Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #145

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This was what BP said about Libby resetting her iphone. Somewhere else is mentioned her aunt Tara helped her. I’m not sure what she means by factory resetting her cellphone but not resetting all the apps as well. Regardless it appears to have been the week before which means to me evidence of meeting someone at the bridge must’ve not been found or I’d expect this case would’ve been solved long ago.

“……Now I, I don’t remember a lot of the walking because at that point in time I called AT&T. Um, because Libby had recently reset her phone, the week before because it kept glitching, it kept freezing up on her so she reset the phone to a factory reset but when she did that she didn’t reset some of the different apps. So I called At&T to ask them if they could ping or trace her phone……”

Maybe THAT'S the reason for the reset. Delete ANY apps that show location or track. For what purpose is anyone's guess. IMO
There was audio or video of the girls talking while they were on the trail because it's been said that they were talking about things teenage girls talk about, or something along those lines. I'm so curious what they said. If they were planning to meet someone, they may have been talking about it or at least mentioned something in relation to it. I wonder if they did, if LE would have shared that. I wonder, also, if someone was upset about Libby not showing up to a planned meeting, whether he would have gone somewhere he knew she was at. Like the bridge after she posted the Snapchat. For that to work though, he would have had to have been fairly close.
IF the girls were out on the MHB and trails secretly, the true reason not known to parents/grandparents, they would have been stupid to tape their own conversation about someone, they wanted to meet. I guess, Abby and Libby would have been smart enough to avoid it. Unfortunately, meanwhile. IMO
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There was audio or video of the girls talking while they were on the trail because it's been said that they were talking about things teenage girls talk about, or something along those lines. I'm so curious what they said. If they were planning to meet someone, they may have been talking about it or at least mentioned something in relation to it. I wonder if they did, if LE would have shared that. I wonder, also, if someone was upset about Libby not showing up to a planned meeting, whether he would have gone somewhere he knew she was at. Like the bridge after she posted the Snapchat. For that to work though, he would have had to have been fairly close.
That "stuff girls talk about" comment still nudges at me. Was a_shots one of their topics, since L had apparently been communicating with him that day (if that's true)? If, on any given day, L spoke about a_shots, I wonder how L would have referred to him. Anthony? Tony? Another name? What did he tell her to call him? Surely she wouldn't have called him by his username if they had been communicating privately. Jmo.

LE has always downplayed the girl talk issue, and so many times they, or RI, or the family, dismissed an online connection (less so recently). LE knew about a_shots all along, although we can't be sure when they were made fully aware of L's communications with him. Unless LE is completely lying about a_shots talking to L, I'm pretty comfortable accepting that L was being catfished. I think, unfortunately, there were likely some inappropriate images sent between the two, as well. JMO, and I hope I'm wrong. Of course, this could be wholly unrelated to the murders.

We have KAK, and whoever else might have been accessing his accounts, looking at and sharing CSAM. We also have the user(s) of those accounts communicating with local girls. IMO, the latter is a red flag. Local girls are much more accessible. In fact, unless LE or the victim is lying, we have a meetup planned in Galveston a week after the murders, which ends in a ski mask peeper showing up where a_shots was supposed to. This behavior is inline with known criminal behaviors of at least one of the people who might have had regular, daily access to the a_shots account.

Again, LE might have been lying in the interview, but according to them, we have a young, coming-of-age girl (L) communicating with and likely being catfished by somebody now in jail and awaiting trial on 30 charges of CSAM, who lived with and had his internet provided by a known violent stalker (I mean, I guess that's MOO, but it seems there are court records to support this). She winds up murdered, along with her friend. What are the chances that CSAM/stalker/abusive/catfisher/last-to-communicate-with man isn't somehow linked to the deaths, either directly or peripherally?

In the interview, LE talks about "small town USA," because TK had shared fb friends with A's mom, or whatever. We can make all kinds of connections to creepy neighbors, friends, family, pets, etc. We can connect names, locations, employers, and dates. Is that still just "small town USA"? Are there a number of people involved, or just one? Were the girls randomly chosen, completely unrelated to a_shots? Or, were they lured, or stalked?

I'm leaning a certain direction at the moment. IMO, it isn't going to be a "seven degrees of k bacon" type scenario, or a heaping pile of coincidences. I don't see the purpose of LE lying to KAK about all these details days, months, and years after the murders, when he's in on CSAM charges, all without reason. I don't think they would add to their workload by putting out the a_shots ask, 5 years after the murders, 1 1/2 years after KAK's arrest and 10 days before his trail (at the time), and only a couple weeks after a second LE presence at the Peru house, with tips getting sent to the A&L investigation, all without reason.

This is just where I'm at for now....

ETA: I'm sorry to always be so long-winded.
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Thank you for that. You make great points. But what about all the actual factors involving him? I don’t think him being a sexual predator explains it all:

1. He is connected to a catfish account that was in contact with Libby prior to and the day of the murders.
2. Someone connected to the account was possibly supposed to meet Libby on the bridge the day of the murders.
2. He deleted information from his phone after a police interview.
3. He moved after failing a polygraph.
4. He tried to contact Libby after she was dead, knowing she was dead.
5. He had no alibi.
6. His dad pretending he was gone on the day of the murders.

What explains all that if he is not involved- at least via a connection to his dad?
I am new to this particular thread, so forgive me. Has it been reported that they were supposed to meet someone on the bridge?
That "stuff girls talk about" comment still nudges at me. Was a_shots one of their topics, since L had apparently been communicating with him that day (if that's true)? If, on any given day, L spoke about a_shots, I wonder how L would have referred to him. Anthony? Tony? Another name? What did he tell her to call him? Surely she wouldn't have called him by his username if they had been communicating privately. Jmo.

LE has always downplayed the girl talk issue, and so many times they, or RI, or the family, dismissed an online connection (less so recently). LE knew about a_shots all along, although we can't be sure when they were made fully aware of L's communications with him. Unless LE is completely lying about a_shots talking to L, I'm pretty comfortable accepting that L was being catfished. I think, unfortunately, there were likely some inappropriate images sent between the two, as well. JMO, and I hope I'm wrong. Of course, this could be wholly unrelated to the murders.

We have KAK, and whoever else might have been accessing his accounts, looking at and sharing CSAM. We also have the user(s) of those accounts communicating with local girls. IMO, the latter is a red flag. Local girls are much more accessible. In fact, unless LE or the victim is lying, we have a meetup planned in Galveston a week after the murders, which ends in a ski mask peeper showing up where a_shots was supposed to. This behavior is inline with known criminal behaviors of at least one of the people who might have had regular, daily access to the a_shots account.

Again, LE might have been lying in the interview, but according to them, we have a young, coming-of-age girl (L) communicating with and likely being catfished by somebody now in jail and awaiting trial on 30 charges of CSAM, who lived with and had his internet provided by a known violent stalker (I mean, I guess that's MOO, but it seems there are court records to support this). She winds up murdered, along with her friend. What are the chances that CSAM/stalker/abusive/catfisher/last-to-communicate-with man isn't somehow linked to the deaths, either directly or peripherally?

In the interview, LE talks about "small town USA," because TK had shared fb friends with A's mom, or whatever. We can make all kinds of connections to creepy neighbors, friends, family, pets, etc. We can connect names, locations, employers, and dates. Is that still just "small town USA"? Are there a number of people involved, or just one? Were the girls randomly chosen, completely unrelated to a_shots? Or, were they lured, or stalked?

I'm leaning a certain direction at the moment. IMO, it isn't going to be a "seven degrees of k bacon" type scenario, or a heaping pile of coincidences. I don't see the purpose of LE lying to KAK about all these details days, months, and years after the murders, when he's in on CSAM charges, all without reason. I don't think they would add to their workload by putting out the a_shots ask, 5 years after the murders, 1 1/2 years after KAK's arrest and 10 days before his trail (at the time), and only a couple weeks after a second LE presence at the Peru house, with tips getting sent to the A&L investigation, all without reason.

This is just where I'm at for now....

ETA: I'm sorry to always be so long-winded.

I’m glad you’re long-winded. I’m so stuck on there having to be a JBC connection, but when you lay it all down as you have here, it’s hard to see the need to add anything.
I am new to this particular thread, so forgive me. Has it been reported that they were supposed to meet someone on the bridge?

The AS catfish account told a friend of LG that he was supposed to meet LG (don’t know where, if that was the trails or elsewhere) and she didn’t show. The girls themselves, IIRC, did not indicate they were planning to meet anyone and Abby’s mom said if she had planned to meet up with a boy she would have dressed/groomed differently. This is all my own recollection, but I believe it to be accurate.
I’m glad you’re long-winded. I’m so stuck on there having to be a JBC connection, but when you lay it all down as you have here, it’s hard to see the need to add anything.
If there was anyone fully capable of committing a double homicide on two young girls, JBC would probably be it, imo. It's just a matter of whether being capable is the same as being guilty, in his case. There might be some "small town USA" stuff linking him to the Ks, or fb bridge coincidences, etc., but only LE knows if there's anything truly solid. Either way, society is safer as a whole with him behind bars, imo.

But I'm going to go out on a limb here. I theorize that BG and ski mask peeper are one in the same.

If LE is being truthful about the Galveston girl giving her address to a_shots, then maybe so did L. The girls were seemingly at the same sleepover when they communicated with a_shots (if I'm interpreting the interview correctly). A_shots communicated with both girls regularly for an extended period of time, over hours and days (maybe even months). The Delphi murders and the ski mask incident happened one week apart, on the same day of the week, same time of day, within an hour or so, and to girls who were connected not only to each other (I think), but to a_shots. It appears as if both girls had planned meetups with a_shots, as well. There's a lot of parallels in those two incidences, and it all leads back to KAK's device. I'm going to guess JBC did not have that kind of full access to KAK's device, so unless he was being fed the information in real-time, it's hard for me to connect him. I'm willing to keep an open mind, however.

Personally, I think what we saw was an escalation from 2015/16 CSAM exchanges and communicating with local girls, to grooming and stalking from afar, to then finally showing up in person, with intentions. And all of that activity traced back to one location...the Peru house, KAK's devices. Maybe knowing a trip to Vegas right around the corner was enough motivation to make that final jump. Remember, after the murders, and after a guy almost got busted in a ski mask, suddenly KAK thinks he's "f'ed" and brought an extra bag along on that Vegas trip, so he could skip town when they got back. Why?
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My thought is if we had the murder of the girls. Then the ski mask 1 week later..... with everyone still out on the streets! That energy had to go somewhere. It didn't just stop since then. So, it might have moved from the friend group or town, but certainly, those kind of compulsions don't just stop after 2 events so close together, with the first being the more intense one. So, what happened next? We have years where things likely happened to the next girl that were more than just photos.
My thought is if we had the murder of the girls. Then the ski mask 1 week later..... with everyone still out on the streets! That energy had to go somewhere. It didn't just stop since then. So, it might have moved from the friend group or town, but certainly, those kind of compulsions don't just stop after 2 events so close together, with the first being the more intense one. So, what happened next? We have years where things likely happened to the next girl that were more than just photos.
I agree, that is something we have to look at. However, I have to reluctantly ask myself what might have happened to the Galveston girl if she hadn't spotted ski mask peeper at her window before going inside. If it was the a_shots user, he knew full-well she was alone.

Then, the day KAK and TK get home from Vegas, LE is knocking on their door and suddenly they are very seriously linked to not only CSAM, but to a homicide victim. At least KAK, through his device, was. Laying low seems like a necessary choice, at that point. But you are right, if it wasn't one of those two men, then perhaps the killer has moved away and continued unbeknownst to us.
If there was anyone fully capable of committing a double homicide on two young girls, JBC would probably be it, imo. It's just a matter of whether being capable is the same as being guilty, in his case. There might be some "small town USA" stuff linking him to the Ks, or fb bridge coincidences, etc., but only LE knows if there's anything truly solid. Either way, society is safer as a whole with him behind bars, imo.

But I'm going to go out on a limb here. I theorize that BG and ski mask peeper are one in the same.

If LE is being truthful about the Galveston girl giving her address to a_shots, then maybe so did L. The girls were seemingly at the same sleepover when they communicated with a_shots (if I'm interpreting the interview correctly). A_shots communicated with both girls regularly for an extended period of time, over hours and days (maybe even months). The Delphi murders and the ski mask incident happened one week apart, on the same day of the week, same time of day, within an hour or so, and to girls who were connected not only to each other (I think), but to a_shots. It appears as if both girls had planned meetups with a_shots, as well. There's a lot of parallels in those two incidences, and it all leads back to KAK's device. I'm going to guess JBC did not have that kind of full access to KAK's device, so unless he was being fed the information in real-time, it's hard for me to connect him. I'm willing to keep an open mind, however.

Personally, I think what we saw was an escalation from 2015/16 CSAM exchanges and communicating with local girls, to grooming and stalking from afar, to then finally showing up in person, with intentions. And all of that activity traced back to one location...the Peru house, KAK's devices. Maybe knowing a trip to Vegas right around the corner was enough motivation to make that final jump. Remember, after the murders, and after a guy almost got busted in a ski mask, suddenly KAK thinks he's "f'ed" and brought an extra bag along on that Vegas trip, so he could skip town when they got back. Why?
Yes: Why?
And why did KAK plan to leave his dad TK, when he was sleeping? Over that I stumbled a bit.
Just a new post with reference to genealogy DNA and the ISP. I think they are fully aware of advanced technologies the below is WTHR 13 press conference on the I65 Killer 5TH April 2022. MODs please remove if not applicable

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