Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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Hey all, I read the super-thorough timeline and have followed the story well. But one detail I can't seem to find is this: What are the names of JJ's biological parents and where are they now? Forgive my ignorance if I missed it.
We don't know the details. They are anonymous and cannot be named or sleuthed.
I hope they are looking at who these 2 may know that work at these places they are staying
Like for example I know for sure a couple church members that would've attended the Kapaa church who work at Kauai Beach Marriot - you cant tell me they wouldn't know she was staying right? So maybe its the same on Maui, maybe she/they already have connections to people who work at these places - otherwise I'd think we would see alot more photos and videos of these 2 floating around MOO
I had a weird dream the other night. It involved a SWAT team, an underground silo, and someone yelling "watch out for sileage!".

I'm well aware of what sileage is, I'm not a psychic, nor do I think it was anymore than a dream lol. I just had to share.

I have issues that she claims to carry around crayons just in case she runs into an abducted woman and then happens to run into one. What are the odds.
Probably not that good. Seriously, if there is a video of the concert, and police haven't made a peep about Tylee being in TN, can we put that one to rest yet?
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I think they are a part of a larger plan, which is taking place regarding the alleged coming catastrophes in July. I presume there to be preppers already in place and organizing others. Now, as far as what part CD and LV play in that and whether their Hawaii trip is part of it remains to be seen. Whether there are others actively taking out their husbands and doing the same thing? I don't think its very likely.

My personal opinion at this moment is that LV & CD were going to Hawaii for the wedding and honeymoon and then they would skip to Mexico (possibly where one of the camps/kids are?) with the money they have conspired to gain through illegal activity. But LV left behind quite a mess/wasn't as cautious about it as CD was. I do not believe to be puppets for these actions. I believe they have gone rogue from their own organization on this. They are the fringe of the fringe. All of this is only conjecture...only my opinion.
(Edit:Removed founders names. Not to be named website cease and desist. see quote in next sentence) moved to Rexburg following Chad's move as they stated somewhere online. But also state: "We decided in early Spring of 2019 to close out our Preparing A People commitments and moved back to Utah from Rexburg, Idaho" and "None of this had anything to do with Mr.Daybell".
MOO: LDS church discipline coming down on people such as Julie Rowe in late May (early spring) 2019 could have influenced this. I still wonder if that was the "family emergency" Chad cited for dropping out of the May event in AZ.

There are pockets of people who follow such things, just as there are groups who do the MLM (Melaleuca and DoTerra) things. I believe it's tied to the comment below

I think it's the other way around. I think that as the money increases such as from prosperity tied to the increases at BYU-I, subsidised farming, ag equipment, and all the supporting community businesses, there is a sense that people start to have expendable cash. In the past it was very much just farmers and smaller businesses. Larger businesses have moved in and some people are earning more.
The Median household income of a Rexburg resident is $25,606 a year. The US average is $53,482 a year. Idaho median is closer to $55K.
(source for income info: Rexburg, Idaho Economy)
But look at the top 30% in Rexburg all making more than $50K (2x median).
Median income in Rexburg is still well below anything resembling a "Money town", but there are more and more people who are content with earning more elsewhere and living in Rexburg for the "small-town with big-britches" feel. They commute or telecommute.
As people get a sense of how incredibly blessed they are with 2-3, even 4+ times the median income there's two things at play in Rexburg especially given the church population: they want to help the poor, but they don't want to feel like they are poor. This leads to having the fancier cars, new technology, and nice homes but mingling with those who don't. There's a perfect avenue to do so with the preponderance of church members. It's like an overt and obvious but also hidden caste system. I know that a lot of people are genuinely trying to help others, but it can quickly go from charity to setting oneself up as a light. How easy is it to be charitable and help out your neighbor? Is it easier when you get praise? Is it easier when there's some return benefit for you? Look at the surge of the MLM issues. All it takes is to slip in something that looks like doctrine or health advice or environmental friendliness (whichever personal benefit you're trying to peddle) and the unsuspecting recipient might believe it sincerely.

Again, I'm not saying everyone who has money is like this, but there are certainly some who prey on the poorer (poor in finances, spirit, experience, or learning). In addition, there is a push by the church to have the members become self-reliant. Also a good thing, but there's an initiative to help people start or grow their own business (12-week course free of charge at the church buildings). In Rexburg there's been a surge of food trucks and food-stands. These in themselves are not bad, but then consider how many people who have taken these self-reliance courses and want to start a business but have nothing to sell. How many of them are joining MLM or other schemes to become victim to predatory business franchises? I don't know. I have speculated ideas, but I don't have facts. The love of money and the lure of money is very real. Especially in Rexburg. The grass is always greener on the hill. Forget the other side of the fence. You can see the 5,000+ square foot houses from anywhere in the Upper Valley. Right next to the shining beacon that is the Temple. It's a psychological statement: Be righteous and prosperous.
I am soooo glad I asked the questions...i truly was hoping you would provide a picture of the lure of Rexburg, and some of the environmental landscape of our story..... thank you beyond words. I truly believe that some of your characterization is at work with our POIs and our story. LV only had two kids...but seemed to rent big houses, move a lot, and have multiple cars, but CV still had debts back in Texas. CD had 5 children and seemed to live modestly in UT, and ID, and appears to have had money problems with TD early in 2019. I think Rexburg provided them the "vision of being in that higher caste system" but someone else must be funding it. I know that Melaleuca is a castle-temple-like building......... are there a lot of PAID employees though. Is it one of those companies where "everyone in Rexburg knows someone who works there", or is just like most MLMs where everyone and their mother and brother are just peddling the stuff????
I think both Tylee and Alex are covering for Lori in description of how Charles died. Tylee wouldn't admit if she knew what the fight was about (Lori took Charles' phone), and Alex decided that it's better off if Lori was already gone by the time of the shooting. Alex also claimed that he was there that day to do fun things with Lori (contradicting Lori who claims she invited Alex because she expected trouble when Charles were going to show up). These two were very loyal to Lori and what did it get them? Tylee is missing and Alex is dead.
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I am soooo glad I asked the questions...i truly was hoping you would provide a picture of the lure of Rexburg, and some of the environmental landscape of our story..... thank you beyond words. I truly believe that some of your characterization is at work with our POIs and our story. LV only had two kids...but seemed to rent big houses, move a lot, and have multiple cars, but CV still had debts back in Texas. CD had 5 children and seemed to live modestly in UT, and ID, and appears to have had money problems with TD early in 2019. I think Rexburg provided them the "vision of being in that higher caste system" but someone else must be funding it. I know that Melaleuca is a castle-temple-like building......... are there a lot of PAID employees though. Is it one of those companies where "everyone in Rexburg knows someone who works there", or is just like most MLMs where everyone and their mother and brother are just peddling the stuff????
It's more likely that asking a person in Idaho Falls (30 miles South) if they know someone who works for Melaleuca would likely yield such a response. However "working for" Melaleuca and "selling" Melaleuca products are different. There may be many more people in the world who sell their products than actually work for the company. Those who sell would be more in line with the comments I made about influencing others. Those in Rexburg who "work for" Melaleuca do so in the call center on West Main street or the Rexburg Manufacturing Plant on 5th West, (just a mile or so south of Kennedy Elementary School---where JJ attended). That said, Melaleuca is an example of a company that has moved in to take advantage of the available cheap labor work force of BYU-I students. Farming (yes, potatoes), construction (for all the housing and businesses to support the university expansion), Wal-Mart (expanded from a smaller store to a Super Center a few years back), the university itself, are other examples.
And we know we have the Melaleuca connection through MBp marriage. Wonder if MBp and husband had a "vacation day" the day BB was shot at.
Please remember we can't sleuth him. However, if you do your own research you'll find that he contrary to his non-updated work-history/resume SM site profile (hopefully that hint is understood) has not worked there since Jan 2018, did five months at a local office products company, and now works (per his FB profile) at a different health and beauty supply company in Idaho Falls. I don't think Melaleuca is a connection that has much value at this point.
Isn't Chad missing his kids? His grandkids? Does he realize that he probably can't go back to Rexburg, like ever? What kind of life will he have? I guess they will have to Instacart all their purchases....does Hawaii have Instacart?

I doubt he can ever go back to Springville, either.

Chad, your life as you knew it is OVER. Was that really in your plans?
I'm noticing a few freelance professional photographers on Twitter have posted nature photos with #maui within the past 24 hours. None of them make mention of this case and it's possible that there are usually half a dozen photogs taking trips to Maui this time of year for their own vacation or for coverage of other events on the island. However, I'm inclined to think that they are there hoping to get exclusive photos of Lori and Chad to sell to the national and international press. If they are not looking for Lori and Chad, they should be. Do any Twitter users here want to tweet the photographers to ask if they are aware of this story? ;):D
Regarding MLMs and Idaho Falls. Because of the change in approach from Melaleuca's way of "direct-sales", a number of ex-Mela execs and sales pros have broken away in the past two decades to form their own direct sales companies. Idaho Falls was the mecca of direct sales (may still be) startups. There are even companies that will specifically help you start your direct sales company in IF. Yes, there is a big draw for this kind of business. As I've discussed it can become predatory. Almost everyone I know, knows about Melaleuca products and has an opinion of them good or bad. Most know where their neighbors stand on them and will just leave each other alone, but you'll get the random new person who doesn't know how it is in Rexburg and will try to go door-to-door or cold-call or even bring it up in a church meeting!
So, given there's that pressure and atmosphere, I think there is a sense that there are some who are involved in the more predatory practices of such companies. Rexburg people are usually more humble and meek, so will either passively listen and then just not buy in. Some will buy in to try it out, but again with $25k median income, there's not going to be a lot of growth for selling to these people. I think your point and mine about the more spiritually focused companies like the energy healing and things related to new or exciting doctrines are a bigger draw. It's not something that can tangibly be tested: this cleaner works better than Lysol. More like: I feel better about the things you're sharing with me so I'll keep giving you money I probably shouldn't. That feeling can be exciting and addictive. When it's under the guise of spiritual matters it's even worse. I was honestly surprised by the number of people I saw in the photos at the Rexburg Tabernacle event in July 2017. And then to keep it more innocent and grass roots kind of process. Yes, very dangerous. I can definitely see the draw of the POIs to Rexburg. People call it the Mormon Bubble. Rexburg is about 95% members of the church (
As we've already hashed out their past affiliations with publishing and promoting of such trade (money for visions and emotional conenctions), I can see this as a potential reason for CD to move to Idaho, the founders of the site that shall not be named, others who give another warning voice, and podcasters alike to join in. Though it appeared Rexburg was gullible, I'm glad to see that some have left because of that lovely statistic of $25K median income. It's easier to convince people with more disposable income to part with it than potato farmers and college labor workers.
AZ Family news has a brief video interview with the woman who called in the Nashville tip:
Woman thinks she saw one of the missing Idaho kids with ties to AZ in Nashville

The tipster showed her crayon and paper note that she slips to girls she thinks are victims of human trafficking. And AZ Family verified with the concert venue security that there is CCTV from the night of the concert, but LE and the FBI declined to comment on the tip.
CV sis has some stuff to say about the tipster in her most recent comments on her timeline page/blog. It was linked here several times now. IMO

ETA: I Did in fact mean JR's sister
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AZ Family news has a brief video interview with the woman who called in the Nashville tip:
Woman thinks she saw one of the missing Idaho kids with ties to AZ in Nashville

The tipster showed her crayon and paper note that she slips to girls she thinks are victims of human trafficking. And AZ Family verified with the concert venue security that there is CCTV from the night of the concert, but LE and the FBI declined to comment on the tip.
My thought on this tip is that it wasn't our POIs since they were in Hawaii. The couple in their 60s with "Amy" couldn't be Chad and Lori, they're obviously not 60 either. Who could this couple be? No one in the known group. Either unrelated false alarm OR two new unknown POIs while we have our known group dwindling by members or spouses dying.
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