Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #16

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Hi Gardener1850,

RBM: OMG … this sentence caught my attention as I have been a Van Halen fan since the 70's … LOL

Hmmm … I wonder what VH song/music he heard during his 'near-death experience'? Eruption ?

And Right Now, does he realize he is Running with the Devil !


Chad made a podcast with that little tidbit about Van Halen music in the title description. Unfortunately the podcast was removed and the company that produced the podcast put out a cease and desist request, so I'm no longer linking or naming them here. But if you google search "Chad Daybell and Van Halen" you can still find the podcast title (with a link that doesn't play). It would be fabulous if someone sent the title to the reporters Nate Eaton and Justin Lum and asked them if they could find out more info, such as which song Chad claimed to hear. Maybe they could even get audio of the podcast to share? It's one more small way to keep this story alive/bring awareness of the missing kids. And I imagine that the song or quotes from Chad's podcast could have great production value for future episodes of Dateline. ;):D

Chad made a podcast with that little tidbit about Van Halen music in the title description. Unfortunately the podcast was removed and the company that produced the podcast put out a cease and desist request, so I'm no longer linking or naming them here. But if you google search "Chad Daybell and Van Halen" you can still find the podcast title (with a link that doesn't play). It would be fabulous if someone sent the title to the reporters Nate Eaton and Justin Lum and asked them if they could find out more info, such as which song Chad claimed to hear. Maybe they could even get audio of the podcast to share? It's one more small way to keep this story alive/bring awareness of the missing kids. And I imagine that the song or quotes from Chad's podcast could have great production value for future episodes of Dateline. ;):D


"Dance the night away" with ukelele instrumentals. :cool:
So I listened to the Dateline podcast.

The beginning of the investigation does seem very muddled. What lead to whom etc.

Not really any more information in my opinion than what we all ready know. Unless I missed anything major?

Probably more intresting was who was not included. Like LVDs oldest child. He might not have agreed to being on camera but he is important part of the story. To pretend that he didn't really exist was weird. Also not mentioning SC death was intresting too.

I think LE is going to have to do alot of learning from this case. Once resolved I think a review into the police and state involvement of these children needs to be looked at. There seems to have been so many chances to have stopped the escalation to where the case is now.

Its obvious soon as investigation is opened all the officers involved knew this was unusual case. Pieces lined up quickly and it kind of snowballed.

I definitely think there is more behind this case than meets the eye.

Anyone know how many followers CD has roughly? It seems like it is not that big of a community.

Oh and if that sluth who helped is on here. Congratulations.
I certainly agree with you about "not much new" at all in the Dateline broadcast. But then we are just so in tune with details that we are "not the best judges". However I did get some friends to watch, and they were not that intrigued either...not following as i do, but they didn't feel much was new. IMO, the missing people pieces is still such a big question. SC, CR, MBp, JRyan and JRowe.... all have mysterious connections. Either LE is coveting info that they did not want Dateline to broadcast, or they kept out parts to squeeze in more commercials!!
I wouldn't slate CD as the top of the pyramid. He is part of it all but, based upon my knowledge of the group, Christpher M. Parrett and Roger K. Young are two major players in the shaping of their beliefs. And these modern beliefs were built on others from the past (many of whom have been disowned by the Main Stream LDS Church). Although this is based upon my research into the makings of the group, please know this is moo. I cannot know everything there is to know about the group and i am certainly not implicating either of these persons. They have books readily available and post on the AVOW preparedness forums.
You make interesting point. Is it possible that this whole case is part of something much bigger. Maybe LV & CD are not making their own choices. Could they have gotten in so deep that they are puppets to something bigger? Crazy.
Right. I think attorneys who come here from the mainland would be shocked at how different things are. I have a friend who is a cop here and was a cop on the mainland. He says things are dramatically different. He says it's not a competence thing. He works with good cops. But they have so many restrictions on where they can go and what they can do.

I don't want to be specific because it could give away where I work. Someone cut a fiberoptic transmission line with a pair of common wire cutters. The police and prosecutors did not even investigate. It was explained to us that even though the repair and loss of service cost over $100,000, under Hawaiian law, the perpetrators would have to have actual knowledge they were causing over $1000 worth of damage to be charged with a felony. And cutting a single wire is not something that most people would think would be so costly. The cop actually added that maybe we should not rely on just a few she gets to decide that...but again. par for the course in Hawaii and traces back to that broken paddle idea.
Oh my gosh well yeah that's just one instance, let's not get started on the fact they must know who and where all the dealers are but not much happens to them either-
And how do we know this? I didn't think Kauai came in until she was well into CV.
I had in my notes LV was in Hawaii with an un-sleuthable family member earlier in her life but now I can't find the information to back that up. Apologies for the confusion, I rescind my statement about LV being in Hawaii prior to her wedding with JR.
Totally agree.

Sorry. I feel a long late-night vent coming.
J M O..

I'm sure there are plenty of things we don't know and haven't seen about CPD's investigation, but from what we do know and have seen (body cam footage, the ride to the station, and statements) you almost HAVE to question CPD's thoroughness, and maybe even their competence.

I think many of us are confounded as to why CPD seemed to buy the self defense claim so quickly and easily (it is apparent they did so from the videos and statements). There should have been alarm bells and whistles going off in CPD cop's heads from the moment they arrived at the scene. It's baffling.

Consider the following, in totality (individually all of these have probably been discussed in one thread or another):

AC had to take the time (at some point) to go back to his room to get the gun and then return in order to shoot CV. What was CV doing while AC was going to get the gun, - waiting patiently, so he could then resume charging at him with a bat? And why would any man holding only a bat charge at a man holding a gun? That's a head-scratcher..

AC's oscar-worthy performance on the curb was pure BS - touching his head gingerly with two fingertips every 5 seconds while being particularly careful not to knock the sunglasses off his head, No visible blood. Even at the station AC basically admits the injury is no big deal. CV must not have swing a very mean bat. Was there even an injury? A bump? Did a doctor look at it? Did cops take a picture of it? Any other cop would've been expecting AC to suddenly say: "you're on candid camera!"

And the driving cop's accommodating demeanor on the recorded drive to the station was absolutely shameless. Like 2 friends going to a ballgame. And it wasn't even Lori!

Lori's stories don't match. Whether she was outside the house - or inside in the kitchen, she says she didn't see "the shot", that she only heard "the shot", yet she somehow was still able to see CV on the floor on her way out, wait... wasn't she outside? CV said she was outside... He in fact said she and Tylee had already left before the shooting happened. Which is it?

Was Lori fleeing in terror? I guess not if she was willing to send 16 yo Tylee back in to fetch a purse.. "Grab the lipstick off my dresser while you're at"

How'd she know CV was dead anyway, and not just wounded? AC would later start performing CPR (but not for another 10-15 minutes).

Why did Lori return to the scene immediately after the cops arrived? Did she know they were there? Was she driving around the block watching? If she didn't know CV was dead, and the cops hadn't arrived yet, wouldn't it have been dangerous to return to the scene with a 16 yo?

Why didn't LORI call 911?

Why did cops allow Lori to spend 95 percent of her statement (at the scene and at the station) telling her life sob story and only 5 percent talking about the actual shooting? :
"Tylee didn't like CV.. CV was mean.. CV maybe grabbed Tylee's arm... CV never gives enough notice... CV once yelled at JJ.. He's always gone... CV didn't know what it was like to raise a drug baby.. CV's never late.. CV always stays in hotels... CV was enraged... "here we go again" (before even opening the door). On and on and on..

What about the number of gunshots? Over and over and over you hear Lori or the police (especially the police) or Tylee talk about only "the shot". "The gunshot". There's never more than one shot. C'mon CPD! CV was shot TWICE. Cops on the scene had even speculated that there had perhaps been 3-4 shots fired. Why is everyone only asking and talking about ONE shot?

I know. Maybe AC shot CV once while Lori and Tylee were there, then shot him a second time after Lori and Tylee drove off!

Even Tylee's claim about the shot sounding something like a bat being struck on the concrete floor is meant to describe one shot. Why wouldn't she be describing two sounds? For both Lori and Tylee, why was the first shot (or sound) not immediately followed up by a second shot (or sound)? Bang Bang. Why were cops asleep during this discussion?

AC's recorded 911 call - the timing of the call is suspicious, and his subsequent statements about the shooting and aftermath of the shooting don't match the call. And why'd he wait so long to place the call?

Why did AC put the gun back in bedroom? Did he remove any cartridges?

Why didn't they check the hands of AC, Lori and Tylee for gunshot residue?

Did they confiscate AC's gun? Shouldn't it have been taken into evidence and kept until the investigation was complete (which I think would've meant AC wouldn't have had it on 10/2..?).

"CV's phone was on the counter then Lori had CV's phone"? She just "had it"? Then he farted and flew out the window.

AC and CV were "grappling"? They were saying things like: "get off of me" and, "ow"? That sounds more like two 6 yo boys wrestling in the back seat of a car on a long trip.

"Then AC and CV are up and CV is coming at Lori with the bat" So somehow they are just suddenly "up". Is this perhaps when Lori went outside, or into the kitchen? I guess she's still playing keep away?

Is this perhaps when AC went to get the gun? Or had Lori already gone to the bedroom and retrieved the gun, ready to hand it to AC? Questions not asked. Questions not answered (mumble mumble .. I don't know...mumble.. he always has a gun..mumble..Idk.. professional .. it happened fast.. mumble..he was enraged.. mumble .. can't remember..). "Okay. Would you like a cup of coffee"?

Where were the bullets found? Trajectory evidence? How close?

Why did AC clean CV's head? Did AC clean up CV's head before or after he called 911? Not asked?

Why did cops clean up blood? Had they already decided, while still at the scene, to call it self defense?

Why was Lori smiling while casually leaning against the car talking to the cop? Her whole demeanor should have been setting off huge alarms in a police investigator. Yet you get the feeling he's looking for an opportunity to ask her out. Hello? McFly?

Did Lori drive off with CV's phone? Why? Did Lori drive off with CV's wallet? Why?
Did she access the phone? Did cops check the last access? And where is the Micro SD card?

Did cops hear about the pool party?

Did they talk to CV's sons and learn about Lori's intentionally evasive and cavalier texts? Suspicious?

What did they think and do when they heard from the Woodcock's? Suspicious yet?

What did they think and do when they heard from Steve, CV's attorney: "If anything happens to me Lori and Alex did it" Surely suspicious by now.

What did they think and do when they read the withdrawn divorce filing (surely CV's attorney provided it to them)? Bueller? Bueller?

What did they think when they learned of AC's felony assault / tasering of JR, and his threat to kill Lori's former husband? Anybody home?

Did they think it odd that neither Lori, Tylee, or JJ attended CV's funeral?

Did they ask if CV had life insurance?
Did they learn that Lori called the life insurance company even before CV's body was cold?

How could any reasonably intelligent person, after watching and listening to AC sitting on that curb, not be very suspicious of the self defense claim? I think 95 percent of cops in America would've cuffed him on the spot

Then after the initial statements (from the poor interviews), why no follow up interviews? If it was because Lori and AC were soon in the wind, wouldn't that make you even more suspicious?

Why does it appear that there was little follow up investigation at all? Hell, why does it appear that there was little original investigation at all?

Again, I'm sure there are things we don't know, and hindsight is 20-20. And I like cops. But given all of the above, I think many non-LE / outside observers would conclude that CPD in this case was at best easily fooled or at worst, derelict in their duty. Hopefully they'll prove me wrong
You have said exactly what I have been thinking, EXACTLY. I have been living in AZ for almost 16 years, and sadly this seems to be more common than it should be with certain LE. MOO.
I had in my notes LV was in Hawaii with an un-sleuthable family member earlier in her life but now I can't find the information to back that up. Apologies for the confusion, I rescind my statement about LV being in Hawaii prior to her wedding with JR.
they probably all came together for family trips being so close on the west coast, very common, then the big LDS community here, on all islands, maybe they came for that or a conference, or maybe ancestors have escaped here before? I feel like she has family living here possibly. Maybe distant relatives?
Nate is on HLN now talking about BB and MB.

Nate says they went to MB’s home recently and rang the doorbell but no one answered. A few hours later MB came out to walk the dog and they approached her. I can’t remember what he said he asked her but she told them no comment and directed them to her attorney. Nate also said BB may be preparing to speak again.
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Catching up again.

Chad's approach to "testing the waters" in Rexburg/Salem was very different. Very few people knew the contents of his writings. (ETA:I'm finding more and more people who in conversation say they have actually read his books, but not like it sounds was the case in Springville) He kept his visions and prophecies to a select few (I didn't even know about them, though I knew him for four years). I've heard that there are some who were involved with meetings such as the July 2017 PaP meeting at the Rexburg Tabernacle. However, I'm shocked as to how many of this group have moved into the area and are assimilating politely behind the scenes. That the PaP founders moved here (Color My Media), and other AVOWers, literally less than a mile from Daybell's Salem home is shocking to me.

We've discussed that in previous threads. Commercial flight (to Idaho Falls) would be over three hours (3 hr 12 min on Delta non-stop), plus 23 minutes from Gilbert to Sky Harbor Airport and 40 minutes from Idaho Falls to Rexburg if you could get to the car immediately. Oct 2nd, BB shooting was approx. 9:15 a.m. AZ time. Storage unit camera is 13:28:12. (Mountain Daylight Time or 12:28:12 AZ time). Time difference is 3 hours 13 minutes. Time required is 1 hour 3 minutes driving, plus 3 hours 12 minutes flight, plus processing time both airports, AND a flight headed directly to Idaho Falls at the exact hour needed.
MOO: Either AC wasn't BB shooter OR AC wasn't in storage unit with LV on Oct 2.
But, whoever was in storage unit looks exactly like AC, walks like AC, so that when AC was there in his own truck his alibi stands. I'm sorry. I don't buy it. MOO: AC didn't shoot at BB.

Feb 20 hasn't happened yet.
Catching up again.

Chad's approach to "testing the waters" in Rexburg/Salem was very different. Very few people knew the contents of his writings. (ETA:I'm finding more and more people who in conversation say they have actually read his books, but not like it sounds was the case in Springville) He kept his visions and prophecies to a select few (I didn't even know about them, though I knew him for four years). I've heard that there are some who were involved with meetings such as the July 2017 PaP meeting at the Rexburg Tabernacle. However, I'm shocked as to how many of this group have moved into the area and are assimilating politely behind the scenes. That the PaP founders moved here (Color My Media), and other AVOWers, literally less than a mile from Daybell's Salem home is shocking to me.

We've discussed that in previous threads. Commercial flight (to Idaho Falls) would be over three hours (3 hr 12 min on Delta non-stop), plus 23 minutes from Gilbert to Sky Harbor Airport and 40 minutes from Idaho Falls to Rexburg if you could get to the car immediately. Oct 2nd, BB shooting was approx. 9:15 a.m. AZ time. Storage unit camera is 13:28:12. (Mountain Daylight Time or 12:28:12 AZ time). Time difference is 3 hours 13 minutes. Time required is 1 hour 3 minutes driving, plus 3 hours 12 minutes flight, plus processing time both airports, AND a flight headed directly to Idaho Falls at the exact hour needed.
MOO: Either AC wasn't BB shooter OR AC wasn't in storage unit with LV on Oct 2.
But, whoever was in storage unit looks exactly like AC, walks like AC, so that when AC was there in his own truck his alibi stands. I'm sorry. I don't buy it. MOO: AC didn't shoot at BB.

Feb 20 hasn't happened yet.
Your assessment of the Rexburg social situation is riviting. Is it all rather "secret" and "underground" or are people in the community really talking about it. Were the PaP founders in Rexburg before Chad? Do you have a sense of how the community is relating to PaP, even though they seem to have distanced themselves from Chad?
Interesting.... on HLN just now when CD and LV got to the airport yesterday workers called the police because they assumed there was a warrant out for their arrest. The cops came and said no you need to let them fly.

I will post a link in a few

ETA: I can't find a link. It was a live video on HLN, mods please remove if not allowed.
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Look, I know some believe and hope the kids are alive, but if you look at this as some kind of game that Lori is playing with the whole world, at some point, she has got to say "okay I won, here are the kids all you people who hate me!" and laugh in their faces. Wouldn't that bring her total satisfaction? And then she would be accepted again (gradually) and her and Chad could live out their fantasy life and he would be able to see his family.
Obviously, to me, the kids are no longer alive for her to do this. If they were, how much longer would they actually let this go on, seeing how Dateline let everyone know the story and 20/20 will be following soon.
It's a no brainer that to end this "game" all she has to do is show a video with the kids (and a dated newspaper) and then everyone will move on to something else. MOO
Yeah, that's pretty stunning, isn't it? My take upon the situation is, either Lori knew that Charles was dead and thus wasn't worried about any danger to Tylee; OR, it's a pretty clear sign that Lori doesn't care if Tylee is collateral damage (what happens if Alex and Lori's plan, hasn't yet gone according to plan?).

Do we know it wasn't BB with the ties? BB clearly isn't hurting for money, father of four driving a Tesla (maybe he works for Tesla, with stock options or something. Either way, MB's not too smart, as I doubt BB will have any trouble finding another mate once his trust heals; but I digress).

Also, if BB is still considering he and the children to "be in hiding" (I'm not sure); that also argues that he has fear of people in the conspiracy who aren't Alex Cox.

These are great questions. My primary sticking point that can't be excused, is the police officer's including in his report that he mopped up blood.


Did he include this because he thought he had no other option? Maybe another officer caught him doing it, or found out shortly after the fact? Since it's hugely doubtful that this is Chandler department policy to engage in crime scene cleanup, I just wonder why he'd do it and then admit to it. Did higher-ups specifically instruct him to do it? Any signs of disciplinary action as a result of it?
Could someone who is an unsleuthable ex pd member (and is also a speaker at the end of times group) be that person? Hmmm. Just brainstorming a bit.
Your assessment of the Rexburg social situation is riviting. Is it all rather "secret" and "underground" or are people in the community really talking about it. Were the PaP founders in Rexburg before Chad? Do you have a sense of how the community is relating to PaP, even though they seem to have distanced themselves from Chad?
And of course I mention my forever mantra.... where's the money. I keep researching people I feel could be somewhere way in the background in regards to the money...but clearly MOO, and absolutely not enough facts.... However, Rexburg Sleuth..... is Rexburg identified as being a "money town" in any way? I know that BYU-I probably includes many of the wealthier residents/employees in the area, and some particular companies there...but based on your prior discussion regarding many more of the AVOW people moving in to town--- do people there ever define these AVOW folks as "having money" or anything like that. I guess I would think that this Rexburg "Mix" is putting a strain on mainstream LDS.
You make interesting point. Is it possible that this whole case is part of something much bigger. Maybe LV & CD are not making their own choices. Could they have gotten in so deep that they are puppets to something bigger? Crazy.

I think they are a part of a larger plan, which is taking place regarding the alleged coming catastrophes in July. I presume there to be preppers already in place and organizing others. Now, as far as what part CD and LV play in that and whether their Hawaii trip is part of it remains to be seen. Whether there are others actively taking out their husbands and doing the same thing? I don't think its very likely.

My personal opinion at this moment is that LV & CD were going to Hawaii for the wedding and honeymoon and then they would skip to Mexico (possibly where one of the camps/kids are?) with the money they have conspired to gain through illegal activity. But LV left behind quite a mess/wasn't as cautious about it as CD was. I do not believe to be puppets for these actions. I believe they have gone rogue from their own organization on this. They are the fringe of the fringe. All of this is only conjecture...only my opinion.
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