Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #21

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I think the Mexico rumor was something someone said on one of the many tweets, podcasts, and so forth. I don't think it was ever substantiated. And if it were true I am certain the prosecutor would have informed the judge about that at today's hearing. The evidence he presented to substantiate her being a flight risk (something done in 2009/2011 that is not even admissible in Hawaii) is a stretch while have bought tickets to Mexico would be a slam dunk.

The Mexico story was mentioned by Keith Morrison on Dateline. How they knew about it or if it’s even true, who knows.
She’s not a sentenced prisoner, she’s in a jail.

True. But it's obvious she still has to wear the jumpsuit regardless of jail or prison, right? It's just tough to believe those shoes didn't come with the jail-issued jumpsuit. IMO.

I have never been an inmate nor been a visitor in a US prison nor jail.. (not yet anyway ;)). So what do I know??
Any thoughts on why she agreed to waive extradition? I didn't expect that from her.
I can only answer this from a UK perspective but character witnesses are allowed to give evidence of good general character if the defence attack the character of the victims in the case , so basically to balance it out . Not sure if that helps or is what you mean

Thank You. :)
Any thoughts on why she agreed to waive extradition? I didn't expect that from her.

I suspect it was the failed attempt to secure a lower bond. Once that was denied her lawyer immediately filed the paperwork to waive her right to a hearing on extradition.

She is now awaiting the transfer to Idaho, the extradition hearing previously scheduled for 3/2 was vacated.

There is a status hearing scheduled for 3/4 so the judge can confirm the status of the transfer.

If she waited until the 3/2 hearing and they failed to contest the warrant she would be transferred to Idaho.

I guess they figured this will get her back there sooner and perhaps her lawyers there will contest the $5m bond.

MOO - not a lawyer

ETA: added *her right to a hearing on
I think the Mexico rumor was something someone said on one of the many tweets, podcasts, and so forth. I don't think it was ever substantiated. And if it were true I am certain the prosecutor would have informed the judge about that at today's hearing. The evidence he presented to substantiate her being a flight risk (something done in 2009/2011 that is not even admissible in Hawaii) is a stretch while have bought tickets to Mexico would be a slam dunk.

The Mexico story was mentioned by Keith Morrison on Dateline. How they knew about it or if it’s even true, who knows.

IIRC, Keith said they "received a tip". This was right after his parking at Queen Emma Drive; and was part and parcel of his "Kauai LE asked us not to spook them" segment. (I just watched Hour 2 last night, so it is fresh in my mind.)
Sorry if this has already been said, but, WOW! That's a great bit of info into HER psychology! The last image with the texts is the perfect BURN, IMO. Only after she fails to have him killed does she decide "divorce is better".... (MOO)

I think she threw everything but the kitchen sink at this poor guy in that doc! We are supposed to believe he's mafia/child molester/gay/ dirty *advertiser censored* addict/ Drug user/murderer etc/etc/etc/. But only decides to confront him about his inappropriate *advertiser censored* magazines, and then takes off leaving behind her minor children. Give me a break!

The entire statement is riddled with vindictive rage, and defeats it's entire purpose... No rational judge is going to say, "Yes, lets hand the kids over to this perfectly sane, god fearing lady"..... actually it has confirmed my bias that these people are Criminally Insane and should not be walking the streets! Again, MOO.

What boggles my mind, is if she has the information she claims to have, why did she wait until now to say anything?

That's why I think she is suspect. The list of crimes she would be charged for, if her allegations are true would probably put her in jail for the rest of her life, I would imagine.

Any thoughts on why she agreed to waive extradition? I didn't expect that from her.

One thought is she may try and run while in transport?! That would be foolish but people do try.
Maybe her ID attorney has given her some hope of beating the charges....but is this ID attorney paid by the people or private? Does she have any money at all? (I am still reading earlier posts so I am not up to speed...sorry). ((JMOO))
Websleuths members claiming to have firsthand knowledge of the case players or the investigation can share what they know IF they first become Verified Insiders here. It's a simple process to apply for verification and only WS owner Tricia will know your identity: Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters Once verified you can share what you know without giving a source. Everyone else needs to be able to provide a source for their info.

If someone is not verified and posting info that's not in the MSM (or there's not a way we can check the info such as looking up court docs or looking at the suspect's personal websites, etc) then it's considered spreading rumors here and the posts would likely be removed by the mods. This is the internet. Anyone could make wild claims here if there wasn't some way to check rumors. In my experience, WS is unique for having these strict rules, but it makes it one of the best sites to be a part of-- Journalists, Law Enforcement and Legal Teams sometimes read here to fact check a case or to get ideas for strategy. We also have many Verified Professionals here (Lawyers, Doctors, Psychologists, Retired LE, Search & Rescue workers, etc) that often give their educated opinions or help us understand legal matters in cases.

One exception to the above on verification is if you are a local person to the case and want to share your general knowledge of the town/county/state, etc that does not require getting verified. Share away if you have general ideas on where the kids could be hidden in Yellowstone or Rexburg. Our members can also visit court hearings and report back on their observations and personal impressions. Sometimes hearings don't have any cameras allowed but do allow tweeting/texting and in those cases WS members will sometimes go to court and "live post" on a hearing without a lot of media coverage. So there are some things that can be posted here even if your not an insider or don't want to get verified.

MOO (Disclaimer: I'm not a moderator, just a member :) )

Excellent Thank You! I suppose there are plenty of other places that people could post info and have us decide whether it was credible or not, it does make sense to attempt to get to the truth behind all the BS posted out there.

I actually come to this site because of the in depth coverage, and fact finding. It's always my first thought when a crime story sucks me in, lol. I was thinking others associated with the case would also choose to share their story here, rather then possible troll farms elsewhere! Good to know they can privately be verified!!

Thanks Again, this case has really tugged at my heart b/c I have guardianship of my 7yr old nephew, and he looks alot like JJ. My heart breaks for his and Tylee's loved ones!

(I think I'm 20 pgs back since starting this thread.... Hopefully I'll catch up to you all soon?!)
Could we not wait for more information to come in before we assume that Lori's actions are the result of childhood trauma?
on that note... does anyone know if Nate Eaton or Grey Davis are aware of Lori's Rialto HS Public Group FB page????? i'd bet there's a few old friends that wouldnt mind opening up to an interview or two
Any thoughts on why she agreed to waive extradition? I didn't expect that from her.
She wants out of that jail. I posted earlier that if you were Caucasian in Hawaii and especially if you’ve been accused of crimes such as she has involving your own children, you would not want to be in Hawaii jail... those women are mean, especially towards “haoles” ( caucasians). Waving extradition was her back up plan to get out of jail quicker if the plea for reducing bail didn’t work, which it didn’t.
What boggles my mind, is if she has the information she claims to have, why did she wait until now to say anything?

That's why I think she is suspect. The list of crimes she would be charged for, if her allegations are true would probably put her in jail for the rest of her life, I would imagine.


Indeed, it's all very juvenile and petty! Doesn't even sound like an actual licenced Attny wrote this! MOO.
Any thoughts on why she agreed to waive extradition? I didn't expect that from her.
I think she and her attorney decided that if she didn't get reduced bail she wanted to get out of Hawaii ASAP. Dropping the extradition hearing was plan B. She only wants to be in Hawaii if she is not in jail. They know she that she is going to be sent back to Idaho, it's just a matter of when. Extradition between states is not like between countries. No matter what happened it was only going to give her a couple of extra weeks in Hawaii, not the months or years international extraditions can take.
My (native Hawaiian mix) partner is now following the case through asking me frequently what is going on. When I mentioned Lori is going back to Idaho her response was "That's good. She's in serious danger in jail her. Those local girls are not going to think much of some haole who hurt her kids."

I totally agree, and it was totally unprompted. I'm sure Lori has been protected by her jailors as she should be. Note the special treatment in allowing Chad to visit. Jail rules require 7 days to approve a visit so rules were bent. But jail is not a safe place for Lori. Inmate takeovers are not unusual and security is lax. People walk away on an almost weekly basis. If the titas had an opportunity I think having a bad hair day would be the least of her worries.
WOW just Wow so Melani is initially happy to leave her children with BB just 2 weeks after he was shot at and even though they were in real potential danger - as per reported text exchange on Justin Lum ( reporters ) webpage? Yet she now alleges that she should have custody because he, BB is a danger to the children?
Am I reading this correctly? I don’t want to misinterpret anything!!
You are reading it correctly.
Regarding the bail amount. I know it’s satisfying for most of us to see it upheld but the post about bail amounts noting Hawaiian Supreme Court decisions gives judges guidance. In this case though, it’s not like LVD committed a couple of Class B felonies last week and just got arrested. It’s the totality of evidence and previous actions on her part that likely constituted the Idaho judge to set that bail and convinced the judge in Hawaii to confirm/set it. She sure was quick to bring out the waiver when bail was not reduced. Makes you go hmmm

I have to agree with the poster who is also a local, that this is an extraordinarily high amount of bail that is never seen in Hawaii. I’ve been here 40+ years, murderers, child rapists, one notorious murder for hire case where two people were killed, never seen a bail like this. She’s charged with class B Felonies, not class A. And let’s remember that she is charged at this point and therefore alleged. Many on here may believe that she has committed murder or other heinous crimes but none of that has been proven, certainly not in a court of law.

Also, To my knowledge she has never been convicted previously of any felonies. Flight risk, yes, but it’s not like she can drive somewhere. The only option to get off that Island undetected would be by boat or private jet and even the private jet is questionable with the high profile nature of this case. IMO Not that easy to charter a private boat either, and it would have to be one that is quite seaworthy as Hawaii is the furthest from a mass body of land of any island or island group on the planet (That last portion is not my opinion, it is fact).


The Hawaiian island chain, or archipelago, is the most geographically isolated group of islands on Earth. Located more than 2,000 miles from the nearest continental land mass, the chain of volcanic islands is home to a wide range of flora and fauna that exist only in Hawaii.Dec 1, 2014”
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