IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 - #6

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Yeah, I wonder if all the incriminating texts were deleted shortly after they had been exchanged, or if he deleted many shortly before he killed himself. I mean, I know that he obviously was deleting along the way, considering this was goign on for 7 years, but I just wonder if he was sitting there that morning cleaning up the last bit of evidence on his phone. Maybe he had fleeting thoughts about committing suicide, but not to the point of planning it all out until just the morning of. He knew that they were about to find out about everything he had been doing with the Explorers money, and he may have just made the decision to kill himself that morning. That would explain not removing the coke packets from his desk, since he didn't go in to the station that morning.

So he kills himself and then leaves his family holding the bag, so to speak. You can't tell me that with that many years in LE he didn't know they could retrieve deleted texts. I mean, honestly! You don't even have to be in LE to know that! Hopefully we will soon hear the extent of his family's knowledge of all of this.

Due to others that knew about this within the department. I would just say to give his family his retirement benefits and just try to recoup on a monthly payment what was lost. Jmo.

But on a side note. If the wife knew that suicide was his intention to cover up fraud. Then she shouldn't have blamed government for whatever.

Now I see why donations on go fund me or any donations were accepted.

But still i do not blame the wife for believing in her alpha male hubby who told her that he would handle the situation without her believing that he would commit suicide to do so. Jmo
Websleuths post if the day/week/month surely?!

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I cannot wait for the festivities! I've never been to Nepal! And your fiancee, steelman, was my high school/college favorite pop star! Thanks in advance for the introduction! So glad rachellouise and steelman remembered the deal!
Seriously, I am as shocked as anybody over this finding of suicide. Stunned.
There is no doubt in my mind that this will end up being a movie, whether on tv or in the movies. How a small town cop fooled the nation. Thinking out loud who would play the leads. Maybe Jason Stratham as Joe. Melissa McCarthy as Mel? Not sure who would play the trio of 2 white one black males.


Welllllllll, I wouldn't go so far as to say he was Mr Good Guy for the prior 23 years..... I mean we DO have the sexual assault charges from way back when.

Personally, I think he was a douchebag, and who knows what other stuff he had been involved in. Taking money from that organization is wrong, any way you slice it. It's not like the guy was taking a couple of boxes of paper clips from his office. I don't care if it was 50K over 50 years, it's wrong. Deceptive. Obviously people looked up to this man. He was trusted. He was a military man. A public servant. A protector. I'll bet the woman in the above article would beg to differ.

**this isn't an attack on you, OceanBlueEyes! I'm just so disgusted by the whole situation. The lying, the stealing, the threats, the plot that could have resulted in 3 innocent people going to jail.... on and on.

** not sure what happened to the font. I wasn't trying to be creative or anything. LOL

Seven years ago the riding high, buy on credit economy collapsed. Since 2008 I have read more stories about people skimming money from their work, organization, other family members, charities, clients. It is not as easy to be good for many people when times get tough.
Due to others that knew about this within the department. I would just say to give his family his retirement benefits and just try to recoup on a monthly payment what was lost. Jmo.

But on a side note. If the wife knew that suicide was his intention to cover up fraud. Then she shouldn't have blamed government for whatever.

Now I see why donations on go fund me or any donations were accepted.

But still i do not blame the wife for believing in her alpha male hubby who told her that he would handle the situation without her believing that he would commit suicide to do so. Jmo

I disagree. She should not receive any money until it is determined how much money is owed the Explorers and it is paid back with interest. They may even wish to take out some of the money for the investigation,but I'm not sure if they can or should do that, considering that there are innocent minors involved in this. If Mel and the son are smart, they'll start talking a settlement immediately for the sake of the young children in the home. Maybe part of the agreement is that the pension money goes into a trust for the minor children.
There is no doubt in my mind that this will end up being a movie, whether on tv or in the movies. How a small town cop fooled the nation. Thinking out loud who would play the leads. Maybe Jason Stratham as Joe. Melissa McCarthy as Mel? Not sure who would play the trio of 2 white one black males.


I disagree. She should not receive any money until it is determined how much money is owed the Explorers and it is paid back with interest. They may even wish to take out some of the money for the investigation,but I'm not sure if they can or should do that, considering that there are innocent minors involved in this. If Mel and the son are smart, they'll start talking a settlement immediately for the sake of the young children in the home. Maybe part of the agreement is that the pension money goes into a trust for the minor children.

What young children? JMO
Seven years ago the riding high, buy on credit economy collapsed. Since 2008 I have read more stories about people skimming money from their work, organization, other family members, charities, clients. It is not as easy to be good for many people when times get tough.

I think that anyone can appreciate that what he did with the money was wrong. But I also don't think that in and of itself would have been unforgivable. With the people he knew and had on his side, I think he would have had a lot of support in resolving the matter in a way that spared him jail time, and possibly even allowed him to quietly retire, with the stipulation that the monies were paid back with interest. That said, no, he didn't want to take that way out. Too difficult and requires taking responsibility. So instead he took was was a solvable problem and created himself a situation that he couldn't get himself out of - he compounded his situation with threats, murder plots, framing, etc...and then when it got so bad he knew there was no way out, he didn't just go home and hang himself. He decided to try to frame 3 innocent people, cause a huge manhunt and investigation. Putting his community in fear and in grief. Putting his peers in harms way searching for these suspects. Even lending itself to have 2 non-related people incriminate themselves into his story so much as to put themselves in prison!

ETA: A "real" man, a "real" husband, a "real" father and a "real" hero would have taken the full brunt of the responsibility and worked out a deal that kept his wife and his son in the clear. Instead he has not only left them with this mess, but I almost feel sorry for the son. I bet in his mind, he felt his dad died for him, for agreeing to loan him the money out of the account, etc... This man was no man, no father, no hero.
I disagree. She should not receive any money until it is determined how much money is owed the Explorers and it is paid back with interest. They may even wish to take out some of the money for the investigation,but I'm not sure if they can or should do that, considering that there are innocent minors involved in this. If Mel and the son are smart, they'll start talking a settlement immediately for the sake of the young children in the home. Maybe part of the agreement is that the pension money goes into a trust for the minor children.

I disagree to a point. Interest is very expensive. So if she agree to pay back the actual cost of everything on monthly plan. Then interest is no no need to go for.

But I agree. She should have to cover all funds lost without an interest clause. Jmo
I disagree. She should not receive any money until it is determined how much money is owed the Explorers and it is paid back with interest. They may even wish to take out some of the money for the investigation,but I'm not sure if they can or should do that, considering that there are innocent minors involved in this. If Mel and the son are smart, they'll start talking a settlement immediately for the sake of the young children in the home. Maybe part of the agreement is that the pension money goes into a trust for the minor children.

I agree about a trust fund for the minor children. She shouldn't get any of it, or at least not be able to spend it on anything but food and housing. Let her get a job and find out what the real world is like.

Of course, that all depends on whether she will be getting a jail term eventually.


Unfortunately, the trio was real, not imaginary. Real people that could have faced real consequences. As it is the one poor man said he couldn't sleep, couldn't work. He and his friends must have been terrified!
I disagree to a point. Interest is very expensive. So if she agree to pay back the actual cost of everything on monthly plan. Then interest is no no need to go for.

But I agree. She should have to cover all funds lost without an interest clause. Jmo

Even if they considered it a "loan" interest should have been expected. You don't get to steal money from an account that isn't yours and then not pay it back with interest. If they needed a loan, they should have gotten one with interest. Even if their credit was terrible, they could have gotten a pay day loan or something. The kid could have gotten a loan through the credit union through the military.
Unfortunately, the trio was real, not imaginary. Real people that could have faced real consequences. As it is the one poor man said he couldn't sleep, couldn't work. He and his friends must have been terrified!

The fact that they were real is probably one of the most disgusting parts to me, imo. If he was going to take himself out, fine, but to frame REAL people for it? Disgusting. He could have just described people that didn't exist but he didn't.

And now we learn about the sexual harassment, drugs, framing, attempted hit, etc. This man was a monster, imo.

Sad, sad, sad.
I disagree. She should not receive any money until it is determined how much money is owed the Explorers and it is paid back with interest. They may even wish to take out some of the money for the investigation,but I'm not sure if they can or should do that, considering that there are innocent minors involved in this. If Mel and the son are smart, they'll start talking a settlement immediately for the sake of the young children in the home. Maybe part of the agreement is that the pension money goes into a trust for the minor children.

The pension and his wrongdoings will probably be seen as two separate things. He can't be tried, fired, or reprimanded for his actions because he is dead and can't defend himself. THIS is probably why he committed suicide in order to protect his pension for his family. He knew he was ruined and his family in great jeopardy of being poor (and incarcerated) or feeling totally abandoned by him.

His pension will not include a line of duty death payout so she will get 70% of his salary, based on x number of years average with whatever COLA included in the pension agreement. His wife is probably his beneficiary so the pension monies she receives will be used in part for restitution.

His wife and son who allegedly stole from the accounts are on their own at this point. They will be prosecuted and expected to repay the funds taken.

I would love to see the wife be stand-up and offer to give back any funds given to her. That said, I won't hold my breath!
Of all the times to be MIA. Just when all breaks open. And ironically, it so happens I am dealing with a similar situation with an employee which has what kept me detained from being on WS. :gaah:
So, I haven't read everything or caught up. I have barely been able to read everything that is being released but did read some of the press packet last night.

I just wanted to state that my opinion was incorrect and the only thing I find allotted with truth in my train of thought was there is a very good reason to keep the investigation close to the vest. I wasn't buying a conspiracy to cover up if it was a suicide. Other than that, I am taking back my nice statements of what I thought the LT portrayed. I have worked with so many amazing LE and while I know there are rotten apples in the bunch, I was incorrect as to this one. UGH. What a shame. I look forward to seeing those complicit in the LT crimes being brought to JUSTICE !!

Maybe if I have time later, I will dig up my statement analysis on his son I had in my notes. There was something in his interview that I had flagged as "off" but I wasn't sure entirely what it was but came as close to wondering if he knew if could have been suicide and NOW it makes complete sense that it was even more!! It more or less quotes him saying .. getting past the funeral alleviating the stress they were under and thought it would be ok. That is not verbatim, but I will get it from laptop notes later.

I have really enjoyed this discussion with everyone on this thread. I am just floored as to the degree of criminal activity. Disgusting.
Me and Bluesneakers chuckled over the possibility that LT was stealing flashlights and compasses and pocket protection pen holders from the Explorers Program.

But now we see that he was taking way more than that. We salute. Jmo.
You know what else really makes me angry? I re-watched that interview the wife gave last month, and she goes on and on about how the President never called her to express his condolences about Joe. She went on and on about how she didn't "hear ONE word" from the President of the United States, even though her husband was a hero who not only served his community, but served his country. Her sense of entitlement in that video, especially now knowing what we know, is just unreal.

She KNEW he wasn't a hero, imo. And yet she had the nerve to be upset that she didn't get a call from the President. UGH!

Sorry for the rant, just makes me so mad!

Of all the times to be MIA. Just when all breaks open. And ironically, it so happens I am dealing with a similar situation with an employee which has what kept me detained from being on WS. :gaah:
So, I haven't read everything or caught up. I have barely been able to read everything that is being released but did read some of the press packet last night.

I just wanted to state that my opinion was incorrect and the only thing I find allotted with truth in my train of thought was there is a very good reason to keep the investigation close to the vest. I wasn't buying a conspiracy to cover up if it was a suicide. Other than that, I am taking back my nice statements of what I thought the LT portrayed. I have worked with so many amazing LE and while I know there are rotten apples in the bunch, I was incorrect as to this one. UGH. What a shame. I look forward to seeing those complicit in the LT crimes being brought to JUSTICE !!

Maybe if I have time later, I will dig up my statement analysis on his son I had in my notes. There was something in his interview that I had flagged as "off" but I wasn't sure entirely what it was but came as close to wondering if he knew if could have been suicide and NOW it makes complete sense that it was even more!! It more or less quotes him saying .. getting past the funeral alleviating the stress they were under and thought it would be ok. That is not verbatim, but I will get it from laptop notes later.

I have really enjoyed this discussion with everyone on this thread. I am just floored as to the degree of criminal activity. Disgusting.

I was wondering what your thoughts would be on this. I was wrong too. I suspected suicide but thought he was a good guy. I had no idea what a monster he really was.
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