IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 13, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #3

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Has anyone else seen this in the Snapchat photo...

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It's not a person
Obviously a LE that call's off a search for two young missing girl's and state's they didn't appear to be in any danger as its getting dark and temps are dropping is not the brightest crayon in the box.

Second anybody that needs to ask if they should be worried about a killer on the loose or they should be worried at all ... Lol Dumb as a box of rocks.

And you should always be aware of what your kids are doing, that's just common sense.

A few points... Was he wearing extra clothes because he works in a cooler at meat packing plant.

If they made it back to the pick up point, seems like they would have phoned or uploaded more pics along the way. Maybe they did it's just not known.

Would be willing to bet as long as this bridge and trail have been around... Has to be trails to the water close by and prob trail's all over.

And if he/she had them in a vehicle no chance of dumping them that close that quick.

He's on the trail around the time, appears to be concealing items and has no hiking/workout attire. Hasn't been acknowledged as being ID or cleared. If it wasn't him we would already know who he is/came forward.

He's not at home with the flu or out flying his airplane. He's not the creature off Jeeper's Creeper's.

In other words his t.v didn't stop working and the neighbor's kids didn't just start stealing his newspaper all in the same week.
He hasn't been I.d and cleared because he doesn't know what's going on.

I wonder how long before someone says they see a train coming in the background or see a conductor hiding in the trees.


And no gun lol wasn't a sniper. Helicopter parents ? Or just well informed parents.

13 to even 18 or maybe a little older are not well versed in scenarios like this unless they have parents that preach to be aware of surroundings and these situations.

Obviously hiding an interaction of some sorts by not releasing the video just screen grabs.

OK this is the most entertaining summary of threads thousands of posts long that I've seen. Thanks for contributing with a new perspective on this tragedy. I agree with you, no sniper and seems to me Victoria's secret could capitalize on a market of men hikers who like lingerie. I think 13-18 year olds who live and or have experience in urban environments are much more well versed in stranger danger scenarios than those that live in rural environments that may breed a false sense of security.
Personally, I am apalled at the notion that LE are less than smart.
I tend not to jump into the theory discussions because 1) I'm not a big talker and 2) I change my mind too often. Here goes, though.

What do we know for certain in this case? Abby and Libby were last seen at x time and found deceased at x time. We don't have a COD, and we don't know if there was a SA. There's a lot of discussion about a mystery person on a bridge. We don't know exactly where the photo came, who the person is or what (if anything) he has to do with the crime. How did they get to where they were found? The terrain is supposedly difficult to navigate.

So this morning my mind is going in a different direction, away from a RSO or some unknown creep they met on the internet. I think I remember early on a few posts wondering if this could have been committed by peers...and maybe it was. If it was someone or multiple someones they KNEW and maybe even trusted that answers some of my questions, like how they got to where they were found. They went willingly, with no fear. Kids can do awful things to each other for seemingly no reason at all.

For example, David Grunwald in Alaska last year killed by other teens :*Arrests*&highlight=david+grunwald

and Shanda Sharer, tortured and killed in Indiana in 1992 by other teens:

That Wiki link is graphic, what the girls did to little Shanda is beyond comprehension. Really, though. I've seen numerous videos lately on SM of girls beating each other up. There was a fight at one of our malls recently where a whole pack of girls were going at it, FB people seemed to think it was funny.

Maybe one of these girls was the target, and the other one was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? I'm sure there are a lot of holes in this theory, like how LE seems to be requesting DNA samples from men? Did I read that right, and could it just be a ruse, hoping the real perpetrator(s) slip up and talk to their friends? IDK. This could be 180 degrees off the mark, but given that we know so little...

Just a thought. I may favor a different theory 10 minutes from now. I'm fairly confident LE knows a lot more than we do, I just hope this case starts moving soon!

ETA: Nevermind, less than 10 minutes after reading the post below how mystery bridge man is now the main suspect!
The viewing was held at Delphi High School. School leaders say they estimate more than 2,000 people attended.


"The Hispanic community in Delphi is planning a fundraiser downtown on Sunday.They plan to meet from 9:00-11:00 a.m. outside of the courthouse on Main Street. They will be making signs and raising money for the families. After that, there will be a noon mass for the girls."
I wonder if it would help any for the FBI profilers in Quantico to release a profile of the likely unsub (maybe I've been watching too much criminal minds). So people have a clearer idea of the type of behaviour the person(s) may display to look out for it. I think they released a profile in Elizabeth and Lyric's case.

Yes, yes and yes!
DELPHI, Ind. — Indiana State Police say a man photographed walking along a trail system around the time two teenage girls later found slain were dropped off by a relative is now considered “the main suspect” in their killings.
Wow main suspect now
Road access to any point makes more sense anyway.

As a local, do you have a "gut feeling" about this case and if so... would you care to share (within TOS, of course). If not, completely understandable... just thought I'd ask ;)

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Personally, I am apalled at the notion that LE are less than smart.

A fair point and not a fair jab at law enforcement, but it is obvious in hindsight that it was a poor decision to call off the search for the girls that night. I think it speaks to a tendency for law enforcement ( not just in Delphi) to not take missing teenagers seriously enough when they first go missing. It's the oh there just out being kids. They'll show up mentality. Often that indeed does turn out to be the case, but is that a risk that should be taken?
DELPHI, Ind. &#8212; Indiana State Police say a man photographed walking along a trail system around the time two teenage girls later found slain were dropped off by a relative is now considered &#8220;the main suspect&#8221; in their killings.

Someone must recognise this guy. I feel if I knew him I'd be able to tell it was him in the photo, if that makes sense.
Such a sad case. I hope they find him soon.
"Downstairs" refers to the scanner thread, which is only accessible to registered members. What is posted down there is not allowed to be repeated up here in the threads.

Thank you for that. As a newly-registered member, I wasn't aware the scanner thread existed.
All FBI killer profiles sound the same to me.
White, age in the 30s, blue collar, change in personality since the murder, may have recently had a change in life status...
I tend not to jump into the theory discussions because 1) I'm not a big talker and 2) I change my mind too often. Here goes, though.

What do we know for certain in this case? Abby and Libby were last seen at x time and found deceased at x time. We don't have a COD, and we don't know if there was a SA. There's a lot of discussion about a mystery person on a bridge. We don't know exactly where the photo came, who the person is or what (if anything) he has to do with the crime. How did they get to where they were found? The terrain is supposedly difficult to navigate.

So this morning my mind is going in a different direction, away from a RSO or some unknown creep they met on the internet. I think I remember early on a few posts wondering if this could have been committed by peers...and maybe it was. If it was someone or multiple someones they KNEW and maybe even trusted that answers some of my questions, like how they got to where they were found. They went willingly, with no fear. Kids can do awful things to each other for seemingly no reason at all.

For example, David Grunwald in Alaska last year killed by other teens :*Arrests*&highlight=david+grunwald

and Shanda Sharer, tortured and killed in Indiana in 1992 by other teens:

That Wiki link is graphic, what the girls did to little Shanda is beyond comprehension. Really, though. I've seen numerous videos lately on SM of girls beating each other up. There was a fight at one of our malls recently where a whole pack of girls were going at it, FB people seemed to think it was funny.

Maybe one of these girls was the target, and the other one was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? I'm sure there are a lot of holes in this theory, like how LE seems to be requesting DNA samples from men? Did I read that right, and could it just be a ruse, hoping the real perpetrator(s) slip up and talk to their friends? IDK. This could be 180 degrees off the mark, but given that we know so little...

Just a thought. I may favor a different theory 10 minutes from now. I'm fairly confident LE knows a lot more than we do, I just hope this case starts moving soon!

It is a good theory that hasn't gotten a lot of play here. Yesterday however a WS member with LE knowledge stated that this case was nothing like the slenderman case and openly stated that the general public would know that was the case once more information became public.
From local interviews (not sure which one) but when they interviewed the property owner, he stated he was in Lafayette during the time frame that it started (they went missing).
Lafayette to Delphi is only ~30 minutes depending on exact location.

Welcome sf92 :)

DELPHI, Ind. &#8212; Indiana State Police say a man photographed walking along a trail system around the time two teenage girls later found slain were dropped off by a relative is now considered &#8220;the main suspect&#8221; in their killings.

Sgt. Tony Slocum said Sunday that &#8220;the totality of the evidence&#8221; so far led authorities to the conclusion that he&#8217;s a suspect.

They have something back, possibly data from the phones, other pics or video that add up to this being their man. Probably suspected all along but now have enough evidence to declare him the main suspect. Not POI, suspect. That's a big leap without major evidence
Sgt. Tony Slocum said Sunday that &#8220;the totality of the evidence&#8221; so far led authorities to the conclusion that he&#8217;s a suspect.

They have something back, possibly data from the phones, other pics or video that add up to this being their man. Probably suspected all along but now have enough evidence to declare him the main suspect. Not POI, suspect. That's a big leap without major evidence

Omg he's officially a suspect!!!! (Still catching up)...

Holy crap. It's official....


So "mean girls", group bullying, etc is off the table...
Beautiful Sunday here in Canada. Thinking of everyone in Delphi and hoping today goes as well as it can. Xo

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That's why I don't think he forced them down to the creek. The girls were probably at the cemetery and he approached them there with a ruse. They followed them willingly into the dense wood and down the slope, and somewhere there, but still covered by trees, so not easy seen from the bridge or other trails if at all, he did what he did. Then just left them there or pushed them further down the slope, and off he went. It's the only scenario that makes sense to me.

Is there a foot path from the bridge to the cemetary or do you think they went back out to the road and went that way?
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