Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #141

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I think they were killed farther away because everything was set up away from prying eyes.
everything went as planned and this was done as part of an elaborate fantasy by a psychotic individual. mOO

I hadn’t considered that but it makes sense. I think the murders were definitely planned out and the killer(s) went to great lengths not to get caught.
My thoughts this morning are on whether or not BG had a weapon. I have taken time to consider other theories, like BG using a lure, or pretending to be an authority, or having something over one of the girls, or anything other than the use of a weapon to gain control. These things should be considered when we don't know exactly what happened.

But I'm just not comfortable that a killer would risk this crime in a public place, where other people were around (albeit fairly isolated), during daylight hours, engaging two teenage girls, walking them to a separate location from the bridge (including a creek crossing), and murdering them all without the use of a weapon for control. I just can't let myself believe the "intimidation and manipulation" factor of anything less than a weapon would accomplish all of that.

I keep coming back to one of the only basic facts that we know in this case: BG cornered them at the south end of the bridge and told them "guys...down the hill." They were then killed across the creek (and yes, I still believe it could have been farther east than the spot below the cemetery, but I digress...). LE officer JH said there isn't much more that would be helpful in the audio, so there's just nothing to indicate to me that anything was said to the girls about him being an authority, or having a dog, or talking about something he has on them, or anything else. If he did, in actuality, walk right up to them at the end of the bridge and immediately order them down the hill, in the tone he did, without any kind of initial explanation to who he was, then I just cannot see it happening that way without a weapon.

Just my thoughts, of course.:)

Agree, and I truly believe he had a gun. MOO. If not, I think things might have turned out differently. Just a slight nudge could have sent him over the edge. :eek: I guess it never hurts to dream. :)

I believe, if indeed a dog had been in BG's jacket, he would have had to hold the burden the whole time with his 2 hands, otherwise the dog would have fallen out of the bottom of his windbreaker/coach blouson.

would have to be just born, dead or drugged. have you folks with this idea tried carrying dogs? they get squirmy, IMO.
I am trying to be logical. Remembering Anna, who said something along the lines, that whatever he could, he had already taken from her, so in the big scheme of events, it may not matter what happens to him. I am not quoting verbatim, but this is how I understand it.

I am very much interested in the killer being caught, for safety, and for justice. Personally, I would also like to know what the heck was going on in his mind, how the Delphi murderer made that horrible decision, and at what step of human development prevention would still be possible?

As to capital punishment, I am for: 1) what is cheaper; 2) what would be safer for the community. Errors in the context of capital punishment are unbelievably costly, so maybe keeping him in prison for the rest of his life would suffice. JMO.

I hope we will get the answers to the many questions we all have about this case. It will be impossible for me to ever comprehend how an individual is capable of an evil, morally reprehensible crime like this one. I definitely think someone’s brain would need to be wired differently to do this.

I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I would be against such legislation. It's my opinion that the family of victims suffer regardless. Furthermore, one can't legislate tact, compassion, or ethics. That being said, it doesn't mean I'd be supporting such a film with my money. I have no interest in seeing something like that. If one is made, I hope a portion of the proceeds go to a worthy cause, selected by the families. (MOO, we have enough legislation on the books.)

I totally understand and respect your opinion. It just seems extremely unfair to me that they families of victims of heinous crimes appear to have no control over books and films made about the horrific deaths of their loved ones. These poor people have suffered enough and they should not have to endure any additional distress.

Hopefully any authors and film makers who make books and films about the murders of Abigail and Liberty will show respect for their memories and for the distress and devastating loss their loved ones feel every day.
I hope we will get the answers to the many questions we all have about this case. It will be impossible for me to ever comprehend how an individual is capable of an evil, morally reprehensible crime like this one. I definitely think someone’s brain would need to be wired differently to do this.

I totally understand and respect your opinion. It just seems extremely unfair to me that they families of victims of heinous crimes appear to have no control over books and films made about the horrific deaths of their loved ones. These poor people have suffered enough and they should not have to endure any additional distress.

Hopefully any authors and film makers who make books and films about the murders of Abigail and Liberty will show respect for their memories and for the distress and devastating loss their loved ones feel every day.

Maybe the relatives will write the books, too?
About Abby and Libby they knew.

I also think that this case, and its tiniest venue, Delphi, put 3000+ people in the harshest footlights. I hope that those who were unjustly accused of murders could also write about their experiences in the court of Internet opinion, and how they dealt with it. Upstanding citizens or not, they shouldn't have become the victims of internet trolls and bullies, if they were innocent. Such a book could raise awareness about internet bullying that has already, in other situations, claimed many victims.
would have to be just born, dead or drugged. have you folks with this idea tried carrying dogs? they get squirmy, IMO.

lol, it depends on the dog. Ever heard of a purse dog? Sometimes it's the breed, sometimes it's the training, but there are certainly many dogs who would just lie there in someone's arms and not squirm around.
lol, it depends on the dog. Ever heard of a purse dog? Sometimes it's the breed, sometimes it's the training, but there are certainly many dogs who would just lie there in someone's arms and not squirm around.

1 of my 5 was just as happy with me carrying her around in my arms as she was walking with her pack, a carryover habit from when she recovered from an injury. I still wanted her to get to go with the others. She was no purse dog, and my back feels it. (What we do for our children, two and four foots!)

But several of my others, not a chance could I have done/could I do that with them.
I don't see that white thing as being a dog but I'm puzzled why no one has asked LE what they think it is. LE has talked about the hat, clothing, a knapsack, etc. but that in-your-face white thing goes completely unmentioned. It must be one of those things that only BG knows?
Great summary. Thanks. I also finally found an article closest to what I've been looking for.
ISP: More audio recovered from slain Delphi teen's phone
Police tell us Libby recorded the killer’s voice on her cell phone, telling the girls to go down the hill. Investigators say she hit record after he approached them near the Monon High Bridge.'

Thanks for finding that. I've always had a hard time trying to convince myself that BG is actually on the bridge when the video was taken. So I tried to ignore the part in that article: "after he approached them near the Monon High Bridge."

We always tend to think such things are just a reporter's error but what if that's not always correct? After reading that Comet opinion piece that was posted here, I'm re-thinking the degree to which I discount reporters' errors.
I don't see that white thing as being a dog but I'm puzzled why no one has asked LE what they think it is. LE has talked about the hat, clothing, a knapsack, etc. but that in-your-face white thing goes completely unmentioned. It must be one of those things that only BG knows?
Surely it’s a scarf
lol, it depends on the dog. Ever heard of a purse dog? Sometimes it's the breed, sometimes it's the training, but there are certainly many dogs who would just lie there in someone's arms and not squirm around.

looking at photos of MHB and reading the accounts of those who volunteered to cross it, I suspect I couldn’t carry my cat over it, much less a dog.
I don't see that white thing as being a dog but I'm puzzled why no one has asked LE what they think it is. LE has talked about the hat, clothing, a knapsack, etc. but that in-your-face white thing goes completely unmentioned. It must be one of those things that only BG knows?

I'm not even convinced it's a thing and not a pixelation artifact from all the enlargement. Basically an over-enhanced highlight on the jacket.

I'm not saying it's not a scarf, grocery bag, etc. Just that it might not be anything.

Same with the "gun." It could be just a bulge in the jacket caused by the way he slouches. I think it's quite likely he was carrying a handgun of some kind, but that bulge doesn't look to me like it's in the right spot. Could be, though.
I'm not even convinced it's a thing and not a pixelation artifact from all the enlargement. Basically an over-enhanced highlight on the jacket.

I'm not saying it's not a scarf, grocery bag, etc. Just that it might not be anything.

Same with the "gun." It could be just a bulge in the jacket caused by the way he slouches. I think it's quite likely he was carrying a handgun of some kind, but that bulge doesn't look to me like it's in the right spot. Could be, though.

The FBI poster says he was wearing a hoodie and hoodies have strings attached to the hood part. That’s what I think the white is - white strings, somewhat pixelated. The hoodie is brown and the hood is up, also it hangs below the bottom of the blue jacket and his hands are in the pockets. Not very mysterious I know but I can’t unsee it.


Indiana authorities looking for person of interest in murder of teens Libby German and Abby Williams
I'm not even convinced it's a thing and not a pixelation artifact from all the enlargement. Basically an over-enhanced highlight on the jacket.

I'm not saying it's not a scarf, grocery bag, etc. Just that it might not be anything.

Same with the "gun." It could be just a bulge in the jacket caused by the way he slouches. I think it's quite likely he was carrying a handgun of some kind, but that bulge doesn't look to me like it's in the right spot. Could be, though.
It's funny how those distortions work. I haven't seen anything that others have seen except for the gun. I found an image of someone showing concealed carry on the left and the angle looked very similar to the angle of BG's jacket imprint. CC shoulder holsters are adjustable for a better fit.

However, if I was a betting person, I probably would not place a bet on anything I think.
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