Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #31

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Excellent post. Watching Melani on the Dateline episode made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Yep, she was very devoid of emotion! She seemed in a trance, or hypnotized or something.

I can't find the link yet either.. But maybe living with Summer? I still want to know how they are getting by. He has other kids to support, as well as Melani now. Oh how I wish his ex-wife would do a sitdown with Nate!

Yes, and I'd love to hear from Lori's first two husbands as well.

They married two months later. Were they even a couple? Why didn't ZP move to Rexburg with Alex?

Is there anyway to know if ZP had a large policy on AC? Or is that off limits here...

The one thing from the Dateline episode that I am wondering about is whether an agreement of some sort was made between LE and Ian for him to wear the wire.

I dont see him doing that out of the kindness of his heart so I have to wonder if LE asked him to wear a wire and in return they may have agreed not to press charges on him for something that they may have found out about.

Afterall he was just recently married and that would risk the marriage itself once the other finds out about it because it proves he did not fully trust her.

Take for example a drug case informant that was asked to wear a wire. Usually the situation involves LE promising something to the person in return for their cooperation. Like they would get a lesser charge or no charges so long as they can help bring down the big fish.

I have to wonder if something similar was proposed to him that made him agree to wear the wire.

If so, I wonder what the agreement was and wonder if he did enough to make the agreement stand or not.

If he did it solely out of the kindness of his heart and to help LE try to find out where the kids are, then he risked his marriage to do it.
Unless he told her the very minute he walked in the door. In that case, he really wasnt helping LE and was trying to fool them instead of fooling her.

Either way, I dont trust either one of them anymore after watching that Dateline episode. :)

Excellent point, there had to be a tradeoff. Im thinking minor or no charges against MBP.
Certainly not giving Lori any excuse whatsoever, but it is possible that generational cycling of abuse could be at work here. JMO

I have wondered about that myself. And if not, actual inappropriate physical behavior, at least inappropriate attention toward minor female child from next generation male or male from the generation above that (e.g. sexual flirting or sexual teasing or comments).

And, it's still no excuse for the inappropriate boyfriend-like behavior Colby reported or for any of the other oddities or harm to others in this case.
I would venture a guess that Lori has an unusual-man-obsession /addiction. It doesn't matter what, son, whatever.
I see her as the type of woman that can't stand being "replaced" by someone else. So, when Colby got serious and eventually got married to his wife, I bet she changed around him because she needs to be the favorite, the number one, the center of attention and no other woman can ever replace her in her head. So, I'm not that surprised that Tammy is dead. There's no way Chad would get a divorce and there's no way Lori would have accepted to keep being the "other woman". But her relationship with Alex truly disturbs me to a the next level. The fact that they were always together, him spending so much time at her house, the killing people for her... it's really creepy. I wouldn't be super shocked if Alex had to go because she no longer had time to give him attention and was completely dedicated to Chad's crap. I believe Chad is the master mind here and that she wouldn't have really thought about killing her kids, let alone actually do it, if it wasn't for Chad.
Having been divorced a long time ago with a small child, I did not let her meet anyone I dated casually. When I met my now husband, she did not meet until we had been dating a year, and I prepared her well in advance by talking about him and we prepared her before we approached marriage. This may be extreme but those kids of MP and BB are awfully young to just divorce and remarry and remarry someone with their own kids. I worry for them. They also hear the discussions about their second cousins and wonder themselves where JJ and Tylee are. Kids need stability more than anything and I am thankful that BB has his family and they are able to protect them during this time. No mother that truly cares about their children would show up at the grandparents' house twice and try to get them and create all that emotional drama. Those kids love their mother and this would only confuse them more. But her role model for mothering was Lori so we know why she can carry on like this. Poor NP trying to protect her kids from this drama that she never invited into their lives.
I was listening to a podcast about the case and realized today would have been Tammy's 50th birthday. I just wanted to bring attention to it--give her the respect she didn't get from her husband. I really hope she gets the justice she deserves and that it also includes justice for Tylee and JJ.

ETA: now wondering if this ties in at all with the timing of the Woodcocks' direct plea to Chad.
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A kindly websleuth corrected my mistaken identity of Ford F-150s and now I need a similar favor from people who know about Jeeps.

This pertains to the shooting attempt on Brandon Beaudreaux in Gilbert AZ on 2 Oct 2019. Tylee's Jeep was identified as being the vehicle used in the shooting. A photograph of that Jeep is attached. Note the middle stop light just above the top of the spare tire.

Also on 2 Oct a security video at the storage locker in Rexburg ID captured Chad and Lori moving moving what is almost surely the same spare tire into their locker. The attached screen grab clearly shows the gaps between the widely spaced spokes of the steel wheels supplied with that Jeep.

The conventional wisdom says that the tire was removed so that the rear window of the Jeep could be raised to accommodate the shooter. But -- just removing the tire doesn't appear to do that, because as the third picture shows, the mounting bracket and middle stop light are still there, and the middle stop light still prevents the window from being opened unless you open the lower gate. And opening the gate works if the tire is there, so what is gained by taking it off and driving 12 hours to deliver it to Rexburg?

Now somebody could have removed the bracket and the light as well, but there's no video of anybody putting a bracket in the locker with the tire.

And there's the possibility of driving without the third stop light might get you pulled over by LE:

New AZ law means all brake, tail lights must work

So this option seems unlikely. Since the rear seat was also removed, maybe the intent was that the shooter lie prone in the back, open the gate (made easier by the absence of the tire) and fire from there. So my questions for the Jeepologists are:

1. Can you open the rear gate on a 2018 Sport Model 2 door Wrangler (lowest trim option) from the inside?

2. How quickly do you think a single driver/shooter could move from shooting position to driving position? Or does the second option really say there were two people involved?


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A kindly websleuth corrected my mistaken identity of Ford F-150s and now I need a similar favor from people who know about Jeeps.

This pertains to the shooting attempt on Brandon Beaudreaux in Gilbert AZ on 2 Oct 2019. Tylee's Jeep was identified as being the vehicle used in the shooting. A photograph of that Jeep is attached. Note the middle stop light just above the top of the spare tire.

Also on 2 Oct a security video at the storage locker in Rexburg ID captured Chad and Lori moving moving what is almost surely the same spare tire into their locker. The attached screen grab clearly shows the gaps between the widely spaced spokes of the steel wheels supplied with that Jeep.

The conventional wisdom says that the tire was removed so that the rear window of the Jeep could be raised to accommodate the shooter. But -- just removing the tire doesn't appear to do that, because as the third picture shows, the mounting bracket and middle stop light are still there, and the middle stop light still prevents the window from being opened unless you open the lower gate. And opening the gate works if the tire is there, so what is gained by taking it off and driving 12 hours to deliver it to Rexburg?

Now somebody could have removed the bracket and the light as well, but there's no video of anybody putting a bracket in the locker with the tire.

And there's the possibility of driving without the third stop light might get you pulled over by LE:

New AZ law means all brake, tail lights must work

So this option seems unlikely. Since the rear seat was also removed, maybe the intent was that the shooter lie prone in the back, open the gate (made easier by the absence of the tire) and fire from there. So my questions for the Jeepologists are:

1. Can you open the rear gate on a 2018 Sport Model 2 door Wrangler (lowest trim option) from the inside?

2. How quickly do you think a single driver/shooter could move from shooting position to driving position? Or does the second option really say there were two people involved?

I'm not sure whether Tylee's Jeep was a soft top, but if so, this video demonstrates how a person could swing the tire support bar to the side, remove the rear window, and then swing the tire support bar (with attached rear light at top) back into place behind the rear gate of a 2018 Jeep Wrangler:

opening back window 2018 jeep wrangler
RSBM and BBM. And apologies in advance for the wall of text.

Some things about Melani and Ian's account have never sat right with me. Above I've bolded some of the things that bother me about their account, and here are some of my thoughts on them. All MOO, of course.

  • The quick marriage. Who does that? Really? Two weeks from when they supposedly met and had a "first date?" I'll tell you who - Lori and Chad. And, as it turns out, evidence eventually turns up that they (Chad and Lori) knew each other much longer than the two week claim, and also that there was likely infidelity between them while their former spouses were still alive. While I'm not willing to say the same is true for Ian and Melani at this point, it is most certainly a cause for a "quick marriage" and something worth considering. I can almost certainly guarantee that nobody, especially in Latter-day Saint circles (even considering our focus on marriage and families), gets married after having only known each other for only two weeks. There has to be more to this story than what is being told. And none of it's good (thus why it's not being told).
  • Ian wanted to go to the police with his ex-wife. So his ex-wife had some very serious concerns about their children being exposed to the Vallow family circle (good on her!) and felt justified in taking her concerns to the police. So why in the world would Ian (who is now married to Melani at this point) insist on going with his ex-wife to see the police about it? Was it because he shared the same concerns? I find that highly doubtful, especially in light of later actions by IP. A more likely reason is either A) he wants to control the narrative - "Melani and her extended family are good people, I married into their family after all" or B) he wants to know what his ex-wife is telling authorities and/or what LE has to say about the situation of the missing children - he wants to find what all they know. Both motives don't show a concern for others, but rather a clear and distinct concern only for one's self. What a shock for him then to be "unexpectedly... met there by FBI agents." FBI involvement means this is on a whole new level and he likely feels stressed and pressured into going along with them and agreeing to wear a wire to help find the missing kids, even though he could probably care less about them. It's likely all about self-preservation for him at this point and he wants to appear like he is cooperating with the investigation and try to make it look like he's distancing himself from the group when in truth he's probably in up to his neck with them. Evidence of this is the fact that after wearing a wire for the FBI for two weeks, "which ultimately did not yield any information," Ian admits to Melani that he had been spying on her for the FBI, and decides he is no longer interested in cooperating with the FBI. So why in the world would he not have a desire to help the FBI find the missing children? The only reason I can see is that there is apparently a conflict of interest going on. Is Ian somehow personally involved with the missing children? Is he a fully committed member of the Vallow/Daybell group? Regardless of the reasoning it surely does look like it's purely out of a selfish motive of self-preservation or some other self-interest.
  • Melani's support of Lori. Why has Melani still been supportive of Lori "despite her arrest on felony charges of child desertion?" I get supporting family members and wanting to believe and/or hoping in the best for them. But isn't Tylee and JJ family too? Shouldn't Melani be concerned for the well-being and safety of her cousins? Especially since they are minor children, have been missing and endangered for nearly eight (8!) months, and nobody seems to know where they are? And Melani, of all people, who was practically raised by Lori herself, hasn't seen them and "does not know where the children are?" And she's not concerned in the slightest about that?!? Something is clearly not right here. Like in the above point about Ian, the only explanation for this is one of self-interest. Is Melani somehow involved in their disappearance? Does she know something incriminating? If she turns on Lori for the missing children can Lori turn on her for the attempt on BB's life? I suspect, whatever the case may be, that protecting/supporting Lori is, in fact, protecting/supporting Melani because she's deep in the middle of this dumpster fire of epic and tragic proportions. And she can't afford to (or at least feels that she can't) do anything but support Lori at the expense of everyone and everything else. How wrong she would be if that's her thought process.
  • Melani believes her new husband was "confused" for trying to help LE find the missing kids? In all seriousness, Melani "said she felt her husband was meaning to do the right thing, but was 'confused'?!?” What kind of perverted and twisted logic is that? How patronizing! How condescending! So, according to Melani, looking out for the safety and well-being of two missing and endangered kids, one of whom is not even old enough or even capable of caring for himself, is not "the right thing" to be doing? Like what the actual facepalm?!? Ian was simply "confused" when he tried to help the FBI track down and find out what happened to her missing cousins? Seriously?!? Melani admittedly and supposedly has no clue where the children are, or what happened to them, and she somehow thinks "the right thing" to do is shrug your shoulders and essentially say "oh well, not my problem?" What a shockingly egregious and deplorable thing for her to suggest! For her to entertain such a thought, let alone vocalize it to the whole world, clearly shows her lack of empathy for other people. She clearly only cares about herself and how Ian betrayed her for "meaning to do the right thing" by trying to find out what happened to these missing kids. But, according to her own words, he was in the wrong and "confused" for trying to help solve a crime involving missing children. I just can't even fathom such a callous and uncharitable attitude. Especially from someone who is a mother herself. Ugh!
  • Melani is still with Ian. So supposedly Ian and Melani are both recently divorced after years and years of marriage, both of them bringing several children into the world with their former spouses. They quickly remarry to each other after having only met and gotten to know one other over a two week period. And then supposedly Ian willingly and knowingly agrees to "working as an FBI informant" against Melani, Lori, and Chad for several weeks. He has a change of heart and mind during this time, apparently believing that his relationship with his new wife was more important to him than helping LE find two missing and endangered children. He eventually tells Melani about his role in spying on her and her family. She feels greatly betrayed, but they kiss and make up because Ian "was meaning to do the right thing," but was simply "confused." She lovingly and patiently explains the situation to him until he "started to see her perspective," and that "this is not all the hype it’s made out to be," but, strangely, if we take Melani at her own word, she can't even really explain what's truly going on because she hasn't seen the children and "she does not know where the children are." Someone is clearly being lied to here, and I believe it's the public. How would Melani be able to put Ian's mind and heart at ease that this whole case is all some great big misunderstanding, provide him with an explanation that satisfies his curiosity and concerns enough to stick with her and not provide any more help to the evil LE who are doing the wrong thing by trying to find Tylee and JJ, but she can't even provide a plain and simple explanation to the public about what's going on and admits that she doesn't even know where the kids are let alone if they are safe. Their story just doesn't make any sense. There's clearly more going on with them than they're letting on. Ian seems to be just as invested in their relationship as Melani is with him. And let's not forget that Melani, while not currently implicated with any involvement in BB's attempted murder, does have a criminal past and has been involved with at least criminal trespassing. So why is Ian sticking with Melani? She is recently divorced, has a lot of potential baggage following her what with custody disputes, an arrest record, potential involvement in attempted murder, has close family ties with people who come with their own set of baggage and criminal histories, and apparently has at least some insider information about the missing kids (enough to set his mind at ease at least). And why is Melani still sticking with Ian? Very similarly he is recently divorced, has a lot of potential baggage following him with potential custody disputes, a criminal record for DV, he betrayed her trust by spying on her for LE (or did he?), etc. And yet here they are both supporting each other and sticking together through their hurried wedding and all that swirls around them. Just like Chad and Lori. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
MOO, in case I need to say it again.

I think a lot of us are hampered by not having authorized sleuthing of IP, but I did want to say, I'm pretty convinced at this point that IP would stay with Melani because she's pregnant with his child (a fact we know, because it was confirmed by someone either on this Dateline or last, probably both). However complicit he is or isn't, I feel for him; because he certainly can't back out now, and his ex-wife almost assuredly isn't very happy with the situation she's been thrust into either.
I have wondered about that myself. And if not, actual inappropriate physical behavior, at least inappropriate attention toward minor female child from next generation male or male from the generation above that (e.g. sexual flirting or sexual teasing or comments).

And, it's still no excuse for the inappropriate boyfriend-like behavior Colby reported or for any of the other oddities or harm to others in this case.
I just want to point out that "boyfriend" was the interviewer's word. Not that I don't think Lori is totally capable of being very creepy. I can just see myself being nervous and interviewed and saying yes a little too quickly to what someone famous suggested. But the point, certainly, that she was being jealous and possessive, stands. Was she actually trying to sexualize him (which is what I think of when the word boyfriend is used)? I hope not, and take the use of the word with a grain of salt.

ETA: the above is in reference to her relationship with Colby and no one else. I think her relationship with Alex is weird weird weird. Perhaps, since many described him as "off", he was something like one lightbulb short of a Christmas tree, and Lori was able to use her well-exercised powers of persuasion to manipulate him. I would 1000% agree that generational abuse/inappropriate behavior is likely in this family.
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I'm not sure whether Tylee's Jeep was a soft top, but if so, this video demonstrates how a person could swing the tire support bar to the side, remove the rear window, and then swing the tire support bar (with attached rear light at top) back into place behind the rear gate of a 2018 Jeep Wrangler:

opening back window 2018 jeep wrangler

It was a hardtop.
After watching the latest Dateline, IMHO, I have reached a few conclusions;
1. Melani is definitely withholding information. Nobody who is that close to Lori AND her children suddenly doesn’t really give a care to where the kids went...pleazzze girl, none of us are that gullible...
2. Even though Alex’s wife claims that law enforcement told her she is not a suspect in the death of her new husband , she is definitely a suspect, all of these players are until the investigation is completed.
3. Chad Daybell will be arrested soon. I feel that law enforcement is closely monitoring his every move and word to gather more evidence.

Unfortunately, the wheels of justice move at a snails pace, even slower now due to COVID19.
After watching the latest Dateline, IMHO, I have reached a few conclusions;
1. Melani is definitely withholding information. Nobody who is that close to Lori AND her children suddenly doesn’t really give a care to where the kids went...pleazzze girl, none of us are that gullible...
2. Even though Alex’s wife claims that law enforcement told her she is not a suspect in the death of her new husband , she is definitely a suspect, all of these players are until the investigation is completed.
3. Chad Daybell will be arrested soon. I feel that law enforcement is closely monitoring his every move and word to gather more evidence.

Unfortunately, the wheels of justice move at a snails pace, even slower now due to COVID19.
I sure hope you're right about Chad getting arrested soon. I can't stand him.
I don’t think it’s okay to discuss if anyone on here believes Colby on what he says happened to him. Sexual assault is a huge shame , guilt , a million things you feel as the victim and a giant fear is people knowing and if they believe you or not and wanting to share it at all especially for a male is a very difficult thing . I don’t think it’s okay to debate if it’s true or not true.
I believe him. This young man seems to be the only normal person in that family. What would be his motive to lie?

I felt really sad for him, Kylee and JJ. Charles Vallow seems to have been a really nice and loving father to them.

Colby also said that he really loved his mother and did everything that he could to make her happy.
The previous article describes people in India grinding up malachite and spreading it on their faces and other parts of the body as part of a religious celebration.

This link describes a jeweler breathing malachite dust. Malachite is a poison. Understandably it's not one that has been extensively studied or written about

Malachite poisoning?
I can't find the previous article.
Melani <modsnip>... moved next door, doesn't question about the kids, marries someone she met online 13 days after meeting him, and she is OK with current hubby talking to LE ?? Nope.. he better watch his back..he will be next. just OMG
I found myself yelling at the television while watching Melani on Dateline. I just don't buy her story that she never thought twice about anything that had happened and never suspected her uncle with taking a shot at her husband.

So, I guess that she thinks that her uncle's death was natural, too?? All I can say is I sure hope that any life insurance that Alex may have had didn't get paid out to his wife.

IMO, she knew that her ex-husband was a target. She wanted her kids and any life insurance money that he might have. If no life insurance, she wanted alimony and child support.

My first thought was that Ian better not buy life insurance. Then, my second thought was to fear for his ex-wife and children. Nobody is safe around this dangerous family.

Also, don't you find it interesting that Tammy told cops that she believed that someone shot at her with a paint gun and Melani's ex-husband said the same thing? That was 10 days before she mysteriously died in her sleep?

Bear in mind, Lori had already purchased the wedding rings. So, IMO, she was expecting Tammy's death one way or the other.

Just loved that Charles took the action to change the $1M life insurance beneficiary to his sister. Can you imagine how livid Lori was? She thought that she was entitled to everything, even though she orchestrated his murder, IMO.

I sure hope that Chad is arrested soon. This cult and the murders/accidents/ disappearances might then end.

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I just want to point out that "boyfriend" was the interviewer's word. Not that I don't think Lori is totally capable of being very creepy. I can just see myself being nervous and interviewed and saying yes a little too quickly to what someone famous suggested. But the point, certainly, that she was being jealous and possessive, stands. Was she actually trying to sexualize him (which is what I think of when the word boyfriend is used)? I hope not, and take the use of the word with a grain of salt.

ETA: the above is in reference to her relationship with Colby and no one else. I think her relationship with Alex is weird weird weird. Perhaps, since many described him as "off", he was something like one lightbulb short of a Christmas tree, and Lori was able to use her well-exercised powers of persuasion to manipulate him. I would 1000% agree that generational abuse/inappropriate behavior is likely in this family.

Agreed in reference to oldest son, and kudos for you to point this out! Moms can be clingy to their boys, especially the eldest. Lori was on her 3rd marriage at this point with multiple kids with different dads. A lot of history, but no sexualization between Lori and her oldest son imo.
I don't think I heard this idea yet but it occured to me that if TD was poisoned, it could have come from the meal swap. Did another one occur after the night she was shot at? Anyone know how often they had them? Would ZP, LV or MP been part of that group?

Also where did the poison theory come from with TD? Is there something known about her condition when the coroner arrived? Did this come from what is known about AC? I have only read CD's email account to a friend. It sounded like a fairy tale ending, very clean and lovely.
This was a once per month event called Enrichment night wherein the sisters of the ward gather to engage in activities to enrich their lives and the lives of their families. The meals were not so much part of a swap, as the ladies attending all made up sufficient meals for their request. This was the only meal prep activity of these meetings that I am aware of.

Any poison administered to the meals would jeopardize the safety of all in the home and/or ward. There is no reason to suspect anyone at the meeting would do such a thing, nor evidence supporting that idea. I'm glad you're searching, as we need to find what happened to our dear friend, but I don't feel this theory feasible.

ZP and M(B)P were not known to be in the area. LVD was not in the ward nor known to be at the meeting.

Death by poisoning is the common suspicion by the public and LEOs from the knowledge that she died suddenly while in good health. No immediate suspicion of poisoning was put forth as cause of death by the coroner. Whether or not LE investigation became suspicious of poison before or after exhuming TD's body is not known publicly. However, the exhumation was performed the day before AC died while exhibiting apparently similar symptoms. The coincidence is what I believe has driven the public opinion that TD and AC were both poisoned.
Zulema's lawyers indicated Lori called ZP to tell her, you need to call Alex, he's not well. ZP called her son who was at home to check on him.

I wonder how Lori knew he wasn't feeling well.....
I thought that it was Melani who called Alex's wife. Melani also let it slip that Alex was in fantastic shape. I myself suspect that Alex murdered the kids, and he was then murdered to tie up that loose end. Plus, it would be a double bonus if he had life insurance. It seems to be how this group makes their income.
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