IL - Actor Jussie Smollett allegedly attacked in hate crime Jan 2019 #4 * ALL CHARGES DROPPED*

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JS is supposed to be appearing in the season opener of his TV show next week, March 13-- the day before he will be arraigned on the 16 new charges.

I suspect the TV executives are having some conversations about that. And about JS's continuing role on the show. Ya think?!

I had a long drive this eve, and was listening to the reports of the new charges. On one channel a prominent celebrity defense attorney (Mark Eiglarsh) was interviewed about the charges. He pointed out that the minimum jail sentence for merely committing identity theft is TWO years. He said that this set of circumstances is far more egregious than mere identity theft, and feels certain that this set of crimes and ongoing lies deserves more jail time than identity theft.

Even as a defense attorney, he said he feels certain JS will do some jail/ prison time. He seemed to think that JS should have confessed and began his apology tour a long time ago-- he said flat out that he would have had a very direct conversation with JS if he were representing him weeks ago, and explained that new charges were likely, and if he didn't loudly apologize, the atty would have limited ability to influence the upcoming charges (ie- plea with no jail time.) An apology tour now will have less impact, according to this defense atty.

I don't think the charges are finished. Several news channels commented that "the letter" is still at the FBI crime lab, that investigation is ongoing, and that there can be more charges coming-- federal charges.

JS is in serious trouble. With all the controversy, I'm doubtful he will confess, apologize, and plead to something with no jail/ prison time.

I'm thinking that the TV executives may delay the season opener and re-shoot it without JS's character. They're going to have to write him out of the show, IMO. I'm sure the attorneys are all closely debating and examining the minutiae of JS's contract right now.
JS is supposed to be appearing in the season opener of his TV show next week, March 13-- the day before he will be arraigned on the 16 new charges.

I suspect the TV executives are having some conversations about that. And about JS's continuing role on the show. Ya think?!

I had a long drive this eve, and was listening to the reports of the new charges. On one channel a prominent celebrity defense attorney (Mark Eiglarsh) was interviewed about the charges. He pointed out that the minimum jail sentence for merely committing identity theft is TWO years. He said that this set of circumstances is far more egregious than mere identity theft, and feels certain that this set of crimes and ongoing lies deserves more jail time than identity theft.

Even as a defense attorney, he said he feels certain JS will do some jail/ prison time. He seemed to think that JS should have confessed and began his apology tour a long time ago-- he said flat out that he would have had a very direct conversation with JS if he were representing him weeks ago, and explained that new charges were likely, and if he didn't loudly apologize, the atty would have limited ability to influence the upcoming charges (ie- plea with no jail time.) An apology tour now will have less impact, according to this defense atty.

I don't think the charges are finished. Several news channels commented that "the letter" is still at the FBI crime lab, that investigation is ongoing, and that there can be more charges coming-- federal charges.

JS is in serious trouble. With all the controversy, I'm doubtful he will confess, apologize, and plead to something with no jail/ prison time.

I'm thinking that the TV executives may delay the season opener and re-shoot it without JS's character. They're going to have to write him out of the show, IMO. I'm sure the attorneys are all closely debating and examining the minutiae of JS's contract right now.

I agree. It seemed a bit confusing that the attorneys had 2 or 3 alternate stories going the first weekend:
1. Mental breakdown from stress
2. Substance abuse, and needs treatment.
3. Completely innocent of all charges, and Chicago PD is corrupt with the investigation of a black, gay man.

They finally decided to settle on "Innocent until proven guilty" and Smollett continued his "Victim" routine. It seemed to fall flat at "Empire" set, and even his good friend, Don Lemmon, on CNN, was pretty incredulous reading the lines that "Smollett is a victim.".

16 felony charges. That is impressive. I agree with the charges here, Smollett did lie to the police, over and over again to keep his story going. Geragos is just going to continue this for years with junk appeals, as long as Smollett can pay his fee.
Do you suppose Queen Latifah is re-evaluating her public support for JS? Will be interesting to see if she makes any public comments in the next day or 2.

Will be interesting to see how his cast mates, and all the Hollywood celebrities "react" to these charges in the public sphere.

I'm guessing we will hear a lot of silence. Many celebs will not dare support him publicly, but will not be courageous enough to publicly condemn his actions, either, IMO.
Daily Mail is reporting that JS is facing up to 48 yrs in jail.

Can someone please link it for me? Merci.

Grand jury charges Jussie Smollett with SIXTEEN felony counts of filing a false police report | Daily Mail Online

Jussie Smollett has been hit with an additional 15 counts of filing a false police report by a grand jury and is now facing up to 48 years behind bars.

The Empire actor was initially charged with one Class 4 Felony charge of disorderly conduct last month but a grand jury has applied that charge 15 times over in an 36-page indictment that was returned on Thursday.

Now, he is facing a maximum sentence of 48 years behind bars and fines of up to $400,000.
Wonder which high end restaurant he's going to over the weekend? :rolleyes:

He's not only going to the big house but he'll be dead broke by the time Geragos has done with him, and deservedly so.
He's not only going to the big house but he'll be dead broke by the time Geragos has done with him, and deservedly so.

(Respectfully snipped for focus.)

I predict MG will not represent JS for more than a few more weeks.

By June 1 (or earlier) I suspect MG will have "moved on". I think JS won't be able to pay him for more than a few weeks/ months, and I don't foresee any hugely wealthy fellow celebs lining up to pay his legal bills, once he's tapped out.

This collection of charges will not be concluded for at least a year, IMO-- he will need a high level of representation for at least a year, if not longer. $$$$$$
I tend to think that the sentencing for the up-to-sixteen charges would run concurrently, since they all stemmed from the same event. Realistically, what do you all think?
Wait a second. This quote does not mention What MSM is reporting this. Additionally, it says "experts predict".

What experts? Just more spin bull.
This idiot, created havoc to this city. I do NOT see him getting off with a plea deal. What plea?
I do see him getting fined into bankruptcy as well as some jail time. It might make him a better actor, because this gig he perpetuated is the worst acting ever.
48 years, ridiculous and never going to happen.
But Scott free? I don't think so and certainly hope not.
What a number one *advertiser censored* is this stupid, stupid man.


What kind of message will this send? 16 charges, and he does no prison time??

Would this happen to any average Joe, or Jane if they were indicted on 16 charges?

Imo, of course not. Gah.

For me personally, I could not be less interested in what actors have to say about any of this.
I find that few of them have high moral standards.
What I AM interested in hearing about, is what the law enforcement had to deal with while chasing their tails on this baloney story.
Self proclaimed Queens, can just sit down and shut up.
In my very opinionated opinion. No offense to you.

Do you suppose Queen Latifah is re-evaluating her public support for JS? Will be interesting to see if she makes any public comments in the next day or 2.

Will be interesting to see how his cast mates, and all the Hollywood celebrities "react" to these charges in the public sphere.

I'm guessing we will hear a lot of silence. Many celebs will not dare support him publicly, but will not be courageous enough to publicly condemn his actions, either, IMO.
I tend to think that the sentencing for the up-to-sixteen charges would run concurrently, since they all stemmed from the same event. Realistically, what do you all think?

I am quite impressed by the charges. Sixteen felony counts. I am sure that "Team Smollett" thought it would be one charge, that they could easily plead out or spin. I honestly never saw this coming. This is landmark, and definitely raises the bar on "Hate Crime Hoaxes".

The message here, "Don't waste taxpayer dollars, or police officers time on lies.". I knew Smollett had annoyed the police when he insinuated that they would not investigate throughly because of the "hate crime" aspect. He thought he could get publicity, and walk away scot free. And why not? No one gets any thing for a hate crime hoax. It appears to be the "Perfect Victimless Crime". Not any more.
If those writers have any gonads at all they would put in the script beginning episode 1 for the upcoming season just exactly like it happened. After all you really can't make a story like this up. I'd use the RR interview (she has already guested on the show before) the news footage and all the rest of it. They already said they were paying him for the rest of the season. I would tell him, "Jussie you have already had your time with Mr. DeMill...and used it up!" Let him know all those shots that he has already been filmed will be right on the cutting room floor. If they want ratings, let this whole debacle play right on out just the WAY IT IS!

The grand jury returned two separate sets of charges, one of each lie Smollett allegedly told. The first set are related to what Smollett told officers about the alleged attack, including that the attackers called him racial and homophobic slurs, struck him with their hands, put a noose around his neck, and poured some sort of chemical substance on him.

The second set of charges are related to the second interview Smollett had with police about the alleged attack later that day, saying the men attacked him from behind and they fell to the ground, at which point the men continued kicking him. Smollett also told police on this occasion that one of his attackers was white.

Jussie Smollett update: 'Empire' actor indicted on 16 felony counts by grand jury
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