IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime Jan 2019 #3 *SMOLLETT ARRESTED*

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I have never seen anything like that before, and I'm not sure there won't be a fallout because she gave out everything they had before the case was tried.

What do you think would have happened if the police didn't say anything about the strength of the new evidence---but they just quietly arrested Jussie, and charged him?
The actor could wind up in jail for a while, “and in his wake he has screwed everyone,” Noah observed.

Then Noah ticked off some of the list:

-Members of the gay community are emotionally terrorized over something that may turned out to be a hoax.

-Trump supporters are upset about being falsely accused.

-Democratic candidates are tying themselves into knots trying to walk back from statements in which they called this “a modern-day lynching.”

“Nobody won,” the South African late-night star concluded.

But, he insisted, there is a silver lining.

“When this started out, it was a story about people who hated Jussie Smollett because he was black and gay,” Noah said. “But now, people hate him because he’s an *******.”

“In other words,” Noah continued, “they’re judging him on the content of his character.”

“And that, my friends, is progress.”

Trevor Noah Says He Has Found Silver Lining In Jussie Smollett Case

ETA - Noah is a comedian. Just want to clarify
He did say that Subway was the winner in this - Now we all know that Subway is open at 2am. ;)
I really think he will get a minor slap on the wrist. Unfortunately there is a very large part of America that has no problem with this so why upset the status quo. Agenda agenda agenda. Absolutely my opinion only as this flies off the radar.
Ok - first of all - HI!!!! very very very long time but I've found my way back (for any of you out there that were here back in the day).

This has me sickened and saddened.

He wrote/composed the hate letter.
Didn't get him the attention he wanted.
So enlisted the 2 brothers (who were financially challenged and therefore easily encouraged) to stage this "crime"
Paid the brothers with a CHECK no less (so very easily traceable)

All for what?
His salary?
His career?
His ego?

Shame shame shame.

The serious time and charges will come from the letter - as that is FBI (federal) territory. I am now wondering if he will be charged with domestic terrorism because of that letter.

This isn't over - not by a long shot.

Content of his character!!!!!!!!!


Good to see you!
So apparently JS has set back the cause of true hate crime victims over his dissatisfaction with ... his salary on a TV show?

At which he makes $60,000 per episode, more than most Americans make in a year?

Just SMH. Some people just cannot appreciate how good they've got it.

Even if his beef was that he was being paid less than his co-stars for doing the same work, this was no way to protest that.
I'm assuming they are supporting him not because they believe he is innocent, but because they are supporting him as a friend, relative, etc. Not everyone abandons others after a mistake, believe it or not. They don't have to like what he did to support him through a tough time.


Except the problem is, at least some of his siblings came out swinging, saying he would unequivocally never stage a hate crime for profit. Even if they present a united front simply for his sake, we're left thinking they still believe him, which in turn makes me question their intelligence, if not their loyalties.

Did they just send a Doppelgänger out? Loooool.

ETA: Person with hoodie & bodyguard were walking out.

Everyone: Jussie!

Bodyguard: No, no, no!

Someone: It’s not him.

Another Darwin Award winner in the crowd...

1. If you really feel the need to use letters cut out from magazines to send a threat, do NOT select Cosmopolitan, Gay Pages, or Vanity Fair. They may look nice but forget about gold and silver letters. Bad! Bad! Bad! Buy The American Conservative, Shooting Illustrated, or American Cowboy. Black letters only! And NO palm trees! It’s best to send a threat from a burner phone using a VPN and fake e-mail address.
2. Even if you’re an actor and you want to be seen, recognized, have an Oscar, forget cameras! No! No! No! And no polar vortex either! Let it unfold in rural Alabama, even if it means you maybe have to attend a gay square dance event to make it work!
3. Decide if your opponents are Empire fans, MAGA, homophobic, racist, or anti-vegan. Don’t make them be all of it!
4. If you really have to involve two brothers, make sure they stay in Nigera. And choose a bro who is not friends with you and posts ”I love you Jussie“ stories on Instagram.

Excellent! Don't forget:

5. Don't pay by check.

Then he has to explain why he claimed they were two white men yelling MAGA. That's the part that falls under "filing a false police report"

Not to mention, people will quote for months (maybe longer) under any similar circumstances, his contention that he could "tell the attackers were white, by the skin showing around their mask[ed] eye-holes". If he somehow manages to win this case, which means jurors have believed him, you can put another nail in the coffin of the infallibility of eyewitness testimony, on either side.
The way he treated his co-workers is another example of his selfishness. He put the two brothers at risk of going to jail, of course, and he also put ALL of his co-workers on the show in a very uncomfortable position - do they defend him, doubt him, remain silent? Whatever they did, there would be critics....through no fault of their own. And now they are left to figure out what to do with the storyline on the show. It's not the worse thing in the world in comparison to all the crimes we follow, but purposefully causing stress and confusion to your co-workers is so self-centered and disrespectful.

So true. This is a guy who threw his own BROTHER under the bus to law enforcement when trying to save his own skin, does anyone really think he cares about anyone but himself? (Not asking you specifically, just the public in general.)

He would have cheerfully (yet while outwardly seething rage) and without a bit of guilt allowed any two miscellaneous white men go to prison for his fake hate crime.

He basked and relished in the attention he first received, poor oppressed Jussie who fought the f back! He was his own favorite super hero.

I was one who thought he wanted it on camera; he must have been so peeved when he realized it wasn’t! Lol! Brave Jussie, single-handedly thwarting two rabid, racist, homophobic, Empire watching Jussie haters.
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He basked and relished in the attention he first received, poor oppressed Jussie who fought the f back! He was his own favorite super hero.

I was one who thought he wanted it on camera; he must have been so peeved when he realized it wasn’t! Lol! Brave Jussie, single-handedly thwarting two rabid, racist, homophobic, Empire watching Jussie haters.

RBBM: He may not have been a "super hero", but we can definitely say he was a "supper hero" - saved the sub sammie, didn't he? :D
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

People on WS are highly intelligent and some questioned JS's story because it had some rather odd discrepancies.

He was mostly given the benefit of the doubt, until his story unraveled and was clearly making no sense.
It HAS turned out to be a hoax.

a) it has been proven that the "letter" was cut out from magazines in the Nigerian bro's apartment.
b) JS sent the letter to himself.
c) The bros confessed to everything, including being paid, doing test runs and purchasing the rope from a hardware store.

This is the most compassionate, victim-friendly forum online, imho.

And when a celebrity manufactures a hate crime hoax its *very* serious. The effects are be far-reaching and hurt those who really ARE the victims of hate crimes.

Many who gave JS the benefit of the doubt, believed him, came out to bat for him, are understandably indignant and frustrated that he lied and made up this story.

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Today while I was driving around, running my errands, carting the kids around, just doing my thing, I was thinking about my normal, mundane life and wondering just HOW someone gets that point of such entitlement that they pull a stunt like this. It is so hard to comprehend!!
You mean you weren’t thinking “If I get pulled over by the po po, I can roll on my bro to get out of a ticket!” or “My hubsy wubsy doesn’t appreciate me; perhaps I can assault myself and beat myself up!”
2:10 PM PT -- Jussie told police, during his arrest, he has a drug problem ... one for which he's never been treated. That could become relevant later in the case because, as we reported, cops say Jussie bought ecstasy from Abel. IF he were convicted, a drug issue could be a mitigating factor that gets his sentenced reduced.

Jussie Smollett Released from Custody After Arrest into a Swarm of Media

Ecstasy makes you LOVE everyone and everything, it’s fun, fun, fun. Plus it’s not physically addicting like heroin or oxy, he wouldn’t be out dope sick, willing to do anything for his next fix. It just wears off and you’re you again, in Jussie’s case still hateful and devious. He may WANT to do more, but if so it seems like he was able to buy it. (Embarrassingly speaking from personal experience, back when I was young, invincible and stupid.)
1. If you really feel the need to use letters cut out from magazines to send a threat, do NOT select Cosmopolitan, Gay Pages, or Vanity Fair. They may look nice but forget about gold and silver letters. Bad! Bad! Bad! Buy The American Conservative, Shooting Illustrated, or American Cowboy. Black letters only! And NO palm trees! It’s best to send a threat from a burner phone using a VPN and fake e-mail address.
2. Even if you’re an actor and you want to be seen, recognized, have an Oscar, forget cameras! No! No! No! And no polar vortex either! Let it unfold in rural Alabama, even if it means you maybe have to attend a gay square dance event to make it work!
3. Decide if your opponents are Empire fans, MAGA, homophobic, racist, or anti-vegan. Don’t make them be all of it!
4. If you really have to involve two brothers, make sure they stay in Nigera. And choose a bro who is not friends with you and posts ”I love you Jussie“ stories on Instagram.
Hilarious! :D
Days before Jussie Smollett told police he was the victim of a vicious racist and homophobic attack, the “Empire” star sent a cautious text to a friend, Cook County prosecutors say.

“Might need your help on the low,” he messaged Abimbola “Abel” Osundairo, Smollett’s co-worker and alleged sometime ecstasy dealer. “You around to meet up and talk face to face?”

How a text from Jussie Smollett set in motion an alleged hoax that dragged 'Chicago's reputation through the mud'

Hours later, Smollett endured the wrath of another black authority figure, Judge John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr., who said he couldn’t in good conscience release the 36-year-old actor from custody on his own recognizance. Instead he set bond at $100,000.

“The most vile and despicable part of it, if it’s true, is the noose,” said Lyke, voicing a similar theme to Johnson’s. “That symbol conjures up such evil in this country’s history.”

Shortly before 4 p.m., after a friend from California posted the necessary $10,000, a stone-faced Smollett left Cook County Jail amid a crush of reporters screaming questions. He had surrendered to authorities about 5 a.m. Thursday.

Smollett gave them a $100 bill to buy rope, ski masks, gloves and red baseball caps that would look like the “Make America Great Again” hat sported by Trump, Lanier said.


Jmo When jussie wouldn’t hand over his phone right away I’m sure that raised eyebrows, probably got search warrant then.

In fact that told me that he was hiding something and it wasn’t private pics/conversations.
Ecstasy makes you LOVE everyone and everything, it’s fun, fun, fun. Plus it’s not physically addicting like heroin or oxy, he wouldn’t be out dope sick, willing to do anything for his next fix. It just wears off and you’re you again, in Jussie’s case still hateful and devious. He may WANT to do more, but if so it seems like he was able to buy it. (Embarrassingly speaking from personal experience, back when I was young, invincible and stupid.)

It isn’t necessarily true that when molly wears off that you’re just you again. Many people feel depressed after coming down from molly. Speaking from my own experience.
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