IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 13, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #3

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DELPHI, Ind. — Indiana State Police say a man photographed walking along a trail system around the time two teenage girls later found slain were dropped off by a relative is now considered “the main suspect” in their killings.


Wow....this is major, freaking out over here...I know we've only been staring at his photo for daays, and it was the obvious possibility, but to officially hear it now...those poor girls, and their families...
Sgt. Tony Slocum said Sunday that “the totality of the evidence” so far led authorities to the conclusion that he’s a suspect.

They have something back, possibly data from the phones, other pics or video that add up to this being their man. Probably suspected all along but now have enough evidence to declare him the main suspect. Not POI, suspect. That's a big leap without major evidence

I think we can deduce from this that the search warrant yielded nothing, just as LE told us because otherwise we'd have an arrest by now and LE would no longer be asking the public for help finding the mystery man, now a suspect. I think that by officially labeling him as a suspect LE is hoping he panics and makes a run for it as far away as possible. I would guess they have busses, airports, state police, etc. on alert. I hope they catch him and quickly, and I also hope this helps to solve the Iowa case.
Omg he's officially a suspect!!!! (Still catching up)...

Holy crap. It's official....


So "mean girls", group bullying, etc is off the table...

And now I'm even more interested to know what he has stuffed inside his jacket!! I'm also wondering if what he is wearing is an attempt to disguise his identity, maybe he isn't as old as he appears to look? Or maybe not .. back to analyzing the **** outta those photos


"A person living on the property was interviewed but no arrests were made and no solid evidence was found during the search, it was revealed on Friday.

As more tips trickle in, police plan to search other properties in the hope of finding clues in the case, reported the station WLFI. "

Since the Man On the Bridge ( MOB ) is now a main suspect I for one would like more information on the source of te picture/.

I hope that will be forthcoming soon.

And now I'm even more interested to know what he has stuffed inside his jacket!! I'm also wondering if what he is wearing is an attempt to disguise his identity, maybe he isn't as old as he appears to look? Or maybe not .. back to analyzing the **** outta those photos


I am literally shaaaaaking....sorry for the drama :drama: but this is so huge....

Foxfire, help!


Wow, just, wow...
We have to find this !!!!!!

Are there any law enforcement people here who can speak to what kind of alert the FBI will now put out for mass transit? Is TSA for instance given a bulletin at airport security checkpoints?
A poster had earlier mentioned how similar the movie scene in "Stand By Me " was to the images in this case, it certainly does, imo!
Just wondering, admittedly a slim possibility, but did the perp intend to recreate a death scene from the movie?
speculation, imo.

Comparison: The bridge where the teens were last seen and their hike alone bears a resemblance to Stand By Me, the 80s movie starring River Phoenix

Wow....this is major, freaking out over here...I know we've only been staring at his photo for daays, and it was the obvious possibility, but to officially hear it now...those poor girls, and their families...

Makes Marg a cup of camomile tea, easy chick lol

Seriously though, I hear ya! This is a big break, I have a feeling we will hear more soon enough and fingers crossed now he is a suspect, it won't be long til they get him !

Ok, LE did report they were going through the girls' phones. It's safe to say then they have them, since this report was really early on. There are plenty of links posted earlier w this info.

I wonder if LE DOES have a video that shot the whole day on the bridge, and the POI was taped walking on the bridge around the time of girls but was never taped leaving. That would be an obvious red flag to LE. They stated they've talked to everyone near the bridge that day. The only way they could know this is if they have continuous video. I still have a feeling that this man was interrupted by the family or LE shouting for girls and panicked. Perhaps he ran off through the property, cemetery, or down the creek. He didn't have time to throw them in water, which I would think would be the obvious place to dispose of them to prevent evidence from being found. I think they will find him, but if he were local I think they would have him by now. I still lean towards him being an online predator.

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Makes Marg a cup of camomile tea, easy chick lol

Seriously though, I hear ya! This is a big break, I have a feeling we will hear more soon enough and fingers crossed now he is a suspect, it won't be long til they get him !


(I'm actually drinking tea right now...this calls for whisky!!!!!)

(Eta: just had a flashback many moons ago of you pming me when absolutely lost my **** when a victim's father came here on the board and said "Lord, take me instead"...that was my hardest moment on websleuths ever...remember you were like "go wash your face, draw a hot bath..."love you Skibs...ok, sorry for the OT, man my heart is racing...) I don't think I'd be able to take it if A or L' family was in here...
Hello, new to this forum. Wonderful sleuthing. That last photo of Abby is haunting me. Someone saw a figure they circled in background. There is a good pic of this photo and it is eerie, down in lower left background, I can see what looks like two eerie faces. One to the left of the first two planks, like an alien face, similar to the socket by it. Further up, a man's face up by plank number four. I feel so bad for these two sweethearts.
Are there any law enforcement people here who can speak to what kind of alert the FBI will now put out for mass transit? Is TSA for instance given a bulletin at airport security checkpoints?

Unless they know his identity, I don't think they could find him in a crowd. He looks like many other men. I just pray someone who does recognize him will turn him in!
I'm going to guess that's it's more likely if this man tries to flee, it will be in a car. Less people to I.D. him that way.
A poster had earlier mentioned how similar the movie scene in "Stand By Me " was to the images in this case, it certainly does, imo!
Just wondering, admittedly a slim possibility, but did the perp intend to recreate a death scene from the movie?
speculation, imo.

Hi dotr, yeah that was me...

Going back, have you guys discussed railroad tracks?
So is there a consensus about whether this picture shows him coming or going from the crime scene? I am thinking he is on the way there...but is he following behind them?

Did he just happen to see two girls alone, in a vulnerable place? Or did he come there knowing they would be there?
Any possibility the girls might have stumbled onto a rolling meth lab? That is a real problem in some parts of rural Indiana?
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