Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #30

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I'm so glad the ski mask was finally mentioned in MSM. The date the purchase was made that was posted on social media doesn't seem right (October 12), so I hope we find out for sure when he purchased it. MOO
Nothing Justin said confirms he made a purchase, so there isn't anything that can be discussed here yet. What was said on SM is still rumor.
Seems to be the case. And Jason Lumm is following up an alleged ski mask purchase as well so that could be interesting.
It COULD have been a return, as in after it was allegedly used in an attempted hit on Tammy, then later returned for the $ since they wont do that again. Possible and moo.
Do people think that LE is going to hold autopsy information all the way to May? I am sure they are trying to let C and L just get all tangled up in a web of lies, but what are the odds of disclosing or not disclosing autopsy results. i am feeling so certain most is available right now.
The last I heard.Nate said on video tammi daybells autopsy. The results.are in should be made public in a couple of weeks, that was 3 weeks.ago so your as good as mine. If it.showed murder than why aren't they arresting someone and if it came back inconclusive.why aren't they telling the public that? God only knows what's going on literally!!
Well, she was smart enough to have disappeared the kids seemingly without a trace. Nobody knows what happened to them and where they are. I wish they made a stupid mistake there.

Even with all the purchases before Tammy's death, LE would still have to prove that they were involved in Tammy's death. There's indication that Alex was.
With Lori and Alex saying the kids were with the grandparents has LE checked all the grandparents? I mean there are probably several sets of grandparents considering that Tylee's grandparents would be completely different to JJ's.
What is the indication Alex was involved in Tammy's death in your opinion?
The last I heard.Nate said on video tammi daybells autopsy. The results.are in should be made public in a couple of weeks, that was 3 weeks.ago so your as good as mine. If it.showed murder than why aren't they arresting someone and if it came back inconclusive.why aren't they telling the public that? God only knows what's going on literally!!
I feel it coming, the hammer is about to drop on this murder spree fiasco and it's going to blow up. They just need to get all the ducks lined up before pulling the trigger...
Did he continue to work after moving to Idaho? Do we have his work schedule for September?
My own opinion I don't think anyone is going to find remains after all this time with the weather and wildlife around I doubt there much left and yellowstone is huge unless someone tells them.something.i think.theyy are.lost for.good
I'm so glad the ski mask was finally mentioned in MSM. The date the alleged purchase was made will be interesting if in fact confirmation of said purchase was made. I'm sure Justin will announce any proof he is able to obtain if it exists. MOO
Edited to add a few clarifying words.

Me too, I'm glad Justin mentioned it and has tried to ascertain the validity of this purchase. I have a feeling the company's corporate office won't tell him much, though :(
I'm so glad the ski mask was finally mentioned in MSM. The date the alleged purchase was made will be interesting if in fact confirmation of said purchase was made. I'm sure Justin will announce any proof he is able to obtain if it exists. MOO
Edited to add a few clarifying words.
Of course I meant Justin Lum :)
I'm not 100% positive, but I think using a dead person's credit card is considered to be fraud. Also, the fact she bought those things (large swim trunks and shirts) before Tammy Daybell died, sends up a HUGE red flag for me. JMO MOO
It's terrible, what do the Daybell kids think about it as it comes close to the buttslap revelation. It seems to run in the Cox family, using a dead relative's credit card because Alex did it too. That's probably who she got the idea from. MOO.
It COULD have been a return, as in after it was allegedly used in an attempted hit on Tammy, then later returned for the $ since they wont do that again. Possible and moo.
Good point. Whoever wore the mask during the October 9th incident clearly overestimated their rate of accuracy. If the same person was involved in both deaths (TD and AxC), they clearly switched to poison as their plan B, due to their crappy aim.:pImagine if Tammy survived? This story would have evolved so differently. MOO.
Something that just occurred to me is if Kay had access to several of CV's accounts in order to see/find these searches/purchases then might not that potentially backfire on prosecution? I'm no expert or lawyer, but it would seem like a good defense attorney could argue that since Kay had access to CV's accounts then it's possible she could have been the one doing these searches and making these purchases in order to plant evidence or incriminate Lori of wrongdoing. Thus creating reasonable doubt.

Of course there's the problem of Lori actually wearing the ring that was sent to her as a wedding band. I'm just afraid of someone arguing that Kay's 'helpfulness' in this case could be seen as evidence of having some kind of vendetta against Lori.
I imagine Kay is the administrator of his will . So it’s perfectly legal. Also touching someone’s bank account or credit cards once they are passes is very illegal. You can get in trouble for even taking something out of a deceased persons house without permission from the court. Kay is in her right tho Moo
It COULD have been a return, as in after it was allegedly used in an attempted hit on Tammy, then later returned for the $ since they wont do that again. Possible and moo.
Cut price murder. Maybe it was even hired. Now we have a possible poison (copper sulphate I think it was suggested), could that have been an attempt to deliver a poison?
Someone mentioned that alex and Ian lived nextdoor to eachother during the time period MB was staying with Alex. Its very possible thats how they met.
They are both attractive people who were going through similiar circumstances with their divorces and children being involved, making them very relatable to each other plus they were both most likely emotional vulnerable. I can very much see one of them suggesting to grab a drink and a 1 night stand rebound type of thing esculates into a quickie marriage in vegas without either of them thinking it through. Just running away from the pain of their failed marriages and not wanting to be alone. Im not saying thats how that relationship happened but i think its plausable.
Except Alex and Zulema also marriage similar date/time
It's terrible, what do the Daybell kids think about it as it comes close to the buttslap revelation. It seems to run in the Cox family, using a dead relative's credit card because Alex did it too. That's probably who she got the idea from. MOO.
Not a good look. IIRC her rental on the kids bikes and toys (and where they stored the tire and seat of the jeep a couple days) was closed re-non payment. I am struggling to understand how she kept Charles' CC active that long. Though, you can use any number of cards and any number of names mixed with those cards. I don't know that it's a sure thing it was one of CV old cards, a joint card, or her own, heck it could have been Chad's. She may not have known how to change the name on the delivery side on Amazon and just went with what was on the account, she may be that much of a noob. I think it's the latter. It sure doesn't make any "sneaky" sense, who is she fooling?
The last I heard.Nate said on video tammi daybells autopsy. The results.are in should be made public in a couple of weeks, that was 3 weeks.ago so your as good as mine. If it.showed murder than why aren't they arresting someone and if it came back inconclusive.why aren't they telling the public that? God only knows what's going on literally!!
Wasn't there a false alarm a while ago about Tammy's autopsy results being ready?
With Lori and Alex saying the kids were with the grandparents has LE checked all the grandparents? I mean there are probably several sets of grandparents considering that Tylee's grandparents would be completely different to JJ's.
What is the indication Alex was involved in Tammy's death in your opinion?
I think Alex first told police that JJ was with Kay. We only know that digital evidence exists that could link Alex to Tammy's death. It could be in the form of incriminating messages or phone pings.
Not a good look. IIRC her rental on the kids bikes and toys (and where they stored the tire and seat of the jeep a couple days) was closed re-non payment. I am struggling to understand how she kept Charles' CC active that long. Though, you can use any number of cards and any number of names mixed with those cards. I don't know that it's a sure thing it was one of CV old cards, a joint card, or her own, heck it could have been Chad's. She may not have known how to change the name on the delivery side on Amazon and just went with what was on the account, she may be that much of a noob. I think it's the latter. It sure doesn't make any "sneaky" sense, who is she fooling?

BBM. Thank you for bringing this up, @Alpha Bravo. I meant to yesterday when this all came out, but with everything going on, I spaced it out.

A long time ago, in a world far far away, I worked for Amazon. So, I know this to be true from the back-end, but also as a decades old customer.

If you order something from your existing account, and then try and ship it to a different name and/or address than what is your billing address, you have to re-enter your credit card information, the number, expiry, 3 digit code. So, I believe she had the actual credit card in hand, unless she had all the info written down.

Also, when you enter a new shipping address, you are prompted to enter the person's name, along with the address. It would have to be deliberate of her to have typed in Charles Vallow's name, which I have no idea what her motivation was with that. Makes no sense that she wouldn't have typed in "Lori Vallow"

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