Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #100

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I agree. I must be a minimalist, but my sense is that this was not a complicated crime. I'm guessing he saw the girls get dropped off, tailed them until nobody was around, used the threat of a weapon to get them off the trail and out of sight, did whatever he did to them quick-like, and got the hell out of Dodge.

We only have a tiny fraction of the information, so it's impossible to say whether or not he took them elsewhere, or helped with the searches, etc. But JMO, once he left Dodge (the crime scene), he stayed away.

This is pretty much exactly what I think happened, too.
I hear ya.

Reading this post I just suddenly had the thought, what if there is no alibi. What if nobody else knows anything about this crime.

We know that perps often talk or brag to others about their crimes - I’m not sure if this would be the case here.

I watch a lot of “Evil Lives Here” on ID; it interviews family members of serial killers, etc. Often these folks say they had no idea that the person was capable of such evil, “though there had been signs” (main theme tag of the show).

Maybe nobody knows anything.

quite possible.
Suspect tells friends/parents I went to the bridge briefly then left. It's never brought up again because he doesn't seem capable of murder?
A strange thought occurred to me, and it's wild speculation, I admit. Highly unlikely. But the owner of the place that got searched also owns a small tract of land on Deer Creek, downstream from where the girls were found. If something suspicious traveled downstream and was located on that property, by chance, maybe LE's first stop was the landowner's home?

If you search on that property, it makes you wonder if that place was a rental as the owner owns So Many in that area. So I'm not sure to point to an owner at all.

I'm hesitant to say more because I don't know what I'm allowed to, but this is the property search site for the property owners in CC, and if you put in address for the first search warrant that was done, you can learn who the owner/LLC company is, click on it, and then see all the properties that that person (LLC company) owns.

This is the website to search properties in the county by address and name.

Beacon - Carroll County, IN
This is something I can’t stop thinking about... the timing in relationship to the PC, the “shack” reference, the FBI involvement, and IMO, the pic of BG on the bridge resembles one of the perps arrested.
Although I can’t discern any specific facial details, one thing does stand out, and that is what appears to be a very pale complexion, very common in people with red hair.
But then again that particular trait also resembles another someone I have suspicions about as well. :sigh:
Seems like a lot of coincidences to me but who knows.

The thing is, if Nicole Bowen was tortured and murdered for talking to police, and these cases are in fact connected, then that would explain a lot about people not talking or perhaps covering for a child murderer here. If I thought that I would possibly meet that same fate, I don't know that I would talk either. Just some thoughts.
I'm a teacher and have been working on an animal adaptation science unit with my first graders. One thing that has come up in our study over and over is the concept of 'camoflage' and the exact words....'hiding in plain sight'. I couldn't help but think of BG as a camoflaged animal as I was teaching.

If BG has been 'hiding in plain sight' it simply means that he blends in seemlessly with his enviornment. He doesn't stand out. He doesn't look out of place. He is suited to 'survive' in his environment. He is probably an 'average Joe' that dresses, speaks, and acts like the locals--you might walk past him without even noticing him. I believe he is socially awkward within the general population but probably well liked and respected within specific social circles. I agree this is frightening.

One aspect of Carter's presser speech that I disagree with is the notion that BG has 'changed' since the murders (sorry not an exact quote). If he has been so well camoflaged for the past 2 years I see no reason for him to have made significant changes in his appearance or lifestyle. Carrying on in a 'business as usual' mode would draw less suspicion. This is what I find truly frightening...being able to compartmentalize a double murder so well that you can move forward with your life and interact with your family and friends in a 'normal' way.
I totally agree about him not having "changed" in his behavior, and I think you're right about "compartmentalizing" it. That was his self-preservation tactic. He could be internalizing the murders and still not show anything on the outside.
Correct they took photos in that shed per MSM video link

So the quote above says it’s a farm per “records”, I wonder what that’s all about.

ETA for reference:
“Investigators spent a few hours at the property neighbors said, and BBM records showed, is a family farm.”
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(You know I looked that m;;&/$er ARS in the eyes right? I went out driving around sleuthing, he was the only person on the street when everyone else was locked in their houses terrified. I saw him and said, “nah, too young...”)

My blood pressure just spiked. Self imposed timeout. This is exactly why I didn’t want to watch the PCs but if someone is strong enough to and has time on their hands I’m very very curious how similar or dissimilar their words were.

really? wow...ok, that's disturbing. Please satay safe!
So the quote above says it’s a farm per “records”, I wonder what that’s all about.

It's possible that it is deeded as owned by a family farm LLC etc MOO

Based on my own familiarity with my own family farm properties

That particular property is not a farm though......basically it may be in legal terms only, MSM is lazy in this many times MOO
So why doesn’t anyone recognize his voice (or why isn’t there a specific match) if he could be an upstanding or highly involved member of the community?

I realize voice analysis is not a be all end all in court, but I would think there would be a dead ringer voice wise and I just haven’t heard it.

I think people have recognized his voice and have either second-guessed themselves and talked themselves out of turning in the tip or the tip got lost in the shuffle or (for whatever reason) the evidence they have isn't pointing to him. Even when they put out a sketch of Ted Bundy and released his first name and vehicle, his friends just joked around that it might be him. The more "normal" this guy appears to be, the less likely those in his life would probably be to think he's BG.

The man on the farm next to mine is a widower. He's in his 70s and has been good to my family. He volunteers for everything in town. Is a retired railroad employee. Sits on the water commission. Rescues animals. Comes over and helps us out and, occasionally, drops by with pizza and sandwiches from his son's restaurant. If 2 teen girls were violently murdered and a sketch was released that sort of resembled him, and a 2 second video that sort of looked like the way he moves came out then those of us who know him would probably just laugh. "Ha ha ha, that looks like Jerry. Jerry, did you kill anyone? Ha ha." We'd all be shocked as hell if we found out it WAS him. Some people wouldn't make the call because they'd be afraid of being wrong. And some people wouldn't call in because while they might see a resemblance, they wouldn't in a million years think it was actually HIM. And then some people wouldn't even see the similarities at all.

I think we often confuse lack of arrest with lack of identification. It is entirely possible that someone has recognized him but hasn't done anything about it.
Can you belieeeeeve the other day I was talking to my friend who lives literally 5 minutes (or less) from the Watts house and she didn’t even know about the case??!! I was like, “Giiiiurrrll, you been livin in a bubble or what?!!)

Same thing with Jessica. There were just some people who had no idea. Same with the NOCO Shooter!

My guess here though is that with Delphi more people would know.

I know way too many people who choose NOT to watch/read the news. It scares them way too much so they put on blinders. Some people think you create a crime by reading or thinking about crimes. Law of Attraction. I sure hope not!
There are people that live in Seattle that never heard of Ted Bundy or the Green River Killer, just find that really hard to believe, it's everywhere. Bundy in particular.
If you search on that property, it makes you wonder if that place was a rental as the owner owns So Many in that area. So I'm not sure to point to an owner at all.

I'm hesitant to say more because I don't know what I'm allowed to, but this is the property search site for the property owners in CC, and if you put in address for the first search warrant that was done, you can learn who the owner/LLC company is, click on it, and then see all the properties that that person (LLC company) owns.

This is the website to search properties in the county by address and name.

Beacon - Carroll County, IN
No, my intention was not to point at the owner at all. I saw the Beacon site, which is why I knew the same LLC owns Deer Creek frontage near where the girls were found. My thought is mostly that anything found along the creek would likely require LE talking to the owners of the property where it was found. Not sure, though.
I was in that school once, but after the Holman July '17 interview, the crossing the creek seemed to be implied. With this latest revelation of the vehicle being at an abandoned building that afternoon, then I am now revisiting it all in my head. BG on the trails and phoning an accomplice to come around to the end of the bridge in the vehicle where he directs them down the hill to the vehicle and they return to the abandoned building. Girls are then brought back much later to back of cemetery and taken down to the area where they are left. I am not discounting it anyway. I would also like to know what company demolished the building. And, you're right that LE have said the reconstructions have not got it correct so that is interesting (unless they are lying about that to deliberately mislead perp or public).

I had totally forgotten and discounted something about a phone traveling around. Can someone refresh my memory? That said, I still can't understand if they were traveling around why they would come back around through the cemetery and walk them back down on the other side when people were searching for them. That just me defies logic. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it to even consider. As always, I appreciate people revisiting and making me rethink. And this one makes me try to remember about something about a phone traveling around the city which I cannot even recall but I'm sure others have better memory and can refresh it.
Any strange crimes reported in Delphi or surrounding areas before the murders? Attempted rape, assaults, kidnapping of young children, teens, adults?
Austin Sig attempted to assault/kidnap a woman but she fought him off so his next target was a young girl. ugh...disturbing.

I really have to wonder how diverse his MO is.
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