Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #21

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Didn’t it seem like she was looking around a few times at the hearing? Wonder if she was looking for Chad?

I hope they take their sweet time on returning her to Idaho. Let her sit in jail as long as possible.
Late to the party, but better late than never!

When I read the subpoenas last night, I noticed that the information was for Lori and Chad. Funny, he hasn't been charged. Okay, well it makes sense right? They've been joined at the hip. But August 1? Curious. They're looking for a timeline and evidence...but not just about the children.

Strictly my opinion, here...but, my suspicion is that they have something concrete waiting in Idaho. And quite possibly Arizona.

$5 million in bail seems high to me, but the Idaho judge ordered it and Hawaii (firmly!) confirmed it. Additionally, Mr Kollar's mention of Lori booking her stay here before her husband's death. Her reaction was visceral. But he said the conclusion I also came to. Not for just Lori...but also for Chad. He presumably booked before his wife's death, was what I gathered from the prosecutor's statement and the subpoenas. I believe his arrest is imminent.

They truly didn't try to hide everywhere. The arrogance is astounding! With everything we've learned of her past...she got away with so much, but the free ride finally seems to have stopped.

Last regards to phones. I suspect that it wasn't just Tylee's phone and the photo that is leading to the park. They could get GPS data from all parties to confirm that, and it is fairly accurate.
Here in Hawaii, her soft-spoken, 'I'm frightened and vulnerable' body language that we're now seeing will hold her in better stead among the women in jail than the haughty, chin-in-the-air posturing we saw when she was free and just being booked. She now looks like she's terrifiied and has been very humbled these last few days, and that's the best way she can present herself: Make the other inmates think she's subservient, mousy and scared out of her wits. The local women will be a lot less likely to start crap with her if she acts soft spoken and very respectful.
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Late to the party, but better late than never!

When I read the subpoenas last night, I noticed that the information was for Lori and Chad. Funny, he hasn't been charged. Okay, well it makes sense right? They've been joined at the hip. But August 1? Curious. They're looking for a timeline and evidence...but not just about the children.

Strictly my opinion, here...but, my suspicion is that they have something concrete waiting in Idaho. And quite possibly Arizona.

$5 million in bail seems high to me, but the Idaho judge ordered it and Hawaii (firmly!) confirmed it. Additionally, Mr Kollar's mention of Lori booking her stay here before her husband's death. Her reaction was visceral. But he said the conclusion I also came to. Not for just Lori...but also for Chad. He presumably booked before his wife's death, was what I gathered from the prosecutor's statement and the subpoenas. I believe his arrest is imminent.

They truly didn't try to hide everywhere. The arrogance is astounding! With everything we've learned of her past...she got away with so much, but the free ride finally seems to have stopped.

Last regards to phones. I suspect that it wasn't just Tylee's phone and the photo that is leading to the park. They could get GPS data from all parties to confirm that, and it is fairly accurate.

Great post!

The arrogance is astounding!

Our dear friends are not the smartest are they? But I think that was pretty clear when they adopted a neither confirm nor deny policy as to whether the kids are alive.
In jail, are her conversations monitored with visitors, can jail listen on on any and all phone or visit conversations? I know lawyer visits are private. thanks
I want to say that much as I don’t like the crimes that bring me here, I do enjoy the camaraderie .... and I learn a lot of things!
I too have learned so much about laws in different states, mainstream LDS vs. variations, Yellowstone, Idaho, Hawaii, and evidence & legal procedures. This saga is like a full-length novel: the ?s by newcomers lead posters to summarize & review (as detectives in fiction do), & after a few days of not much seeming to happen, a new development occurs. These observations are not at all to downplay the tragedy & wrongdoing & misguided thinking of this complex real-life case.
I don't think it was conjugal. I think they meant outside of the regular rules and times and separate from the normal visitation area. If you read the rules you see that it takes 7 days minimum to get on a visitor list. Until Friday she was in "cellblock" which is a different holding facility apart from KCCC. Since only 5 days have elapsed since she was put in KCCC, rules were bent. Bent meaning the warden apparently has discretion to do so but that is not something most prisoners get so definitely special treatment. Not surprising given the international attention. If there is anything Hawaii works hard at, it is to appear safe and civilized to the entire world of potential tourists.
Speaking of LVD's current status, can anyone comment on her likely access to news media and especially, to receiving and making calls & sending texts or email, etc.? I have no idea of the norms of jail vs. prison. Thanks.
I have to agree with the poster who is also a local, that this is an extraordinarily high amount of bail that is never seen in Hawaii. I’ve been here 40+ years, murderers, child rapists, one notorious murder for hire case where two people were killed, never seen a bail like this. She’s charged with class B Felonies, not class A. And let’s remember that she is charged at this point and therefore alleged. Many on here may believe that she has committed murder or other heinous crimes but none of that has been proven, certainly not in a court of law.

Also, To my knowledge she has never been convicted previously of any felonies. Flight risk, yes, but it’s not like she can drive somewhere. The only option to get off that Island undetected would be by boat or private jet and even the private jet is questionable with the high profile nature of this case. IMO Not that easy to charter a private boat either, and it would have to be one that is quite seaworthy as Hawaii is the furthest from a mass body of land of any island or island group on the planet (That last portion is not my opinion, it is fact).


The Hawaiian island chain, or archipelago, is the most geographically isolated group of islands on Earth. Located more than 2,000 miles from the nearest continental land mass, the chain of volcanic islands is home to a wide range of flora and fauna that exist only in Hawaii.Dec 1, 2014”

I have to agree. Some of the lawyers on here have said she is an obvious flight risk. But consider the facts. Hawaii is one of the most isolated places on earth. When they were NOT under arrest I argued they may flee to Samoa, Micronesia, or the Marshall Islands, none of which extradite to the US. But once she was arrested she could be given an ankle bracelet and tracked. Coast Guard could intercept her if she left the island and if she got near an airport, traffic could be stopped. "Flight risk" has an entirely different meaning here.

Here bail has to do with showing up for trial. That usually involves people with no money but family to protect them.

I will say once again, Hawaii is unique. If you are a mainland lawyer and came here I think you would go through serious culture shock about how things actually work. Defendant routinely get off by exercising their right to trial in the Hawaiian language (expensive), by exercising sovereignty issues (which mush be heard and are recognized by some countries) and so forth. I've seen guys facing a $100 fine for exercising native rights have a 2-3 week trial costing tens of thousands of dollars only to be found guilty and fined $0.

It's crazy here and I think the only reason the judge ruled the way she did was because she knew there was no time for appeal.
So after the judge stood firm on the 5 million (again), I started wondering again what the judge knows that we don’t. It has to be more than a flight risk. They let LV roam free for over 5 months. I wonder if autopsy results have come in and that information just hasn’t been released.
LV looked like hell today. I kept thinking just tell them where your children are and a big part of this would be over...or not...maybe this story is just starting. Crazy.

If the judge knows anything more than you heard in court that would be a serious problem for everyone!
Speaking of LVD's current status, can anyone comment on her likely access to news media and especially, to receiving and making calls & sending texts or email, etc.? I have no idea of the norms of jail vs. prison. Thanks.
Definitely no texts or emails. Phone calls to or from jail are ridiculously expensive. One company controls that market and they blatantly rip people off with support of most state legislatures. Personally I find this appalling.
So I see dear Lori's fantasies of RELIGIOUS FREEDOMZ did not survive contact with felony charges ;)

No doubt counsel had to drum some sense it to her, assisted by a few more days as a guest of the state of Hawaii

As I argued earlier, it made no sense at all to oppose extradition, which would serve only to extend her time locked up in a state jail. Much better to return to Idaho, face the substantive charges and try to achieve bail back there.
When has she claimed religious freedom?

I agree with the rest of your comment.
I have to agree. Some of the lawyers on here have said she is an obvious flight risk. But consider the facts. Hawaii is one of the most isolated places on earth. When they were NOT under arrest I argued they may flee to Samoa, Micronesia, or the Marshall Islands, none of which extradite to the US. But once she was arrested she could be given an ankle bracelet and tracked. Coast Guard could intercept her if she left the island and if she got near an airport, traffic could be stopped. "Flight risk" has an entirely different meaning here.

Here bail has to do with showing up for trial. That usually involves people with no money but family to protect them.

I'd be interested to see other extradition precedents, as opposed to what has happened in local state cases.

I agree if she was facing full trial in Hawaii, then a lower bail and such arrangements seem likely. But in this case, Hawaii is only involved because LV is on the run from Idaho LE.

Remember that under this fast track procedure (which LV had little chance of opposing), LV is going to be physically returned to Idaho in cuffs - not voluntarily. And it is about making sure that she is available for that removal. Therefore to my mind the considerations are likely very different to that of a local felon awaiting trial - potentially for many months

From Idaho's POV, this is a case involving a fugitive who needs to be forcibly returned to the state in cuffs to face the music.

IMO that distinguishes it from local cases where a felon is arrested, but then bailed ahead of a local trial, where there is nothing specific to suggest flight.
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Here in Hawaii, her soft-spoken, 'I'm frightened and vulnerable' body language that we're now seeing will hold her in better stead among the women in jail than the haughty, chin-in-the-air posturing we saw when she was free and just being booked. She now looks like she's terrifiied and has been very humbled these last few days, and that's the best way she can present herself: Make the other inmates think she's subservient, mousy and scared out of her wits. The local women will be a lot less likely to start crap with her if she acts soft spoken and very respectful.
I don't think she's being held with other women. I think she's by herself. Just my opinion.
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One exception to the above on verification is if you are a local person to the case and want to share your general knowledge of the town/county/state, etc that does not require getting verified. Share away if you have general ideas on where the kids could be hidden in Yellowstone or Rexburg. Our members can also visit court hearings and report back on their observations and personal impressions. Sometimes hearings don't have any cameras allowed but do allow tweeting/texting and in those cases WS members will sometimes go to court and "live post" on a hearing without a lot of media coverage. So there are some things that can be posted here even if your not an insider or don't want to get verified.

MOO (Disclaimer: I'm not a moderator, just a member :) )
Gardener1850 I want to message you about
VI status but I am not allowed to start a conversation with you. Tricia asked that I become UK VI for LE on 1-1/2020 and I replied with email of everything requested of me . I am still waiting. I have contacted MODS to enquire but no reply and I wonder where I go from here some 2 plus months later?
Direct link to the post with the statement by Melani's attorney (criminal defense attorney not divorce/custody attorney).
Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix
after reading that mess of a letter, i just have one question. did anyone else find themselves wondering if Mr Jarvis, Esq is a fan of Daybell's books?
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