IF They Did It

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I want to add a couple comments that I have been hunting down over the past couple of days.

1. From Aussie Mike's blog, dated Wed. 6/27 http://ionglobaltrends.blogspot.com/2007/06/grubs-not-my-department.html

Check the 4th comment at the end of the post where anonymous writes:
I have it on good authority from a British couple holidaying in the Portugese resort at the time little Madeleine went missing, that the Mc Canns dined out without their children every night of the holiday at restaurants much further afield than the now infamous Tapas bar, which they were using the night the so called abduction took place.

The day after Madeleine had gone missing, this couple saw the Mc Canns in a cafe, they did not ask them if they had seen their daughter or mention that she was missing. It was not until they read about it in a newspaper later that day they were aware of the event.

2. On this blog, dated 9/27/07, (http://ionglobaltrends.blogspot.com/2007/09/mccanns-welcome-back-my-friends-to-show.html) check out the comment by anonymous at 3:07 a.m. on the 27th (18th down):


"Headlines carried the news that the grieving parents had been given new hope".

I have just heard that the very morning after Madeleine's disappearance McCreep was in the local Luz hairdresser's having his hair cut - the very morning after!!!!!

Oh, silly me, but of course: you really had to look your best for the Sky photo-shoot didn't you Gerry?

Grieving parents, get outta here!
You are both a total disgrace to the memory of your innocent child.

wild sun flower
still watching closely nearby

Wicked post Mike as always, luv yah to bits!

Okay, they're by anonymous people and there isn't a shred of evidence they're telling the truth. But both people report suspicious behavior by GM the day after Madeleine's disappearance in which he wasn't acting like the grieving father of an abducted child.
Clarence Mitchell said, “I would suggest to any of these critics, ask yourself how you would react if you lost your child.”

In 'China’s Missing Children’ on Channel4, the father of a three year-old boy “taken” by traffickers, told how he broke two bikes trawling the streets all night, every night for four months, searching for his son.

The McCann’s pounded the streets too... jogging!
Calikid, thanks for the links to the blog, I remember reading those posts and going hmmmm---Didn't Gerry write in his own blog about getting a haircut? I'll have to go back and look.

Clarence is a master at deflecting criticism by turning it back around as a question. Watch how many times he uses that technique--tries to put anyone questioning the McCanns or anything associated with them on the defensive instead.
Calikid, thanks for the links to the blog, I remember reading those posts and going hmmmm---Didn't Gerry write in his own blog about getting a haircut? I'll have to go back and look.

Clarence is a master at deflecting criticism by turning it back around as a question. Watch how many times he uses that technique--tries to put anyone questioning the McCanns or anything associated with them on the defensive instead.

No, the haircut I mentioned took place on May 4, the day after Madeleine disappeared. He talks about a haircut later in the summer.
No, the haircut I mentioned took place on May 4, the day after Madeleine disappeared. He talks about a haircut later in the summer.
He got his hair cut the day after she went missing? OMG!
He wanted to look good for the cameras..........??
It would seem so like kate with her make up on & her dangly earrings in! My looks would be the very least of my notions. What the world thought of me or how I looked would be so insignificant compared to losing my daughter & I am a person who does usually value my appearance!
It would be helpful to know what the activity was when the family went back to 5A from the Kids' Club. Bedtime wasn't for another hour & a half. Whether you believe that man in the stairwell was watching the movements of the McCanns & around the bldg. or that the PJ are onto something in saying Madeleine met her death inside the apartment long before 10 p.m., this is the most questionable interval of time unwitnessed.
Haircuts, new clothes, jogging, makeup, jewelry...no sackcloth and ashes for those mcCanns!
If the McCann’s are guilty the implications are monumental.

If their child was killed by accident, or otherwise, they covered up a serious crime and unlawfully disposed of the body. They deliberately tried to frame an innocent man, Robert Murat who said, “This has ruined my life and made life very difficult for my family here and in Britain.” Murat insisted, “I've been made a scapegoat for something I did not do.” A Russian who was also wronged, Sergey Malinka said, “I've invested seven years of my life in this country trying to succeed, and suddenly in one hour it's all fallen apart.”

The McCann’s extorted vast sums of money from genuine well-wishers and celebrities, which they knew would never be used to find Madeleine, but was intended for their own expenses.They roped young children into raising cash, selling ribbons and collecting donations. Football, rugby and cricket teams assisted in their fraudulent publicity campaign. They knowingly duped millions of concerned people. This deceitful couple have betrayed their extended family and their dead daughter’s twin siblings.

They insulted the integrity of Portuguese authorities and wasted valuable police time and resources. They allowed a bewildered Berber family to be harassed by the press and smeared Moroccan Muslims. They used and abused their daughter’s name to evade the law and escape punishment. Their actions have been cowardly and contemptible. They tried to engender sympathy for themselves, when it was their own child who was the victim. They and their friends have shamed their profession. Who will trust doctors again?
If the McCann’s are guilty the implications are monumental.

If their child was killed by accident, or otherwise, they covered up a serious crime and unlawfully disposed of the body. They deliberately tried to frame an innocent man, Robert Murat who said, “This has ruined my life and made life very difficult for my family here and in Britain.” Murat insisted, “I've been made a scapegoat for something I did not do.” A Russian who was also wronged, Sergey Malinka said, “I've invested seven years of my life in this country trying to succeed, and suddenly in one hour it's all fallen apart.”

The McCann’s extorted vast sums of money from genuine well-wishers and celebrities, which they knew would never be used to find Madeleine, but was intended for their own expenses.They roped young children into raising cash, selling ribbons and collecting donations. Football, rugby and cricket teams assisted in their fraudulent publicity campaign. They knowingly duped millions of concerned people. This deceitful couple have betrayed their extended family and their dead daughter’s twin siblings.

They insulted the integrity of Portuguese authorities and wasted valuable police time and resources. They allowed a bewildered Berber family to be harassed by the press and smeared Moroccan Muslims. They used and abused their daughter’s name to evade the law and escape punishment. Their actions have been cowardly and contemptible. They tried to engender sympathy for themselves, when it was their own child who was the victim. They and their friends have shamed their profession. Who will trust doctors again?

IF they are guilty of her death or guilty of the cover up and disposal - then I agree with all of the above

The implications are huge for them and also as a nation here who got behind them to help search for Madeline . We will all have been duped

That is why I want to be 100% certain of their guilt or otherwise - I want a fair investigation and a thorough one - I want the truth and Justice .

I have been fairly vocal here with my views - as I suppose every one has - I still dont think they could have disposed / kept/ hidden Maddeline and not been found out - made some mistake

I just cant see how they and the rest of the group could keep a charade so big so long without something coming out - something leaking . - that is not just another unsubstantiated press report .

so we wait
:eek: He said the main focus for the couple was looking after two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, Madeleine's brother and sister, and making sure they were having as normal a life as possible. :eek:

Responding to questions about how the couple were coping with the loss of a child, Mr Mitchell said they were unable to grieve because they did not know yet what had happened to their daughter. :eek:

"They need that knowledge whether Madeleine is alive or dead - let's face it, she might be," he said. :eek:

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/...e 'provides fresh link to parents'/article.do
If the McCann’s are guilty the implications are monumental.

If their child was killed by accident, or otherwise, they covered up a serious crime and unlawfully disposed of the body. They deliberately tried to frame an innocent man, Robert Murat who said, “This has ruined my life and made life very difficult for my family here and in Britain.” Murat insisted, “I've been made a scapegoat for something I did not do.” A Russian who was also wronged, Sergey Malinka said, “I've invested seven years of my life in this country trying to succeed, and suddenly in one hour it's all fallen apart.”

The McCann’s extorted vast sums of money from genuine well-wishers and celebrities, which they knew would never be used to find Madeleine, but was intended for their own expenses.They roped young children into raising cash, selling ribbons and collecting donations. Football, rugby and cricket teams assisted in their fraudulent publicity campaign. They knowingly duped millions of concerned people. This deceitful couple have betrayed their extended family and their dead daughter’s twin siblings.

They insulted the integrity of Portuguese authorities and wasted valuable police time and resources. They allowed a bewildered Berber family to be harassed by the press and smeared Moroccan Muslims. They used and abused their daughter’s name to evade the law and escape punishment. Their actions have been cowardly and contemptible. They tried to engender sympathy for themselves, when it was their own child who was the victim. They and their friends have shamed their profession. Who will trust doctors again?

If they did it, they are the biggest scammers and hypocrites on the planet. If they did it, they will go down in crime annals as the worst parents in the world.
:eek: He said the main focus for the couple was looking after two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, Madeleine's brother and sister, and making sure they were having as normal a life as possible. :eek:

Responding to questions about how the couple were coping with the loss of a child, Mr Mitchell said they were unable to grieve because they did not know yet what had happened to their daughter. :eek:

"They need that knowledge whether Madeleine is alive or dead - let's face it, she might be," he said. :eek:

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/...e 'provides fresh link to parents'/article.do

And yet it was the McCanns themselves who first investigated the possibility of Madeleine's death over the summer.
That can't be true. It must be a tabloid invention. If it is, im truly stunned. What sort of sick media driven world do we live in.

*** shakes head in disbelief ***

Just watch MSN, FOX, and other major news channels, and read a few major newspapers, then you'll see. Pay close attention to what's on the front page. You might actually get an answer if you keep an open mind.
He got his hair cut the day after she went missing? OMG!
Don't be too surprised by that.:cool: My mother passed away a few months ago and the very day my mom died, my 81 year old dad wanted me to take him to get a haircut. I thought it was oddm yet everyone else in the family said it was ok. :blushing:
If they did it, they are the biggest scammers and hypocrites on the planet. If they did it, they will go down in crime annals as the worst parents in the world.

And if they didn't? I wonder what everyone who is ready to tar and feather them will think of themselves? Lest anyone misinterpret (on this board?) me, I am not sure the McCanns are innocent. I have simply seen no evidence that they're guilty and I sure don't want to hang anyone on MY assumptions and lurid stories generated to make filthy lucre.
Don't be too surprised by that.:cool: My mother passed away a few months ago and the very day my mom died, my 81 year old dad wanted me to take him to get a haircut. I thought it was oddm yet everyone else in the family said it was ok. :blushing:

Yes, but many old people have had years to think about, plan funerals, and discuss dying. I saw elderly relatives go get their hair done before funerals and make sure they had a dress to wear because that is just what they all did and they wanted to look presentable to friends and family. If their tiny grandchild was missing, there's no way they'd have done that.
can someone please post a link where Gerry has stated that he went for a hair cut the day after Madeline went missing -

Its little details like this that are important -

I just want to see from my own eyes where this started
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