IL - Lt. Charles 'Joe' Gliniewicz, 52, found dead, Fox Lake, 1 Sep 2015 - #6

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Good grief. I have been following this case quietly and always thought he committed suicide for family benefits purposes, maybe knowing he was ill or something. Even my cynical self could not have imagined this scenario unfolding.
I'm not so sure this guy killed himself solely over what we know about. He may have also killed himself over some things we haven't found out about yet. That audit may have led to other audits, and so forth and so on.

This is one of those stories that keeps on givin'...................

You beat me to it. Thank you
IDK He may have injured himself along with the other things he did to make it look like a crime/murder had occurred.
I still want to know if it's common practice to have law enforcement people present for an autopsy and why? What is that about?

“Three of George Filenko’s task force members were at the autopsy,” he said. “He knows what we found.”

Yes, sometimes LE will be present during an autopsy.
Remember when Mrs. G made the comment on that crime TV show about her message for Obama? And how we had to wait a few days for the next episode to hear her complain about not receiving a call from Obama about her husbands death? That just goes to show how larger than life they really believed they were. That's one inflated ego.

Not to mention...priorities? Jmo
So many great comments. I wish I could like comments with my phone.
I disagree. She should not receive any money until it is determined how much money is owed the Explorers and it is paid back with interest. They may even wish to take out some of the money for the investigation,but I'm not sure if they can or should do that, considering that there are innocent minors involved in this. If Mel and the son are smart, they'll start talking a settlement immediately for the sake of the young children in the home. Maybe part of the agreement is that the pension money goes into a trust for the minor children.

Where are people getting that there are young children in the home? There are three adult children and one High school aged child.
"On Wednesday, Marrin said Gliniewicz threatened her as she began her audit of the Explorer program"

How long did Anne Marrin wait to report that Gliniewicz threatened her ???

Did she say anything back when she was starting her audit and Gliniewicz was still alive?

Did she say something about being threatened while the investigation was underway?

Is this statement yesterday on November 4th the first time she is saying Gliniewicz threatened her?
Everyone owes credit card companies money. So unless they were 100k or more. Then that is no real biggie. Jmo.

But I understand your point. Jmo

Thanks to those who responded.

A curious situation and, other than wanting to know the reason a subpoena was served, how odd it is that the guy serving a subpoena ended up being sued by MG. She ran out of her house in pursuit of the guy and then claimed she was injured by his car.
Did he tie her up and lay her down in the street? No, she tried to block him as he was trying to get away from her is my guess. Crazy imo.
Did MG win the lawsuit?
Remember when Mrs. G made the comment on that crime TV show about her message for Obama? And how we had to wait a few days for the next episode to hear her complain about not receiving a call from Obama about her husbands death? That just goes to show how larger than life they really believed they were. That's one inflated ego.
They didn't just BELIEVE they were larger than life, Mrs. G IS larger than life. (Sorry, I just couldn't resist!)

Seriously, though, it will be very sad for her youngest if she has to go to prison. What a thing to deal with: the death of a father under shady circumstances, a father, and possibly mother and brother all involved in criminal activities. Their youngest son looks so fragile.
The Explorers were often called upon to help direct traffic and parking at the Lake County Fair, community parades and other events. They did not receive payment but were told that money they earned was going into a general account to pay for uniforms and other expenses, she said.

bbm This reminded me of something that happened at a fair were they asked for volunteers and I thought wait a minute I know of the same fair that occurs else were and there the people that "help park" get paid like 12.00 an hour. jmo idk
Unfortunately, the trio was real, not imaginary. Real people that could have faced real consequences. As it is the one poor man said he couldn't sleep, couldn't work. He and his friends must have been terrified!

Maybe it's just me, but if my friends and I had an alibi as airtight and rock solid as these 3 guys had, I wouldn't miss a minute of sleep or work.
But they weren't necessarily stealing the money because they needed it. They were taking it for vacations, *advertiser censored* sites, gym fees, mortgage payments etc. If they had followed a budget and lived within their means like most normal people have to..... jmo

^^^^This, times a million!

Last time I checked, gym memberships, adult websites, and trips to Hawaii are NOT necessities. Now, if you had said that he was doing this because his family was unable to afford their next meal and they couldn't get government assistance, or they were saddled with huge medical bills, I might have some sympathy and think that drastic times call for drastic measures, but puhleaze!
His tats were probably funded by the Explorers as well.

Maybe it's just me, but if my friends and I had an alibi as airtight and rock solid as these 3 guys had, I wouldn't miss a minute of sleep or work.

It's probably just you.
I posted a link above to an article that cites some studies that have shown that people believe misinformation (often unconsciously) long after they've been shown the original "facts" were incorrect. I would have probably had a mild case of PTSD if I were them, based on the anxiety of being falsely accused and having my photo shown all around town. Not to mention worrying that some wingnut would decide I was truly to blame even after the suicide ruling came out. Or at the least, people maybe questioning why I'd have been losing sleep if I were "really innocent"

"On Wednesday, Marrin said Gliniewicz threatened her as she began her audit of the Explorer program"

How long did Anne Marrin wait to report that Gliniewicz threatened her ???

Did she say anything back when she was starting her audit and Gliniewicz was still alive?

Did she say something about being threatened while the investigation was underway?

Is this statement yesterday on November 4th the first time she is saying Gliniewicz threatened her?

Not following why this matters. Are you thinking that she may have reported this earlier and it was covered up by the department? Since there's a chain of texts that show that the LT was planning to frame her/ had considered harming her I don't think she suddenly decided to make this up. So I must be misunderstanding what you are asking?
"On Wednesday, Marrin said Gliniewicz threatened her as she began her audit of the Explorer program"

How long did Anne Marrin wait to report that Gliniewicz threatened her ???

Did she say anything back when she was starting her audit and Gliniewicz was still alive?

Did she say something about being threatened while the investigation was underway?

Is this statement yesterday on November 4th the first time she is saying Gliniewicz threatened her?

IMO, this was known for a while by LE. Just because they were not telling the public, that doesn't mean things were not being investigated. It would take a while to retrieve texts to verify her reports. Maybe he threatened her in person and they had to look for proof in his texts or emails. (Which we did see from the texts that were released.) I'm not sure what direction you are going in here. Do you think her reports of threats were fabricated?
Joe had an affair with the woman that he later had DJ marry for more military money

Oh. My. Gosh! Stop the madness!!

He had an affair with some woman.
THEN he had THAT woman marry his SON so the son would get more military benefits??

Okay. This has entered total freak zone. ugh. sloppy seconds and all that. gag.

What ELSE?!?
How can people still think this guy is awesome?? I mean if this is just a conspiracy frame job, I really doubt that they would have to make up all this crazy stuff. Just a FEW things would be enough. What next? Bestiality? I'm scared.

Maybe it's just me, but if my friends and I had an alibi as airtight and rock solid as these 3 guys had, I wouldn't miss a minute of sleep or work.

Really? I would. Who knows what could get pinned on you, alibi or not. I would be terribly stressed. JMO
"On Wednesday, Marrin said Gliniewicz threatened her as she began her audit of the Explorer program"

How long did Anne Marrin wait to report that Gliniewicz threatened her ???

Did she say anything back when she was starting her audit and Gliniewicz was still alive?

Did she say something about being threatened while the investigation was underway?

Is this statement yesterday on November 4th the first time she is saying Gliniewicz threatened her?

She had a breif presser today. So did the mayor. Don't have time to look for links to either right now, but it is my understanding the task force discovered the threats during their investigation of the shooting and AM learned of them from the task force after Gliniewicz's death.
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