Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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Well you saw her Maternal Grandmother, Lori's Mother. I seem to remember the man she is married to is not Lori's Father. And its possible that Ryan's parents are deceased.

BC has been married to JC all along. Not sure about JRs parents... feel we must have known that way back. Colby Ryans father is alive. (Lori's hubbie #2)
The cameras on those drones are getting quite good. The drone could easily have been so high they didn't hear it yet it got the shots. I think that may be why it was then declared a no-fly zone after that. I would not blame the people on the ground -- they deal with evidence from a different perspective.

there was a ban of 2 hours from the police saying they were going to move the bodies and didn't want anyone filming it
This whole case is absolutely horrific.
Now that you mention Tylee, it is beyond sad that no ONE really was looking for her. Colby May have sooner or later, but if it had not been for KW and LW, where would this be right now??

It breaks my heart that this could have gone on much longer or forever if JJ had been given back to the Woodcocks.

Would anyone be looking for Tylee at all right now? Could LV convince all of her family that Tylee was just off doing her thing indefinitely?

CD and LV might have gotten away with KILLING poor Tylee if not for the love of those grandparents. It’s sickening. MOO

The two events that have prevented them from getting away with the whole mess: imo

Kay and Larry's vigilance.
Brandon driving a tad faster than that bullet.

And hopefully Melani will get her day in court. I am convinced Lori had convinced her to not worry about her kids, because once Brandon was dead, she would have the kids and the money and God would bless her.
I've just put a link in the media thread - catching up so I don't know if anyone already replied to you. He's not actually on camera, the reporter relays what he said.

ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE* NO DISCUSSION

Im glad they didn’t give him any camera time. I wasn’t going to watch him anyway so I’m glad the reporter just relayed what he said. I hope that was a conscious decision by the media outlet.

CP can kiss my grits. He’s been part of the problem not the solution. Not willing to apologize for the post? No apologies for the attacks on the poor Woodcocks? Blaming everyone but himself? Sure, attack the messenger.

He’s an enabler with lots of explaining to do. Why won’t he discuss what lies Lolo and Chadbo told him? His lame excuse of not wanting to interfere in the investigation is weak. I hope he’s told LE what was said. If he has a smidgen of relevant knowledge and he hasn’t or doesn’t come forth I hope he gets thrown in jail with both these monsters. That’s the last time I will read or listen to anything this charlatan says. Pffftt...
So I am fairly new to posting but have been watching this case on WS. I really have to get this off my chest, I know I have already said this a few pages back but I have just been watching some news reports on youtube and I still just can't believe how they have buried children in an open backyard in plain sight which apparently is on a fairly busy road!
There really are no words for the kind people that have done this, I just get a feeling of disgust that they were so arrogant to just bury the kids out in the open!! It's not like they are dumb, this almost feels like them being smug and overconfident. I am really disturbed and upset for the kids families, the thought of them being just there and no one knew :( I will never be able to understand, if the kids were getting in the way of your new lives why couldn't they have just given them to family members that loved them and wanted them. This is the stuff that gives you nightmares :( Sorry to ramble, just had to get it out..
so i had a look through the arial photos again, its my opinion in at least one of the photos that can get a clearer look at another angle of the orange thing

it looks to me like a blanket or something like that and its quite possible JJ was inside of it but i think he had been removed by the time those aerial photos were taken, in one of the photos you can see layers to the blankets or bags and also some green mold and black mold/decay from bodily fluids and decomp

but i struggle to see any skeletal remains in it, although from one of the angles it did kind of look like something was there but i think its just the image playing tricks on the eyes because of how pixilated the photos are

just my opinion
Great observation !!
EXACTLY-- If they all had cookies at LVD house after TD funeral, then his kids would have met her and know who she is.
But his son said when his dad went to Hawaii for a business meeting, he met a widow and they got married.
Well, imagine the surprise for the kids when they found out Daddy Chaddy married the nice lady who had them all over for cookies after mom died AND NOT some widow he just met in Hawaii.
So, with that said... I think LVD was feeding MG a bunch of BS.

This has always been a conflict for me too. Someone is not telling the truth.
When I hear the interview with Melani BP, I felt the same feeling. Melani was meeting these children of Ian's THIS soon? And "they loved Melani"?

Good divorce coaching would just not allow this.

And then we hear Melanie G say that Lori gave Chad's kids cookies.
Remember "Lori met Kay at the airport too, to hand over JJ".

I have two conclusions... Cox women have to "look perfect and look loved"
Cox women are pathological liars.
Sorry if this was already posted.

The following is a statement from the family of Tammy Daybell:

As the family of our beloved Tammy, we want to extend our deepest and heartfelt love and sympathy to the families of Tylee and JJ. We share the pain of the tremendous and shocking loss you are enduring. We still suffer and we will suffer with you for many years to come. Please know we will continue our prayers to strengthen your families, as you are finally able to properly lay to rest your precious Tylee and JJ.

As matters move through the judicial process, we pray that each of our families can be strengthened and trust that justice will be swiftly served.

We wish to thank the many members of law enforcement and the FBI who continue to work tirelessly as investigations continue, and the public who have shown such love and support for our families. We also ask that our privacy continue to be respected at this time as we continue to grieve for Tammy, and the Woodcock and the Ryan families grieve this unfathomable loss.

From Tammy’s Parents, Siblings and Extended Family

Tammy Daybell's family issues statement | East Idaho News


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Thank you! I am just trying to follow along and gather in all the info that this amazing site is providing and taking in all the insights.
Honestly I’m 5 days into having the dreaded Covid-19 (Only moderately)and grateful I stumbled upon this site. I’ve been privately obsessed with the case lol... and now I’ve got good company :)

yes! At some point all of us 'have stumbled upon this site".. it is good feeling to look back upon. Certainly for those of us who only got here within some back months!! But probably for our super longtimers too!!
Does anyone remember a video from earlier today (yesterday now) where it was being explained by some official why they sealed the probable cause affidavit of Chad's arrest warrant? Something about it caught my attention and I wanted to comment on it but I didn't at that point because I was trying to get caught up in the thread. Now, going back, I can't find it.

Basically, from what I remember, it was explained that the affidavit needed to be sealed for the safety and protection of officers who are working on this or other closely related cases. I found that odd as both Chad and Lori were in custody at this point, which seemed to insinuate that there was another potential threat/POI out there and therefore they couldn't release the probable cause affidavit publicly.

Doing a google search the only thing I could find is this, which says nearly the same thing, but it's not an exact quote from the speaker (whom appears to have been Rob Wood) and is equally strange since it talks about the scene of the crime specifically, which I don't remember from the video I now can't find (emphasis mine):

Wood named special Fremont County prosecutor, seals investigation documents - Local News 8

"Wood also received approval of a motion sealing documents and other information contained in the probable cause documents. He said the affidavit and warrant contains facts or statements which could compromise the integrity of ongoing criminal investigation or jeopardize the safety of officers or individuals currently investigating the scene in search of physical evidence."


I have followed enough cases to believe I have heard/read this or a variation of it before and it seems a lot like a blanket statement LE uses when obtaining sealed warrants.
I've known people who got "married" - got a license, went to a judge for a ceremony, were promounced married by teh judge, then intentionally failed to have it recorded. Why? To maintain SS benefits. You do the emotional bonding but avoid negative legal effects. It is far more common than most people would imagine.

I've actually questioned whether they have the legal status they think they have but without recording there is no paper trail. Most states have rules for correcting filing errors. But if it was not an error...?

In this case we have heard Lori was collecting about $6000 a month for the kids. That seems like a pretty big anti-motive. I absolutely think she had the kids killed or did it herself at this point. But I am still really perplexed on the motive. Tylee was 17. She could have waited her out. JJ could have been given back to Kay. Why give up $6000/month and bring subject yourself to life in prison for a few weeks or months with your dream partner. That really doesn't make any sense to me. Especially for a guy with essentially no earning potential! If she is a gold digger her prospecting skills are pretty abyssmal!
They (CD & LVD) also made sure the photos were out in the public, so to the world and the LDS community they are married. And since in God’s eyes they “still” were from another life, HE was OK with it. But to the government for SSI, etc. she may not have been. Originally it has been stated that they “thought” it was going to hit the fan end of 2019 and they would not get caught. That changed to July 22? ( these dates all befuddle me and if I go look, I’ll get behind another 10+ pages!). We don’t know if they actually believed it, but makes some sense given the irrational behavior, although as I stated before they live in a different realm than most of us, so what is “sense”? All MOO, JMO
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