Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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These threads move so fast, so I'll try to reply quickly.

It took a ton of courage to post this and it really provides a lot of insight that I don't think has been shared in this conversation. I disagree with a lot of the beliefs and behaviors you've described, though I really do appreciate that you were willing to share. The conversation here has overall been respectful and I hope you are treated that same way.

Do you have any thoughts about why Chad remarried just two weeks after Tammy died?

Thank you. As others have mentioned, quick engagements and marriages are fairly common in our culture, especially in the "mormon corridor" of UT, ID, AZ, but their time line is spectacularly fast. I know of two men who remarried within a month of their spouses dying and it shook the community and their families. One family has never healed from their father's quick rebound and it has been years at this point. So, not completely unheard of, but also not particularly smiled upon.

I read the recent article where two women who were deep in LDS AVOW spoke out and one talked about the secret temple meetings between a man and woman who might already be married to others. My upbringing did not include any teachings like this (thank goodness).

I do believe that if someone like Chad felt like he had divine revelation that he was meant to be with Lori (and that they had all these end times missions together) he could rationalize a lot of things. I wouldn't be surprised if their connection began on an emotional and spiritual level and contained no sexual infidelity because of holiness, which also played into the 'race to the altar' scenario.

Wow, welcome aboard! Thank you for your post. It is very brave of you to come on and educate us about the beliefs of the group. It must be startling for you to see how far CD and LV have taken it. Please stick around and join in the chats. Hopefully your experiences may be able to help those of us who have trouble understanding it all. JMO

Do you think Chris could have been involved in the children’s disappearance?

For quite a while I was positive those kids were either in his basement or someone else high up in AVOW. Now I can't decide if Chris knows the truth and is still protecting Chad or if he just believes whatever story Chad and Lori have cooked up.

Thanks for sharing your perspective on Multiple Mortal probations, but I still will say emphatically that it is not a belief of the LDS church. I know about the book 'Doctrine of Eternal Lives' and all the quotes these people use to insist that this is a true teaching of the church, but that doesn't change the fact that it contradicts sound, basic LDS doctrine that we believe we are sent to earth to gain a body, to live on earth, one time, and when we die, we go to the spirit world to wait until the resurrection. The rest is pure speculation, which LDS are and have been good at engaging in for the 200 years of the church's existence. Regardless of what some believe privately, they should at least be honest and admit that living one single life on earth is a fundamental LDS belief.

Oh, I agree with you. I mean, I know what the church's current stance is and it is as you say. I'm just telling you how I was raised. The people that believe in this believe it emphatically and believe they have plenty of support for it, not only from prophets/scripture, but from their own dreams, visions, and answers to prayer. I do think there's a good chance that it was taught in the past, but so was a lot of other rubbish.

But this: "Regardless of what some believe privately, they should at least be honest and admit that living one single life on earth is a fundamental LDS belief." That is absolutely impossible for these people to admit, regardless of what you think they 'should' do. They believe it with every fiber of their beings, and they believe that it is still being alluded to and taught 'between the lines' in conference talks for those who are paying attention. My parents did not teach this belief openly at all. I can't imagine how upset they'd be with me if they knew I was discussing it online.

This is rubbish IMO. It is not correct that people like Chad and others should be lying and scheming to mislead people under the LDS banner. If what you are saying is true then the LDS church are fully aware this is going on and are ignoring it. But why, I do not know. AJMO.

My upbringing was rubbish? Agreed. Though there were some good things about it. Lots of love. I think my parents did the best they could with the knowledge and beliefs they had, but I am currently in therapy to make sense of it all. It's very difficult.

I didn't say that Chad (or anyone else) is "correct" for lying and scheming to mislead people under the LDS banner.

My parents didn't lie or scheme. They taught me what they truly believed. I believe Chad started out that way too, but I don't know when he went off the rails (if my suspicions about Tammy's death and his involvement with Lori's children are true).

The church is aware of this and does occassionally speak out against going to extremes or 'looking beyond the mark.' But again, they're not going to excommunicate people unless they are publicly making waves.

Respectfully Snipped By Me...

Welcome to Websleuths!

We appreciate your insight. I do understand people that were raised to believe something will follow. I find Chad power hungry and incredibly boastful. I am sure it will be interesting to you to see what comes of this case since you know more of the players and of their belief system then we do.

Yes, very intrigued. I always find it fascinating to find others who are similar to my parents.

Excellent post, @idaidaidaho

All of your post is enlightening. I can't help but comment on one line. You said "In fact, they believe it's a purer form of LDS doctrine only available to those willing to study and uncover the special mysteries god has prepared for them." Not you, but many following this case, find it hard to believe that people would believe these stories, yet it seems as though what they're doing is just repeating the Joseph Smith story with a few unique twists and them substituted for him. The more devout a Mormon is, the more likely they are to think that makes sense because, if it doesn't, it's hard to justify believing in the Mormon origin story. Add to that the "you're special, so you get to know about this" aspects that you talk about, and I'd kind of amazing there are more of these groups out there.

Also, the Sam Young reference is very pertinent. It's about making waves or not more than what is actually being done when it comes to excommunication.

Yes. The 'higher law folk' (I don't know what else to call them) do believe they have found and are living a purer form of LDS doctrine only available to those willing to study.... etc. I thought it might be helpful to hear from someone who was raised like this since I do realize it's really difficult to wrap one's head around.

By "repeating the Joseph Smith story" do you mean how he prayed to know which church is true? I suppose so... it seems like those that actually splinter off and form new religions still ascribe to the original Joseph Smith story. They believe he was a prophet, that he saw God and Jesus and translated the BOM. Usually there is a break somewhere a long the way... the most obvious example is the FLDS who broke off after the church stopped living the law of polygamy, believing the "mother church" to be in apostasy. The FLDS still believe in Joseph Smith, read the BOM, wear their own temple garments, etc.

To simplify: A splinter group will often take foundational things from mormon origins & keep those. While a "fringe group" often won't recognize that they are fringe and believes they are still functioning within the regular mainstream church.

The "special" thing was really big in my family. It was an important way to connect with my parents. I was so special and had so many spiritual gifts that they were allowed to share these sacred things with me. It was how I felt valued and like I had a place in our family.
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"Parrett also wrote to KSL TV that he has no desire for AVOW to become a focal point but finds himself as one of the only people willing to stand up for Daybell and Vallow.

“I just find myself in the position of being one of the only people out there that has been willing to stand up and ask people to be patient and allow Chad & Lori’s side of the story to come forth in do time,” Parrett said. “AVOW ‘might’ have significant additional background material to share at the same time as well.”"

Chad Daybell Expected To Speak About Missing Children Case Soon, Associate Says

How can anyone ask people to be patient and to allow the C&L story to come forth in do time??? These children have not been seen (nor is there proof they've been "cared & provided for") in nearly SIX months!! This cannot be a win-win situation for Parrett nor AVOW - who needs more patience when a special needs child has been missing (and parents have obstructed justice) for 6 months?? The only thing I can associate with "time and Parrett" is... he is a waste of mine.

Oh, everyone knows I'm no grammer goddess but... isn't it "in due time" not "do"?


ETA: What a weird scout leader
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My (completely moo) guess is she will be back in Rexburg tomorrow at some point. moo. The last time there was a big movement in the case, news went a little quiet for a couple days, and then boom! Lori has been arrested. I’m feeling it again.

Did I call it? I mean nearly! Is she back tomorrow, or Thursday? My guess is a red-eye tomorrow night after the hearing. Moo

Breaking news: I was wrong. She's coming back Wednesday and will be in court Friday: Lori Vallow Daybell will appear in Rexburg courtroom Friday | East Idaho News

Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter

Justin Lum Fox 10

Rexburg Idaho — at last, we meet. A town with so many questions still unanswered. But the wait for Lori Vallow’s return ends soon.

Look who's in IDAHO!

1:36 PM · Mar 3, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

I would love if Justin and Nate did at least one day of news coverage together. Are they bros yet?

MOO - Anyone else craving a little break from all the religion talk? I know it helps us possibly understand motive a little more, but it’s been discussed at length in every single thread. it’s a little exhausting. I myself have offered many insights on religion. However, I want to start viewing CD and LVD in the eyes of the law. Persons of interest who know where the missing kids are. Or can we at least draw straighter lines between their beliefs and the location of the missing kids? Lots of good points have been made but maybe we are off track a little. Moo

ETA - definitely not trying to attack or single out anyone, my post just landed in a tricky spot as I was catching up on the thread.
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MOO - Anyone else craving a little break from all the religion talk? I know it helps us possibly understand motive a little more, but it’s been discussed at length in every single thread. it’s a little exhausting. I myself have offered many insights on religion. However, I want to start viewing CD and LVD in the eyes of the law. Persons of interest who know where the missing kids are. Or can we at least draw straighter lines between their beliefs and the location of the missing kids? Lots of good points have been made but maybe we are off track a little. Moo

That's me, you're addressing, I assume. It took me several weeks to work up the courage to post and I hoped it would be helpful. I hadn't seen anyone else with my specific point of view, but I apologize if my post is tiresome. I'll answer any other direct questions, but won't bring it up again.

Edited to add: I don't think a case like this will ever be separate from religion though. It's too tightly connected.
That's me, you're addressing, I assume. It took me several weeks to work up the courage to post and I hoped it would be helpful. I hadn't seen anyone else with my specific point of view, but I apologize if my post is tiresome. I'll answer any other direct questions, but won't bring it up again.

Edited to add: I don't think a case like this will ever be separate from religion though. It's too tightly connected.

Speaking for myself, as a non-LDS member, I found your contributions enlightening. Not tiresome at all!
That's me, you're addressing, I assume. It took me several weeks to work up the courage to post and I hoped it would be helpful. I hadn't seen anyone else with my specific point of view, but I apologize if my post is tiresome. I'll answer any other direct questions, but won't bring it up again.

nope it wasn’t you - but it did end up posting right after yours. I’m sorry for that. Thank you for your insight. It’s truly mind blowing. Click back on all the threads (you’ve probably seen them) and it’s on every page. I’ve contributed a lot myself. o_O Please continue to share anything you think would be helpful to the case.
This is what her nephew, Maxxer500, who is a VI here wrote on an old thread. I’m not sure how to quote the thread directly so I just copied what he wrote: “The reason everyone was ticked off about Tammy's exhumation was no one was notified, so we first heard about it through the news weeks after it happened.” By “everyone” here, he seems to mean his family/ Tammy’s family. I doubt anyone would have been “ticked off” if it was what they were asking for all along.

Is it possible that the rift between the Daybell and Douglas families was caused by the AZ LE contacting ID LE to ask about Tammy's death; neither family was informed prior to the exhumation and that led the Daybells to believe that Tammy's family had requested it?
These threads move so fast, so I'll try to reply quickly.

Thank you. As others have mentioned, quick engagements and marriages are fairly common in our culture, especially in the "mormon corridor" of UT, ID, AZ, but their time line is spectacularly fast. I know of two men who remarried within a month of their spouses dying and it shook the community and their families. One family has never healed from their father's quick rebound and it has been years at this point.

I read the recent article where two women who were deep in LDS AVOW spoke out and one talked about the secret temple meetings between a man and woman who might already be married to others. My upbringing did not include any teachings like this (thank goodness).

I do believe that if someone like Chad felt like he had divine revelation that he was meant to be with Lori (and that they had all these end times missions together) he could rationalize a lot of things. I wouldn't be surprised if their connection began on an emotional and spiritual level and contained no sexual infidelity because of holiness, which also played into the 'race to the altar' scenario.

For quite a while I was positive those kids were either in his basement or someone else high up in AVOW. Now I can't decide if Chris knows the truth and is still protecting Chad or if he just believes whatever story Chad and Lori have cooked up.

Oh, I agree with you re: the church's current stance. I'm just telling you how I was raised. The people that believe in this believe it emphatically and believe they have plenty of support for it, not only from prophets/scripture, but from their own dreams, visions, and answers to prayer. I do think there's a good chance that it was taught in the past, but so was a lot of other rubbish.

But this: "Regardless of what some believe privately, they should at least be honest and admit that living one single life on earth is a fundamental LDS belief." That's impossible for these people to admit, regardless of what you think they 'should' do. They believe it to the fiber of their beings, and they believe that it is still being alluded to and taught 'between the lines' in conference talks. My parents did not teach this belief openly at all. I can't imagine how upset they'd be with me if they knew I was discussing it online.

My upbringing was rubbish? Agreed. Though there were some good things about it. Lots of love. I think my parents did the best they could with the knowledge and beliefs they had, but I am currently in therapy to make sense of it all. It's very difficult.

I didn't say that Chad (or anyone else) is "correct" for lying and scheming to mislead people under the LDS banner.

My parents didn't lie or scheme. They taught me what they truly believed. I believe Chad started out that way too, but I don't know when he went off the rails (if my suspicions about Tammy's death and his involvement with Lori's children are true).

The church is aware of this and does occassionally speak out against going to extremes or 'looking beyond the mark.' But again, they're not going to excommunicate people unless they are publicly making waves.

Yes, very intrigued. I always find it fascinating to find others who are similar to my parents.

Yes. The 'higher law folk' (I don't know what else to call them) do believe they have found and are living a purer form of LDS doctrine only available to those willing to study.... etc. I thought it might be helpful to hear from someone who was raised like this since I do realize it's really difficult to wrap one's head around.

By "repeating the Joseph Smith story" do you mean how he prayed to know which church is true? I suppose so... it seems like those that actually splinter off and form new religions still ascribe to the original Joseph Smith story. They believe he was a prophet, that he saw God and Jesus and translated the BOM. Usually there is a break somewhere a long the way... the most obvious example is the FLDS who broke off after the church stopped living the law of polygamy, believing the "mother church" to be in apostasy. The FLDS still believe in Joseph Smith, read the BOM, wear their own temple garments, etc.

To simplify: A splinter group will often take foundational things from mormon origins & keep those. While a "fringe group" often won't recognize that they are fringe and believes they are still functioning within the regular mainstream church.

The "special" thing was really big in my family. It was an important way to connect with my parents. I was so special and had so many spiritual gifts that they were allowed to share these sacred things with me. It was how I felt valued and like I had a place in our family.
I’m really glad that you’re getting counselling to help you through this. You’re a very brave person. Thank you for having the bravery to talk about your experiences. Please keep joining in and giving your opinion. It’s so far off base for most of us were struggling to understand it. JMO
Won't her attorney argue she cannot produce them while she is in jail though? I would rather she tells where they are. And that they are safe.
Her attorney can argue anything they want but the judge has the final say. The judge summoned the children to appear in court and lori was either unwilling or unable to comply. Judges have the legal authority to hold a person in jail until they comply if the judge does not like the persons explanation for their noncompliance.
Is believing in reincarnation compatible with the LDS doctrine? I don't know how these people can still claim to be LDS.

No, LDS do not believe in reincarnation. I think this fringe group calls it something more new age sounding, "Multipe Mortal Probations".

The LDS doctrine is very clear that we have only one life, there is no reset. This isn't a game of Mortal Kombat ("Get Over Here"). :D (I couldn't resist)

Is it possible that the rift between the Daybell and Douglas families was caused by the AZ LE contacting ID LE to ask about Tammy's death; neither family was informed prior to the exhumation and that led the Daybells to believe that Tammy's family had requested it?

I have two things to say to that. First, according to maxxer500 that rift was happening at first but starting to heal. Hopefully there’s not such a rift anymore but I don’t know. Second, it would seem that either no one knew it was coming which led to misunderstanding as you say, or as has been speculated here, Chad used this as a way to keep his kids away from Tammy’s family so that he could be the one to wield influence over them and how they think about the events that were transpiring. No one can read minds so it’s speculation to guess what Chad’s intentions were. I just hope there’s forgiveness and understanding because those kids and Tammy’s family are all great people and they need each other to heal.
I think CD is just know realizing that this is no joke. I am wondering a about the FBI command unit, does it seem to anyone else that something big and unknown by the public is going.on? I just don't see them sending this down just for support.
We've seen FBI presence in command centers for other missing childrens' cases and I am very thankful they are there. Two missing kids and multiple possible murders is pretty big, imo.
Is it possible that the rift between the Daybell and Douglas families was caused by the AZ LE contacting ID LE to ask about Tammy's death; neither family was informed prior to the exhumation and that led the Daybells to believe that Tammy's family had requested it?

That's standard procedure for LE not to tell anyone in either family when there is a homicide investigation beginning. IMO the rift was caused by Chad lying to Tammy's family in the first place and saying Lori doesn't have any minor children. Chad is likely the one who told his kids to cut off their mother's family. He obviously did this to prevent his and Tammy's children from talking to her relatives and comparing notes. If Chad's kids speak to Tammy's family then perhaps they would all figure out that Chad has lied to them about other things as well. There was probably also some anger there that Tammy's family spoke to the police and told the truth. It's not their fault that Chad is a lying liar who lies. I hope Chad's kids see the light soon and decide to cooperate with police.

I wouldn’t be rude to them, especially after all what I have learned in this forum I would probably welcome them in. I think we must just be in the wrong area. I think we’ve had 5 Groups of JW call in the last 20years. I don’t know why but it might be that we have dogs...but they run off quickly (JW not the dogs). It might also be that 2 out of three of my sons have visible tattoos. I’m really not sure but we dont see many of them and I’ve never had any LDS knock.
Lol to having to clarify who it is that runs off. :p
Definitely never a reason to be rude. Most of those kids are just “doing their jobs” trying to grow the church. They don’t know any better.
Lori Vallow Daybell will appear in Rexburg courtroom Friday | East Idaho News

In relation to this article, I’m glad they are bringing her in sooner than later. As was pointed out earlier, ID has up to 90 days to get her out of HI and maybe they would want to wait to build up a case. However, if there’s any chance whatsoever that the kids are ok, expediting could be important seeing as LE initially said they believe the children are missing and in danger. It’s a slim chance, yes, but if they are alive and if they are in danger, the sooner we get this show on the road the better. Also, if the worst is what we’re facing, getting through this process sooner will be better for the living victims. All that said, I still imagine we are in for a long road.
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