Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #30

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Do we have any updates on Melani's divorce meeting (wasn't that on Mar 26), and when does Lori get her next bail reduction hearing.
I read something recently saying the hearing was scheduled for may 6th or 7th now. Im guessing that march date was postponed. Im not sure i would count on the may date not being postponed too, with the covid-19 scaregoing on. Its a custody hearing so maybe they will have it but i think its iffy.
Thank you!

ETA: Last time I reported a post - I received no reply/response. I'm not sure it works.

OT, but this is for everyone's information on how the Report system works.

I went back to last year and could not find any Reports from you that were either not dealt with or that asked a question, so possibly it was a private message to someone and it got overlooked due to staff absence or ??

The Report system absolutely does work and all WS staff see all of the Reports and the software is such that we know any reports that are outstanding. When a post is reported, we review it and determine whether or not to take any action on it. As we receive many such Reports in a day, we do not have time to advise the member who reported the post how we have dealt with it (unless of course it is a serious matter that we need to contact them for some particular reason).

If a member Reports on a random post to ask a question of Mods, we answer them via private message unless it requires a response to be posted on the thread.

So as not to derail the thread, any questions on the above can be sent via private message to any Mod or Admin and we will try to clarify.

Hope that helps :)
OT, but this is for everyone's information on how the Report system works.

I went back to last year and could not find any Reports from you that were either not dealt with or that asked a question, so possibly it was a private message to someone and it got overlooked due to staff absence or ??

The Report system absolutely does work and all WS staff see all of the Reports and the software is such that we know any reports that are outstanding. When a post is reported, we review it and determine whether or not to take any action on it. As we receive many such Reports in a day, we do not have time to advise the member who reported the post how we have dealt with it (unless of course it is a serious matter that we need to contact them for some particular reason).

If a member Reports on a random post to ask a question of Mods, we answer them via private message unless it requires a response to be posted on the thread.

So as not to derail the thread, any questions on the above can be sent via private message to any Mod or Admin and we will try to clarify.

Hope that helps :)

Yes, it helps, thank you! I received a reply from a mod regarding my previous post. I also sent you a message, too. I now know SOP :)
Alex was married in Las Vegas and took the name Pastenes the day before Melani and Ian were married. The officiant said that the ceremony was quick and cool (just getting it done) and it was odd because it was the first time that officiant had seen a man take his wife's name in marriage. The very next day at another wedding chapel in Las Vegas, Alex used his new married name to sign as witness on Melani and Ian's marriage certificate. Given that one marriage occurred the day after the other but at different venues, it seems to me that the intent of Alex marrying and taking his new wife's name was so he would have that new name for the purpose of acting as witness to Melani and Ian's marriage, concealing that Alex Cox was serving in that role.

I wonder which photography package MBP/IP and AC/ZP picked out for themselves. Surely these couples were deliriously happily in love, too.
I’ve been doing some googling in regards to “how does one die peacefully in their sleep”. The Dr.’s answers included cardiac arrhythmia, carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution, SUNDS, and obstructive sleep apnea(OSA).
In order for the person to so-called die peacefully, they need to exit this world without a struggle. That can only happen if the person is unconscious while the heart and lungs stop.

I delved into what chemicals may peacefully induce coma and found that when I went to individual sites there were links to suicide prevention, links on how to browse privately and that google is watching you. Sad to think that some search for their own sake.

One of the drugs that came up was propofol. It is used to induce coma and as a relaxant when used intravenously. However, it does not induce death when taken orally as per research done on other unsolved deaths. Propofol does have an extremely short half-life so it may be undetectable in TD’s case. I also looked up chloroform, the notorious drug that’s poured onto a cloth and then used to cover airways of a victim. There would probably be a struggle in rendering someone unconscious using this method, but may be able to be done without obvious contusions. Once rendered unconscious the victim can then be suffocated with the use of a pillow. Chloroform has a much longer half-life, however, on the order of 55 days iirc.

Then there’s the question of who was in the house while this went down. I believe one of the sons, his wife, and baby are living in the house presently. I’m not sure of their whereabouts on 10/19.

Food for thought, MOO.

ETA: Does anyone know if TD had diabetes? My cousin has been injecting himself since he was a youngster many moons ago. It’s a long shot but if so her needle could have been tampered with, again moo.

Hmmmmm, death by insulin overdose. Where have I heard that before???
Poisoning certainly seems to be quite a risky ploy. If it's not instant you run the risk of the person calling out for help or calling 911 themselves. And then there's the chance it doesn't succeed, unless the poisoner really knows what they are doing, the victim might not finish the drink or whatever, and then there is the opportunity for medical testing and poison being flagged up. In the case of Tammy, I don't think Chad would have wanted that risk, after the failed paintball attack. He could have just heavily sedated Tammy and then smothered her, imo. I don't necessarily think Tammy and Alex were killed in the same way. Linking them would also be another risk they would want to avoid, since they probably knew Tammy's death was being looked at.

BBM I definitely think this is possible. I mentioned in another thread about the Matt/Kari baker case and this is exactly what he did to her. If his mistress had not come forward with that information, he could’ve gotten away with it! I could totally see Chad crushing up a sleep agent (or many) and putting it in a drink. Once she was too lethargic to fight back, he could’ve smothered her. MOO of course, but they may only find trace amounts of a sleeping agent and family could easily say that she took it regularly for sleep.

Of course, I hope they find something that will nail Chad because Tammy deserves justice if this is murder! MOO
BTW, do we know where the computer was for the four months that Kay did not have it?

I believe it was a printer not a computer from CV that Kay had (after CV died) that had an email of his on it. She was able to log on to that email account by guessing his password.[/QUOTE]
Okay, do we know where the printer was for the for months that Kay did not have it?


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Has this been brought up? If so, sorry, as I don’t recall. With all of the info KW has gathered in regards to purchases by LV using CV cc has she(KW) looked to see if purchases were made on the excursion to/from YNP? Did they return to Rexburg through Jackson Hole or via the west entrance? If they stopped for food maybe there’s a record of how many meals were purchased, maybe a gas attendant will remember how many and who used a restroom. MOO
Has this been brought up? If so, sorry, as I don’t recall. With all of the info KW has gathered in regards to purchases by LV using CV cc has she(KW) looked to see if purchases were made on the excursion to/from YNP? Did they return to Rexburg through Jackson Hole or via the west entrance? If they stopped for food maybe there’s a record of how many meals were purchased, maybe a gas attendant will remember how many and who used a restroom. MOO
Good thoughts! I certainly hope they’ve looked at this!
Hopefully, they have waaaay more information to share, and we will all be in total shock (like with the Kelsey Berreth case). One can dream...
His email.

Or an Amazon Order for poison.

BTW, do we know where the computer was for the four months that Kay did not have it?

I myself am beginning to think that the kids are in a cemetery somewhere, or is there some other kind of burial or death ritual that new age, PAP, or healing stone types follow? They are such a mix of things religious and supernatural; Did they throw an exorcism in there somewhere? Is there anything in their podcasts or writings that talk about any of these topics? How does one of their ilk dispose of demon-possessed bodies? Do they burn them? Bury them? Send them out to sea? Lori was on the coast in California at one point wasn't she? I think we need to try to start thinking like them (if that is "humanly" possible). I hope there is an FBI Behavioral scientist working on this case.
I do too... you mean like delusional psychopath narcissist hippy mormon (Sorry to bring that up, but because it is one of the things she managed to kink) meets hallucinatory psycho gravedigger con(BS)-artist for a mutual obsession of lust, cash and macabre?
IF FBI Profilers can magically turn that into a location I would be impressed.
It's been said already that tossing a body in a lot of areas of YNP would never be found. Unfortunately, I think that's largely true.
If they did TR on that trip, it would not make sense to bring the body back. I think odds are they would just leave her someplace remote.
JJ on the other hand they might have buried somewhere closer... and I doubt because of "ceremony" more because of convenience.
Nothing about LVD makes me think that she is hardworking and meticulous.
There are brazen and sloppy patterns throughout.
AxC drove back and forth between ID and AZ and was used to very long drives. Thats a lot of miles of possibility.
And it's not like they were under any time pressure... it took weeks for anyone to realize the children were missing.
But if we figure in the brazen and sloppy, perhaps a mistake was made and there is a clue out there.
It's harder to prosecute when bodies are missing, but the fact that no one has had contact with them, especially not her (the wonderful caring mother) the court could rule that they are presumed deceased and hold them accountable.
I keep hoping they will ensure the death penalty against this vile pair. But odds are they will only get life and the taxpayer will have to support them. LVD will just continue to be a burden on society.
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