IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #168

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According to murder sheet podcast, “M” photographed the photos then leaked them to “R” who leaked them to two others “Mark” and a female. It was “R“ who died by suicide. And it was ”Mark” turned over the photos to MS, asking it be reported to LE.
I can't imagine, that somebody leaks photos and then because of the scandale and maybe impending punishment takes his own life immediately afterwards. Is there again a TWIST within the story, I wonder.
I'm picturing crime scene photos splayed on a desk. Giving a trusted friend access to view, for input. Said friend serendipitously taking screenshots and then -- what's the saying? -- he told two friends and they told two friends and so on.

Whether it happened like that or not, it's bizarre to think how tight the investigation was prior to arrest compared to how much has been divulged since, and whether by hook, crook or accident, it's been a devastating data dump, details none of us expected to have bandied about before trial. These are things that are generally dealt with sensitively at trial and meted out only cautiously.

It helps me to remember I'm only going off a PCA and the D's narrative -- neither of these is the case. It's the rest of what the Prosecution has that interests me.

I can't imagine, that somebody leaks photos and then because of the scandale and maybe impending punishment takes his own life immediately afterwards. Is there again a TWIST within the story, I wonder.

Yes it appears it might be connected but it may have just been a brief happening in an otherwise frenzied life. The death occurred about 2 weeks after the leak was turned over to LE. I get the sense from MS that this man’s family just wants to let him rest and be remembered for the good things he did in his life.
I can't imagine, that somebody leaks photos and then because of the scandale and maybe impending punishment takes his own life immediately afterwards. Is there again a TWIST within the story, I wonder.
This case has been plagued by twists. I don't mean this flippantly -- is ny hope that the twists will twist and untwist and countertwist until it pulls itself into a straight line, dots connected.

What lack of rational?

What condition?

Neither a issue according to his own [at the time] attorneys who are in direct contact with RA:

Allen’s attorneys wrote that they had not filed an insanity defense, nor have they requested a competency evaluation of Allen, meaning his “mental state is not at issue in the guilt/innocence phase of this proceeding.”

Delphi murder suspect’s attorneys ask judge to deny prosecution’s subpoena for medical, mental health records

In addition;

There are before and after photos in that link showing RA is more toward the lower end of average weight for a male his height.

He actually looks more in proportion weight wise to his height than his former chunky self.

RA has a very petite frame.

I'm sure it is normal and expected to lose excess weight while incarcerated.

RA is just fine.

Evil poisonous dwarves, so is said about many men with a petite frame in German slang. Bad, that we just don't know him and can't assume his character so very well.
Will he survive Maximum Security Confinement with, I am sure now, little hope?
I feel like maximum security confinement is what is probably keeping RA alive. I suspect that if given the opportunity inside a less secure facility or out on bail, he would likely end his life...or someone else might do it for him.

LE, the P, and the J have taken a lot of heat over where RA is confined. One could argue that this shows that LE and the P actually do want the truth, and the right party(ies) to pay for this crime. Hypothetically, if RA had hung himself in a County jail cell after his could very well have been case closed on this matter for LE and the P (explain to the public that the person that likely did it is dead, maybe take some heat for not watching him closer, and move on with life)...not to mention a great deal of money saved by the State and County...but they haven't allowed that to happen.

I don't like that someone that has not yet been convicted is sitting in Westville...but in one respect I do agree with the D...I think there is a good chance that more than one individual was involved...and if RA knows something and is permitted to end his life (or is murdered himself)...others involved will continue to roam the streets and justice will not be served.

Remember there are families attached to all this mess. They geared up today for a court hearing. They took off from work, got baby sitters, Coordinated rides just to be let down again. This is pitiful timing and extremely irresponsible toward the families.

I'm picturing crime scene photos splayed on a desk. Giving a trusted friend access to view, for input. Said friend serendipitously taking screenshots and then -- what's the saying? -- he told two friends and they told two friends and so on.

Whether it happened like that or not, it's bizarre to think how tight the investigation was prior to arrest compared to how much has been divulged since, and whether by hook, crook or accident, it's been a devastating data dump, details none of us expected to have bandied about before trial. These are things that are generally dealt with sensitively at trial and meted out only cautiously.

It helps me to remember I'm only going off a PCA and the D's narrative -- neither of these is the case. It's the rest of what the Prosecution has that interests me.


I’m unable to conjure up a reason anyone who’s 2nd opinion was sought on this case would need to look at crime scene photos. I’d think what’s written within the discovery would be talked about, actual evidence the prosecution will be presenting at trial to attempt to prove RAs guilt.

But according to MS, the leak that was about to be spread also revealed future defence strategy including a plan by the defence to name one more person associated with Odinism.

So I do wonder about this unscrupulous ”M” person, was he intending to frame that one other person somehow to authenticate his leak???

That one other person was about to be revealed has a ring of truth considering the ex-defence’s noticeable tendency to add on additional pieces and bits over time in order to try further a point.
What lack of rational?

What condition?

Neither a issue according to his own [at the time] attorneys who are in direct contact with RA:

Allen’s attorneys wrote that they had not filed an insanity defense, nor have they requested a competency evaluation of Allen, meaning his “mental state is not at issue in the guilt/innocence phase of this proceeding.”

Delphi murder suspect’s attorneys ask judge to deny prosecution’s subpoena for medical, mental health records

In addition;

There are before and after photos in that link showing RA is more toward the lower end of average weight for a male his height.

He actually looks more in proportion weight wise to his height than his former chunky self.

RA has a very petite frame.

I'm sure it is normal and expected to lose excess weight while incarcerated.

RA is just fine.


No reporting as to RA's past or current health records, nor meds history.
His counsel, who have this info, reported to the court that RA is NOT fine.

from the article:
Allen and his attorneys previously said he has been held in isolation for the bulk of his time in captivity, resulting in mental and physical decline.

Mental decline may be evident in the psych records.
IMO, Muscle loss (along with weight loss) is evident between the 2 photos shown.
Can't know cause; but weight gain/loss can often be attributed to meds, physical activity, emotional disorders, cognitive issues.

This statement:

Allen’s attorneys wrote that they had not filed an insanity defense, nor have they requested a competency evaluation of Allen, meaning his “mental state is not at issue in the guilt/innocence phase of this proceeding.”
is made in reference to insanity at the time of the crime, and has nothing to do with RA's state of mind while making "jail-house confessions".

Article suggests Counsel has confirmed that since incarceration, they've never requested a psych evaluation. Perhaps they should.

It is well known that mental capacity reduces during extending periods of solitary confinement. It also is known that once out of solitary, mental capacity bounces back.

The brain is a powerful drug. All on its own. JMHO
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Ok - thanks for clarifying.

I thought you were using "M" just as a reference to the person who took the photos from Baldwin's desk. I didn't know "M" actually fit with others who received them.

Yes “M” is the reference to the person who took the photos, who passed them on to “R”, who later died by suicide. “M” and “Mark” are two different people, perhaps that causes the confusion.

Baldwin’s ‘friend’ referred to as “M” by all accounts is not the person who took their own life.
I do not know if RA is guilty. I think the information we have so far leans that way but I want to see and hear the prosecution’s case at trial. I am convinced there is no conspiracy or deception here. Stupidity, arrogance, and egos galore abounded in the investigation. I doubt that will actually affect the actual evidence. It may affect how the evidence is perceived, however, at trial and that will be a travesty caused squarely by LE in fighting. I hope that doesn’t happen.
I am very happy that Baldwin and Rozzi are gone. They should have been dismissed long ago in my opinion. There is not one thing they filed or submitted or contributed in this case that was rooted in reality. The baseless motion in the spring accusing seemingly the entire world of treating RA like a POW, depressing descriptions of the squalid conditions, etc, all ruled as inflated lies by the Judge.
Their flippant acknowledgement that RA had confessed to the murders.
The most recent Nordic pagan tale, filled with their opinions, and their scenarios taken by many as fact, which of course, is what they were hoping for. In reality, the pagan tale memorandum was just another leak by the defense. Describing, in their view, the crime scene, and how the girls were found and then a long winded scenario of their own making as to how torturous these two precious children’s deaths were. It is despicable. None of this was supposed to be made public until trial, per the gag order and the protective order. Only about 15 pages of this outrage had any relevance to the search warrant.
And of course the recent leak. Totally on them. Their responsibility. Goodbye. Good riddance. They are the reason the trial is delayed. They are the reason RA will sit longer behind bars awaiting trial. They are the reason the families must still wait for justice.
I think the judge was ticked off with the motion filed that morning that painted it all as no big deal and expressed that to Baldwin in chambers. I think Baldwin is a coward and didn’t want to stand in court and face the music and have his public shaming. To claim, as his lawyer said that he was coerced into resigning is just more lawyer-speak trying to paint Baldwin as a victim. It is indefensible the damage these attorneys did to this case.
Now maybe RA can have a professional working in his best interest, instead of clowns more interested in shocking the world.

Given that "snookered" was used in Indiana, I'm going with the U.S. definition.

Interesting choice of word for the situation, imo.

You know I'm not at all surprised by the use of the word snookered by Baldwin. This D has played fast, loose, and highly sensational from day 1. It screams unprofessional to me, juvenile really.

No reporting as to RA's past or current health records, nor meds history.
His counsel, who have this info, reported to the court that RA is NOT fine.

from the article:

Mental decline may be evident in the psych records.
IMO, Muscle loss (along with weight loss) is evident between the 2 photos shown.
Can't know cause; but weight gain/loss can often be attributed to meds, physical activity, emotional disorders, cognitive issues.

This statement:

is made in reference to insanity at the time of the crime, and has nothing to do with RA's state of mind while making "jail-house confessions".

Article suggests Counsel has confirmed that since incarceration, they've never requested a psych evaluation. Perhaps they should.

It is well known that mental capacity reduces during extending periods of solitary confinement. It also is known that once out of solitary, mental capacity bounces back.

The brain is a powerful drug. All on its own. JMHO
Actually, from what I understand, competency is to do with present state, not past state. Hence why people have to be found competent before going to trial. Both competency and insanity are mentioned in the bit you quoted. I saw them go through the hoops of both with Gannon's case and trial recently. So the fact that neither the defense or prosecution has raised the issue of competency is kind of telling as to RA's actual state.

Heck yes #RichardAllen's defense team did Not want to withdraw. This was made clear by the fact they offered remedies to the court. This was a case of them having no other choice but to withdraw leaving RA without counsel and in solitary confinement at a Maximim Security Prison yet convicted of no crime... His attorneys were some of the best in state. Who will RA be left with? Will he survive Maximum Security Confinement with, I am sure now, little hope? Did you see his wife? She was in tears. She realizes the gravity of the situation. You don't just snap you fingers and appoint counel. The attorney must be qualified and capable of taking the case based on his court obligations. Maybe a heavy hitter will step in? This case weighs heavy on me. The evidence is not strong and the allegations of police incompetence and possible LE coverup is concerning.

As I previously stated, this was no surprise at all to Judge Gull.

This was an ultimatum made based on the release of those photos.

The below document clearly is asking for the court's consideration not to, in practicality, force them to withdraw and offers other sanctions.

I hope Judge Gull reconsiders for the sake of justice.

Just what is really going on here?

This is the exact thing that I felt was going to happen.

A few days back, I posted that it felt we were no closer to getting justice for the girls and their families. I truly wish that this had NOT been true.

This feels like a side show that has nothing to do with the girls anymore.

I pray for competent representation for the accused and for the trial to begin before the end of 2024.

Enough of the BS. Let's focus on what is important.

Actually, from what I understand, competency is to do with present state, not past state. Hence why people have to be found competent before going to trial. Both competency and insanity are mentioned in the bit you quoted. I saw them go through the hoops of both with Gannon's case and trial recently. So the fact that neither the defense or prosecution has raised the issue of competency is kind of telling as to RA's actual state.


Competency to stand trial is not the same as a temporary cognitive decline related to one's emotional state, environment, judgement and decision making. e.g. Depressed folks are still competent. MOO
Yes it appears it might be connected but it may have just been a brief happening in an otherwise frenzied life. The death occurred about 2 weeks after the leak was turned over to LE. I get the sense from MS that this man’s family just wants to let him rest and be remembered for the good things he did in his life.
Sometimes it doesn't take much. We can never truly know what another person is dealing with inside, and sometimes it is just a final straw. (I can never forget that poor nurse in the UK who killed herself after falling for a prank call from a radio station pretending to be members of the royal family checking on the Duchess of Cambridge.)

I feel for this person as a fellow human being, even if I find it hard to do so for someone who distributed photos of murdered, violated children. I almost want it to be certain his death was out of guilt, but I know that's just me imposing my own feelings on another person's actions, and therefore doesn't hold any water. I'm sure there are plenty who'd think nothing in dealing in such things, have been, throughout history. I think I recall the Ripper files were picked clean almost immediately by such ghouls and opportunists, engaging in trade of murder souvenirs.

Now maybe RA can have a professional working in his best interest

If you really want to defend RA then you need to come across with a sober and forensic examination of the P case, rather than rather wild and imaginative leaps which few jurors will swallow - worse still, they just won’t believe a word you say if that’s the way you conclusions you come to. I mean staged CS okay, but to try to then jump to ritualistic is asking a lot of any jury!

What I do hope is that when J Gull reaches out to the public defenders office then he gets counsel again who have private practice and therefore the time and resources to fight such a significant case. If he gets a standard public defender RA is toast. Not because a public defender isn’t as good but they just won’t have the time that Baldwin and Rozzi have had to dedicate to this.

And then post conviction the next set of attorneys will have a field day with improper and inadequate counsel, which no one wants to see drag on.
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