GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #2

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Uh... put her out of her misery HOW?

:( I don't even know if I want to really know the answer to that...

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I'm sorry, I just don't (can't) believe the uncle's story. Who would put a child out of their misery and then hide the body if she was innocently hurt while outside playing?????

Seriously, who would do that?!

He may have panicked. The snowball effect of one bad decision after another. IDK.
This is very weird but the stick story will be provable/disprovable. We should also know if the COD turns out to be strangulation/asphyxiation, and whether sexual assault occurred. Strangulation will make me very dubious, and of course if there are signs of sexual assault it's game over.
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

This really makes me think he is trying to explain away injuries and cover his butt. This makes him seem even more guilty to me. Your niece gets hurt "accidentally" and you "put her out of her misery"? "Impaled with a stick" has got to be the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

bovine bowl movement
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

lord have mercy! i don't think this was accidental but it goes to my theory that i don't think it was a sexual crime either..........i guess the autopsy will tell.
OMG - poor Willow... can you imagine what the searchers found? The state she must have been in for the uncle to try to cover himself by claiming she impaled herself... no way accident. No way! I'm sickened.
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

Yes, I'm quoting myself. I'm genuinely confused. I was away from a TV, and my mother called me (I'm an adult, not some attention-craving kid, promise) and had me listen to the news at 5:00. I heard this with my own ears. My mother says it was channel three (which I believe is WCIA here), but when I go to their website, it does not include the information I just shared. All I can think is that the online link is from a 4pm newscast or something. I know what I HEARD, but I cannot find a link to share. That being said, maybe disregard this until I can find a link to prove what was (I promise) said on the news.
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

Do you have a source, link, etc please? Thanks!
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

Oh my God... :(

Poor darling girl :(

I don't even want to know what he did. Really.
Also, I agree with others that the Holder/Sigg vibe isn't there. Heck, the first time I saw video of Holder, weeks before he was arrested, my stomach DROPPED.

But if he strangled her...which I'm going to assume he did, will be hard to play devil's advocate.
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

WTF? Put her out of her misery? I understand getting extremely freaked out if something like that really happened, but I would definitely call 911 & wake the mom up immediately. I know people react differently to different situations, when their adrenaline is pumping, when they're scared, etc...but why the hell would someone drive her four miles away and drop her in a field if this was the case? If this was accidental and it happened in the yard with a stick and he didn't want to get in trouble, why wouldn't he just go back inside & pretend like he knew nothing and wait for someone else to find her out there? I'd love to believe this was an accident, but after reading about so many cases, I just can't. I really, really wish I could be optimistic like some of you and truly believe this was an accident until otherwise proven, but I just don't feel as if that's the case here. It's too unlikely, IMO.

He's only one year younger than I am. I'm just 23 and he really seems like a lot of the guys I went to school with. He comes off as fairly normal to me, I didn't get an Austin Sigg vibe from him either. It makes me SO sad/mad to see so many people around my age doing horrific things like this to others :(

This case has really gotten to me. I'll be patiently waiting for more details. I really hope little Willow didn't suffer during her death. RIP beautiful :rose:
This is very weird but the stick story will be provable/disprovable. We should also know if the COD turns out to be strangulation/asphyxiation, and whether sexual assault occurred. Strangulation will make me very dubious, and of course if there are signs of sexual assault it's game over.

Yep. I personally don't think there will be sexual assault found either way. IMO. But if there is I will eat my words with a side of crow for sure.
The autopsy will tell the true story, and since she was found so quickly evidence will be fresh (sorry little one)

Warning: Graphic

I've never heard of a stick going through a skull. Particularly when I think about the physics of it - ie the amount of force a petite seven year old might be capable of running into a stick with. Might just be me though. This is leaving aside the other half of the statement which I, frankly, don't even want to think about.

End Warning!

I think the lack of mentions of the uncle early on is interesting. He was clearly in the home, and yet was never mentioned in the early stories. I wonder why this is, and who was releasing early info to the media.
The news just said the uncle said Willow fell while playing outside and impaled her head with a stick... So he "Put her out of her misery."

Trying to get a link now. Just saw it on TV. The uncle is supposed to be on the 6pm news. I think I may be sick.

No way--I don't believe that this was an "accident". This reminds me of my cousin's sociopathic husband's "story" on the stand during his trial for murdering his wife and three children. Christian Longo claimed that he arrived home from work to find his youngest (2 years old) barely alive after his wife hurt her. He claimed that she told him that the older two children, Zachary and Sadie, were "in the water". So, he strangled his wife out of rage, and put 2 year old Madison "out of her misery". Zachary and Sadie were thrown off of a bridge while asleep. The jury didn't believe his story, and I don't believe this 's story. Sorry, when a loved one is injured or suffering, an innocent person (especially a parent or relative) calls 911! One does not EVER "finish" the injury and hide the person! :twocents:
I'm sorry, I just don't (can't) believe the uncle's story. Who would put a child out of their misery and then hide the body if she was innocently hurt while outside playing?????

Seriously, who would do that?!

It reminds me, of course in a more horrible way, of how children will hide something they did wrong, even though they know somehow they will get caught. Like say, they break an expensive vase, and hide it, or try to glue it back together, and hope no one notices. It seems like a very immature reaction. I wonder if his hinting at having emotional scars means he had some difficulty in the past that sort of kept him from maturing?

It's possible. I just don't know. Like others, I saw nothing at all that would set off alarm bells. His last pic was hiking in the woods three weeks ago. He plays some of the same games I play (DH and I have been playing Civilization since the first one back in the 90s.. Now five of us, minus my six year old, play Civ 5 together on game night... DH and I also used to play WoW, and earlier MMOs). He looks like he could be either of my teens' friends. No red flags, IMO. In fact, when the rumor was first circulating this morning about him being detained, and I checked out his social media stuff, my reaction was I felt sorry for him. He seems sad, and a bit lonely. :confused:
My son had a GED, and was only able to enlist after putting in 15 college credit hours at our community college. He also scored well on the ASVAB. The Marines and AF wouldn't even talk to him until he got those credits, but the Navy recruiters worked with him and checked in with him periodically. The college credits are a requirement now if you have a GED.

I noticed on his g+ profile that he'd gone to what looked like online colleges? I don't know if the Navy would have accepted those.


I'm a couple of pages behind, but, as someone who has worked for the military since 1986, you are spot on. After 9/11 and "The Great Recession" happened, a lot of folks tried to get in the various branches. The criteria for enlistment had to change.
Back on topic: This guy didn't do what he allegedly did because he was Pee-od for not getting accepted. There was/is something terribly wrong and evil. And, that's my 2 cents.
Just wanted to confirm that I did hear correctly, and I am not crazy. Another person has posted the same information I just shared on the FB group:

Although, apparently it was the GRANDPA who said this is what happened, not the Uncle, according to her. The poster has confirmed that the website has not been updated.
If she fell on a stick outside, there has to be a scene outside. Was that missed when they combed the areas of the house?

Just, I dunno, maybe it was an accident, but I saw a video today of a man that was knocked to the pavement, hitting his head first, and there was a large pool of blood.

Hard for me to mentally create a scene that has no blood for the case of a head injury that the uncle is claiming. That's me though.
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