Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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@Gardener1850 you're a ROCK-STAR!!! :D;)

LOL, Thanks! I don't really think that they read my posts (although possible). And I'm not the only one to lament about poor Tammy being incorrectly called an ex. It's probably more likely that someone else read our posts and emailed them. But whatever works. I'll take it. I just want the truth to be printed. And, also, Tammy didn't deserve to be called an ex when Chad feigned grief on the morning he found her dead in their bedroom. It really makes Tammy's death and Chad's quick marriage to Lori seem more suspicious when you know that he and Tammy were still married and sleeping in the same room the night she died. Now that we have those basic facts corrected we can focus more on finding JJ and Tylee.

Could someone who is an unsleuthable ex pd member (and is also a speaker at the end of times group) be that person? Hmmm. Just brainstorming a bit.
If such a person did exist I think Chandler might be outside his jurisdiction. Maybe. Just brainstorming, but there might be other like minded members of LE? MOO
It looks like USA Today has been reading my rants here. They finally switched from calling Tammy Daybell Chad's "ex-wife" to say she was his "wife of 30 years and mother of his five children".
To the author: if you are reading here, thank you for getting it right this time! I'm putting this link in the media thread. :D

Yay! It’s about time. Every time I see “ex-wife” in the news it feels like an insult to Tammy’s memory.
MB is the niece of LV and AC, not a sibling. MB's mother is also no longer with us.

Since MB is in the MSM a lot I assume we can talk about her. Was she raised by her father after her mom died?

We can talk about MB but only what has been in the MSM about her in connection to this case. She's not a POI/suspect in the missing children case, so we are not supposed to sleuth her/post personal info about her that's not been reported yet (at least that's how I understand the rules-- standard disclaimer: I'm not a mod here). I don't think we know who raised MB. If MB was close to her Aunt Lori or Uncle Alex when she was growing up (and I'm not saying she was or wasn't) that might be another story for reporters like Nate Eaton and/or Justin Lum to look into and report on. ;)

Yes, how "convenient" was it that he was just invited to spend the night for Lori's protection the evening before Charles was killed? :rolleyes: Had they been arguing the day before? I have yet to hear of any goings on that would justify their so-called story they gave the police that morning...seems to me like Charles went to pick up JJ as planned, take him to breakfast at the the hotel then to school and they carried out their murder plan instead. Grrrrrrrrrr.

In my opinion, there are a few facts that muddy the water.

Lori intentionally provoked the verbal altercation between herself and CV.

Tylee conveniently, by intention or not, provided the means for Alex to lay claim to "self defense" by holding out a bat that CV conveniently grabbed.

Of all people, the one with a gun, gets a little owie (maybe) from a former ball player to the head.

Oddly enough, there's now an investigation for conspiracy to commit murder.

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(Edit:Removed founders names. Not to be named website cease and desist. see quote in next sentence) moved to Rexburg following Chad's move as they stated somewhere online. But also state: "We decided in early Spring of 2019 to close out our Preparing A People commitments and moved back to Utah from Rexburg, Idaho" and "None of this had anything to do with Mr.Daybell".
MOO: LDS church discipline coming down on people such as Julie Rowe in late May (early spring) 2019 could have influenced this. I still wonder if that was the "family emergency" Chad cited for dropping out of the May event in AZ.

There are pockets of people who follow such things, just as there are groups who do the MLM (Melaleuca and DoTerra) things. I believe it's tied to the comment below

I think it's the other way around. I think that as the money increases such as from prosperity tied to the increases at BYU-I, subsidised farming, ag equipment, and all the supporting community businesses, there is a sense that people start to have expendable cash. In the past it was very much just farmers and smaller businesses. Larger businesses have moved in and some people are earning more.
The Median household income of a Rexburg resident is $25,606 a year. The US average is $53,482 a year. Idaho median is closer to $55K.
(source for income info: Rexburg, Idaho Economy)
But look at the top 30% in Rexburg all making more than $50K (2x median).
Median income in Rexburg is still well below anything resembling a "Money town", but there are more and more people who are content with earning more elsewhere and living in Rexburg for the "small-town with big-britches" feel. They commute or telecommute.
As people get a sense of how incredibly blessed they are with 2-3, even 4+ times the median income there's two things at play in Rexburg especially given the church population: they want to help the poor, but they don't want to feel like they are poor. This leads to having the fancier cars, new technology, and nice homes but mingling with those who don't. There's a perfect avenue to do so with the preponderance of church members. It's like an overt and obvious but also hidden caste system. I know that a lot of people are genuinely trying to help others, but it can quickly go from charity to setting oneself up as a light. How easy is it to be charitable and help out your neighbor? Is it easier when you get praise? Is it easier when there's some return benefit for you? Look at the surge of the MLM issues. All it takes is to slip in something that looks like doctrine or health advice or environmental friendliness (whichever personal benefit you're trying to peddle) and the unsuspecting recipient might believe it sincerely.

Again, I'm not saying everyone who has money is like this, but there are certainly some who prey on the poorer (poor in finances, spirit, experience, or learning). In addition, there is a push by the church to have the members become self-reliant. Also a good thing, but there's an initiative to help people start or grow their own business (12-week course free of charge at the church buildings). In Rexburg there's been a surge of food trucks and food-stands. These in themselves are not bad, but then consider how many people who have taken these self-reliance courses and want to start a business but have nothing to sell. How many of them are joining MLM or other schemes to become victim to predatory business franchises? I don't know. I have speculated ideas, but I don't have facts. The love of money and the lure of money is very real. Especially in Rexburg. The grass is always greener on the hill. Forget the other side of the fence. You can see the 5,000+ square foot houses from anywhere in the Upper Valley. Right next to the shining beacon that is the Temple. It's a psychological statement: Be righteous and prosperous.

I think this is an exact assessment of most small towns all over America. Hard working people growing up living in an area where their own grandparents and great grandparents came from . My husbands family is from the actual founding name of this town that a spotlight has been put on. I am from a family of growers/shippers of Idaho's famous crop. The Vallow/Daybell people and friends in group we can not mention, by no way represent the people of Eastern Idaho or the Upper Snake River Valley. That is why Dateline is following them around on an Island in the Pacific. It is maddening to watch these 2 people in Hawaii "knowing" what they were/are preaching to their followers and taking good money for it. Scaring people with the end of times for profit and now they are sitting in the sun watching the waves. No doubt Lori has those sunglasses on and Chad in his Hang Loose shirt. .. edit..I forgot to say thank you for coming to my TED Talk MOO
AZ Family news has a brief video interview with the woman who called in the Nashville tip:
Woman thinks she saw one of the missing Idaho kids with ties to AZ in Nashville

The tipster showed her crayon and paper note that she slips to girls she thinks are victims of human trafficking. And AZ Family verified with the concert venue security that there is CCTV from the night of the concert, but LE and the FBI declined to comment on the tip.
Another reason for LV and CD to be in Hawaii, they are 10 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. On July 22 they can sleep in while the mainland US falls into apocalypse.

Does the apocalypse begin at midnight or sunrise on July 22? (Asking for a friend) :rolleyes:

(Note: In case anyone can't tell, that was a rare sarcastic comment from me. :D:p )
February 18,2020
USA Today
Lori Vallow: Missing Idaho kids' mom, Chad Daybell traveling in Hawaii

I always like to see in USA Today because if you are staying at a Marriott Hotel this is usually delivered to your door. If not always several copies in the lobby. :D

Great point, Ohmeohmy! USA Today is free for guests at many other hotels as well. Here's hoping Lori and Chad won't be able to go anywhere and enjoy themselves without seeing the faces of JJ and Tylee in the news. Let's see, it's 11:45 AM right now in Maui. They arrived there 2 days ago on Feb 16th (photo at Hertz was 1:30 PM). It seems like we should be hearing about another sighting of them soon, if they are at a hotel. Unless they went directly to their hotel room and have been staying inside all this time. Or unless they have a friend or family member on Maui that is harboring them. Either way, I think it will be hard for them to enjoy themselves. I hope they are frazzled and will tell the truth about JJ and Tylee soon.

Someone mentioned last thread that they could be using Charles' rental car points that Lori transferred from his account in Jan/Feb 2019. Now that we have seen the photos of them at the Maui airport, I don't think that is the case. They are shown at the Hertz rental car counter. Charles' car rental points were with Enterprise: Documents: Lori Vallow claims she was 'god preparing for second coming of Christ'

Newbie here, I apologize if I am navigating the reply process incorrectly...learning :(
In response to the rental car I am wondering if possibly they could have been using Charles' points through Enterprise previously, but since they had a vehicle impounded on Maui they may be unable to use them any longer and have had to use another rental company.
Great point, Ohmeohmy! USA Today is free for guests at many other hotels as well. Here's hoping Lori and Chad won't be able to go anywhere and enjoy themselves without seeing the faces of JJ and Tylee in the news. Let's see, it's 11:45 AM right now in Maui. They arrived there 2 days ago on Feb 16th (photo at Hertz was 1:30 PM). It seems like we should be hearing about another sighting of them soon, if they are at a hotel. Unless they went directly to their hotel room and have been staying inside all this time. Or unless they have a friend or family member on Maui that is harboring them. Either way, I think it will be hard for them to enjoy themselves. I hope they are frazzled and will tell the truth about JJ and Tylee soon.

I hope they are looking at who these 2 may know that work at these places they are staying
Great point, Ohmeohmy! USA Today is free for guests at many other hotels as well. Here's hoping Lori and Chad won't be able to go anywhere and enjoy themselves without seeing the faces of JJ and Tylee in the news. Let's see, it's 11:45 AM right now in Maui. They arrived there 2 days ago on Feb 16th (photo at Hertz was 1:30 PM). It seems like we should be hearing about another sighting of them soon, if they are at a hotel. Unless they went directly to their hotel room and have been staying inside all this time. Or unless they have a friend or family member on Maui that is harboring them. Either way, I think it will be hard for them to enjoy themselves. I hope they are frazzled and will tell the truth about JJ and Tylee soon.


yes they will need to get food
grocery store, restaurant or room service
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