeah. One came in hot and heavy and then said they "were outta here," all in about an hour. I'm guessing that person won't be. I'm got a lot more faith in Lurker042 and RexburgSleuth turning out to be legit and having worthwhile info than those others, but I could be wrong about them. :) MOO
I've previously said and again will say I'm weighing my options on VI status.
We have at least one individual in the case who is known to have succeeded in killing someone. What I know and what I suspect causes me to consider who else is potentially able to continue harm to those in the know (insiders).

Edit: And I'm concerned for those who are not POIs in the case who are also susceptible to potential harm or wrongful accusation. In fact, I'm hoping I haven't said too much already (things I've heard, family vacation, etc.). I further hope I'm wrong about my suspicion of the Tempe shooting coincidences. If, not, I have a theory which makes perfect sense.

Edit2: I really hope I'm wrong. It would mean the children are deceased. I'm praying to be wrong.
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Well the person who shot at BB in his car from CV's passing jeep also missed, so wasn't a good shot either. We are looking for a bad shooter so maybe it wasn't Alex. I presume they have checked the bullets and casings from CV's killing to those from BB's attempt anyway.
Well, we know Alex managed to shoot Charles in the chest twice, but it's a lot harder to hit someone in a moving car, than someone standing in a living room. I would like to know where Alex was on Oct 2nd. Since Charles Vallow's car was used in the attempted murder of BB, the list of people who would have access to the car is presumably quite limited. Did that car made it to Rexburg and then back to Arizona? If so, list of people who could have used it would be even more limited. Which really makes it hard for me to understand why police couldn't solve that crime. Especially considering the shooting is reportedly on surveillance video, and thus can't be passed of as self-defense or natural causes.
You have a crime on video, you know car is registered to a man who is dead (thus couldn't be driving it). The person being shot it is a husband of Lori's niece, so not likely some random dude stole the car and is going around shooting at people.
If you can't solve that crime, what can you solve?
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