IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime Jan 2019 #3 *SMOLLETT ARRESTED*

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That is what you think? I lived in Chicago during the riots in 1968, we were literally afraid to turn on the lights in the house. We couldn't leave, we were sure we would be killed. And I am not exaggerating.

This situation could have easily started the same situation.

You live through a riot, with absolute anarchy, knowing that even if your home is invaded, the police can't help you. That is fear. I remember the smell of body odor, the smell of terror. When you are literally shaking in fear of your life, your body odor changes. Don't tell me what Jussie Smollett did was nothing. This could have easily tipped the edge.

The magnitude of his actions cannot be overstated.
The inability to see this threat clearly could be due to experience or other views.

But you are right. I have lived through some very trying times decades ago in school and later in life in the South.

Again I say this is a reprehensible heinous hate crime perpetrated against America. People could have died not only in Chicago but anywhere USA.

JS and his defense team should be happy he was not charged for inciting riots with great bodily harm or worse. The FEDS will be at his door soon enough.
Yeah, I agree. But I remember ”slam-dunk“ cases like Casey Anthony. What if they don’t deny he met the brothers? He called them. He even paid them. They were friends. But they were just hanging out and doing personal training and he has NO IDEA why they would attack him. Maybe they even bring up jealousy as a motive because Jussie had it all and they had nothing. Or they blackmailed him and wanted more money or they’d expose him (drugs). When he didn’t pay, they used an opportunity to beat him up. Lots of stuff they can bring up to cast reasonable doubt. Not that I‘d believe a word of it, but maybe someone does.

Maybe. But if that happened, that the brothers beat him up out of jealousy, why did he tell the bogus story about white MAGA rednecks, and all that?
And they have some pretty damning texts between them all too.

Let alone, the stupid 'noose' stick figure letter with white powder. lmao
What about charges of terroristic threats sent through the mail?
He's lucky if he won't be charged with mail fraud. I know someone personally (not a friend, but someone I used to work with) who went to jail for several years because of mail fraud. It's a serious charge!

I'm leaning toward federal charges if he used USPS, even if the article says differently. Of course, I could be entirely wrong - won't be the first or last time!

Imo there’s a reason the court docs from today glossed over the piece of mail and only started the narrative saying he was upset the way empire studios handled the mail issue. Not that he was upset his mail hoax didn’t take off the way he expected. I think it’s likely this disorderly conduct charge is just the tip of the iceberg and the feds are going to charge him soon. I have a feeling they have some pretty damning evidence. That’s just a gut feeling though.
Maybe. But if that happened, that the brothers beat him up out of jealousy, why did he tell the bogus story about white MAGA rednecks, and all that?
And they have some pretty damning texts between them all too.

Let alone, the stupid 'noose' stick figure letter with white powder. lmao
Yeah, it doesn’t look good for Jussie. It will take a stroke of genius to explain all that. I don’t know how capable these lawyers are and how they are going to spin it. All I'm sayin' is Casey Anthony. :D
Maybe. But if that happened, that the brothers beat him up out of jealousy, why did he tell the bogus story about white MAGA rednecks, and all that?
And they have some pretty damning texts between them all too.

Let alone, the stupid 'noose' stick figure letter with white powder. lmao
In court I think the lack of injuries for the apparent “beating” he took is pretty telling. Two guys built like that jump you and want to beat the crap out of you, they are going to beat the crap out of you. Physically two on one isn’t going to be a fair fight even if you are in the best of shape. Furthermore if he fought back as he claimed they should have some sort of injuries.
I’m guessing his script called for them to be aggressive but weak when confronted, again Hollywood, not real world.
If someone is waiting around with a noose and bleach in a polar vortex watching your comings and goings on social media, they aren’t going to fly off like a couple of birds at the slightest retaliation.
Love is a good thing, IMO. I like the quote. I just don't like the man who said it. He's a nasty race-baiting hypocrite who is getting all the attention he craved, but not in the way he expected.

The ironic part of that quote is that Jussie purposely went out of his way to fake a hate crime which he knew would lead people to do the exact opposite of loving one another if his hoax was successful.
So she laid out her whole case via the media. Not smart because that gives the defense a plan and isn't fair to the defendant as far as finding an impartial jury.
The defense has access to all the evidence and knows what the prosecution is going to charge long before the trial. Any crime that causes unrest in the community will be explained via the media so that the community isn't frightened believing that there are crazed white men screaming MAGA at people with sub sandwiches.
The thing that really disgusts me the most about this, is a news article posted on the last thread by glamorkitty1922 which stated that while dozens of officers were assigned to find justice for Smollett, 18 people were murdered, and one infant was shot in the head and is on life support. 60 or more shot and not killed. But this egotistical *advertiser censored* was able to garner the attention of a city with a BS wild goose chase to find his attackers. How dare he! Maybe they should make him explain to the families of these deceased people, especially the parents of the dead infant why the investigation into the death of their loved one couldn't get the full attention of the Chicago Police Department. He us a disgrace to humanity, and I hope he rots in a cell.
I think he will receive the worse from the federal gov't. When he wrote the terroristic threat (complete with wanna-be anthrax) he terrorized not only his studio, but the USPS employees who handle the mail. If the letter hadn't made it through the system, but broke open in the equipment, we would have a repeat of the anthrax attacks. It would have shut down the facility and delayed the mail.
I don’t see a palm tree in the letter. I see someone with wild hair with stick figure body and legs. Big head with hair and legs at the bottom holding a noose around his neck but arms held high I guess. Y’all got some funky looking palm trees around you, lol. Mine don’t have roots that show. Someone unseen pointing the “drill” squirt gun at him. Maybe JS will be nice enough to clarify what he meant to draw.


ETA: my husband says it’s a tree. I still see head with stick legs.
I see what you see.
I understand the prosecution has to turn over all evidence but this information was given to the media.
Now I have seen SOME details released in cases to media but NEVER to this extent.

They were kind of forced into sharing that info. Jussie shared all of the other info, on national TV, about being victimized, and assaulted---even lynched. And various politicians and celebrities publicized it and it became big news.

So how can the Police then go and ARREST the 'victim' of this horrible crime, unless they explain clearly why they are now doing so? If they had said nothing and just charged him, the public would have gone nuts, accusing them of being crooked or racist, etc.

I think they felt it was necessary to explain why they were charging him. It was important, imo.
I have never seen anything like that before, and I'm not sure there won't be a fallout because she gave out everything they had before the case was tried.
I agree. Hopefully everything said and all information provided by officials has been thought out before spoken. People who have have committed horrible crimes can walk on a careless technicality. I hope justice will be served. I know it varies by location but most 1st time felony offenders in my jurisdiction don't see prison unless there is extreme violence ad great harm. Undoubtedly and fairly JS will have to reimburse the city for any cost they believe he caused and in his case that could be astronomical. For that reason alone I hope he isn't fired and keeps working. Night all.
The actor could wind up in jail for a while, “and in his wake he has screwed everyone,” Noah observed.

Then Noah ticked off some of the list:

-Members of the gay community are emotionally terrorized over something that may turned out to be a hoax.

-Trump supporters are upset about being falsely accused.

-Democratic candidates are tying themselves into knots trying to walk back from statements in which they called this “a modern-day lynching.”

“Nobody won,” the South African late-night star concluded.

But, he insisted, there is a silver lining.

“When this started out, it was a story about people who hated Jussie Smollett because he was black and gay,” Noah said. “But now, people hate him because he’s an .”

“In other words,” Noah continued, “they’re judging him on the content of his character.”

“And that, my friends, is progress.”

Trevor Noah Says He Has Found Silver Lining In Jussie Smollett Case

ETA - Noah is a comedian. Just want to clarify
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