Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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I found some podcast links of the Dateline episode (audio only, no video):

‎Dateline NBC: Where are the Children? on Apple Podcasts

Where are the Children? from Dateline NBC

Video of the episode is not up yet on the Dateline website:

Tagging @Tricia

(I hope it's OK to link these)

About an hour ago, Nate wrote on FB that Dateline will be posting the entire show later this week but he doesn’t have an exact date, yet.

Nate Eaton - Reporter
I think they are a part of a larger plan, which is taking place regarding the alleged coming catastrophes in July. I presume there to be preppers already in place and organizing others. Now, as far as what part CD and LV play in that and whether their Hawaii trip is part of it remains to be seen. Whether there are others actively taking out their husbands and doing the same thing? I don't think its very likely.

My personal opinion at this moment is that LV & CD were going to Hawaii for the wedding and honeymoon and then they would skip to Mexico (possibly where one of the camps/kids are?) with the money they have conspired to gain through illegal activity. But LV left behind quite a mess/wasn't as cautious about it as CD was. I do not believe to be puppets for these actions. I believe they have gone rogue from their own organization on this. They are the fringe of the fringe. All of this is only conjecture...only my opinion.
I think you could be right about it being a larger plan that has now gotten bogged down in all these deaths (whew, what a thing to say). Also, Lori was quoted in some media by a friend something to the effect that she is waiting for the hype to die down - then perhaps the bigger picture plan can continue? Sure, Lori, the hype ain't gonna die down particularly when good people care about two innocent missing kids. Lori appears to be beyond out of touch with reality.
Nate is on HLN now talking about BB and MB.

Nate says they went to MB’s home recently and rang the doorbell but no one answered. A few hours later MB came out to walk the dog and they approached her. I can’t remember what he said he asked her but she told them no comment and directed them to her attorney. Nate also said BB may be preparing to speak again.

Thank you for sharing. I wanted to say that since the Dateline show, I am now firmly of the belief that Alex Cox was not in Arizona, but with CD at the storage unit in Idaho on October 2 2019, the night BB was shot at, but thank you OP, for reminding me who I think was. Not sleuth-able at this time, AFAIK. Moo.
(Edit:Removed founders names. Not to be named website cease and desist. see quote in next sentence) moved to Rexburg following Chad's move as they stated somewhere online. But also state: "We decided in early Spring of 2019 to close out our Preparing A People commitments and moved back to Utah from Rexburg, Idaho" and "None of this had anything to do with Mr.Daybell".
MOO: LDS church discipline coming down on people such as Julie Rowe in late May (early spring) 2019 could have influenced this. I still wonder if that was the "family emergency" Chad cited for dropping out of the May event in AZ.

Your assessment of the Rexburg social situation is riviting. Is it all rather "secret" and "underground" or are people in the community really talking about it. Were the PaP founders in Rexburg before Chad? Do you have a sense of how the community is relating to PaP, even though they seem to have distanced themselves from Chad?
There are pockets of people who follow such things, just as there are groups who do the MLM (Melaleuca and DoTerra) things. I believe it's tied to the comment below

And of course I mention my forever mantra.... where's the money. I keep researching people I feel could be somewhere way in the background in regards to the money...but clearly MOO, and absolutely not enough facts.... However, Rexburg Sleuth..... is Rexburg identified as being a "money town" in any way? I know that BYU-I probably includes many of the wealthier residents/employees in the area, and some particular companies there...but based on your prior discussion regarding many more of the AVOW people moving in to town--- do people there ever define these AVOW folks as "having money" or anything like that. I guess I would think that this Rexburg "Mix" is putting a strain on mainstream LDS.
I think it's the other way around. I think that as the money increases such as from prosperity tied to the increases at BYU-I, subsidised farming, ag equipment, and all the supporting community businesses, there is a sense that people start to have expendable cash. In the past it was very much just farmers and smaller businesses. Larger businesses have moved in and some people are earning more.
The Median household income of a Rexburg resident is $25,606 a year. The US average is $53,482 a year. Idaho median is closer to $55K.
(source for income info: Rexburg, Idaho Economy)
But look at the top 30% in Rexburg all making more than $50K (2x median).
Median income in Rexburg is still well below anything resembling a "Money town", but there are more and more people who are content with earning more elsewhere and living in Rexburg for the "small-town with big-britches" feel. They commute or telecommute.
As people get a sense of how incredibly blessed they are with 2-3, even 4+ times the median income there's two things at play in Rexburg especially given the church population: they want to help the poor, but they don't want to feel like they are poor. This leads to having the fancier cars, new technology, and nice homes but mingling with those who don't. There's a perfect avenue to do so with the preponderance of church members. It's like an overt and obvious but also hidden caste system. I know that a lot of people are genuinely trying to help others, but it can quickly go from charity to setting oneself up as a light. How easy is it to be charitable and help out your neighbor? Is it easier when you get praise? Is it easier when there's some return benefit for you? Look at the surge of the MLM issues. All it takes is to slip in something that looks like doctrine or health advice or environmental friendliness (whichever personal benefit you're trying to peddle) and the unsuspecting recipient might believe it sincerely.

Again, I'm not saying everyone who has money is like this, but there are certainly some who prey on the poorer (poor in finances, spirit, experience, or learning). In addition, there is a push by the church to have the members become self-reliant. Also a good thing, but there's an initiative to help people start or grow their own business (12-week course free of charge at the church buildings). In Rexburg there's been a surge of food trucks and food-stands. These in themselves are not bad, but then consider how many people who have taken these self-reliance courses and want to start a business but have nothing to sell. How many of them are joining MLM or other schemes to become victim to predatory business franchises? I don't know. I have speculated ideas, but I don't have facts. The love of money and the lure of money is very real. Especially in Rexburg. The grass is always greener on the hill. Forget the other side of the fence. You can see the 5,000+ square foot houses from anywhere in the Upper Valley. Right next to the shining beacon that is the Temple. It's a psychological statement: Be righteous and prosperous.
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Hey all, I read the super-thorough timeline and have followed the story well. But one detail I can't seem to find is this: What are the names of JJ's biological parents and where are they now? Forgive my ignorance if I missed it.
PaP [removed names] moved to Rexburg following Chad's move as they stated somewhere online. But also state: "We decided in early Spring of 2019 to close out our Preparing A People commitments and moved back to Utah from Rexburg, Idaho" and "None of this had anything to do with Mr.Daybell".
MOO: LDS church discipline coming down on people such as Julie Rowe in late May (early spring) 2019 could have influenced this. I still wonder if that was the "family emergency" Chad cited for dropping out of the May event in AZ.

There are pockets of people who follow such things, just as there are groups who do the MLM (Melaleuca and DoTerra) things. I believe it's tied to the comment below

I think it's the other way around. I think that as the money increases such as from prosperity tied to the increases at BYU-I, subsidised farming, ag equipment, and all the supporting community businesses, there is a sense that people start to have expendable cash. In the past it was very much just farmers and smaller businesses. Larger businesses have moved in and some people are earning more.
The Median household income of a Rexburg resident is $25,606 a year. The US average is $53,482 a year. Idaho median is closer to $55K.
(source for income info: Rexburg, Idaho Economy)
But look at the top 30% in Rexburg all making more than $50K (2x median).
Median income in Rexburg is still well below anything resembling a "Money town", but there are more and more people who are content with earning more elsewhere and living in Rexburg for the "small-town with big-britches" feel. They commute or telecommute.
As people get a sense of how incredibly blessed they are with 2-3, even 4+ times the median income there's two things at play in Rexburg especially given the church population: they want to help the poor, but they don't want to feel like they are poor. This leads to having the fancier cars, new technology, and nice homes but mingling with those who don't. There's a perfect avenue to do so with the preponderance of church members. It's like an overt and obvious but also hidden caste system. I know that a lot of people are genuinely trying to help others, but it can quickly go from charity to setting oneself up as a light. How easy is it to be charitable and help out your neighbor? Is it easier when you get praise? Is it easier when there's some return benefit for you? Look at the surge of the MLM issues. All it takes is to slip in something that looks like doctrine or health advice or environmental friendliness (whichever personal benefit you're trying to peddle) and the unsuspecting recipient might believe it sincerely.

Again, I'm not saying everyone who has money is like this, but there are certainly some who prey on the poorer (poor in finances, spirit, experience, or learning). In addition, there is a push by the church to have the members become self-reliant. Also a good thing, but there's an initiative to help people start or grow their own business (12-week course free of charge at the church buildings). In Rexburg there's been a surge of food trucks and food-stands. These in themselves are not bad, but then consider how many people who have taken these self-reliance courses and want to start a business but have nothing to sell. How many of them are joining MLM or other schemes to become victim to predatory business franchises? I don't know. I have speculated ideas, but I don't have facts. The love of money and the lure of money is very real. Especially in Rexburg. The grass is always greener on the hill. Forget the other side of the fence. You can see the 5,000+ square foot houses from anywhere in the Upper Valley. Right next to the shining beacon that is the Temple. It's a psychological statement: Be righteous and prosperous.
Just a special thank you for your valuable contributions. Your heart is obviously in the right place!
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Hey all, I read the super-thorough timeline and have followed the story well. But one detail I can't seem to find is this: What are the names of JJ's biological parents and where are they now? Forgive my ignorance if I missed it.

Their names aren’t allowed to be mentioned on WS because they aren’t POI or mentioned in MSM (moo)
So, we can confidently assume that neither AC nor LV shot at BB in AZ. But we know the shooter was in AC's Jeep. Who should we suspect? MB? A hired gun? Another family member?
The way I see it, in my basic black and white: LV and AC and MB are all siblings and are all nuts. Therefore, any other unnamed siblings or family members are likely nuts as well, and could have the capacity to fire at someone. MOO
Interesting.... on HLN just now when CD and LV got to the airport yesterday workers called the police because they assumed there was a warrant out for their arrest. The cops came and said no you need to let them fly.

I will post a link in a few

ETA: I can't find a link. It was a live video on HLN, mods please remove if not allowed.

I believe you; HLN has been covering it almost every day. They might take a few hours or a day to post it online. The most recent thing I have found so far is this clip from yesterday:


HLN's Mike Galanos introduces a brand new voice into the increasingly strange and frightening #DoomsdayMom case.
True Crime Live
6:03 PM · Feb 17, 2020

Video: HLN on Twitter
Oh my gosh well yeah that's just one instance, let's not get started on the fact they must know who and where all the dealers are but not much happens to them either-

Yep. Yep. Yep. But at least on the Big Island drugs are one of the few things anyone gets arrested for. You have to work hard to get arrested for things like theft or assault.
Yep. Yep. Yep. But at least on the Big Island drugs are one of the few things anyone gets arrested for. You have to work hard to get arrested for things like theft or assault.
NM I found it.
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they probably all came together for family trips being so close on the west coast, very common, then the big LDS community here, on all islands, maybe they came for that or a conference, or maybe ancestors have escaped here before? I feel like she has family living here possibly. Maybe distant relatives?
Maybe close relatives...
I think this is just out. Not really new info - a recap - but they have a moving schematic that shows all the players and their relationships. This will be my new way of explaining this to others because it is just so complex.
Lori Vallow: Missing Idaho kids' mom, Chad Daybell traveling in Hawaii

It looks like USA Today has been reading my rants here. They finally switched from calling Tammy Daybell Chad's "ex-wife" to say she was his "wife of 30 years and mother of his five children".
To the author: if you are reading here, thank you for getting it right this time! I'm putting this link in the media thread. :D
It looks like USA Today has been reading my rants here. They finally switched from calling Tammy Daybell Chad's "ex-wife" to say she was his "wife of 30 years and mother of his five children".
To the author: if you are reading here, thank you for getting it right this time! I'm putting this link in the media thread. :D
@Gardener1850 you're a ROCK-STAR!!! :D;)
NM I found it.
It is still there. Click to go here for eCourt Kokua;jsessionid=4371543EB5C290A3F2A6581A6DA286E2

Click accept.
On the next screen, choose the party search Tab.
Enter Vallow in the Last Name field and Lori in the First Name field and click search.

ETA: If the link above is part of my own private session it may not work. If so, use this link

Scroll down and click on "Click here to enter eCourt Kokua" and then follow the instructions above.
Not necessarily. Many people screen their calls and then call back. I do that myself. I rarely answer calls from numbers not in my contacts. You have to leave a message then I will call you back. If I am busy or driving I might not answer either opting to call you back in a few minutes when I am free. So maybe Emma called Rowe, Rowe did not answer for what ever reason then called back when she knew it was Emma. In repeating the story I don't think a normal person would include the detail about ignoring then calling back.
That's reasonable, but I also noticed what Onsdag did and thought, 'typical J'. For those who have been following JR, it is par for the course for her to make contradictory statements. MOO
So, we can confidently assume that neither AC nor LV shot at BB in AZ. But we know the shooter was in AC's Jeep. Who should we suspect? MB? A hired gun? Another family member?
The way I see it, in my basic black and white: LV and AC and MB are all siblings and are all nuts. Therefore, any other unnamed siblings or family members are likely nuts as well, and could have the capacity to fire at someone. MOO
MB is the niece of LV and AC, not a sibling. MB's mother is also no longer with us.

Since MB is in the MSM a lot I assume we can talk about her. Was she raised by her father after her mom died?
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